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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace LobbyRelaySample
/// <summary>
/// Anything which provides itself to a Locator can then be globally accessed. This should be a single access point for things that *want* to be singleton (that is,
/// when they want to be available for use by arbitrary, unknown clients) but might not always be available or might need alternate flavors for tests, logging, etc.
/// (See http://gameprogrammingpatterns.com/service-locator.html to learn more.)
/// </summary>
public class Locator : LocatorBase
private static Locator s_instance;
public static Locator Get
if (s_instance == null)
s_instance = new Locator();
return s_instance;
protected override void FinishConstruction()
s_instance = this;
/// <summary>
/// Allows Located services to transfer data to their replacements if needed.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">The base interface type you want to Provide.</typeparam>
public interface IProvidable<T>
void OnReProvided(T previousProvider);
/// <summary>
/// Base Locator behavior, without static access.
/// </summary>
public class LocatorBase
private Dictionary<Type, object> m_provided = new Dictionary<Type, object>();
/// <summary>
/// On construction, we can prepare default implementations of any services we expect to be required. This way, if for some reason the actual implementations
/// are never Provided (e.g. for tests), nothing will break.
/// </summary>
public LocatorBase()
Provide(new Messenger());
Provide(new UpdateSlowNoop());
Provide(new ngo.InGameInputHandlerNoop());
protected virtual void FinishConstruction() { }
/// <summary>
/// Call this to indicate that something is available for global access.
/// </summary>
private void ProvideAny<T>(T instance) where T : IProvidable<T>
Type type = typeof(T);
if (m_provided.ContainsKey(type))
var previousProvision = (T)m_provided[type];
m_provided.Add(type, instance);
/// <summary>
/// If a T has previously been Provided, this will retrieve it. Else, null is returned.
/// </summary>
private T Locate<T>() where T : class
Type type = typeof(T);
if (!m_provided.ContainsKey(type))
return null;
return m_provided[type] as T;
// To limit global access to only components that should have it, and to reduce programmer error, we'll declare explicit flavors of Provide and getters for them.
public IMessenger Messenger => Locate<IMessenger>();
public void Provide(IMessenger messenger) { ProvideAny(messenger); }
public IUpdateSlow UpdateSlow => Locate<IUpdateSlow>();
public void Provide(IUpdateSlow updateSlow) { ProvideAny(updateSlow); }
public ngo.IInGameInputHandler InGameInputHandler => Locate<ngo.IInGameInputHandler>();
public void Provide(ngo.IInGameInputHandler inputHandler) { ProvideAny(inputHandler); }
// As you add more Provided types, be sure their default implementations are included in the constructor.