Update ShaderLibrary and UnityStandard code
Update ShaderLibrary and UnityStandard code
Several addition. Add a forward and deferred pass not working with lighting Add pack/unpack attribute Reoarganize some file better header dependecy Remove platform, will not be used/main
8 年前
共有 26 个文件被更改,包括 604 次插入 和 422 次删除
struct PunctualLightData |
{ |
float3 positionWS; |
float invSqrAttenuationRadius; |
float3 color; |
float unused; |
float3 forward; |
float diffuseScale; |
float3 up; |
float specularScale; |
float3 right; |
float shadowDimmer; |
float angleScale; |
float angleOffset; |
float2 unused2; |
}; |
#include "../Material/Material.hlsl" |
// Attenuation functions |
// Simple forward loop architecture |
// Ref: Moving Frostbite to PBR |
float SmoothDistanceAttenuation(float squaredDistance, float invSqrAttenuationRadius) |
StructuredBuffer<PunctualLightData> g_punctualLightData; |
float g_lightCount; |
// TODO: Think about how to apply Disney diffuse preconvolve on indirect diffuse => must be done during GBuffer layout! Else emissive will be fucked... |
// That's mean we need to read DFG texture during Gbuffer... |
void ForwardLighting( float3 V, float3 positionWS, BSDFData material, |
out float4 diffuseLighting, |
out float4 specularLighting) |
float factor = squaredDistance * invSqrAttenuationRadius; |
float smoothFactor = saturate(1.0f - factor * factor); |
return smoothFactor * smoothFactor; |
} |
diffuseLighting = float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); |
specularLighting = float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); |
#define PUNCTUAL_LIGHT_THRESHOLD 0.01 // 1cm (in Unity 1 is 1m) |
for (uint i = 0; i < (uint)g_lightCount; ++i) |
{ |
float4 localDiffuseLighting; |
float4 localSpecularLighting; |
EvaluateBSDF_Punctual(V, positionWS, g_punctualLightData[i], material, localDiffuseLighting, localSpecularLighting); |
diffuseLighting += localDiffuseLighting; |
specularLighting += localSpecularLighting; |
} |
float GetDistanceAttenuation(float3 unL, float invSqrAttenuationRadius) |
{ |
float sqrDist = dot(unL, unL); |
float attenuation = 1.0f / (max(PUNCTUAL_LIGHT_THRESHOLD * PUNCTUAL_LIGHT_THRESHOLD, sqrDist)); |
// Non physically based hack to limit light influence to attenuationRadius. |
attenuation *= SmoothDistanceAttenuation(sqrDist, invSqrAttenuationRadius); |
return attenuation; |
/* |
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) |
{ |
float4 localDiffuseLighting; |
float4 localSpecularLighting; |
EvaluateBSDF_Area(V, positionWS, areaLightData[i], material, localDiffuseLighting, localSpecularLighting); |
diffuseLighting += localDiffuseLighting; |
specularLighting += localSpecularLighting; |
} |
*/ |
float GetAngleAttenuation(float3 L, float3 lightDir, float lightAngleScale, float lightAngleOffset) |
{ |
float cd = dot(lightDir, L); |
float attenuation = saturate(cd * lightAngleScale + lightAngleOffset); |
// smooth the transition |
attenuation *= attenuation; |
return attenuation; |
} |
#endif |
#ifndef UNITY_D3D11_INCLUDED |
#define UNITY_D3D11_INCLUDED |
// This file assume SHADER_API_D3D11 is defined |
#endif // UNITY_D3D11_INCLUDED |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
guid: 9aa86e448ea738047916ec3dbc6e9e33 |
timeCreated: 1474465931 |
licenseType: Pro |
DefaultImporter: |
userData: |
assetBundleName: |
assetBundleVariant: |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Attenuation functions |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Ref: Moving Frostbite to PBR |
float SmoothDistanceAttenuation(float squaredDistance, float invSqrAttenuationRadius) |
{ |
float factor = squaredDistance * invSqrAttenuationRadius; |
float smoothFactor = saturate(1.0f - factor * factor); |
return smoothFactor * smoothFactor; |
} |
#define PUNCTUAL_LIGHT_THRESHOLD 0.01 // 1cm (in Unity 1 is 1m) |
float GetDistanceAttenuation(float3 unL, float invSqrAttenuationRadius) |
{ |
float sqrDist = dot(unL, unL); |
float attenuation = 1.0f / (max(PUNCTUAL_LIGHT_THRESHOLD * PUNCTUAL_LIGHT_THRESHOLD, sqrDist)); |
// Non physically based hack to limit light influence to attenuationRadius. |
attenuation *= SmoothDistanceAttenuation(sqrDist, invSqrAttenuationRadius); |
return attenuation; |
} |
float GetAngleAttenuation(float3 L, float3 lightDir, float lightAngleScale, float lightAngleOffset) |
{ |
float cd = dot(lightDir, L); |
float attenuation = saturate(cd * lightAngleScale + lightAngleOffset); |
// smooth the transition |
attenuation *= attenuation; |
return attenuation; |
} |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
guid: 93bbf250faa37d446990b9501e7fb7e8 |
timeCreated: 1474465931 |
licenseType: Pro |
DefaultImporter: |
userData: |
assetBundleName: |
assetBundleVariant: |
Shader "Unity/DisneyGGX" |
{ |
// TODO: Following set of parameters represent the parameters node inside the MaterialGraph. |
// They are use to fill a SurfaceData. With a MaterialGraph these parameters will not be write here (?). |
Properties |
{ |
_DiffuseColor("Diffuse", Color) = (1,1,1,1) |
_DiffuseMap("Diffuse", 2D) = "white" {} |
_SpecColor("Specular", Color) = (0.04,0.04,0.04) |
_SpecMap("Specular", 2D) = "white" {} |
_Smoothness("Smoothness", Range(0.0, 1.0)) = 0.5 |
_SmoothnessMap("Smoothness", 2D) = "white" {} |
_NormalMap("Normal Map", 2D) = "bump" {} |
_OcclusionMap("Occlusion", 2D) = "white" {} |
_Cutoff("Alpha Cutoff", Range(0.0, 1.0)) = 0.5 |
// Blending state |
[HideInInspector] _Mode ("__mode", Float) = 0.0 |
[HideInInspector] _SrcBlend ("__src", Float) = 1.0 |
[HideInInspector] _DstBlend ("__dst", Float) = 0.0 |
[HideInInspector] _ZWrite ("__zw", Float) = 1.0 |
} |
SubShader |
{ |
Tags { "RenderType"="Opaque" "PerformanceChecks"="False" } |
LOD 300 |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// forward pass |
Pass |
{ |
Name "FORWARD" |
Tags { "LightMode" = "Forward" } |
Blend [_SrcBlend] [_DstBlend] |
ZWrite [_ZWrite] |
#pragma target 5.0 |
#pragma only_renderers d3d11 // TEMP: unitl we go futher in dev |
#pragma vertex VertDefault |
#pragma fragment FragForward |
#include "TemplateDisneyGGX.hlsl" |
float4 FragForward(PackedVaryings packedInput) : SV_Target |
{ |
Varyings input = UnpackVaryings(packedInput); |
float3 V = GetWorldSpaceNormalizeViewDir(input.positionWS); |
float3 positionWS = input.positionWS; |
SurfaceData surfaceData = GetSurfaceData(input); |
BSDFData BSDFData = ConvertSurfaceDataToBSDFData(surfaceData); |
float4 diffuseLighting; |
float4 specularLighting; |
ForwardLighting(V, positionWS, BSDFData, diffuseLighting, specularLighting); |
return float4(diffuseLighting.rgb + specularLighting.rgb, 1.0); |
} |
} |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// Deferred pass |
Pass |
{ |
Tags { "LightMode" = "Deferred" } |
#pragma target 5.0 |
#pragma only_renderers d3d11 // TEMP: unitl we go futher in dev |
#pragma vertex VertDefault |
#pragma fragment FragDeferred |
#include "TemplateDisneyGGX.hlsl" |
void FragDeferred( PackedVaryings packedInput, |
out half4 outGBuffer0 : SV_Target0, |
out half4 outGBuffer1 : SV_Target1, |
out half4 outGBuffer2 : SV_Target2, |
out half4 outEmission : SV_Target3 |
) |
{ |
Varyings input = UnpackVaryings(packedInput); |
SurfaceData surfaceData = GetSurfaceData(input); |
EncodeIntoGBuffer(surfaceData, outGBuffer0, outGBuffer1, outGBuffer2); |
// Lightmap + Emisive lighting buffer |
outEmission = float4(0, 0, 0, 1); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
guid: e1a84346ee54f9f4993c2f05c59805a0 |
timeCreated: 1474456127 |
licenseType: Pro |
ShaderImporter: |
defaultTextures: [] |
userData: |
assetBundleName: |
assetBundleVariant: |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// structure definition |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
struct PunctualLightData |
{ |
float3 positionWS; |
float invSqrAttenuationRadius; |
float3 color; |
float unused; |
float3 forward; |
float diffuseScale; |
float3 up; |
float specularScale; |
float3 right; |
float shadowDimmer; |
float angleScale; |
float angleOffset; |
float2 unused2; |
}; |
struct AreaLightData |
{ |
float3 positionWS; |
}; |
struct EnvLightData |
{ |
float3 positionWS; |
}; |
struct PlanarLightData |
{ |
float3 positionWS; |
}; |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
guid: 4177b2c24c1e70a44835076b95cd7420 |
timeCreated: 1474465931 |
licenseType: Pro |
DefaultImporter: |
userData: |
assetBundleName: |
assetBundleVariant: |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Parametrization function helpers |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
float PerceptualRoughnessToRoughness(float perceptualRoughness) |
{ |
return perceptualRoughness * perceptualRoughness; |
} |
float RoughnessToPerceptualRoughness(float roughness) |
{ |
return sqrt(roughness); |
} |
// Smoothness is the user facing name |
// it should be perceptualSmoothness but we don't want the user to have to deal with this name |
float SmoothnessToRoughness(float smoothness) |
{ |
return (1 - smoothness) * (1 - smoothness); |
} |
float SmoothnessToPerceptualRoughness(float smoothness) |
{ |
return (1 - smoothness); |
} |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
guid: 71aa77c8ecebcc942b7914328d88f7d1 |
timeCreated: 1474465931 |
licenseType: Pro |
DefaultImporter: |
userData: |
assetBundleName: |
assetBundleVariant: |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// SurfaceData and BSDFData |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Main structure that store the user data (i.e user input of master node in material graph) |
struct SurfaceData |
{ |
float3 diffuseColor; |
float occlusion; |
float3 specularColor; |
float smoothness; |
float3 normal; // normal in world space |
}; |
struct BSDFData |
{ |
float3 diffuseColor; |
float occlusion; |
float3 fresnel0; |
float roughness; |
float3 normalWS; |
float perceptualRoughness; |
}; |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// conversion function for forward and deferred |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
BSDFData ConvertSurfaceDataToBSDFData(SurfaceData data) |
{ |
BSDFData output; |
output.diffuseColor = data.diffuseColor; |
output.occlusion = data.occlusion; |
output.fresnel0 = data.specularColor; |
output.roughness = SmoothnessToRoughness(data.smoothness); |
output.normalWS = data.normal; |
output.perceptualRoughness = SmoothnessToPerceptualRoughness(data.smoothness); |
return output; |
} |
// This will encode UnityStandardData into GBuffer |
void EncodeIntoGBuffer(SurfaceData data, out half4 outGBuffer0, out half4 outGBuffer1, out half4 outGBuffer2) |
{ |
// RT0: diffuse color (rgb), occlusion (a) - sRGB rendertarget |
outGBuffer0 = half4(data.diffuseColor, data.occlusion); |
// RT1: spec color (rgb), roughness (a) - sRGB rendertarget |
outGBuffer1 = half4(data.specularColor, SmoothnessToRoughness(data.smoothness)); |
// RT2: normal (rgb), --unused, very low precision-- (a) |
outGBuffer2 = half4(PackNormalCartesian(data.normal), 1.0f); |
} |
// This decode the Gbuffer in a BSDFData struct |
BSDFData DecodeFromGBuffer(half4 inGBuffer0, half4 inGBuffer1, half4 inGBuffer2) |
{ |
BSDFData data; |
data.diffuseColor = inGBuffer0.rgb; |
data.occlusion = inGBuffer0.a; |
data.fresnel0 = inGBuffer1.rgb; |
data.roughness = inGBuffer1.a; |
data.normalWS = UnpackNormalCartesian(inGBuffer2.rgb); |
return data; |
} |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// EvaluateBSDF functions for each light type |
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
void EvaluateBSDF_Punctual( float3 V, float3 positionWS, PunctualLightData light, BSDFData material, |
out float4 diffuseLighting, |
out float4 specularLighting) |
{ |
float3 unL = light.positionWS - positionWS; |
float3 L = normalize(unL); |
// Always done, directional have it neutral |
float attenuation = GetDistanceAttenuation(unL, light.invSqrAttenuationRadius); |
// Always done, point and dir have it neutral |
attenuation *= GetAngleAttenuation(L, light.forward, light.angleScale, light.angleOffset); |
float illuminance = saturate(dot(material.normalWS, L)) * attenuation; |
diffuseLighting = float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); |
specularLighting = float4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); |
if (illuminance > 0.0f) |
{ |
float NdotV = abs(dot(material.normalWS, V)) + 1e-5f; // TODO: check Eric idea about doing that when writting into the GBuffer (with our forward decal) |
float3 H = normalize(V + L); |
float LdotH = saturate(dot(L, H)); |
float NdotH = saturate(dot(material.normalWS, H)); |
float NdotL = saturate(dot(material.normalWS, L)); |
float3 F = F_Schlick(material.fresnel0, LdotH); |
float Vis = V_SmithJointGGX(NdotL, NdotV, material.roughness); |
float D = D_GGX(NdotH, material.roughness); |
specularLighting.rgb = F * Vis * D; |
float disneyDiffuse = DisneyDiffuse(NdotV, NdotL, LdotH, material.perceptualRoughness); |
diffuseLighting.rgb = material.diffuseColor * disneyDiffuse; |
diffuseLighting.rgb *= light.color * illuminance; |
specularLighting.rgb *= light.color * illuminance; |
} |
} |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
guid: 3d0985c9290aa0847969ac858555e87a |
timeCreated: 1474465931 |
licenseType: Pro |
DefaultImporter: |
userData: |
assetBundleName: |
assetBundleVariant: |
// No guard header! |
#define UNITY_MATERIAL_DISNEYGXX // Need to be define before including Material.hlsl |
#include "Lighting/Lighting.hlsl" // This include Material.hlsl |
#include "ShaderVariables.hlsl" |
// This files is generated by the material graph or written by hand |
// Note for material graph: |
// Material graph should generate the vertex shader output to add the variable that may be required |
// For example if we require view vector in shader graph, the output must contain positionWS and we calcualte the view vector with it. |
// Still some input are mandatory depends on the type of loop. positionWS is mandatory in this current framework. So the material graph should always generate it. |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// variable declaration |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Set of users variables |
float4 _DiffuseColor; |
float4 _SpecColor; |
float _Smoothness; |
sampler2D _DiffuseMap; |
sampler2D _NormalMap; |
// ... Others |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Lighting architecture |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// TODO: Check if we will have different Varyings based on different pass, not sure about that... |
// Forward |
struct Attributes |
{ |
float4 positionOS : POSITION; // TODO: why do we provide w here ? putting constant to 1 will save a float |
half3 normalOS : NORMAL; |
float2 uv0 : TEXCOORD0; |
half4 tangentOS : TANGENT; |
}; |
struct Varyings |
{ |
float4 positionHS : SV_POSITION; |
float3 positionWS : TEXCOORD0; |
float2 texCoord0 : TEXCOORD1; |
float4 tangentToWorld[3] : TEXCOORD2; // [3x3:tangentToWorld | 1x3:viewDirForParallax] |
}; |
struct PackedVaryings |
{ |
float4 positionHS : SV_Position; |
float4 interpolators[5] : TEXCOORD0; |
}; |
// Function to pack data to use as few interpolator as possible, the MaterialGraph should generate this functions |
PackedVaryings PackVaryings(Varyings input) |
{ |
PackedVaryings output; |
output.positionHS = input.positionHS; |
output.interpolators[0].xyz = input.positionWS.xyz; |
output.interpolators[0].w = input.texCoord0.x; |
output.interpolators[1] = input.tangentToWorld[0]; |
output.interpolators[2] = input.tangentToWorld[1]; |
output.interpolators[3] = input.tangentToWorld[2]; |
output.interpolators[4].x = input.texCoord0.y; |
output.interpolators[4].yzw = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); |
return output; |
} |
Varyings UnpackVaryings(PackedVaryings input) |
{ |
Varyings output; |
output.positionHS = input.positionHS; |
output.positionWS.xyz = input.interpolators[0].xyz; |
output.texCoord0.x = input.interpolators[0].w; |
output.texCoord0.y = input.interpolators[4].x; |
output.tangentToWorld[0] = input.interpolators[1]; |
output.tangentToWorld[1] = input.interpolators[2]; |
output.tangentToWorld[2] = input.interpolators[3]; |
return output; |
} |
// TODO: Here we will also have all the vertex deformation (GPU skinning, vertex animation, morph target...) or we will need to generate a compute shaders instead (better! but require work to deal with unpacking like fp16) |
PackedVaryings VertDefault(Attributes input) |
{ |
Varyings output; |
output.positionWS = TransformObjectToWorld(input.positionOS.xyz); |
// TODO deal with camera center rendering and instancing (This is the reason why we always perform tow step transform to clip space + instancing matrix) |
output.positionHS = TransformWorldToHClip(output.positionWS); |
float3 normalWS = TransformObjectToWorldNormal(input.normalOS); |
output.texCoord0 = input.uv0; |
// #ifdef _TANGENT_TO_WORLD |
float4 tangentWS = float4(TransformObjectToWorldDir(input.tangentOS.xyz), input.tangentOS.w); |
float3x3 tangentToWorld = CreateTangentToWorld(normalWS, tangentWS.xyz, tangentWS.w); |
output.tangentToWorld[0].xyz = tangentToWorld[0]; |
output.tangentToWorld[1].xyz = tangentToWorld[1]; |
output.tangentToWorld[2].xyz = tangentToWorld[2]; |
// #else |
// output.tangentToWorld[0].xyz = 0; |
// output.tangentToWorld[1].xyz = 0; |
// output.tangentToWorld[2].xyz = normalWS; |
// #endif |
output.tangentToWorld[0].w = 0; |
output.tangentToWorld[1].w = 0; |
output.tangentToWorld[2].w = 0; |
return PackVaryings(output); |
} |
#endif |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Fill SurfaceData function |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
SurfaceData GetSurfaceData(Varyings input) |
{ |
SurfaceData data; |
data.diffuseColor = tex2D(_DiffuseMap, input.texCoord0) * _DiffuseColor; |
data.occlusion = 1.0; |
data.specularColor = _SpecColor; |
data.smoothness = _Smoothness; |
data.normal = UnpackNormalDXT5nm(tex2D(_NormalMap, input.texCoord0)); |
return data; |
} |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
guid: bc4a80ef70e37814e94ea45fc03abdaa |
timeCreated: 1474456127 |
licenseType: Pro |
DefaultImporter: |
userData: |
assetBundleName: |
assetBundleVariant: |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
guid: c50ac5c0368fe38449d335dad3e23260 |
folderAsset: yes |
timeCreated: 1472140530 |
licenseType: Pro |
DefaultImporter: |
userData: |
assetBundleName: |
assetBundleVariant: |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
guid: c846f5368b257ca49aa135748a1700e2 |
timeCreated: 1472205826 |
licenseType: Pro |
ShaderImporter: |
defaultTextures: [] |
userData: |
assetBundleName: |
assetBundleVariant: |
fileFormatVersion: 2 |
guid: 3cc412debf748e040aeabf1cb51d2515 |
timeCreated: 1472205826 |
licenseType: Pro |
DefaultImporter: |
userData: |
assetBundleName: |
assetBundleVariant: |
#include "../Common.hlsl" |
struct VertexOutputDeferred |
{ |
float4 pos : SV_POSITION; |
float4 tex : TEXCOORD0; |
float4 tangentToWorldAndParallax[3] : TEXCOORD1; // [3x3:tangentToWorld | 1x3:viewDirForParallax] |
}; |
VertexOutputDeferred vertDeferred (VertexInput v) |
{ |
VertexOutputDeferred o; |
UNITY_INITIALIZE_OUTPUT(VertexOutputDeferred, o); |
float4 posWorld = mul(unity_ObjectToWorld, v.vertex); |
o.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex); |
o.tex = TexCoords(v); |
float3 normalWorld = UnityObjectToWorldNormal(v.normal); |
float4 tangentWorld = float4(UnityObjectToWorldDir(v.tangent.xyz), v.tangent.w); |
float3x3 tangentToWorld = CreateTangentToWorldPerVertex(normalWorld, tangentWorld.xyz, tangentWorld.w); |
o.tangentToWorldAndParallax[0].xyz = tangentToWorld[0]; |
o.tangentToWorldAndParallax[1].xyz = tangentToWorld[1]; |
o.tangentToWorldAndParallax[2].xyz = tangentToWorld[2]; |
return o; |
} |
Shader "Unity/UnityStandard" |
{ |
Properties |
{ |
_DiffuseColor("Diffuse", Color) = (1,1,1,1) |
_DiffuseMap("Diffuse", 2D) = "white" {} |
_SpecColor("Specular", Color) = (0.04,0.04,0.04) |
_SpecMap("Specular", 2D) = "white" {} |
_Smoothness("Smoothness", Range(0.0, 1.0)) = 0.5 |
_SmoothnessMap("Smoothness", 2D) = "white" {} |
_NormalMap("Normal Map", 2D) = "bump" {} |
_OcclusionMap("Occlusion", 2D) = "white" {} |
_Cutoff("Alpha Cutoff", Range(0.0, 1.0)) = 0.5 |
// Blending state |
[HideInInspector] _Mode ("__mode", Float) = 0.0 |
[HideInInspector] _SrcBlend ("__src", Float) = 1.0 |
[HideInInspector] _DstBlend ("__dst", Float) = 0.0 |
[HideInInspector] _ZWrite ("__zw", Float) = 1.0 |
} |
#include "Material/Material.hlsl" |
#include "ShaderVariables.hlsl" |
SubShader |
{ |
Tags { "RenderType"="Opaque" "PerformanceChecks"="False" } |
LOD 300 |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------ |
// Base forward pass (directional light, emission, lightmaps, ...) |
Pass |
{ |
Name "FORWARD" |
Tags { "LightMode" = "Forward" } |
Blend [_SrcBlend] [_DstBlend] |
ZWrite [_ZWrite] |
#pragma target 5.0 |
#pragma only_renderers d3d11 // TEMP: unitl we go futher in dev |
#pragma vertex MainVS |
#pragma fragment MainPS |
float4 _DiffuseColor; |
float4 _SpecColor; |
float _Smoothness; |
sampler2D _DiffuseMap; |
sampler2D _NormalMap; |
PunctualLightData _lightData[4]; |
float _LightCount; |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Input functions |
struct VSInput |
{ |
float4 positionOS : POSITION; // TODO: why do we provide w here ? putting constant to 1 will save a float |
half3 normalOS : NORMAL; |
float2 uv0 : TEXCOORD0; |
half4 tangentOS : TANGENT; |
}; |
struct VSOutput |
{ |
float4 positionHS : SV_POSITION; |
float3 positionWS : TEXCOORD0; |
float2 texCoord0 : TEXCOORD1; |
float4 tangentToWorld[3] : TEXCOORD2; // [3x3:tangentToWorld | 1x3:viewDirForParallax] |
}; |
VSOutput MainVS(VSInput input) |
{ |
// TODO : here we must support anykind of vertex animation (GPU skinning, morphing) or better do it in compute. |
VSOutput output; |
output.positionWS = TransformObjectToWorld(input.positionOS.xyz); |
// TODO deal with camera center rendering and instancing (This is the reason why we always perform tow step transform to clip space + instancing matrix) |
output.positionHS = TransformWorldToHClip(output.positionWS); |
float3 normalWS = TransformObjectToWorldNormal(input.normalOS); |
output.texCoord0 = input.uv0; |
// #ifdef _TANGENT_TO_WORLD |
float4 tangentWS = float4(TransformObjectToWorldDir(input.tangentOS.xyz), input.tangentOS.w); |
float3x3 tangentToWorld = CreateTangentToWorld(normalWS, tangentWS.xyz, tangentWS.w); |
output.tangentToWorld[0].xyz = tangentToWorld[0]; |
output.tangentToWorld[1].xyz = tangentToWorld[1]; |
output.tangentToWorld[2].xyz = tangentToWorld[2]; |
// #else |
// output.tangentToWorld[0].xyz = 0; |
// output.tangentToWorld[1].xyz = 0; |
// output.tangentToWorld[2].xyz = normalWS; |
// #endif |
output.tangentToWorld[0].w = 0; |
output.tangentToWorld[1].w = 0; |
output.tangentToWorld[2].w = 0; |
return output; |
} |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// This function is either hand written or generate by the material graph |
DisneyGGXSurfaceData GetSurfaceData(VSOutput input) |
{ |
DisneyGGXSurfaceData data; |
data.diffuseColor = tex2D(_DiffuseMap, input.texCoord0) * _DiffuseColor; |
data.occlusion = 1.0; |
data.specularColor = _SpecColor; |
data.smoothness = _Smoothness; |
data.normal = UnpackNormalDXT5nm(tex2D(_NormalMap, input.texCoord0)); |
return data; |
} |
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
float4 MainPS(VSOutput input) : SV_Target |
{ |
float3 V = GetWorldSpaceNormalizeViewDir(input.positionWS); |
DisneyGGXSurfaceData surfaceData = GetSurfaceData(input); |
DisneyGGXBSDFData BSDFData = ConvertSurfaceDataToBSDFData(surfaceData); |
float4 outDiffuseLighting; |
float4 outSpecularLighting; |
for (int i = 0; i < _LightCount; ++i) |
{ |
float4 diffuseLighting; |
float4 specularLighting; |
EvaluateBSDF_Punctual_DisneyGGX(V, input.positionWS, _lightData[i], BSDFData, diffuseLighting, specularLighting); |
outDiffuseLighting += diffuseLighting; |
outSpecularLighting += specularLighting; |
} |
return outDiffuseLighting + outSpecularLighting; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
Reference in new issue