// Instead, we wait a bit for MLAPI to get its state organized, because we can't safely create entities in OnClientConnected().
// (Note: on further explortation, I think this is due to some sort of scene-loading synchronization: the new client is briefly
// "in" the lobby screen, but has already told the server it's in the game scene. Or something similar.)
// Note: this workaround doesn't help us when the client connects during the host's scene-load (i.e. when the Host is in char-gen
// screen and gets a new connection) and the ServerBossRoomState doesn't exist yet. That's an unrelated problem, and not an
// MLAPI issue! ... But it generates the same error message ("Cannot find pending soft sync object. Is the projects the same?")
// so wanted to mention it.
StartCoroutine(CoroSpawnPlayer(clientId)); |
} |