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Tim Cooper d0d60781 Texture asset is now a real asset type... 7 年前
Andre Porting more nodes to not be function nodes 7 年前
Brandon Merge branch 'hackweek2017' of https://github.com/stramit/MaterialGraph into hackweek2017 7 年前
Eduardo Texture asset is now a real asset type... 7 年前
Florent Merge branch 'hackweek2017' of https://github.com/stramit/MaterialGraph into hackweek2017 7 年前
GraphFramework Graph edit window now survives serialization. 7 年前
GraphView update to latest canvas2d branch 8 年前
Matt Remove function 1 input and function 4 input 7 年前
NewNodes Texture asset is now a real asset type... 7 年前
Resources Merge pull request #5 from stramit/issues-fix 8 年前
Rinaldo Porting more nodes to not be function nodes 7 年前
TestAssets Merge branch 'hackweek2017' of https://github.com/stramit/MaterialGraph into hackweek2017 7 年前
UnityShaderEditor Texture asset is now a real asset type... 7 年前
Vlad Texture asset is now a real asset type... 7 年前
_MingWai Texture asset is now a real asset type... 7 年前
snow Lava and some stuff. 7 年前
.editorconfig Add .editorconfig: spaces everywhere but NewUI 8 年前
Andre.meta -CubeMap preview fix, added mip level input 7 年前
Brandon.meta Saturate, UV Rotation, and tex2Dlod nodes. 7 年前
Code Graph.ShaderGraph Bug Fix for the Custom Code Node. Nodes will keep the code when reopened. 7 年前
Code Graph.ShaderGraph.meta Bug Fix for the Custom Code Node. Nodes will keep the code when reopened. 7 年前
Eduardo.meta Merge branch 'hackweek2017' of https://github.com/stramit/MaterialGraph into hackweek2017 7 年前
Florent.meta Merge branch 'hackweek2017' of https://github.com/stramit/MaterialGraph into hackweek2017 7 年前
Generated.ExportTextureMasterNode71166862-083a-4792-8c3a-4111b9dd9d37.asset graph assets 7 年前
Generated.ExportTextureMasterNode71166862-083a-4792-8c3a-4111b9dd9d37.asset.meta graph assets 7 年前
Generated.ExportTextureMasterNode71166862-083a-4792-8c3a-4111b9dd9d37.mat graph assets 7 年前
Generated.ExportTextureMasterNode71166862-083a-4792-8c3a-4111b9dd9d37.mat.meta graph assets 7 年前
GeneratedShader.shader Merge branch 'hackweek2017' of https://github.com/stramit/MaterialGraph into hackweek2017 7 年前
GeneratedShader.shader.meta [DEBUG] Added a way to generate a shader file for debugging purposes 7 年前
GraphFramework.meta [shader graph] start porting to new graph framework. 9 年前
GraphView.meta update to latest canvas2d branch 8 年前
Matt.meta Added Anisotropic Metallic master 7 年前
New Shader Graph.ShaderGraph Saturate, UV Rotation, and tex2Dlod nodes. 7 年前
New Shader Graph.ShaderGraph.meta Saturate, UV Rotation, and tex2Dlod nodes. 7 年前
NewNodes.meta Added Anisotropic Metallic master 7 年前
POM_Graph.ShaderGraph parallax occlusion mapping node - added support for height scalar parameter 7 年前
POM_Graph.ShaderGraph.meta Fixing Height to Normal 7 年前
Resources.meta Recreate latest changes from RMGUI from joce 8 年前
Rinaldo.meta Moved presenter cs file to an editor folder. 7 年前
ShaderLOD.cs [mat graph]Really rough, but working! remap nodes. 8 年前
ShaderLOD.cs.meta [mat graph]Really rough, but working! remap nodes. 8 年前
SphereDent.ShaderGraph Adding 3d checkerboard & 3d output from sphere dent 7 年前
SphereDent.ShaderGraph.meta SphericalIndentation node, and adding ability to source shader globals in Any nodes 7 年前
TestAssets.meta Added nodes 7 年前
TestGraph.ShaderGraph Texture asset is now a real asset type... 7 年前
TestGraph.ShaderGraph.meta Texture asset is now a real asset type... 7 年前
UnityShaderEditor.meta [Shader Graph] Rearrange project structure. 9 年前
Vlad.meta Started on some shader graphs 7 年前
_MingWai.meta Gradient node 7 年前
asdf.unity trying new UI 8 年前
asdf.unity.meta trying new UI 8 年前
snow.meta Lava and some stuff. 7 年前