22 次代码提交 (ee16df2a-fdd5-45f9-883b-6aef32d7b440)

作者 SHA1 备注 提交日期
Tim Mowrer a30528f8 Add a sample demonstrating plane occlusion 5 年前
Todd Stinson 6045acc3 Updating project to Unity 2019.3.0f6 now that it has been released. 4 年前
Alexandra Serralta 075ca560 main menu 4 年前
Tim Mowrer 9f1ec284 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into config-manager 4 年前
David Mohrhardt d35e0780 Update 3.1 branch with latest samples. Please see CHANGELOG.md for more 4 年前
Alexandra Serralta e64e299c fixed disconnected variables 4 年前
Alexandra Serralta b56e80ba fix back button disconnect 4 年前
Todd Stinson e4d1a1b1 Replacing TrackedPoseDriver with ARPoseDriver, and updating to Unity 2019.3.12f1. 4 年前
GitHub Enterprise e57b4f13 Merge branch 'master' into ui 4 年前
GitHub Enterprise 5be6c0da Merge pull request #45 from unity/ui 4 年前
GitHub Enterprise dc9e061e Merge branch 'master' into CameraGrain 4 年前
Andrew Carlston aba4b6d0 Merge branch 'master' into standalone-update 4 年前
Todd Stinson 524b3049 Update to Unity 2019.4.4f1. 4 年前
Todd Stinson d2d720d8 Backporting the latest-preview project to be 4.0 compatible. 4 年前
Todd Stinson 8700b7df Upgrading to Unity 2020.1.0f1. 4 年前
Todd Stinson cc1d0c6f Merge branch 'latest-preview' into add-configuration-chooser-sample 4 年前
Shan Jiang d5882e86 Merge branch 'latest-preview' into light-estimation 4 年前
Alexandra Serralta 5823f197 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/light-estimation' into light-estimation 4 年前
Shan Jiang 78df15d6 Merge branch 'latest-preview' into Multi-image 4 年前
Todd Stinson bd880451 Merging latest-preview -> add-depth-gradient-shader. 4 年前
Todd Stinson 252ea895 Updating for AR Foundation 4.1.0-preview.12. 4 年前
Ankur Agrawal dd4826cf Update to Unity 2021.2 and AR Foundation 5.0.0-pre.8 2 年前