8 次代码提交 (release-2019.4-LTS)

作者 SHA1 备注 提交日期
Andrem 32e768f1 Bump com.unity.memoryprofiler to 0.2.9-preview.3 (#143) 3 年前
Andrem 3ff78b82 Graphics: Check B10G11R11 support for HDR format (#141) 3 年前
Andre McGrail 928fffba Changed Lod Lightmaps to run only in editor and only when needed (#118) 4 年前
Andre McGrail 2d3b0e44 Clean up 4 年前
Andre McGrail d68486de Fixed issue with URP 10.x.x conflicting with SurfaceData struct 4 年前
Andre McGrail 508799c1 the water mesh now is transformed with the same scaling as the gameobject it is on (#105) 4 年前
Andre McGrail a6b4cbaa Bugfix/caustics (#104) 4 年前
Andre McGrail dd954d16 Updated zip in readme 4 年前