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ROS–Unity Integration: Subscriber

Create a simple Unity scene which subscribes to a ROS topic to change the colour of a GameObject.

NOTE: If following from Publisher tutorial proceed to Setting Up Unity Scene step.

Setting Up ROS

(You can skip this if you already did the ROS–Unity Integration Publisher tutorial.)

  • Copy the tutorials/ros_packages/robotics_demo folder of this repo into the src folder in your Catkin workspace.

  • Follow the ROS–Unity Initial Setup guide.

  • Open a new terminal window, navigate to your Catkin workspace, and run the following commands:

     source devel/setup.bash
     rosrun robotics_demo server_endpoint.py

Once the server_endpoint has started, it will print something similar to [INFO] [1603488341.950794]: Starting server on

Setting Up Unity Scene

  • Generate the C# code for UnityColor message by going to RosMessageGeneration -> AutoGenerateMessages -> Single Message...
  • Set the input file path to PATH/TO/Unity-Robotics-Hub/tutorials/ros_packages/robotics_demo/msg/UnityColor.msg and click GENERATE!
    • The generated file will be saved in the default directory Assets/RosMessages/msg
  • Create a script and name it RosSubscriberExample.cs
  • Paste the following code into RosSubscriberExample.cs
    • Note Script can be found at tutorials/ros_unity_integration/unity_scripts
using UnityEngine;
using RosColor = RosMessageTypes.RoboticsDemo.UnityColor;

public class RosSubscriberExample : MonoBehaviour
    public ROSConnection ros;
    public GameObject cube;

    void Start()
        ros.Subscribe<RosColor>("color", ColorChange);

    void ColorChange(RosColor colorMessage)
        cube.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color = new Color32((byte)colorMessage.r, (byte)colorMessage.g, (byte)colorMessage.b, (byte)colorMessage.a);
  • Create an empty GameObject, name it RosConnection and attach the Plugins/TcpConnector/ROSConnection script. (Or, if you're reusing the same scene from the Publisher tutorial, you can just keep the existing RosConnection object.)

    • Change the host name and port to match the ROS IP and port variables defined when you set up ROS.
    • The IP for Unity to listen on should be determined automatically, but if you're having trouble, you can set it manually in the Override Unity IP field. Finding the IP address of your local machine (the one running Unity) depends on your operating system.
      • On a Mac, open System Preferences > Network. Your IP address should be listed on the active connection.
      • On Windows, click the Wi-Fi icon on the taskbar, and open Properties. Your IP address should be listed near the bottom, next to "IPv4 address."
  • Create an empty GameObject and name it RosSubscriber

  • Attach the RosSubscriberExample script to the RosSubscriber GameObject, drag the cube GameObject onto the cube parameter in the Inspector window and the RosConnection object onto the ros parameter.

  • Press play in the editor

In ROS Terminal Window

  • After the scene has entered Play mode, run the following command: rosrun robotics_demo color_publisher.py to change the color of the cube GameObject in Unity to a random color

Continue to the ROS–Unity Integration Service.