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Todd Stinson 64a75637 Addressing PR feedback for not using the null operator on Unity objects. 4 年前
ARCollaborationData Merge pull request #76 from unity/collaboration-support-xcode12 4 年前
ARFoundationMenu Add a thermal state scene sample. 4 年前
ARKitCoachingOverlay Upgrading to Unity 2020.1.0f1. 4 年前
CameraGrain Merge pull request #78 from unity/fixes 4 年前
Configurations Updating scenes that previously had references to the session reloader. 4 年前
Depth Merge remote-tracking branch 'internal/latest-preview' into latest-preview 4 年前
FaceTracking Remove uses of the null conditional operators on UnityEngine.Objects 4 年前
HumanTracking Upgrading to Unity 2020.1.0f1. 4 年前
ImageTracking Add a black border to the QR code 4 年前
InputSystem Updating scenes that previously had references to the session reloader. 4 年前
Interaction Upgrading to Unity 2020.1.0f1. 4 年前
LightEstimation Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/latest-preview' into latest-preview 4 年前
Meshing Upgrading to Unity 2020.1.0f1. 4 年前
Object Tracking Upgrading to Unity 2020.1.0f1. 4 年前
Plane Detection Upgrading to Unity 2020.1.0f1. 4 年前
PlaneOcclusion Upgrading to Unity 2020.1.0f1. 4 年前
PointCloud Upgrading to Unity 2020.1.0f1. 4 年前
SimpleAR Merge pull request #78 from unity/fixes 4 年前
ThermalState Addressing PR feedback for not using the null operator on Unity objects. 4 年前
ARCollaborationData.meta Introducing samples for ARFoundation 1.5 and ARKit 3. 6 年前
ARFoundationMenu.meta main menu 5 年前
ARKitCoachingOverlay.meta Add a sample for the ARCoachingOverlayView 5 年前
ARWorldMap.unity Backporting the latest-preview project to be 4.0 compatible. 4 年前
ARWorldMap.unity.meta Add sample showing ARWorldMap support 6 年前
ARWorldMapSettings.lighting Update 3.1 branch with latest samples. Please see CHANGELOG.md for more 4 年前
ARWorldMapSettings.lighting.meta Backporting the latest-preview project to be 4.0 compatible. 4 年前
Anchors.unity Anchors sample: attach anchors to planes if a plane is hit 4 年前
Anchors.unity.meta Renamed all files that included `ReferencePoint` to instead include `Anchor`. 5 年前
AnchorsSettings.lighting Backporting the latest-preview project to be 4.0 compatible. 4 年前
AnchorsSettings.lighting.meta Backporting the latest-preview project to be 4.0 compatible. 4 年前
CameraGrain.meta Camera Grain 5 年前
Check Support.unity Backporting the latest-preview project to be 4.0 compatible. 4 年前
Check Support.unity.meta Introducing samples for ARFoundation 1.5 and ARKit 3. 6 年前
Check SupportSettings.lighting Update 3.1 branch with latest samples. Please see CHANGELOG.md for more 4 年前
Check SupportSettings.lighting.meta Backporting the latest-preview project to be 4.0 compatible. 4 年前
Configurations.meta Backporting the latest-preview project to be 4.0 compatible. 4 年前
CpuImages.unity Repositioning the environment and human images. 4 年前
CpuImages.unity.meta Add a scene demonstrating the camera image API 6 年前
CpuImagesSettings.lighting Backporting the latest-preview project to be 4.0 compatible. 4 年前
CpuImagesSettings.lighting.meta Backporting the latest-preview project to be 4.0 compatible. 4 年前
Depth.meta Updating to Unity 2019.4.1f1, and adding some depth scenes. 5 年前
EnvironmentProbes.unity Backporting the latest-preview project to be 4.0 compatible. 4 年前
EnvironmentProbes.unity.meta Add an environment probe sample scene 6 年前
EnvironmentProbesSettings.lighting Update 3.1 branch with latest samples. Please see CHANGELOG.md for more 4 年前
EnvironmentProbesSettings.lighting.meta Backporting the latest-preview project to be 4.0 compatible. 4 年前
FaceTracking.meta add face subsystem examples to branch, and change it to use file versions of needed packages in manifest. before these are published, you can get the compliant versions of these packages from the following sources: 6 年前
HumanTracking.meta Introducing samples for ARFoundation 1.5 and ARKit 3. 6 年前
ImageTracking.meta Add image tracking sample and assets 6 年前
InputSystem.meta Backporting the latest-preview project to be 4.0 compatible. 4 年前
Interaction.meta removed unnecessary script 5 年前
LightEstimation.meta - Added new ARKit HDR light estimation sample scene 5 年前
Meshing.meta Adding ARKit meshing sample scenes. 5 年前
Object Tracking.meta Add an object tracking sample scene 6 年前
Plane Detection.meta Add 2 new scenes that show how to (1) toggle plane detection and (2) selectively ignore vertical planes. 6 年前
PlaneOcclusion.meta Add a sample demonstrating plane occlusion 5 年前
PointCloud.meta Update README to describe the AllPointCloudPoints sample 5 年前
Scale.unity Backporting the latest-preview project to be 4.0 compatible. 4 年前
Scale.unity.meta Add a sample showing how to place content with scale 6 年前
ScaleSettings.lighting Update 3.1 branch with latest samples. Please see CHANGELOG.md for more 4 年前
ScaleSettings.lighting.meta Backporting the latest-preview project to be 4.0 compatible. 4 年前
SimpleAR.meta Add button to reload the ARSession 5 年前
ThermalState.meta Add a thermal state scene sample. 4 年前