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169 行
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169 行
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using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Events;
public class SettingsAudioComponent : MonoBehaviour
[SerializeField] UISettingItemFiller _masterVolumeField;
[SerializeField] UISettingItemFiller _musicVolumeField;
[SerializeField] UISettingItemFiller _sfxVolumeField;
[SerializeField] UIGenericButton _saveButton;
[SerializeField] UIGenericButton _resetButton;
[SerializeField] private FloatEventChannelSO _masterVolumeEventChannel = default;
[SerializeField] private FloatEventChannelSO _sFXVolumeEventChannel = default;
[SerializeField] private FloatEventChannelSO _musicVolumeEventChannel = default;
private float _musicVolume { get; set; }
private float _sfxVolume { get; set; }
private float _masterVolume { get; set; }
private float _savedMusicVolume { get; set; }
private float _savedSfxVolume { get; set; }
private float _savedMasterVolume { get; set; }
int _maxVolume = 10;
public event UnityAction<float, float, float> _save = delegate { };
private void OnEnable()
_musicVolumeField._nextOption += IncreaseMusicVolume;
_musicVolumeField._previousOption += DecreaseMusicVolume;
_saveButton.Clicked += SaveVolumes;
_resetButton.Clicked += ResetVolumes;
_sfxVolumeField._nextOption += IncreaseSFXVolume;
_sfxVolumeField._previousOption += DecreaseSFXVolume;
_masterVolumeField._nextOption += IncreaseMasterVolume;
_masterVolumeField._previousOption += DecreaseMasterVolume;
private void OnDisable()
ResetVolumes(); // reset volumes on disable. If not saved, it will reset to initial volumes.
_musicVolumeField._nextOption -= IncreaseMusicVolume;
_musicVolumeField._previousOption -= DecreaseMusicVolume;
_saveButton.Clicked -= SaveVolumes;
_resetButton.Clicked -= ResetVolumes;
_sfxVolumeField._nextOption -= IncreaseSFXVolume;
_sfxVolumeField._previousOption -= DecreaseSFXVolume;
_masterVolumeField._nextOption -= IncreaseMasterVolume;
_masterVolumeField._previousOption -= DecreaseMasterVolume;
public void Setup(float musicVolume, float sfxVolume, float masterVolume)
_masterVolume = masterVolume;
_musicVolume = sfxVolume;
_sfxVolume = musicVolume;
_savedMasterVolume = _masterVolume;
_savedMusicVolume = _musicVolume;
_savedSfxVolume = _sfxVolume;
private void SetMusicVolumeField()
int paginationCount = _maxVolume + 1; // adding a page in the pagination since the count starts from 0
int selectedPaginationIndex = Mathf.RoundToInt(_maxVolume * _musicVolume);
string selectedOption = Mathf.RoundToInt(_maxVolume * _musicVolume).ToString();
_musicVolumeField.FillSettingField(paginationCount, selectedPaginationIndex, selectedOption);
private void SetSfxVolumeField()
int paginationCount = _maxVolume + 1;// adding a page in the pagination since the count starts from 0
int selectedPaginationIndex = Mathf.RoundToInt(_maxVolume * _sfxVolume);
string selectedOption = Mathf.RoundToInt(_maxVolume * _sfxVolume).ToString();
_sfxVolumeField.FillSettingField(paginationCount, selectedPaginationIndex, selectedOption);
private void SetMasterVolumeField()
int paginationCount = _maxVolume + 1;// adding a page in the pagination since the count starts from 0
int selectedPaginationIndex = Mathf.RoundToInt(_maxVolume * _masterVolume);
string selectedOption = Mathf.RoundToInt(_maxVolume * _masterVolume).ToString();
_masterVolumeField.FillSettingField(paginationCount, selectedPaginationIndex, selectedOption);
private void SetMusicVolume()
_musicVolumeEventChannel.RaiseEvent(_musicVolume);//raise event for volume change
private void SetSfxVolume()
_sFXVolumeEventChannel.RaiseEvent(_sfxVolume); //raise event for volume change
private void SetMasterVolume()
_masterVolumeEventChannel.RaiseEvent(_masterVolume); //raise event for volume change
private void IncreaseMasterVolume()
_masterVolume += 1 / (float)_maxVolume;
_masterVolume = Mathf.Clamp(_masterVolume, 0, 1);
private void DecreaseMasterVolume()
_masterVolume -= 1 / (float)_maxVolume;
_masterVolume = Mathf.Clamp(_masterVolume, 0, 1);
private void IncreaseMusicVolume()
_musicVolume += 1 / (float)_maxVolume;
_musicVolume = Mathf.Clamp(_musicVolume, 0, 1);
private void DecreaseMusicVolume()
_musicVolume -= 1 / (float)_maxVolume;
_musicVolume = Mathf.Clamp(_musicVolume, 0, 1);
private void IncreaseSFXVolume()
_sfxVolume += 1 / (float)_maxVolume;
_sfxVolume = Mathf.Clamp(_sfxVolume, 0, 1);
private void DecreaseSFXVolume()
_sfxVolume -= 1 / (float)_maxVolume;
_sfxVolume = Mathf.Clamp(_sfxVolume, 0, 1);
private void ResetVolumes()
Setup(_savedMusicVolume, _savedSfxVolume, _savedMasterVolume);
private void SaveVolumes()
_savedMasterVolume = _masterVolume;
_savedMusicVolume = _musicVolume;
_savedSfxVolume = _sfxVolume;
//save Audio
_save.Invoke(_musicVolume, _sfxVolume, _masterVolume);