192 次代码提交 (bcec0f39-1b06-47d2-8483-67545bc98b79)

作者 SHA1 备注 提交日期
Todd Stinson bcec0f39 Merge branch '1.5-preview' of github.cds.internal.unity3d.com:timm/arfoundation-samples into 1.5-preview 5 年前
Todd Stinson e1d5cc76 Adding explicit references to subsystemregistration and arsubsystems packages for now. 5 年前
Todd Stinson a0f02d9e Disabling all build scenes so Unity builds the currently loaded scene by default. 5 年前
Todd Stinson 1ed475ca Downgrading scenes and some settings for Unity 2018.3. 5 年前
Mike Durand 32215cd9 Downgraded project to 2018.4. 5 年前
Mike Durand 822ec75a Fixed package versions. 5 年前
Mike Durand b92a7688 Converted project to run on 2019.1 5 年前
Tim Mowrer c73be7f0 Update to 2019.2.0b1 5 年前
Tim Mowrer ba933bd2 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/2.1-preview' into 2.1-preview 5 年前
Todd Stinson 5265212c Adding the ObjectTracking scene to the available build list. 5 年前
Tim Mowrer 81d15c52 Fix image info prefab (was missing a material) 5 年前
Tim Mowrer 799a45de Remove (default) ARKit settings 5 年前
Tim Mowrer 6274be82 Remove obsolete link.xml 5 年前
Tim Mowrer 8061b4f9 Update ProjectSettings 5 年前
Tim Mowrer 98a0f3cb Update other manifest dependencies (auto updated) 5 年前
Tim Mowrer 82f2bf02 Update package dependencies to include test-framework, now a separate package. 5 年前
Tim Mowrer c1ad43b7 Ignore vscode files 5 年前
Tim Mowrer 5e8d9830 Add printable templates so users can make their object 3D objects 5 年前
Tim Mowrer 31bbe8cc Merge branch '2.1-preview' into 2.1-preview-object-tracking 5 年前
Tim Mowrer 8e29fcba Update project settings 5 年前
Tim Mowrer 41b28fd7 Update manifest 5 年前
Tim Mowrer b59aa422 Remove unused material 5 年前
Tim Mowrer 93ea9332 Merge branch 'image-tracking-improvements' into 2.1-preview 5 年前
Tim Mowrer 7e5ff855 Replace PNGs with JPEGs to make ARKit happy 5 年前
Tim Mowrer 100427ef Print the reference image's name, instead of trackableId 5 年前
Tim Mowrer b02704a4 Just use Rafflesia -- ARKit doesn't seem to like the Unity logo 5 年前
Tim Mowrer 35e828cb Display full dimensions (not just width) in centimeters 5 年前
Tim Mowrer 365ba3d3 Update sample to use stored texture if available. 5 年前
Todd Stinson 6e44ca68 Resurrecting the camera image scene with the new camera image functionality. 5 年前
Tim Mowrer a4b59750 Add an object tracking sample scene 5 年前
Tim Mowrer 25e538a5 Update reference library after workflow changes 5 年前
Todd Stinson 26aaae60 Merging branch '2.0' -> 2.1-preview 5 年前
Tim Mowrer 7185d475 Target iOS version 11 5 年前
Tim Mowrer 443cf42e Merge branch '2.1-preview-environment-probes' into 2.1-preview 5 年前
Tim Mowrer 87f7d1a4 Update readme 5 年前
Tim Mowrer 20ae9c96 Update graphics settings 5 年前
Tim Mowrer b3267d9c Remove special handling of max num tracked images as it is now part of the subsystem 5 年前
Tim Mowrer 43b6ce2e Add an environment probe sample scene 5 年前
Tim Mowrer b5e61682 Add image tracking sample and assets 5 年前
Tim Mowrer f5359a7d Update project settings 5 年前
Tim Mowrer 6a484668 Add a sample showing ARCore face regions 5 年前
Tim Mowrer 3f03700f Update project manifest to point to the 2.0 packages 5 年前
Tim Mowrer 05d4be86 Add face tracking samples from the original samples repo 5 年前
Tim Mowrer 0b1815e7 Update to 2019.2.0a8 5 年前
Tim Mowrer ed830459 Update scripts to new API 5 年前
Tim Mowrer 8fb8c28d Update to 2019.2.0a7 5 年前
Tim Mowrer b62aa0cc Add new components (ARInputManager, ARCameraManager, ARRaycastManager) to scenes 5 年前
Tim Mowrer 475f7859 Remove (temporarily) unsupported samples 5 年前
Tim Mowrer 7833d45f Re-populate UI.Text fields in the LightEstimation sample 5 年前
GitHub Enterprise be4badfc Merge pull request #2 from timm/scale 5 年前