18 次代码提交 (bef5ae8e-6f5c-4319-9f45-d968c31419d7)

作者 SHA1 备注 提交日期
Ruo-Ping Dong bef5ae8e fix unregister agents 3 年前
Ruo-Ping Dong 9946d981 put team reward in decision steps 3 年前
Ruo-Ping Dong 596a540c use delegate to avoid agent-manager cyclic reference 3 年前
Ruo-Ping Dong 0006cd7f address comments 3 年前
Ruo-Ping Dong 41dc3e9e change method name to GetRegisteredAgents 3 年前
Ruo-Ping Dong ff4e57f2 fix setTeamReward 3 年前
Ruo-Ping Dong 8748f561 use 0 as default manager id 3 年前
Ruo-Ping Dong 759cf8a7 put team reward in decision steps 3 年前
Ruo-Ping Dong cd552a6a move manager 3 年前
Ruo-Ping Dong 5d10c019 remove manager from academy when dispose 3 年前
Ruo-Ping Dong 1945e1a8 check agent by agent.enabled 3 年前
Ruo-Ping Dong e470fa12 make global manager id 3 年前
Ruo-Ping Dong c8ac489e update PushBlockTeamManager 3 年前
Ruo-Ping Dong 34a67a8e fix passing manager id to trainer 3 年前
Ruo-Ping Dong ab4ec610 add maxstep to teammanager and hook to academy 3 年前
Ruo-Ping Dong c826f52c set team reward 3 年前
Ruo-Ping Dong 40766a36 add team reward field to agent and proto 3 年前
Ruo-Ping Dong 6f0bb2a4 add base team manager 3 年前