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using System;
using Room = Unity.Services.Rooms.Models.Room;
namespace LobbyRelaySample
/// <summary>
/// Keep updated on changes to a joined room.
/// FUTURE: Supposedly there will be an event-driven model soon, instead of having to poll a room?
/// </summary>
public class RoomsContentHeartbeat
private LobbyData m_lobbyData;
private LobbyUser m_localUser;
private bool m_isAwaitingQuery = false;
private bool m_shouldPushData = false;
public void BeginTracking(LobbyData lobby, LobbyUser localUser)
m_lobbyData = lobby;
m_localUser = localUser;
m_lobbyData.onChanged += OnLobbyDataChanged;
m_shouldPushData = true; // Ensure the initial presence of a new player is pushed to the room; otherwise, when a non-host joins, the LobbyData never receives their data until they push something new.
public void EndTracking()
m_shouldPushData = false;
if (m_lobbyData != null)
m_lobbyData.onChanged -= OnLobbyDataChanged;
m_lobbyData = null;
m_localUser = null;
private void OnLobbyDataChanged(LobbyData changed)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(changed.RoomID)) // When the player leaves, their LobbyData is cleared out but maintained.
m_shouldPushData = true;
public void OnUpdate(float dt)
if (m_isAwaitingQuery || m_lobbyData == null)
m_isAwaitingQuery = true; // Note that because we make async calls, if one of them fails and doesn't call our callback, this will never be reset to false.
if (m_shouldPushData)
void PushDataToRoom()
if (m_localUser == null)
m_isAwaitingQuery = false;
return; // Don't revert m_shouldPushData yet, so that we can retry.
m_shouldPushData = false;
if (m_localUser.IsHost)
void DoRoomDataPush()
RoomsQuery.Instance.UpdateRoomDataAsync(Lobby.ToLobbyData.RetrieveRoomData(m_lobbyData), () => { DoPlayerDataPush(); });
void DoPlayerDataPush()
RoomsQuery.Instance.UpdatePlayerDataAsync(Lobby.ToLobbyData.RetrieveUserData(m_localUser), () => { m_isAwaitingQuery = false; });
void OnRetrieve()
m_isAwaitingQuery = false;
Room room = RoomsQuery.Instance.CurrentRoom;
if (room == null) return;
bool prevShouldPush = m_shouldPushData;
var prevState = m_lobbyData.State;
Lobby.ToLobbyData.Convert(room, m_lobbyData, m_localUser);
m_shouldPushData = prevShouldPush; // Copying the room data to the local lobby likely caused a change in its observed data, which would prompt updating room data, but that's not necessary here.
if (prevState != LobbyState.Lobby && m_lobbyData.State == LobbyState.Lobby)
Locator.Get.Messenger.OnReceiveMessage(MessageType.ToLobby, null);
void CheckForRoomReady()
bool areAllPlayersReady = m_lobbyData.AllPlayersReadyTime != null;
if (areAllPlayersReady)
long targetTimeTicks = m_lobbyData.AllPlayersReadyTime.Value;
DateTime targetTime = new DateTime(targetTimeTicks);
if (targetTime.Subtract(DateTime.Now).Seconds < 0)
Locator.Get.Messenger.OnReceiveMessage(MessageType.Client_EndReadyCountdownAt, targetTime); // Note that this could be called multiple times.