136 次代码提交 (99aa51b7-6b54-42ab-9f55-bb283a421e07)

作者 SHA1 备注 提交日期
fzhangtj a1b34c06 add packman template 6 年前
fzhangtj 1c79ac95 add 6 年前
kg 6aa80211 format code. use setting repository. 6 年前
Fan Zhang fa740be6 Merge branch 'kgdev' into 'master' 6 年前
fzhangtj 8eb591e6 ability to specify device pixel ratio manually 6 年前
Shenhua Gu 7229064f Merge branch 'master' into 'master' 6 年前
fzhangtj 9a933f64 update 6 年前
Shenhua Gu ea51e7d3 Merge branch 'master' into 'master' 6 年前
Yuncong Zhang 7bea6c4c Change double to float. 6 年前
Yuncong Zhang d821002b Remove all (float) and replace Math with Mathf. 6 年前
Xingwei Zhu befbb3d0 Merge branch 'double_to_float' into 'master' 6 年前
fzhangtj 3c05664b fix pixel ratio in editor 6 年前
kg bed74c09 Merge branches 'kgdev' and 'master' of gitlab.cds.internal.unity3d.com:upm-packages/ui-widgets/com.unity.uiwidgets into kgdev 6 年前
Shenhua Gu ac4d8748 Merge branch 'dpi' into 'master' 6 年前
kg e7c4db12 Merge branches 'kgdev' and 'master' of gitlab.cds.internal.unity3d.com:upm-packages/ui-widgets/com.unity.uiwidgets into kgdev 6 年前
xingwei.zhu fc02e20d Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.cds.internal.unity3d.com:upm-packages/ui-widgets/com.unity.uiwidgets into material 6 年前
kg 206625fa fix typo and style 6 年前
Shenhua Gu cc5a54e2 Merge branch 'kgdev' into 'master' 6 年前
xingwei.zhu d42a7747 Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.cds.internal.unity3d.com:upm-packages/ui-widgets/com.unity.uiwidgets into material 6 年前
wangshuang b8b3c3b3 add mate file 6 年前
Shenhua Gu 0baf2f95 Merge branch 'master' into 'master' 6 年前
fzhangtj 88ac27cb Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' 6 年前
xingwei.zhu c2380e8e Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.cds.internal.unity3d.com:upm-packages/ui-widgets/com.unity.uiwidgets into material 6 年前
fzhangtj 0b003a69 WidgetCanvas => UIWidgetsPanel 6 年前
fzhangtj c9411b85 fix window size issue when scale factor is not 1 6 年前
fzhangtj b8ca89a1 move editor utils into runtime 6 年前
Shenhua Gu a76b4fe6 Merge branch 'widgets_panel' into 'master' 6 年前
fzhangtj f9488f4b fix sample 6 年前
Fan Zhang 698ddedd Merge branch 'widgets_panel' into 'master' 6 年前
kg 781f06bb Merge branches 'kgdev' and 'master' of gitlab.cds.internal.unity3d.com:upm-packages/ui-widgets/com.unity.uiwidgets into kgdev 6 年前
xingwei.zhu cdc72bdf Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.cds.internal.unity3d.com:upm-packages/ui-widgets/com.unity.uiwidgets into material 6 年前
GitHub a0e4cb7c Merge branch 'master' into translate 6 年前
Yuncong Zhang e9b3d5d5 Set antiAliasing. 6 年前
GitHub 0c130835 Merge pull request #86 from UnityTech/yczhang 6 年前
xingwei.zhu b884ab45 remove all hardware-MSAA related codes 5 年前
GitHub 5787086c Merge pull request #292 from UnityTech/removehardwareMSAA 5 年前
Yuncong Zhang 74741d5b Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/UnityTech/UIWidgets into clean_warning 5 年前
xingwei.zhu 21c4a326 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:UnityTech/UIWidgets into dev 5 年前
xingwei.zhu 0fad4c86 hardware antialias re-supporting 5 年前
GitHub b58711bb Merge pull request #348 from UnityTech/hardware_antialias 5 年前
GitHub 18e40cd8 Merge pull request #352 from UnityTech/master 5 年前
Kevin Gu 52e20ad9 remove this. 4 年前
siyao 1db60ffd Merge branch 'skia' into siyao/skia/txt 4 年前
xingweizhu 040a1562 fix Editor error 4 年前
GitHub c18133ec Merge pull request #18 from Unity-Technologies/zxw/skiaBase 4 年前
xingweizhu 358019a1 fix final several errors 4 年前
GitHub 5faed40f Merge pull request #19 from Unity-Technologies/zxw/skiaBase 4 年前
siyao 1239bb46 run widget 4 年前
siyao 3fc3e49f fix mono_isolate nullptr 4 年前
GitHub 1871d52e Merge pull request #22 from Unity-Technologies/siyaoH/skiaBase 4 年前
siyao e916b0f8 screenshot & config font 4 年前
siyao a070fcc1 pr fix 4 年前
GitHub 4700dce3 Merge pull request #27 from Unity-Technologies/siyaoH/skiaBase 4 年前
xingweizhu eabf8d6d Merge branch 'skia' of github.com:Unity-Technologies/com.unity.uiwidgets into merge_latest_skia_changes 4 年前
xingweizhu d3ac68ee Merge branch 'merge_latest_skia_changes' of github.com:Unity-Technologies/com.unity.uiwidgets into dev_1.17.5 4 年前
GitHub 5506baf2 Merge pull request #56 from Unity-Technologies/dev_1.17.5 4 年前
siyao 4ec6a0bf add keyboard, fix text_input 4 年前
siyao eddcaa9a use queue 4 年前
siyao 978c86d6 add debug log config 4 年前
GitHub 05c39daf Merge pull request #88 from Unity-Technologies/siyaoH/1.17.5/fix3 4 年前
xingweizhu 66d149d7 minor fixes 4 年前
Shiyun Wen 8fd690c9 Merge branch 'zgh/cupertino/fix' of https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/com.unity.uiwidgets into zgh/cupertino/fix 4 年前
xingweizhu 50ef2073 add test 4 年前
xingweizhu f81cba9d refine code 4 年前
xingweizhu f8807f8c Merge branch 'dev_1.17.5' of github.com:Unity-Technologies/com.unity.uiwidgets into editorwindow 4 年前
xingweizhu 05342832 fix typo 4 年前
xingweizhu fa3a24bd yet another typo 4 年前
xingweizhu 0cac1c89 minor bug fixes 4 年前
GitHub a0310c21 Merge pull request #94 from Unity-Technologies/editorwindow 4 年前
Shiyun Wen e020d4a1 add scroll in editor panel 4 年前
Shiyun Wen 83e919e6 fix after comments 4 年前
GitHub cb891e8e Merge pull request #98 from Unity-Technologies/wsy_scrollwindow 4 年前
wangshuang 7dfad51e Merge branch 'dev_1.17.5' into add_redux 4 年前
Shiyun Wen f52367db add settings in editor 4 年前
siyao 1378fd2d Merge branch 'dev_1.17.5' into siyaoH/1.17/android 4 年前
Shiyun Wen ff9d4557 fix settings 4 年前
Shiyun Wen eba2e5a9 fix add settings 4 年前
guanghuispark 755bb996 Merge branch 'dev_1.17.5' into zgh/devtools 4 年前
Shiyun Wen 5ecb8a4e fix add settings 4 年前
xingweizhu d9a52efd stash changes 4 年前
Shiyun Wen e26f1a97 add configuration about showdebuglog 4 年前
Shiyun Wen 83501781 fix show debug mode 4 年前
Shiyun Wen 656f4e65 add debug mode in editor 4 年前
Shiyun Wen 0d6ef2d4 remove unused code 4 年前
GitHub a3c43723 Merge pull request #103 from Unity-Technologies/wsy_debugmode 4 年前
xingweizhu 9e440bba fix bug in player 4 年前
siyao 37512743 Merge branch 'dev_1.17.5' into siyaoH/1.17/android 4 年前
xingwei.zhu 49dd7b01 Merge branch 'dev_1.17.5' of github.com:Unity-Technologies/com.unity.uiwidgets into zxw/dev_mac_update_engine 4 年前
siyao 023d5203 Merge branch 'dev_1.17.5' into siyaoH/1.17/android 4 年前
siyao 8a5b9087 Merge branch 'zxw/dev_mac_update_engine' into siyaoH/1.17/windows 4 年前
siyao 7b5a9f48 Merge branch 'siyaoH/1.17/android_bug' into siyaoH/1.17/android 4 年前
siyao 431751b4 android keyboard 4 年前
Xingwei Zhu b3c86083 stash changes 4 年前
GitHub 57f6d9a1 Merge pull request #120 from Unity-Technologies/siyaoH/1.17/android 4 年前
Xingwei Zhu 542a0018 minor fixes 4 年前
GitHub 3260d27e Merge pull request #123 from Unity-Technologies/zxw/refine_debug_mode 4 年前
siyao 957be42a rename & clean 4 年前
GitHub c44cd6db Merge pull request #130 from Unity-Technologies/siyaoH/1.17/clean 4 年前
Xingwei Zhu 77ef9b1c Merge branch 'dev_1.17.5' of github.com:Unity-Technologies/com.unity.uiwidgets into fix_window_instance_null_crash 4 年前
GitHub 84b67d9e Merge pull request #145 from Unity-Technologies/dev_1.17.5 4 年前
xingweizhu 9411cdf2 add missing meta 4 年前
GitHub 3a524a58 Merge pull request #159 from Unity-Technologies/fix_yamato_issue 4 年前
guanghuispark a835d526 Merge branch 'master' into zgh/build_scripts 4 年前
guanghuispark 579bf3e0 Merge branch 'zgh/build_scripts' of github.com:Unity-Technologies/com.unity.uiwidgets into zgh/build_scripts 4 年前
guanghuispark d0b6e5fc Merge branch 'master' into zgh/devtools 4 年前
guanghuispark 9b5d28e8 Merge branch 'master' into zxw/devTools 4 年前
Xingwei Zhu bffa7eab update part of widget_inspector 4 年前
siyao fd824ab7 add touch 4 年前
siyao e6aa38bd fix 4 年前
xingweizhu f2b5f40f add dpr override setting 3 年前
Huidong Chen 3d114c56 Some really minor code improvement. 3 年前
Xingwei Zhu 858284c6 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Unity-Technologies/com.unity.uiwidgets into siyaoH/1.17/stream 3 年前
Xingwei Zhu 39ef25ad Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Unity-Technologies/com.unity.uiwidgets into stream/ide_fixes 3 年前
GitHub 095fdd15 Merge pull request #239 from Unity-Technologies/hdc/minor-user-invisible-fixes 3 年前
Xingwei Zhu 91c5af37 fix shortcuts for ide 3 年前
GitHub 81f7ced6 Merge pull request #241 from Unity-Technologies/fix_shortcuts 3 年前
Xingwei Zhu 2ef7bd56 add devicePixelRatioEditorOnlyOverride to EditorPanel, too 3 年前
GitHub 38e15ee1 Merge pull request #244 from Unity-Technologies/fix_sliver_bug 3 年前
Xingwei Zhu 6e38eedf fix editorwindow keyboard event error sound (ref https://answers.unity.com/questions/1244017/error-sound-on-key-input-editorwindow-ongui.html) 3 年前
GitHub 3b18bad1 Merge pull request #247 from Unity-Technologies/fix_alignment_issue 3 年前
Xingwei Zhu c1b898e5 expose onUpdate to editor panel 3 年前
GitHub f5b796b7 Merge pull request #250 from Unity-Technologies/fix_alignment_issue 3 年前
siyao 1ee7acf7 paste for runtime 3 年前
siyao e3c96460 paste for runtime and editor 3 年前
Xingwei Zhu 89042f04 enable wantsMouseMove events on editorWindow 3 年前
GitHub dae5c4b3 Merge pull request #253 from Unity-Technologies/fix_editorwindow_mousemove_event 3 年前
siyao 098e6ee0 Merge branch 'master' into siyaoH/1.17/rawTouches 3 年前
siyao 29a4f240 Merge branch 'siyaoH/1.17/rawTouches' into prepare_2.0.6 3 年前
Xingwei Zhu 588a4fd8 add event dispatcher that convert Unity Events (DragUpdate, DragRelease, DragExit) to PointerEvents (Mac side) 3 年前
Xingwei Zhu 2c11dd33 add unity object detector support 3 年前
Xingwei Zhu 2c8621a9 remove unnecessary comments 3 年前
Xingwei Zhu f6066cbc refine code 3 年前
GitHub 96bfc5f5 Merge pull request #268 from Unity-Technologies/zxw/support_editor_dragdrop 3 年前
siyao da847262 Merge branch 'master' into siyaoH/1.17/fixAndroid 3 年前
Xingwei Zhu 906429b5 fix warnings (step 1) 3 年前
GitHub 73e31786 Merge pull request #293 from Unity-Technologies/zxw/refine_codegen 3 年前