Gameplay Ingredients是一组用于 Unity 游戏的运行时和编辑器工具:一组脚本的集合,可在制作游戏和原型时简化简单的任务。
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GitHub a25caceb Scene/Project Comments (#23) 4 年前
AdvancedHierarchyView Scene/Project Comments (#23) 4 年前
AssetFactory Better factorization for Creating Assets 6 年前
CheckWindow Single update for Rigs (#22) 4 年前
Comments Scene/Project Comments (#23) 4 年前
CustomInspectors Single update for Rigs (#22) 4 年前
Discover Fixes from Spaceship 4 年前
EditorSceneSetup Updated From Demo 5 年前
FindAndReplace Find and Replace : Result list enables selecting / focusing on objects 5 年前
GameViewLink Added Read only access to the link game view camera 5 年前
GlobalsDebugWindow Single update for Rigs (#22) 4 年前
IngredientsExplorer Single update for Rigs (#22) 4 年前
NewSceneWindow Disabled File/New Scene from Template for 2020.2 or newer (superseded by built-in scene templates) (#29) 4 年前
Pickup Added Callable to pickup item and effect 6 年前
PropertyDrawers Single update for Rigs (#22) 4 年前
Rigs Single update for Rigs (#22) 4 年前
SceneViewPOV Various Fixes 6 年前
SelectionHistory Merge pull request #4 from peeweek/feature/call-tree 5 年前
WelcomeScreen Refactor : Dependencies as OpenUPM references (#31) 4 年前
AdvancedHierarchyView.meta Editor Scene Setup base work + Hierarchy Hints base work 6 年前
AssetFactory.meta Better factorization for Creating Assets 6 年前
CheckWindow.meta Feature/check window (#21) 4 年前
Comments.meta Scene/Project Comments (#23) 4 年前
CustomInspectors.meta Folder Icons in Hierarchy 5 年前
Discover.meta Updated From Demo 5 年前
EditorSceneSetup.meta Editor Scene Setup base work + Hierarchy Hints base work 6 年前
FindAndReplace.meta Icons + Base work on Find and Replace 6 年前
GUIUtils.cs Scene/Project Comments (#23) 4 年前
GUIUtils.cs.meta Scene/Project Comments (#23) 4 年前
GameViewLink.meta Added First Person Controller, Full Screen Fade Manager (alongside with Manager system) + SceneView <-> GameView POV link 6 年前
GameplayIngredients-Editor.asmdef Single update for Rigs (#22) 4 年前
GameplayIngredients-Editor.asmdef.meta Big Refactor : Do not rely on UnityEvents Anymore 6 年前
GameplayIngredientsAssetPostprocessor.cs Fixed many errors of first import for project + Handling reimport 5 年前
GameplayIngredientsAssetPostprocessor.cs.meta Fixed many errors of first import for project + Handling reimport 5 年前
GlobalsDebugWindow.meta Globals Debug Window + Renamed OnGlobalLogic > GlobalLogic + Reset State Objects option in state machines + Fixes in TimerDisplayRig 5 年前
HiearchyItems.cs Added StateMachine creation functionality 5 年前
HiearchyItems.cs.meta Started adding node based stuff (not functional atm) 6 年前
IngredientsExplorer.meta Base Window 5 年前
MenuItems.cs Adding Help Items (#35) 4 年前
MenuItems.cs.meta Added Icons + Started working on Scene Logic Editor 6 年前
NewSceneWindow.meta Base Commit 5 年前
Pickup.meta Pickup Item display + base behaviour 6 年前
PlayFromHere.cs Fixed missing instigator calls + Inspector Logic fixes for Play From Here + 6 年前
PlayFromHere.cs.meta Play From Here + Toolbar now Scriptable 6 年前
PropertyDrawers.meta Big Refactor : Do not rely on UnityEvents Anymore 6 年前
Rigs.meta Single update for Rigs (#22) 4 年前
SceneViewPOV.meta Non functional work on POV 6 年前
SceneViewToolbar.cs Scene/Project Comments (#23) 4 年前
SceneViewToolbar.cs.meta Base work on SceneView Toolbar 6 年前
SelectionHistory.meta Editor Scene Setup base work + Hierarchy Hints base work 6 年前
WelcomeScreen.meta Startup Window 6 年前