23 次代码提交 (ca46c99d-3cde-4531-b916-f97924ddd1b7)

作者 SHA1 备注 提交日期
DavidMohrhardt 2ea33649 adding Reference Sample Scene to build settings 5 年前
DavidMohrhardt af473929 Merge branch 'referencepoints-sample' into referencepoints-sample-2.1BP 5 年前
Mike Durand ca46c99d Updated package versions to 2019.3 verified versions. 5 年前
Mike Durand 6b1c9a8a Remove all files used by object tracking sample. 5 年前
DavidMohrhardt 872e8efc Introducing samples for ARFoundation 2.2 and ARKit 3. 5 年前
Todd Stinson a95ebaac Introducing samples for ARFoundation 2.2 and ARKit 3. 5 年前
Todd Stinson bd2e3eb6 Updating to Unity 2019.1.6f1. 5 年前
Tim Mowrer 74a703d8 Update ARKit face tracking to preview 6. 5 年前
Tim Mowrer 4edb96c0 Enable multithreaded rendering on Android 5 年前
Tim Mowrer 3733856a Update to latest packages 5 年前
Tim Mowrer 24a0ec90 Update PlaceOnPlane script to emulate touch with mouse clicks. 5 年前
Tim Mowrer 484d22f2 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Unity-Technologies/arfoundation-samples 5 年前
Tim Mowrer f2a316b6 Add a samples scene to check for device support. 5 年前
Mike Durand b0b86fef -Added Unity Companion License 5 年前
Tim Mowrer 7d5fe40f Remove legacyinputhelpers from the project's manifest. 5 年前
Mike Durand 98104fca -Updated version of arkit-face-traacking to match version published. 5 年前
Tim Mowrer 2200ecc3 Add Pause, Resume, and Reset buttons 5 年前
Mike Durand 83db745d Updated version of the ARKit plugin. 5 年前
Mike Durand 3a87f9da Updated ARCore package version to 2.1.0-preview.4. 5 年前
Mike Durand 465b6140 Merge from `Unity-Technologies/arfoundation-samples`. 5 年前
Todd Stinson 5cda1a25 Correcting a callback for the camera configuration dropdown widget. 5 年前
Todd Stinson d7bf57be Adding the ARCameraManager script to the AR Camera. 5 年前
Todd Stinson 17763bb4 Ensuring the scenes and settings are compatible with Unity 2019.1. 5 年前