主题必须以中文或者字母或数字开头,可以包含连字符 (-),并且长度不得超过35个字符
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181 行
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using System.Collections.Generic;
using Unity.Networking.Transport;
namespace LobbyRelaySample.relay
/// <summary>
/// In addition to maintaining a heartbeat with the Relay server to keep it from timing out, the host player must pass network events
/// from clients to all other clients, since they don't connect to each other.
/// </summary>
public class RelayUtpHost : RelayUtpClient, IReceiveMessages
public override void Initialize(NetworkDriver networkDriver, List<NetworkConnection> connections, LobbyUser localUser, LocalLobby localLobby)
base.Initialize(networkDriver, connections, localUser, localLobby);
m_hasSentInitialMessage = true; // The host will be alone in the lobby at first, so they need not send any messages right away.
protected override void Uninitialize()
protected override void OnUpdate()
if (!m_IsRelayConnected) // If Relay was disconnected somehow, stop taking actions that will keep the allocation alive.
/// <summary>
/// When a new client connects, first determine if they are allowed to do so.
/// If so, they need to be updated with the current state of everyone else.
/// If not, they should be informed and rejected.
/// </summary>
private void OnNewConnection(NetworkConnection conn, string id)
new RelayPendingApproval(conn, NewConnectionApprovalResult, id);
private void NewConnectionApprovalResult(NetworkConnection conn, Approval result)
WriteByte(m_networkDriver, conn, m_localUser.ID, MsgType.PlayerApprovalState, (byte)result);
if (result == Approval.OK && conn.IsCreated)
foreach (var user in m_localLobby.LobbyUsers)
ForceFullUserUpdate(m_networkDriver, conn, user.Value);
protected override bool CanProcessDataEventFor(NetworkConnection conn, MsgType type, string id)
// Don't send through data from one client to everyone else if they haven't been approved yet. (They should also not be sending data if not approved, so this is a backup.)
return id != m_localUser.ID && (m_localLobby.LobbyUsers.ContainsKey(id) && m_connections.Contains(conn) || type == MsgType.NewPlayer);
protected override void ProcessNetworkEventDataAdditional(NetworkConnection conn, MsgType msgType, string id)
// Forward messages from clients to other clients.
if (msgType == MsgType.PlayerName)
string name = m_localLobby.LobbyUsers[id].DisplayName;
foreach (NetworkConnection otherConn in m_connections)
if (otherConn == conn)
WriteString(m_networkDriver, otherConn, id, msgType, name);
else if (msgType == MsgType.Emote || msgType == MsgType.ReadyState)
byte value = msgType == MsgType.Emote ? (byte)m_localLobby.LobbyUsers[id].Emote : (byte)m_localLobby.LobbyUsers[id].UserStatus;
foreach (NetworkConnection otherConn in m_connections)
if (otherConn == conn)
WriteByte(m_networkDriver, otherConn, id, msgType, value);
else if (msgType == MsgType.NewPlayer)
OnNewConnection(conn, id);
else if (msgType == MsgType.PlayerDisconnect) // Clients message the host when they intend to disconnect, or else the host ends up keeping the connection open.
UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning("Disconnecting a client due to a disconnect message.");
// If a client has changed state, check if this changes whether all players have readied.
if (msgType == MsgType.ReadyState)
protected override void ProcessDisconnectEvent(NetworkConnection conn, DataStreamReader strm)
// When a disconnect from the host occurs, no additional action is required. This override just prevents the base behavior from occurring.
// TODO: If a client disconnects, see if remaining players are all already ready.
UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("Client disconnected!");
public void OnReceiveMessage(MessageType type, object msg)
if (type == MessageType.LobbyUserStatus)
else if (type == MessageType.EndGame) // This assumes that only the host will have the End Game button available; otherwise, clients need to be able to send this message, too.
foreach (NetworkConnection connection in m_connections)
WriteByte(m_networkDriver, connection, m_localUser.ID, MsgType.EndInGame, 0);
private void CheckIfAllUsersReady()
bool haveAllReadied = true;
foreach (var user in m_localLobby.LobbyUsers)
if (user.Value.UserStatus != UserStatus.Ready)
{ haveAllReadied = false;
if (haveAllReadied && m_localLobby.State == LobbyState.Lobby) // Need to notify both this client and all others that all players have readied.
Locator.Get.Messenger.OnReceiveMessage(MessageType.StartCountdown, null);
foreach (NetworkConnection connection in m_connections)
WriteByte(m_networkDriver, connection, m_localUser.ID, MsgType.StartCountdown, 0);
else if (!haveAllReadied && m_localLobby.State == LobbyState.CountDown) // Someone cancelled during the countdown, so abort the countdown.
Locator.Get.Messenger.OnReceiveMessage(MessageType.CancelCountdown, null);
foreach (NetworkConnection connection in m_connections)
WriteByte(m_networkDriver, connection, m_localUser.ID, MsgType.CancelCountdown, 0);
/// <summary>
/// In an actual game, after the countdown, there would be some step here where the host and all clients sync up on game state, load assets, etc.
/// Here, we will instead just signal an "in-game" state that can be ended by the host.
/// </summary>
public void SendInGameState()
Locator.Get.Messenger.OnReceiveMessage(MessageType.ConfirmInGameState, null);
foreach (NetworkConnection connection in m_connections)
WriteByte(m_networkDriver, connection, m_localUser.ID, MsgType.ConfirmInGame, 0);
/// <summary>
/// Clean out destroyed connections, and accept all new ones.
/// </summary>
private void UpdateConnections()
for (int c = m_connections.Count - 1; c >= 0; c--)
if (!m_connections[c].IsCreated)
while (true)
var conn = m_networkDriver.Accept(); // Note that since we pumped the event queue earlier in Update, m_networkDriver has been updated already this frame.
if (!conn.IsCreated) // "Nothing more to accept" is signalled by returning an invalid connection from Accept.
// Although the connection is created (i.e. Accepted), we still need to approve it, which will trigger when receiving the NewPlayer message from that client.
public override void Leave()
foreach (NetworkConnection connection in m_connections)
connection.Disconnect(m_networkDriver); // Note that Lobby won't receive the disconnect immediately, so its auto-disconnect takes 30-40s, if needed.
m_localLobby.RelayServer = null;