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#define PI 3.14159265359f
half MetallicSetup_Reflectivity()
return 1.0h - OneMinusReflectivityFromMetallic(_Metallic);
half3 LightweightBRDFDirect(half3 diffColor, half3 specColor, half smoothness, half RdotL)
half RdotLPow4 = Pow4(RdotL);
half LUT_RANGE = 16.0; // must match range in NHxRoughness() function in GeneratedTextures.cpp
// Lookup texture to save instructions
half perceptualRoughness = 1.0 - smoothness;
half specular = tex2D(unity_NHxRoughness, half2(RdotLPow4, perceptualRoughness)).UNITY_ATTEN_CHANNEL * LUT_RANGE;
return diffColor + specular * specColor;
return diffColor;
// Based on Minimalist CookTorrance BRDF
// Implementation is slightly different from original derivation: http://www.thetenthplanet.de/archives/255
// * NDF [Modified] GGX
// * Modified Kelemen and Szirmay-Kalos for Visibility term
// * Fresnel approximated with 1/LdotH
half3 LightweightBDRF(half3 diffColor, half3 specColor, half oneMinusReflectivity, half perceptualRoughness, half3 normal, half3 lightDirection, half3 viewDir)
half3 halfDir = Unity_SafeNormalize(lightDirection + viewDir);
half NoH = saturate(dot(normal, halfDir));
half LoH = saturate(dot(lightDirection, halfDir));
// Specular term
half roughness = perceptualRoughness * perceptualRoughness;
// GGX Distribution multiplied by combined approximation of Visibility and Fresnel
// See "Optimizing PBR for Mobile" from Siggraph 2015 moving mobile graphics course
// https://community.arm.com/events/1155
half a2 = roughness * roughness;
half d = NoH * NoH * (a2 - 1.h) + 1.00001h;
half LoH2 = LoH * LoH;
half specularTerm = a2 / ((d * d) * max(0.1h, LoH2) * (roughness + 0.5h) * 4);
// on mobiles (where half actually means something) denominator have risk of overflow
// clamp below was added specifically to "fix" that, but dx compiler (we convert bytecode to metal/gles)
// sees that specularTerm have only non-negative terms, so it skips max(0,..) in clamp (leaving only min(100,...))
#if defined (SHADER_API_MOBILE)
specularTerm = specularTerm - 1e-4h;
#if defined (SHADER_API_MOBILE)
specularTerm = clamp(specularTerm, 0.0, 100.0); // Prevent FP16 overflow on mobiles
return diffColor + specularTerm * specColor;
return diffColor;
half3 LightweightBRDFIndirect(half3 diffColor, half3 specColor, UnityIndirect indirect, float roughness, half grazingTerm, half fresnelTerm)
half3 c = indirect.diffuse * diffColor;
float surfaceReduction = 1.0 / (roughness * roughness + 1.0);
c += surfaceReduction * indirect.specular * lerp(specColor, grazingTerm, fresnelTerm);
return c;