via Git:
1. Make sure you have GitLFS installed, check [here ]( ) for details.
2. Clone the repo as usual via cmd/terminal or in your favourite Git GUI software.
3. Checkout the branch that matches the Unity verison you are using, eg `release/2019.3 `
3. Checkout the branch that matches the Unity verison you are using, eg `release/2019.4 `
1. [2019.3 Project (Unity 2019.3f5) ]( /view?usp=sharing )
1. [2019.4 Project (Unity 2019.4.2f1) ]( /view?usp=sharing )
#### Load the project:
Once you have the project files locally you can load the project, ideally in the Unity version that is noted in the `ProjectSettings/ProjectVersion.txt` for the best experience.