2364 次代码提交 (3f9c0792-bf48-44f1-a095-f1676e467aba)

作者 SHA1 备注 提交日期
Peter Bay Bastian ce4b9371 Fix combine node and update split test to also use combine node 8 年前
Peter Bay Bastian 4cf36072 Enabling pretty printing of shader graph JSON 8 年前
Peter Bay Bastian 10cced5d Log error instead of warning when failing to instantiate node instance 8 年前
Peter Bay Bastian dbebb5a9 Fix null reference exception 8 年前
Peter Bay Bastian 8dc11b9a Fix split node and add test for it (#62) 8 年前
Peter Bay Bastian 65d3639a Add pre-split to TextureSamplerNode (#60) 8 年前
Peter Bay Bastian 3c039bfd Add save dialog when closing window 8 年前
Peter Bay Bastian 931a7f8b Re-create presenter if it's null during update (#37, #39) 8 年前
Peter Bay Bastian f32d2e24 Add DictionaryPool 8 年前
Peter Bay Bastian 262456fb Remove legacy code from MaterialGraphView, which was causing the selection to be cleared when zooming/panning (#45) 8 年前
Peter Bay Bastian d69d3c1d Move IMayRequireNormal into own file 8 年前
Peter Bay Bastian 14564f1e Removed (now) unneeded OnInspectorGUI for shader graph assets 8 年前
Peter Bay Bastian c0b10e8f Update to work with latest graphics/shadergraph 8 年前
Peter Bay Bastian 8e1d62b6 Add presenter for GraphEditorView, such that the presenter hierarchy makes more sense (also, pass through asset name to graph inspector #31) 8 年前
Peter Bay Bastian a92b64bb #31 UIElements-based graph inspector 8 年前
Peter Bay Bastian d465f37d #43 Handle keyboard shortcuts in window rather than GraphView 8 年前
Peter Bay Bastian 985a8c21 Add formatting instructions to README 8 年前
Peter Bay Bastian 7e160ce8 Run `hg format` on repository 8 年前
Peter Bay Bastian cb4c7948 Add editorconfig 8 年前
Peter Bay Bastian 8568c86c #28 Set window title to asset name when window is created 8 年前
Peter Bay Bastian f9acfdc0 Missing change for previous commit 8 年前
Peter Bay Bastian 178cb981 Extension method for `INode.RequiresTime` 8 年前
Peter Bay Bastian f516d811 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/subgraph' 8 年前
Tim Cooper 793887f9 Working 'convert to subgraph' 8 年前
Tim Cooper a494cc0c Adding back sub graph support 8 年前
Peter Bay Bastian 4b24135e #29 Window now tells `MaterialGraphPresenter` to update previews, rather than using schedulers per node 8 年前
Peter Bay Bastian a3cbf332 #29 Propagate `requiresTime` in `MaterialGraphPresenter.UpdateData` rather than computing it on-the-fly (+ rename a bunch of variables in said method to match new conventions) 8 年前
Peter Bay Bastian d969dce9 Update to work with graphics/srp/prepare-filtering 8 年前
mmikk 8c27de69 simplify expression for linear depth <--> cluster Idx 8 年前
GitHub a05784e8 Update a comment 8 年前
GitHub dcd07ceb Merge pull request #372 from EvgeniiG/master 8 年前
Evgenii Golubev a449e3ad Merge branch 'master' (area light clear coat code is disabled for now) 8 年前
sebastienlagarde 28a704bc HDRenderPipeline: SkyManager - convert call of GenerateMips to command buffer call 8 年前
Evgenii Golubev 470cff8e Add Fresnel back to line lights 8 年前
sebastienlagarde 7f832617 HDRenderPipeline: Update sky editor 8 年前
GitHub 1619b028 Merge pull request #371 from Unity-Technologies/clean-sky-environment-update 8 年前
sebastienlagarde bef8557a Fix compilation 8 年前
sebastienlagarde 7893ff23 HDRenderPipeline: enable hash code on render target for dirty GI + do generate mipmaps manually 8 年前
sebastienlagarde ff9d0813 HDRenderPipeline: factor IBL weight function in lightloop 8 年前
Evgenii Golubev 70cf921d Clean up the area light code 8 年前
sebastienlagarde 1a15899e HDRenderPipeline: few minor cleanup comment 8 年前
Evgenii Golubev 471342f0 Factor out multiplication by 'lightData.color' 8 年前
sebastienlagarde 508fec3a HDRenderPipeline: add setter for scene settings 8 年前
Evgenii Golubev 1928fe74 Add transmission to line lights 8 年前
GitHub e47845fe Merge pull request #370 from Unity-Technologies/Add-clear-coat 8 年前
sebastienlagarde 90dcb63d HDRenderPipeline: Update test scene with clear coat test 8 年前
Evgenii Golubev 4bc21a86 Optimize area lights a bit 8 年前
sebastienlagarde 38888e9e remove comment 8 年前
Evgenii Golubev 8091bf54 Refactor EvaluateTransmission() to share more code 8 年前
sebastienlagarde 4ed252e3 Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/master' into Add-clear-coat 8 年前