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// This files include various function uses to evaluate material
// Lighting structure for light accumulation
// These structure allow to accumulate lighting accross the Lit material
// AggregateLighting is init to zero and transfer to EvaluateBSDF, but the LightLoop can't access its content.
struct DirectLighting
float3 diffuse;
float3 specular;
struct IndirectLighting
float3 specularReflected;
float3 specularTransmitted;
struct AggregateLighting
DirectLighting direct;
IndirectLighting indirect;
void AccumulateDirectLighting(DirectLighting src, inout AggregateLighting dst)
dst.direct.diffuse += src.diffuse;
dst.direct.specular += src.specular;
void AccumulateIndirectLighting(IndirectLighting src, inout AggregateLighting dst)
dst.indirect.specularReflected += src.specularReflected;
dst.indirect.specularTransmitted += src.specularTransmitted;
// Ambient occlusion helper
// Ambient occlusion
struct AmbientOcclusionFactor
float3 indirectAmbientOcclusion;
float3 directAmbientOcclusion;
float3 indirectSpecularOcclusion;
void GetScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusion(float2 positionSS, float NdotV, float perceptualRoughness, float ambientOcclusionFromData, float specularOcclusionFromData, out AmbientOcclusionFactor aoFactor)
// Note: When we ImageLoad outside of texture size, the value returned by Load is 0 (Note: On Metal maybe it clamp to value of texture which is also fine)
// We use this property to have a neutral value for AO that doesn't consume a sampler and work also with compute shader (i.e use ImageLoad)
// We store inverse AO so neutral is black. So either we sample inside or outside the texture it return 0 in case of neutral
// Ambient occlusion use for indirect lighting (reflection probe, baked diffuse lighting)
float indirectAmbientOcclusion = 1.0 - LOAD_TEXTURE2D(_AmbientOcclusionTexture, positionSS).x;
// Ambient occlusion use for direct lighting (directional, punctual, area)
float directAmbientOcclusion = lerp(1.0, indirectAmbientOcclusion, _AmbientOcclusionParam.w);
float indirectAmbientOcclusion = 1.0;
float directAmbientOcclusion = 1.0;
float roughness = PerceptualRoughnessToRoughness(perceptualRoughness);
float specularOcclusion = GetSpecularOcclusionFromAmbientOcclusion(ClampNdotV(NdotV), indirectAmbientOcclusion, roughness);
aoFactor.indirectSpecularOcclusion = lerp(_AmbientOcclusionParam.rgb, float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), min(specularOcclusionFromData, specularOcclusion));
aoFactor.indirectAmbientOcclusion = lerp(_AmbientOcclusionParam.rgb, float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), min(ambientOcclusionFromData, indirectAmbientOcclusion));
aoFactor.directAmbientOcclusion = lerp(_AmbientOcclusionParam.rgb, float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), directAmbientOcclusion);
void GetScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusionMultibounce(float2 positionSS, float NdotV, float perceptualRoughness, float ambientOcclusionFromData, float specularOcclusionFromData, float3 diffuseColor, float3 fresnel0, out AmbientOcclusionFactor aoFactor)
// Use GTAOMultiBounce approximation for ambient occlusion (allow to get a tint from the diffuseColor)
// Note: When we ImageLoad outside of texture size, the value returned by Load is 0 (Note: On Metal maybe it clamp to value of texture which is also fine)
// We use this property to have a neutral value for AO that doesn't consume a sampler and work also with compute shader (i.e use ImageLoad)
// We store inverse AO so neutral is black. So either we sample inside or outside the texture it return 0 in case of neutral
// Ambient occlusion use for indirect lighting (reflection probe, baked diffuse lighting)
float indirectAmbientOcclusion = 1.0 - LOAD_TEXTURE2D(_AmbientOcclusionTexture, positionSS).x;
// Ambient occlusion use for direct lighting (directional, punctual, area)
float directAmbientOcclusion = lerp(1.0, indirectAmbientOcclusion, _AmbientOcclusionParam.w);
float indirectAmbientOcclusion = 1.0;
float directAmbientOcclusion = 1.0;
float roughness = PerceptualRoughnessToRoughness(perceptualRoughness);
float specularOcclusion = GetSpecularOcclusionFromAmbientOcclusion(ClampNdotV(NdotV), indirectAmbientOcclusion, roughness);
aoFactor.indirectSpecularOcclusion = GTAOMultiBounce(min(specularOcclusionFromData, specularOcclusion), fresnel0);
aoFactor.indirectAmbientOcclusion = GTAOMultiBounce(min(ambientOcclusionFromData, indirectAmbientOcclusion), diffuseColor);
aoFactor.directAmbientOcclusion = GTAOMultiBounce(directAmbientOcclusion, diffuseColor);
void ApplyAmbientOcclusionFactor(AmbientOcclusionFactor aoFactor, inout BakeLightingData bakeLightingData, inout AggregateLighting lighting)
// Note: in case of Lit, bakeLightingData.bakeDiffuseLighting contain indirect diffuse + emissive,
// so Ambient occlusion is multiply by emissive which is wrong but not a big deal
bakeLightingData.bakeDiffuseLighting *= aoFactor.indirectAmbientOcclusion;
lighting.indirect.specularReflected *= aoFactor.indirectSpecularOcclusion;
lighting.direct.diffuse *= aoFactor.directAmbientOcclusion;
// mipmapColor is color use to store texture streaming information in XXXData.hlsl (look for DEBUGMIPMAPMODE_NONE)
void PostEvaluateBSDFDebugDisplay( AmbientOcclusionFactor aoFactor, BakeLightingData bakeLightingData, AggregateLighting lighting, float3 mipmapColor,
inout float3 diffuseLighting, inout float3 specularLighting)
if (_DebugLightingMode != 0)
// Caution: _DebugLightingMode is used in other part of the code, don't do anything outside of
// current cases
switch (_DebugLightingMode)
diffuseLighting = lighting.direct.diffuse + bakeLightingData.bakeDiffuseLighting;
//Compress lighting values for color picker if enabled
diffuseLighting = diffuseLighting / LUXMETER_COMPRESSION_RATIO;
specularLighting = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // Disable specular lighting
diffuseLighting = aoFactor.indirectAmbientOcclusion;
specularLighting = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // Disable specular lighting
diffuseLighting = aoFactor.indirectSpecularOcclusion;
specularLighting = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // Disable specular lighting
diffuseLighting = lighting.indirect.specularTransmitted;
diffuseLighting = lighting.indirect.specularReflected;
diffuseLighting = float3(
bakeLightingData.bakeShadowMask.r / 2 + bakeLightingData.bakeShadowMask.g / 2,
bakeLightingData.bakeShadowMask.g / 2 + bakeLightingData.bakeShadowMask.b / 2,
bakeLightingData.bakeShadowMask.b / 2 + bakeLightingData.bakeShadowMask.a / 2
specularLighting = float3(0, 0, 0);
break ;
else if (_DebugMipMapMode != DEBUGMIPMAPMODE_NONE)
diffuseLighting = mipmapColor;
specularLighting = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // Disable specular lighting