本项目演示如何创建自己的顶点动画着色器。场景不使用任何纹理或动画资源,所有内容都使用Shader Graph进行着色和动画处理。
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title: 'Lightweight RP (Preview) '
- heading: Lightweight Render Pipeline
text: 'The Lightweight Scriptable Render Pipeline is currently still in development.
At this stage we are seeking feedback on the feature, but it should be considered
incomplete and subject to changes (API, UX, scope). As such, it is not covered
by regular Unity support. Please direct any questions to the:'
linkText: Preview Forum
url: 'https://forum.unity.com/categories/betas-experimental-features.86/'
- heading:
text: 'This template is a good starting point for developers focused on performance
and projects that use a primarily baked lighting solution. This template utilizes
the Lightweight Scriptable Render Pipeline, which is a single-pass forward renderer.
Using the Lightweight pipeline will decrease the draw call count on your project
making it an ideal solution for lower-end hardware. '
- heading:
text: 'To read more about the Lightweight Render Pipeline check out the Scriptable
Render Pipeline wiki here: '
linkText: Scriptable Render Pipeline
url: https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/ScriptableRenderPipeline/wiki
- heading:
text: 'This project also includes the new shader graph tool. This tool allows
users to create shaders using a visual node editor instead of writing code.
Read more about the shader graph here: '
linkText: Shader Graph
url: https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/ShaderGraph/wiki
- heading:
text: 'This project also includes the new Post-Processing stack, several presets
to jump start development, and example content. To learn more about Post-Processing
please refer to the wiki page located here:'
linkText: Post-Processing
url: https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/PostProcessing/wiki
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