If the tile has any pixels with anisotropic GGX, we evaluate the entire tile with anisotropic GGX rather than first evaluating pixels with anisotropic GGX and then pixels with isotropic GGX.
; --- Statistics for Deferred.compute on GCN (Pitcairn) ---
; SGPRs: 92 out of 104 used
; VGPRs: 128 out of 256 used
; LDS: 0 out of 32768 bytes used
; 0 bytes scratch space used
; Instructions: 2676 ALU, 183 Control Flow, 50 TFETCH
; --- Statistics for Deferred.compute on GCN (Pitcairn) ---
; SGPRs: 94 out of 104 used
; VGPRs: 128 out of 256 used
; LDS: 0 out of 32768 bytes used
; 0 bytes scratch space used
; Instructions: 2583 ALU, 183 Control Flow, 50 TFETCH