Boat Attack使用了Universal RP的许多新图形功能,可以用于探索 Universal RP 的使用方式和技巧。
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using UnityEngine;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using WaterSystem;
//using UnityEngine.Profiling;
using Unity.Jobs;
using Unity.Collections;
namespace BoatTutorial
//Generates the mesh that's below the water
public class ModifyBoatMesh
//The boat transform needed to get the global position of a vertice
private Transform boatTrans;
//The triangles belonging to the part of the boat that's under water
public TriangleData[] underWaterTriangleData;
//GerstnerWave specifics
Vector4[] _waveData;
int _waveCount;
bool _processing;
//ModifyBoatMesh specifics
Matrix4x4 boatTransformMatrix;
//Native Arrays
NativeArray<Vector3> boatVerts; // vert positions original mesh
NativeArray<int> boatTris; // list of vert indices making up the tris
NativeArray<Water.Wave> waveData; // Wave data from teh water system
NativeArray<Vector3> wavePos; // Array to stor post wave position calculation
NativeArray<Vector3> globalVertChecklist; // array for positions to height check
NativeArray<TriangleData> triData; // Final output of the job run, data used by boat physics
NativeArray<TriangleDataBase> triDataBase; // Intermediate output for the cut triangles
NativeArray<int> triDataBaseCount; // List of counts of triangles to calculate
NativeArray<VertexDataSet> oneAbove;
NativeArray<VertexDataSet> twoAbove;
NativeArray<Vector3> finalHightPosCheck;
JobHandle triDataFinalHandle; // final handle for job flow, needed for early cleanup/termination
public ModifyBoatMesh(GameObject boatObj, Mesh mesh)
//Wave data
_waveCount = Water.Instance._waves.Count;
waveData = new NativeArray<Water.Wave>(_waveCount, Allocator.Persistent);
for (var i = 0; i < waveData.Length; i++)
waveData[i] = Water.Instance._waves[i];
//Boat specific
boatTrans = boatObj.transform;
boatVerts = new NativeArray<Vector3>(mesh.vertices.Length, Allocator.Persistent);
for(var i = 0; i < boatVerts.Length; i++)
boatVerts[i] = mesh.vertices[i];
boatTris = new NativeArray<int>(mesh.triangles.Length, Allocator.Persistent);
for(var i = 0; i < boatTris.Length; i++)
boatTris[i] = mesh.triangles[i];
boatTransformMatrix = boatTrans.localToWorldMatrix;
//Jobs specific
wavePos = new NativeArray<Vector3>(128, Allocator.Persistent); // To store the waves between calcs
globalVertChecklist = new NativeArray<Vector3>(boatVerts.Length, Allocator.Persistent); // array to check initial verts(size )
triData = new NativeArray<TriangleData>(128, Allocator.Persistent);
triDataBase = new NativeArray<TriangleDataBase>(128, Allocator.Persistent);
triDataBaseCount = new NativeArray<int>(3, Allocator.Persistent); // 0=base, 1=one above, 2=two above
//VertexData for both one above and two above
oneAbove = new NativeArray<VertexDataSet>(32, Allocator.Persistent);
twoAbove = new NativeArray<VertexDataSet>(32, Allocator.Persistent);
finalHightPosCheck = new NativeArray<Vector3>(128, Allocator.Persistent);
public void BufferCleanup()
public IEnumerator ModifyBoatData()
while(_processing) yield return null;
_processing = true;
for (var i = 0; i < triDataBaseCount.Length; i++) triDataBaseCount[i] = 0;
///setup jobs
boatTransformMatrix = boatTrans.localToWorldMatrix;
//globalPos of verts
var localToWorld = new GlobalVertConversion(){inPos = boatVerts, outPos = globalVertChecklist, matrix = boatTransformMatrix};
//>>pass globalVertChecklist data to job2 for distance
var localToWorldHandle = localToWorld.Schedule(boatVerts.Length, 32);
// ///JOB02 - dependant on job1
// //Height of all global verts
// //>>pass data to job3
var heightPass1 = new GerstnerWavesJobs.HeightJob()
waveData = waveData,
waveCount = _waveCount,
position = globalVertChecklist,
time = Time.time,
outPosition = wavePos
//>>pass wavePos to job2
var heightPass1Handle = heightPass1.Schedule(globalVertChecklist.Length, 4, localToWorldHandle);
///JOB03 - dependant on job2
//Add triangles
//>>pass data to job4/minijob1/minijob2
var addTris = new AddTriangles()
wavePositions = wavePos,
globalVertexPos = globalVertChecklist,
boatTris = boatTris,
triDataBase = triDataBase,
triDataBaseCount = triDataBaseCount,
OneAbove = oneAbove,
TwoAbove = twoAbove
var addTrisHandle = addTris.Schedule(heightPass1Handle);
///Mini job - add triagles 1 above
var addOne = new OneAbove()
input = oneAbove,
inputCount = triDataBaseCount,
output = triDataBase
var addOneHandle = addOne.Schedule(addTrisHandle);
///Mini job - add triangles 2 above
var addTwo = new TwoAbove()
input = twoAbove,
inputCount = triDataBaseCount,
output = triDataBase
var addTwoHandle = addTwo.Schedule(addOneHandle);
var triDataSorting = new TriangleDataSorting()
input = triDataBase,
count = triDataBaseCount,
output = triData,
outputPos = finalHightPosCheck
var dependancy = JobHandle.CombineDependencies(addTrisHandle, addOneHandle, addTwoHandle);
var triDataSortingHandle = triDataSorting.Schedule(triDataBase.Length, 4, dependancy);
//Height of all add tirangles
var heightPass2 = new GerstnerWavesJobs.HeightJob()
waveData = waveData,
waveCount = _waveCount,
position = finalHightPosCheck,
time = Time.time,
outPosition = wavePos
var heightPass2Handle = heightPass2.Schedule(triData.Length, 4, triDataSortingHandle);
//Final height assignment
var triDataFinal = new TriangleFinalize()
inputPos = wavePos,
data = triData
triDataFinalHandle = triDataFinal.Schedule(triData.Length, 16, heightPass2Handle);
while(!triDataFinalHandle.IsCompleted) yield return new WaitForFixedUpdate();
///JOB04 - dependant on job3/minijob1/minijob2
///Wait for job 03
//Grab job 03's data
int len = addTris.triDataBaseCount[0] + (addTris.triDataBaseCount[1] * 2) + addTris.triDataBaseCount[2];
//Debug.Log("Triangles to process " + len + " Datasample=" + addTris.triDataBaseCount[0] + "," + addTris.triDataBaseCount[1] + "," + addTris.triDataBaseCount[2]);
NativeSlice<TriangleData> triSlice = new NativeSlice<TriangleData>(triData, 0, len);
underWaterTriangleData = triSlice.ToArray();
_processing = false;
//Do it again
//Job Get global positions to check
struct GlobalVertConversion : IJobParallelFor
public NativeArray<Vector3> inPos;
public NativeArray<Vector3> outPos;
public Matrix4x4 matrix;
public void Execute(int i)
outPos[i] = matrix.MultiplyPoint(inPos[i]);
struct AddTriangles : IJob
public NativeArray<Vector3> wavePositions;
public NativeArray<Vector3> globalVertexPos;
public NativeArray<int> boatTris;
public NativeArray<TriangleDataBase> triDataBase;
public NativeArray<int> triDataBaseCount;
//Two vert data out, one for add1 above and one for add two above
public NativeArray<VertexDataSet> OneAbove;
public NativeArray<VertexDataSet> TwoAbove;
public void Execute() // this has to process 3 verts at a time to make a tri calculation
VertexData[] vertData = new VertexData[3];
var triangle = new TriangleDataBase();
var vs = new VertexDataSet();
for(var i = 0; i < boatTris.Length; i += 3)
int countAboveWater = 3;
int id = i;
for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++)
//Save the data we need
vertData[x].distance = globalVertexPos[boatTris[id]].y - wavePositions[boatTris[id]].y;
if(vertData[x].distance < 0f)
vertData[x].index = x;
vertData[x].globalVertexPos = globalVertexPos[boatTris[id]];
case 3:
case 0:
Vector3 p1 = vertData[0].globalVertexPos;
Vector3 p2 = vertData[1].globalVertexPos;
Vector3 p3 = vertData[2].globalVertexPos;
Vector3 d = new Vector3(vertData[0].distance, vertData[1].distance, vertData[2].distance);
//Save the triangle
triangle.p1 = p1;
triangle.p2 = p2;
triangle.p3 = p3;
triangle.distance = d;
triangle.full = 1;
triDataBase[triDataBaseCount[0]] = triangle;
case 1:
Array.Sort(vertData, delegate(VertexData v1, VertexData v2){return v2.distance.CompareTo(v1.distance);});
vs.v1 = vertData[0];
vs.v2 = vertData[1];
vs.v3 = vertData[2];
OneAbove[triDataBaseCount[1]] = vs;
case 2:
Array.Sort(vertData, delegate(VertexData v1, VertexData v2){return v2.distance.CompareTo(v1.distance);});
vs.v1 = vertData[0];
vs.v2 = vertData[1];
vs.v3 = vertData[2];
TwoAbove[triDataBaseCount[2]] = vs;
struct OneAbove : IJob
public NativeArray<VertexDataSet> input;
public NativeArray<int> inputCount;
public NativeArray<TriangleDataBase> output;
public void Execute()
for(var i = 0; i < inputCount[1]; i++)
VertexDataSet vds = input[i];
//H is always at position 0
Vector3 H = vds.v1.globalVertexPos;
//Left of H is M
//Right of H is L
//Find the index of M
int M_index = vds.v1.index - 1;
if (M_index < 0)
M_index = 2;
//We also need the heights to water
float h_H = vds.v1.distance;
float h_M = 0f;
float h_L = 0f;
Vector3 M =;
Vector3 L =;
//This means M is at position 1 in the List
if (vds.v2.index == M_index)
M = vds.v2.globalVertexPos;
L = vds.v3.globalVertexPos;
h_M = vds.v2.distance;
h_L = vds.v3.distance;
M = vds.v3.globalVertexPos;
L = vds.v2.globalVertexPos;
h_M = vds.v3.distance;
h_L = vds.v2.distance;
//Now we can calculate where we should cut the triangle to form 2 new triangles
//because the resulting area will always form a square
//Point I_M
Vector3 MH = H - M;
float t_M = -h_M / (h_H - h_M);
Vector3 MI_M = t_M * MH;
Vector3 I_M = MI_M + M;
//Point I_L
Vector3 LH = H - L;
float t_L = -h_L / (h_H - h_L);
Vector3 LI_L = t_L * LH;
Vector3 I_L = LI_L + L;
//Save the data, such as normal, area, etc
//2 triangles below the water
TriangleDataBase tri1 = new TriangleDataBase();
tri1.p1 = M;
tri1.p2 = I_M;
tri1.p3 = I_L;
tri1.distance =;
tri1.full = 0;
output[inputCount[0] + i*2] = tri1;
TriangleDataBase tri2 = new TriangleDataBase();
tri2.p1 = M;
tri2.p2 = I_L;
tri2.p3 = L;
tri2.distance =;
tri2.full = 0;
output[inputCount[0] + i*2 + 1] = tri2;
struct TwoAbove : IJob
public NativeArray<VertexDataSet> input;
public NativeArray<int> inputCount;
public NativeArray<TriangleDataBase> output;
public void Execute()
for(var i = 0; i < inputCount[2]; i++)
VertexDataSet vds = input[i];
//H and M are above the water
//H is after the vertice that's below water, which is L
//So we know which one is L because it is last in the sorted list
Vector3 L = vds.v3.globalVertexPos;
//Find the index of H
int H_index = vds.v3.index + 1;
if (H_index > 2)
H_index = 0;
//We also need the heights to water
float h_L = vds.v3.distance;
float h_H = 0f;
float h_M = 0f;
Vector3 H =;
Vector3 M =;
//This means that H is at position 1 in the list
if (vds.v2.index == H_index)
H = vds.v2.globalVertexPos;
M = vds.v1.globalVertexPos;
h_H = vds.v2.distance;
h_M = vds.v1.distance;
H = vds.v1.globalVertexPos;
M = vds.v2.globalVertexPos;
h_H = vds.v1.distance;
h_M = vds.v2.distance;
//Now we can find where to cut the triangle
//Point J_M
Vector3 LM = M - L;
float t_M = -h_L / (h_M - h_L);
Vector3 LJ_M = t_M * LM;
Vector3 J_M = LJ_M + L;
//Point J_H
Vector3 LH = H - L;
float t_H = -h_L / (h_H - h_L);
Vector3 LJ_H = t_H * LH;
Vector3 J_H = LJ_H + L;
//Save the data, to be calculated later
//1 triangles below the water
TriangleDataBase tri1 = new TriangleDataBase();
tri1.p1 = L;
tri1.p2 = J_H;
tri1.p3 = J_M;
tri1.distance =; // not original points so need to recalc distance later
tri1.full = 0; // is not made up of original points
int offset = inputCount[0] + inputCount[1] * 2; // Offset index, after teh base count and the one above count * 2 since one above adds two tris
output[i + offset] = tri1;
struct TriangleDataSorting : IJobParallelFor
public NativeArray<TriangleDataBase> input;
public NativeArray<int> count;
public NativeArray<TriangleData> output;
public NativeArray<Vector3> outputPos;
public void Execute(int i)
int num = count[0] + count[1] * 2 + count[2];
if (i < num)
TriangleData triangleData = new TriangleData();
triangleData.p1 = input[i].p1;
triangleData.p2 = input[i].p2;
triangleData.p3 = input[i].p3;
//Center of the triangle = (input[i].p1 + input[i].p2 + input[i].p3) * 0.3333f;
triangleData.distanceToSurface = 0f;
//Normal to the triangle
triangleData.normal = Vector3.Cross(input[i].p2 - input[i].p1, input[i].p3 - input[i].p1).normalized;
//Area of the triangle
float a = Vector3.Distance(input[i].p1, input[i].p2);
float c = Vector3.Distance(input[i].p3, input[i].p1);
triangleData.area = (a * c * Mathf.Sin(Vector3.Angle(input[i].p2 - input[i].p1, input[i].p3 - input[i].p1) * Mathf.Deg2Rad)) * 0.5f;
triangleData.underWater = 1;
output[i] = triangleData;
outputPos[i] =;
struct TriangleFinalize : IJobParallelFor
public NativeArray<Vector3> inputPos;
public NativeArray<TriangleData> data;
public void Execute(int i)
TriangleData td = data[i];
td.distanceToSurface = Math.Abs( - inputPos[i].y);
data[i] = td;
//Display the underwater mesh
public void DisplayMesh(Mesh mesh, string name, List<TriangleData> triangesData)
List<Vector3> vertices = new List<Vector3>();
List<int> triangles = new List<int>();
//Build the mesh
for (int i = 0; i < triangesData.Count; i++)
//From global coordinates to local coordinates
Vector3 p1 = boatTrans.InverseTransformPoint(triangesData[i].p1);
Vector3 p2 = boatTrans.InverseTransformPoint(triangesData[i].p2);
Vector3 p3 = boatTrans.InverseTransformPoint(triangesData[i].p3);
triangles.Add(vertices.Count - 1);
triangles.Add(vertices.Count - 1);
triangles.Add(vertices.Count - 1);
//Remove the old mesh
//Give it a name = name;
//Add the new vertices and triangles
mesh.vertices = vertices.ToArray();
mesh.triangles = triangles.ToArray();
//Help class to store triangle data so we can sort the distances
private struct VertexData
//The distance to water from this vertex
public float distance;
//An index so we can form clockwise triangles
public int index;
//The global Vector3 position of the vertex
public Vector3 globalVertexPos;
private struct VertexDataSet
//set of vertdata to make tri
public VertexData v1;
public VertexData v2;
public VertexData v3;
//Intermediate TriangleDataBase
public struct TriangleDataBase
public Vector3 p1;
public Vector3 p2;
public Vector3 p3;
public Vector3 distance;
public int full;
//To save space so we don't have to send millions of parameters to each method
public struct TriangleData
//The corners of this triangle in global coordinates
public Vector3 p1;
public Vector3 p2;
public Vector3 p3;
//The center of the triangle
public Vector3 center;
//The distance to the surface from the center of the triangle
public float distanceToSurface;
//The normal to the triangle
public Vector3 normal;
//The area of the triangle
public float area;
public int underWater;