您最多选择25个主题 主题必须以中文或者字母或数字开头,可以包含连字符 (-),并且长度不得超过35个字符

212 行
9.1 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Unity.Netcode;
using UnityEngine;
namespace LobbyRelaySample.inGame
/// <summary>
/// Once the NetworkManager has been spawned, we need something to manage the game state and setup other in-game objects
/// that is itself a networked object, to track things like network connect events.
/// </summary>
public class InGameRunner : NetworkBehaviour, IInGameInputHandler
private Action m_onConnectionVerified, m_onGameEnd;
private int m_expectedPlayerCount; // Used by the host, but we can't call the RPC until the network connection completes.
private bool? m_canSpawnInGameObjects;
private Queue<Vector2> m_pendingSymbolPositions = new Queue<Vector2>();
private float m_symbolSpawnTimer = 0.5f; // Initial time buffer to ensure connectivity before loading objects.
private int m_remainingSymbolCount = 0; // Only used by the host.
[SerializeField] private NetworkObject m_playerCursorPrefab = default;
[SerializeField] private NetworkObject m_symbolContainerPrefab = default;
[SerializeField] private NetworkObject m_symbolObjectPrefab = default;
[SerializeField] private SequenceSelector m_sequenceSelector = default;
[SerializeField] private Scorer m_scorer = default;
[SerializeField] private SymbolKillVolume m_killVolume = default;
private Transform m_symbolContainerInstance;
private ulong m_localId; // This is not necessarily the same as the OwnerClientId, since all clients will see all spawned objects regardless of ownership.
private float m_timeout = 10;
public void Initialize(Action onConnectionVerified, int expectedPlayerCount, Action onGameEnd)
m_onConnectionVerified = onConnectionVerified;
m_expectedPlayerCount = expectedPlayerCount;
m_onGameEnd = onGameEnd;
m_canSpawnInGameObjects = null;
Locator.Get.Provide(this); // Simplifies access since some networked objects can't easily communicate locally (e.g. the host might call a ClientRpc without that client knowing where the call originated).
public override void OnNetworkSpawn()
if (IsHost)
m_localId = NetworkManager.Singleton.LocalClientId;
public override void OnNetworkDespawn()
m_onGameEnd(); // As a backup to ensure in-game objects get cleaned up, if this is disconnected unexpectedly.
private void FinishInitialize()
m_symbolContainerInstance = NetworkObject.Instantiate(m_symbolContainerPrefab).transform;
private void ResetPendingSymbolPositions()
for (int n = 0; n < SequenceSelector.k_symbolCount; n++)
// TEMP we need to do a BSP or some such to mix up the positions.
m_pendingSymbolPositions.Enqueue(new Vector2(-9 + (n % 10) * 2, n / 10 * 3));
/// <summary>
/// To verify the connection, invoke a server RPC call that then invokes a client RPC call.
/// </summary>
[ServerRpc(RequireOwnership = false)]
private void VerifyConnection_ServerRpc(ulong clientId)
// While we could start pooling symbol objects now, incoming clients would be flooded with the Spawn calls.
// This could lead to dropped packets such that the InGameRunner's Spawn call fails to occur, so we'll wait until all players join.
private void VerifyConnection_ClientRpc(ulong clientId)
if (clientId == m_localId)
/// <summary>
/// Once the connection is confirmed, check if all players have connected.
/// </summary>
[ServerRpc(RequireOwnership = false)]
private void VerifyConnectionConfirm_ServerRpc(ulong clientId)
NetworkObject playerCursor = NetworkObject.Instantiate(m_playerCursorPrefab);
playerCursor.name += clientId;
bool areAllPlayersConnected = NetworkManager.ConnectedClients.Count >= m_expectedPlayerCount; // The game will begin at this point, or else there's a timeout for booting any unconnected players.
VerifyConnectionConfirm_ClientRpc(clientId, areAllPlayersConnected);
private void VerifyConnectionConfirm_ClientRpc(ulong clientId, bool shouldStartImmediately)
if (clientId == m_localId)
if (shouldStartImmediately)
m_timeout = -1;
private void BeginGame()
m_canSpawnInGameObjects = true;
Locator.Get.Messenger.OnReceiveMessage(MessageType.GameBeginning, null); // TODO: Might need to delay this a frame to ensure the client finished initializing (since I sometimes hit the "failed to join" message even when joining).
public void Update()
if (m_timeout >= 0)
m_timeout -= Time.deltaTime;
if (m_timeout < 0)
// TODO: BSP for choosing symbol spawn positions?
// TODO: Remove the timer to test for packet loss.
void CheckIfCanSpawnNewSymbol()
if (!m_canSpawnInGameObjects.GetValueOrDefault() || m_remainingSymbolCount >= SequenceSelector.k_symbolCount || !IsHost)
if (m_pendingSymbolPositions.Count > 0)
m_symbolSpawnTimer -= Time.deltaTime;
if (m_symbolSpawnTimer < 0)
m_symbolSpawnTimer = 0.02f; // Space out the object spawning a little to prevent a lag spike.
if (m_remainingSymbolCount >= SequenceSelector.k_symbolCount)
m_canSpawnInGameObjects = false;
void SpawnNewSymbol()
int index = SequenceSelector.k_symbolCount - m_pendingSymbolPositions.Count;
Vector3 pendingPos = m_pendingSymbolPositions.Dequeue();
NetworkObject symbolObj = NetworkObject.Instantiate(m_symbolObjectPrefab);
symbolObj.name = "Symbol" + index;
symbolObj.TrySetParent(m_symbolContainerInstance, false);
symbolObj.transform.localPosition = pendingPos;
symbolObj.GetComponent<SymbolObject>().symbolIndex.Value = m_sequenceSelector.GetNextSymbol(index);
/// <summary>
/// Called while on the host to determine if incoming input has scored or not.
/// </summary>
public void OnPlayerInput(ulong id, SymbolObject selectedSymbol)
if (m_sequenceSelector.ConfirmSymbolCorrect(id, selectedSymbol.symbolIndex.Value))
public void OnSymbolDeactivated()
if (--m_remainingSymbolCount <= 0)
/// <summary>
/// The server determines when the game should end. Once it does, it needs to inform the clients to clean up their networked objects first,
/// since disconnecting before that happens will prevent them from doing so (since they can't receive despawn events from the disconnected server).
/// </summary>
private void EndGame_ServerRpc()
// TODO: Display results
private IEnumerator EndGame()
yield return null;
private void EndGame_ClientRpc()
if (IsHost)
public void OnReProvided(IInGameInputHandler previousProvider) { /*No-op*/ }