// For the culling part however we want to use the current view (shadow view).
// Thus the following code play with both.
float frustumCullEps = -maxDisplacement;
float frustumEps = -maxDisplacement;
bool3 frustumCullEdgesMainView = CullTriangleEdgesFrustum(p0, p1, p2, frustumEps, _FrustumPlanes, 5); // Do not test the far plane
bool frustumCulledCurrentView = CullTriangleFrustum(p0, p1, p2, frustumCullEps, (float4[4])_FrustumPlanes); // _FrustumPlanes are primary camera planes
bool frustumCulledMainView = false;
bool frustumCullCurrView = all(frustumCullEdgesMainView);
// 'unity_CameraWorldClipPlanes' are set by the legacy Unity and are not aware of camera-relative rendering.
bool frustumCulledCurrentView = CullTriangleFrustum(GetAbsolutePositionWS(p0), GetAbsolutePositionWS(p1), GetAbsolutePositionWS(p2), frustumCullEps, (float4[4])unity_CameraWorldClipPlanes);
// In the case of shadow, we don't want to tessellate anything that is not seen by the main view frustum. It can result in minor popping of tessellation into a shadow but we can't afford it anyway.
bool frustumCulledMainView = CullTriangleFrustum(p0, p1, p2, frustumCullEps, (float4[4])_FrustumPlanes);
// 'unity_CameraWorldClipPlanes' are camera-relative rendering aware.
bool frustumCullCurrView = CullTriangleFrustum(p0, p1, p2, frustumEps, unity_CameraWorldClipPlanes, 4); // Do not test near/far planes
if (_TessellationBackFaceCullEpsilon > -1) // Is backface culling enabled ?
if (_TessellationBackFaceCullEpsilon > -1.0) // Is back-face culling enabled ?
// Handle transform mirroring (like negative scaling)
float winding = unity_WorldTransformParams.w;
if (frustumCulledCurrentView || faceCull)
if (frustumCullCurrView || faceCull)
return float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
return 0;
// We use the parameters of the primary (scene view) camera in order
// to have identical tessellation levels for both the scene view and
// shadow views. Otherwise, depth comparisons become meaningless!
float3 tessFactor = float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
// For performance reasons, we choose not to tessellate outside of the main camera view
// (we perform this test both during the regular scene rendering and the shadow pass).
// For edges not visible from the main view, our goal is to set the tessellation factor to 1.
// In this case, we set the tessellation factor to 0 here.
// That way, all scaling of this tessellation factor will still result in 0.
// Before we call CalcTriTessFactorsFromEdgeTessFactors(), all factors are clamped by max(f, 1),
// which achieves the desired effect.
float3 edgeTessFactors = float3(frustumCullEdgesMainView.x ? 0 : 1, frustumCullEdgesMainView.y ? 0 : 1, frustumCullEdgesMainView.z ? 0 : 1);
tessFactor *= GetScreenSpaceTessFactor( p0, p1, p2, _ViewProjMatrix, _ScreenSize, _TessellationFactorTriangleSize); // Use primary camera view
edgeTessFactors *= GetScreenSpaceTessFactor( p0, p1, p2, _ViewProjMatrix, _ScreenSize, _TessellationFactorTriangleSize); // Use primary camera view
// Distance based tessellation
// We square the disance factor as it allow a better percptual descrease of vertex density.
tessFactor *= distFactor * distFactor;
edgeTessFactors *= distFactor * distFactor;
tessFactor *= _TessellationFactor;
edgeTessFactors *= _TessellationFactor;
tessFactor.xyz = float3(max(1.0, tessFactor.x), max(1.0, tessFactor.y), max(1.0, tessFactor.z));
float4 triTessFactors = CalcTriEdgeTessFactors(tessFactor);
edgeTessFactors = max(edgeTessFactors, float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0));
// See comment above:
// During shadow passes, we decide that anything outside the main view frustum should not be tessellated.
if (frustumCulledMainView)
// Warning: we cannot modify the edge tessellation factors, as that creates cracks between patches.
// Therefore, we only modify the inside tessellation factor.
// TODO: find a way to modify the edge tessellation factors as well.
triTessFactors.w = 1.0;
return triTessFactors;
return CalcTriTessFactorsFromEdgeTessFactors(edgeTessFactors);
// tessellationFactors