-- added HitReact state to CharacterSetController (triggered by "BeginHitReact")
-- Made everybody have a ClientCharacter component.
-- Added a ClientCharacter->ClientCharacterVisualization reference, so that you can
get the visual GameObject from a NetworkId.
-- Fixed issue where placed Boss wasn't on the right Layer, making him invincible.
-- Hooked up some very preliminary HitReact logic in ClientCharacterVisualization (will be refactored shortly as part of ActionVisualizer).
-- ChaseAction now rotates you to target even if you don't move.
-- ChaseAction no longer "inches forward" every time you attack.
-- MeleeAction now does a preliminary DetectFoe in Start. There's a lengthy comment explaining this, for educational purposes.
-- The TANK_BASEATTACK range has been tuned to look better.
-- ActionRequestData now checks which fields are "non-default" and uses that to populate a flags byte,...
Update to Dungeon layout including beginnings of Boss Area. Also, Interactive objects stubbed out. Additional tile pieces created. Arrow FX model added.