* about to implement orientation cube
* oCube spawining works. ready to train
* working. about to try com
* ready for training
* add random rot on episode start
* feet now alternate but runs backwards
* still running with right leg in front
* increased joint strength to 40k
* removed texture example
* reduced maxAngVel, enabled enhanced determinism, cont spec
* rebuilt walker ragdoll to scale 1
* rebuilt ragdoll ready
* update walker pair prefab
* fixed bp heirarchy
* added trained model, renamed scene, usecollisioncallbacks
* updated dynamic platforms
* added dynamic walker tf file. max speed 5
* DynamicWalker working. has working nn file
* collect local rotations
* added new dynamic nn file
* hip facing reward
* Create WalkerDynamic.yaml
* fix hip rotation
* about to clean up code
* added dirIndicator and orentCubeGizmo
* clean up
* cleanup
* up...
To make the Unity ML-Agents Toolkit accessible to the global research and Unity
developer communities, we're attempting to create and maintain translations of
our documentation. We've started with translating a subset of the documentation
to one language (Chinese), but we hope to continue translating more pages and to
other languages. Consequently, we welcome any enhancements and improvements from
the community.