您最多选择25个主题 主题必须以中文或者字母或数字开头,可以包含连字符 (-),并且长度不得超过35个字符

220 行
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Unity.Netcode;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using Random = UnityEngine.Random;
namespace LobbyRelaySample.ngo
/// <summary>
/// Handles selecting the randomized sequence of symbols to spawn. This also selects a subset of the selected symbols to be the target
/// sequence that each player needs to select in order.
/// </summary>
public class SequenceSelector : NetworkBehaviour, IReceiveMessages
[SerializeField] private SymbolData m_symbolData = default;
[SerializeField] private Image[] m_targetSequenceOutput = default;
public const int k_symbolCount = 200;
private bool m_hasReceivedTargetSequence = false; // TODO: Perhaps split up members by client vs. host?
private ulong m_localId;
private bool m_canAnimateTargets = false;
private List<int> m_fullSequence = new List<int>(); // This is owned by the host, and each index is assigned as a NetworkVariable to each SymbolObject.
private NetworkList<int> m_targetSequence; // This is owned by the host but needs to be available to all clients, so it's a NetworkedList here.
private Dictionary<ulong, int> m_targetSequenceIndexPerPlayer = new Dictionary<ulong, int>(); // Also owned by the host, indexed by client ID.
public void Awake()
m_targetSequence = new NetworkList<int>();
public override void OnDestroy()
public override void OnNetworkSpawn()
if (IsHost)
// Choose some subset of the list of symbols to be present in this game, along with a target sequence.
List<int> symbolsForThisGame = SelectSymbols(m_symbolData.m_availableSymbols.Count, 8);
// Then, ensure that the target sequence is present in order throughout most of the full set of symbols to spawn.
int numTargetSequences = (int)(k_symbolCount * 2/3f) / 3; // About 2/3 of the symbols will be definitely part of the target sequence.
for (; numTargetSequences >= 0; numTargetSequences--)
{ m_fullSequence.Add(m_targetSequence[2]); // We want a List instead of a Queue or Stack for faster insertion, but we will remove indices backwards so as to not reshift other entries.
// Then, fill in with a good mix of the remaining symbols.
AddHalfRemaining(3, 2);
AddHalfRemaining(4, 2);
AddHalfRemaining(5, 2);
AddHalfRemaining(6, 2);
AddHalfRemaining(7, 1);
void AddHalfRemaining(int symbolIndex, int divider)
int remaining = k_symbolCount - m_fullSequence.Count;
for (int n = 0; n < remaining / divider; n++)
int randomIndex = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, m_fullSequence.Count);
m_fullSequence.Insert(randomIndex, symbolsForThisGame[symbolIndex]);
m_localId = NetworkManager.Singleton.LocalClientId;
[ServerRpc(RequireOwnership = false)]
private void AddClient_ServerRpc(ulong id)
m_targetSequenceIndexPerPlayer.Add(id, 0);
// Very simple random selection. Duplicates are allowed.
private static List<int> SelectSymbols(int numOptions, int targetCount)
List<int> list = new List<int>();
for (int n = 0; n < targetCount; n++)
list.Add(UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, numOptions));
return list;
public void Update()
// We can't guarantee timing with the host's selection of the target sequence, so retrieve it once it's available.
if (!m_hasReceivedTargetSequence && m_targetSequence.Count > 0)
for (int n = 0; n < m_targetSequence.Count; n++)
m_targetSequenceOutput[n].sprite = m_symbolData.GetSymbolForIndex(m_targetSequence[n]);
m_hasReceivedTargetSequence = true;
ScaleTargetUi(m_localId, 0);
/// <summary>
/// If the index is correct, this will advance the current sequence index.
/// </summary>
public bool ConfirmSymbolCorrect(ulong id, int symbolIndex)
int index = m_targetSequenceIndexPerPlayer[id];
if (symbolIndex != m_targetSequence[index])
return false;
if (++index >= m_targetSequence.Count)
index = 0;
m_targetSequenceIndexPerPlayer[id] = index;
ScaleTargetUi_ClientRpc(id, index);
return true;
private void ScaleTargetUi_ClientRpc(ulong id, int sequenceIndex)
ScaleTargetUi(id, sequenceIndex);
private void ScaleTargetUi(ulong id, int sequenceIndex)
if (NetworkManager.Singleton.LocalClientId == id)
for (int i = 0; i < m_targetSequenceOutput.Length; i++)
m_targetSequenceOutput[i].transform.localScale = Vector3.one * (sequenceIndex == i || !m_canAnimateTargets ? 1 : 0.7f);
public int GetNextSymbol(int symbolObjectIndex)
return m_fullSequence[symbolObjectIndex];
public void OnReceiveMessage(MessageType type, object msg)
if (type == MessageType.InstructionsShown)
m_canAnimateTargets = true;
ScaleTargetUi(m_localId, 0);
/// <summary>
/// Used for the binary space partition (BSP) algorithm, which makes alternating "cuts" to subdivide rectangles.
/// </summary>
private struct RectCut
public Rect rect;
// The spawn region will be much taller than it is wide, so we'll do more horizontal cuts (instead of just alternating between horizontal and vertical).
public int cutIndex;
public bool isVertCut { get { return cutIndex % 3 == 2; } }
public RectCut(Rect rect, int cutIndex) { this.rect = rect; this.cutIndex = cutIndex; }
public RectCut(float xMin, float xMax, float yMin, float yMax, int cutIndex)
this.rect = new Rect(xMin, yMin, xMax - xMin, yMax - yMin);
this.cutIndex = cutIndex;
/// <summary>
/// Selects a randomized series of spawn positions within the provided xy-bounds, or just a simple grid of positions if selection fails.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="bounds">Rectangle of space to subdivide.</param>
/// <param name="extent">The minimum space between points, to ensure that spawned symbol objects won't overlap.</param>
/// <param name="count">How many positions to choose.</param>
/// <returns>Position list in arbitrary order.</returns>
public List<Vector2> GenerateRandomSpawnPoints(Rect bounds, float extent, int count = k_symbolCount)
int numTries = 3;
List<Vector2> points = new List<Vector2>();
while (numTries > 0)
Queue<RectCut> rects = new Queue<RectCut>();
rects.Enqueue(new RectCut(bounds, -1)); // Start with an extra horizontal cut since the space is so tall.
// For each rect, subdivide it with an alternating cut, and then enqueue for recursion until enough points are chosen or the rects are all too small.
// This ensures a reasonable distribution of points which won't cause overlaps, though it will not necessarily be uniform.
while (rects.Count + points.Count < count && rects.Count > 0)
RectCut currRect = rects.Dequeue();
bool isLargeEnough = (currRect.isVertCut && currRect.rect.width > extent * 2) || (!currRect.isVertCut && currRect.rect.height > extent * 2);
if (!isLargeEnough)
{ points.Add(currRect.rect.center);
float xMin = currRect.rect.xMin, xMax = currRect.rect.xMax, yMin = currRect.rect.yMin, yMax = currRect.rect.yMax;
if (currRect.isVertCut)
{ float cutPosX = Random.Range(xMin + extent, xMax - extent);
rects.Enqueue( new RectCut(xMin, cutPosX, yMin, yMax, currRect.cutIndex + 1) );
rects.Enqueue( new RectCut(cutPosX, xMax, yMin, yMax, currRect.cutIndex + 1) );
{ float cutPosY = Random.Range(yMin + extent, yMax - extent);
rects.Enqueue( new RectCut(xMin, xMax, yMin, cutPosY, currRect.cutIndex + 1) );
rects.Enqueue( new RectCut(xMin, xMax, cutPosY, yMax, currRect.cutIndex + 1) );
while (rects.Count > 0)
if (points.Count >= count)
return points;
Debug.LogError("Failed to generate symbol spawn points. Defaulting to a simple grid of points.");
int numPerLine = Mathf.CeilToInt(bounds.width / (extent * 1.5f));
for (int n = 0; n < count; n++)
points.Add(new Vector2(Mathf.Lerp(bounds.xMin, bounds.xMax, (n % numPerLine) / (numPerLine - 1f)), n / numPerLine * extent * 1.5f));
return points;