* Added small internal cooldown to PlayLandParticlesAction StateAction
Whenever the PlayLandParticlesAction StateAction is exited by the state machine, it checks if total elapsed time is greater then the total elapsed time of the last particle call + a small amount.
If so, only then do we tell the DustParticle Controller to play, and we also set the new time to beat to be the current time.
* Update PlayLandParticlesActionSO.cs
Removed the unnecessarily verbose extra function
Co-authored-by: Ciro Continisio <ciro@unity3d.com>
LocalizeTMProFontEvent.cs - Component to localize a TMP_FontAsset
LocalizeComponent_TMProFont.cs - TextmeshProUGUI context menu "Localize String And Font"
- Logic is now split into sub components: Genera, Graphics, Audio and Input (currently empty as input system is wip)
- The settings system class can be used to get information from all sub components, a distributor
- Fixed an issue with Screen resolution not being correct when in windowed mode (Screen.currentResolution gives back desktop resolution when in windowed mode)
- Added Input UI elements which are placeholders for now, once the input system is done this can be populated like the other settings sub components
- Implemented General tab - Language setting
- Implemented Graphics tab - Graphics Presets, Resolution (all supported resolutions on users device), fullscreen mode settings
- Implemented Advanced Graphics - Anisotropic filtering, Anti-Aliasing, Shadow Distance, Shadow Quality settings
- Implemented Audio tab - Music Volume, Sfx Volume settings
- Moved SettingsSystem scripts to Scripts/Systems/Settings (if we use asmdef files in the future this hiararchy might be better than throwin every script under the scripts folder)
- Added scriptable object which holds graphics presets
- Updated SettingsSystem script to utilize the presets object