- Add EnvTemplate to generate various combinaison of cube texarray and
simple cube for evaluteBSDF_env
- Rename class/file
- Introduce concept of FragInput
- Shader code change: Rename GetBakedDiffuseLighting to ModifyBakedDiffuseLighting. This function now handle lighting model for transmission too. Lux meter debug mode is factor outisde.
- Shader code change: GetBakedDiffuseLighting is not call anymore in GBuffer or forward pass, including the ConvertSurfaceDataToBSDFData and GetPreLightData, this is done in ModifyBakedDiffuseLighting now
- Shader code change: Added a backBakeDiffuseLighting to BuiltinData to handle lighting for transmission
- Shader code change: Material must now call InitBuiltinData (Init all to zero + init bakeDiffuseLighting and backBakeDiffuseLighting ) and PostInitBuiltinData
- Update shader graph associate code