
moving files

Lasse Jon Fuglsang Pedersen 4 年前
共有 72 个文件被更改,包括 2525 次插入2489 次删除
  1. 912
  2. 107
  3. 93
  4. 185
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  22. 622
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using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Profiling;
using Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe;
using Unity.DemoTeam.DigitalHuman;
public class MeshLaplacian
namespace Unity.DemoTeam.DigitalHuman
public int internalCount;
public double[] vertexDifferentialX;
public double[] vertexDifferentialY;
public double[] vertexDifferentialZ;
public class MeshLaplacian
public int internalCount;
public double[] vertexDifferentialX;
public double[] vertexDifferentialY;
public double[] vertexDifferentialZ;
public class MeshLaplacianTransform
public int vertexCount;
public class MeshLaplacianTransform
public int vertexCount;
public int[] constraintIndices;
public double constraintWeight;
public int[] constraintIndices;
public double constraintWeight;
public SparseMatrix Ls;
public SparseMatrix Lc;
public SparseMatrix LcT;
public SparseMatrix LcT_Lc;
public SparseCholesky LcT_Lc_chol;
public SparseMatrix Ls;
public SparseMatrix Lc;
public SparseMatrix LcT;
public SparseMatrix LcT_Lc;
public SparseCholesky LcT_Lc_chol;
public MeshLaplacianTransform(MeshAdjacency meshAdjacency, int[] constraintIndices)
BuildFrom(meshAdjacency, constraintIndices);
public MeshLaplacianTransform(MeshAdjacency meshAdjacency, int[] constraintIndices)
BuildFrom(meshAdjacency, constraintIndices);
public void BuildFrom(MeshAdjacency meshAdjacency, int[] constraintIndices)
vertexCount = meshAdjacency.vertexCount;
public void BuildFrom(MeshAdjacency meshAdjacency, int[] constraintIndices)
vertexCount = meshAdjacency.vertexCount;
this.constraintIndices = constraintIndices.Clone() as int[];
this.constraintWeight = 1.0;
this.constraintIndices = constraintIndices.Clone() as int[];
this.constraintWeight = 1.0;
// count unconstrained laplacian non-zero fields
int nzmax = vertexCount;
for (int i = 0; i != vertexCount; i++)
nzmax += meshAdjacency.vertexVertices.lists[i].size;
// count unconstrained laplacian non-zero fields
int nzmax = vertexCount;
for (int i = 0; i != vertexCount; i++)
nzmax += meshAdjacency.vertexVertices.lists[i].size;
// build Ls
EditorUtilityProxy.DisplayProgressBar("MeshLaplacian", "build Ls", 0.0f);
var Ls_storage = new CoordinateStorage<double>(vertexCount, vertexCount, nzmax);
for (int i = 0; i != vertexCount; i++)// D
//TODO proper fix
//Ls_storage.At(i, i, meshAdjacency.vertexVertices.lists[i].size);
Ls_storage.At(i, i, Mathf.Max(1, meshAdjacency.vertexVertices.lists[i].size));
for (int i = 0; i != vertexCount; i++)// A
foreach (var j in meshAdjacency.vertexVertices[i])
Ls_storage.At(i, j, -1.0);
Ls = Converter.ToCompressedColumnStorage(Ls_storage) as SparseMatrix;
// build Ls
EditorUtilityProxy.DisplayProgressBar("MeshLaplacian", "build Ls", 0.0f);
var Ls_storage = new CoordinateStorage<double>(vertexCount, vertexCount, nzmax);
for (int i = 0; i != vertexCount; i++)// D
//TODO proper fix
//Ls_storage.At(i, i, meshAdjacency.vertexVertices.lists[i].size);
Ls_storage.At(i, i, Mathf.Max(1, meshAdjacency.vertexVertices.lists[i].size));
for (int i = 0; i != vertexCount; i++)// A
foreach (var j in meshAdjacency.vertexVertices[i])
Ls_storage.At(i, j, -1.0);
Ls = Converter.ToCompressedColumnStorage(Ls_storage) as SparseMatrix;
// build Lc
EditorUtilityProxy.DisplayProgressBar("MeshLaplacian", "build Lc", 0.0f);
var Lc_storage = new CoordinateStorage<double>(vertexCount + constraintIndices.Length, vertexCount, nzmax + constraintIndices.Length);
for (int i = 0; i != vertexCount; i++)
//TODO proper fix
//Lc_storage.At(i, i, meshAdjacency.vertexVertices.lists[i].size);
Lc_storage.At(i, i, Mathf.Max(1, meshAdjacency.vertexVertices.lists[i].size));
for (int i = 0; i != vertexCount; i++)
foreach (var j in meshAdjacency.vertexVertices[i])
Lc_storage.At(i, j, -1.0);
for (int i = 0; i != constraintIndices.Length; i++)
Lc_storage.At(vertexCount + i, constraintIndices[i], constraintWeight);
Lc = Converter.ToCompressedColumnStorage(Lc_storage) as SparseMatrix;
// build Lc
EditorUtilityProxy.DisplayProgressBar("MeshLaplacian", "build Lc", 0.0f);
var Lc_storage = new CoordinateStorage<double>(vertexCount + constraintIndices.Length, vertexCount, nzmax + constraintIndices.Length);
for (int i = 0; i != vertexCount; i++)
//TODO proper fix
//Lc_storage.At(i, i, meshAdjacency.vertexVertices.lists[i].size);
Lc_storage.At(i, i, Mathf.Max(1, meshAdjacency.vertexVertices.lists[i].size));
for (int i = 0; i != vertexCount; i++)
foreach (var j in meshAdjacency.vertexVertices[i])
Lc_storage.At(i, j, -1.0);
for (int i = 0; i != constraintIndices.Length; i++)
Lc_storage.At(vertexCount + i, constraintIndices[i], constraintWeight);
Lc = Converter.ToCompressedColumnStorage(Lc_storage) as SparseMatrix;
// build LcT
EditorUtilityProxy.DisplayProgressBar("MeshLaplacian", "build LcT", 0.0f);
LcT = Lc.Transpose() as SparseMatrix;
// build LcT
EditorUtilityProxy.DisplayProgressBar("MeshLaplacian", "build LcT", 0.0f);
LcT = Lc.Transpose() as SparseMatrix;
// build LcT_Lc
EditorUtilityProxy.DisplayProgressBar("MeshLaplacian", "build LcT_Lc", 0.0f);
LcT_Lc = LcT.Multiply(Lc) as SparseMatrix;
// build LcT_Lc
EditorUtilityProxy.DisplayProgressBar("MeshLaplacian", "build LcT_Lc", 0.0f);
LcT_Lc = LcT.Multiply(Lc) as SparseMatrix;
// build LcT_Lc_chol
EditorUtilityProxy.DisplayProgressBar("MeshLaplacian", "build LcT_Lc_chol", 0.0f);
LcT_Lc_chol = SparseCholesky.Create(LcT_Lc, ColumnOrdering.MinimumDegreeAtPlusA);
// build LcT_Lc_chol
EditorUtilityProxy.DisplayProgressBar("MeshLaplacian", "build LcT_Lc_chol", 0.0f);
LcT_Lc_chol = SparseCholesky.Create(LcT_Lc, ColumnOrdering.MinimumDegreeAtPlusA);
// done
// done
public void ComputeMeshLaplacian(MeshLaplacian meshLaplacian, MeshBuffers meshBuffers)
Debug.Assert(vertexCount == meshBuffers.vertexCount);
public void ComputeMeshLaplacian(MeshLaplacian meshLaplacian, MeshBuffers meshBuffers)
Debug.Assert(vertexCount == meshBuffers.vertexCount);
// Ls x = diffcoords
var vertexPositionX = new double[vertexCount];
var vertexPositionY = new double[vertexCount];
var vertexPositionZ = new double[vertexCount];
// Ls x = diffcoords
var vertexPositionX = new double[vertexCount];
var vertexPositionY = new double[vertexCount];
var vertexPositionZ = new double[vertexCount];
fixed (Vector3* src = meshBuffers.vertexPositions)
fixed (double* dstX = vertexPositionX)
fixed (double* dstY = vertexPositionY)
fixed (double* dstZ = vertexPositionZ)
for (int i = 0; i != vertexCount; i++)
dstX[i] = src[i].x;
dstY[i] = src[i].y;
dstZ[i] = src[i].z;
fixed (Vector3* src = meshBuffers.vertexPositions)
fixed (double* dstX = vertexPositionX)
fixed (double* dstY = vertexPositionY)
fixed (double* dstZ = vertexPositionZ)
for (int i = 0; i != vertexCount; i++)
dstX[i] = src[i].x;
dstY[i] = src[i].y;
dstZ[i] = src[i].z;
ArrayUtils.ResizeCheckedIfLessThan(ref meshLaplacian.vertexDifferentialX, vertexCount);
ArrayUtils.ResizeCheckedIfLessThan(ref meshLaplacian.vertexDifferentialY, vertexCount);
ArrayUtils.ResizeCheckedIfLessThan(ref meshLaplacian.vertexDifferentialZ, vertexCount);
ArrayUtils.ResizeCheckedIfLessThan(ref meshLaplacian.vertexDifferentialX, vertexCount);
ArrayUtils.ResizeCheckedIfLessThan(ref meshLaplacian.vertexDifferentialY, vertexCount);
ArrayUtils.ResizeCheckedIfLessThan(ref meshLaplacian.vertexDifferentialZ, vertexCount);
Ls.Multiply(vertexPositionX, meshLaplacian.vertexDifferentialX);
Ls.Multiply(vertexPositionY, meshLaplacian.vertexDifferentialY);
Ls.Multiply(vertexPositionZ, meshLaplacian.vertexDifferentialZ);
Ls.Multiply(vertexPositionX, meshLaplacian.vertexDifferentialX);
Ls.Multiply(vertexPositionY, meshLaplacian.vertexDifferentialY);
Ls.Multiply(vertexPositionZ, meshLaplacian.vertexDifferentialZ);
meshLaplacian.internalCount = vertexCount;
meshLaplacian.internalCount = vertexCount;
public void ResolveMeshBuffers(MeshBuffers meshBuffers, MeshLaplacian meshLaplacian)
Debug.Assert(vertexCount == meshBuffers.vertexCount);
Debug.Assert(vertexCount == meshLaplacian.internalCount);
public void ResolveMeshBuffers(MeshBuffers meshBuffers, MeshLaplacian meshLaplacian)
Debug.Assert(vertexCount == meshBuffers.vertexCount);
Debug.Assert(vertexCount == meshLaplacian.internalCount);
int constraintCount = constraintIndices.Length;
int constraintCount = constraintIndices.Length;
// c = 'm' spatial constraints [c0 c1 ... cm]
// Lc = [Ls I|0] where dim(I) = m
// Lc x = [diffcoords c]
// x* = (Lc^T Lc)^-1 Lc^T [diffcoords c]
var constrainedDifferentialX = new double[vertexCount + constraintCount];
var constrainedDifferentialY = new double[vertexCount + constraintCount];
var constrainedDifferentialZ = new double[vertexCount + constraintCount];
// c = 'm' spatial constraints [c0 c1 ... cm]
// Lc = [Ls I|0] where dim(I) = m
// Lc x = [diffcoords c]
// x* = (Lc^T Lc)^-1 Lc^T [diffcoords c]
var constrainedDifferentialX = new double[vertexCount + constraintCount];
var constrainedDifferentialY = new double[vertexCount + constraintCount];
var constrainedDifferentialZ = new double[vertexCount + constraintCount];
fixed (double* srcX = meshLaplacian.vertexDifferentialX)
fixed (double* srcY = meshLaplacian.vertexDifferentialY)
fixed (double* srcZ = meshLaplacian.vertexDifferentialZ)
fixed (double* dstX = constrainedDifferentialX)
fixed (double* dstY = constrainedDifferentialY)
fixed (double* dstZ = constrainedDifferentialZ)
UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(dstX, srcX, sizeof(double) * vertexCount);
UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(dstY, srcY, sizeof(double) * vertexCount);
UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(dstZ, srcZ, sizeof(double) * vertexCount);
fixed (double* srcX = meshLaplacian.vertexDifferentialX)
fixed (double* srcY = meshLaplacian.vertexDifferentialY)
fixed (double* srcZ = meshLaplacian.vertexDifferentialZ)
fixed (double* dstX = constrainedDifferentialX)
fixed (double* dstY = constrainedDifferentialY)
fixed (double* dstZ = constrainedDifferentialZ)
UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(dstX, srcX, sizeof(double) * vertexCount);
UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(dstY, srcY, sizeof(double) * vertexCount);
UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(dstZ, srcZ, sizeof(double) * vertexCount);
for (int k = 0; k != constraintCount; k++)
int j = constraintIndices[k];
dstX[vertexCount + k] = constraintWeight * meshBuffers.vertexPositions[j].x;
dstY[vertexCount + k] = constraintWeight * meshBuffers.vertexPositions[j].y;
dstZ[vertexCount + k] = constraintWeight * meshBuffers.vertexPositions[j].z;
for (int k = 0; k != constraintCount; k++)
int j = constraintIndices[k];
dstX[vertexCount + k] = constraintWeight * meshBuffers.vertexPositions[j].x;
dstY[vertexCount + k] = constraintWeight * meshBuffers.vertexPositions[j].y;
dstZ[vertexCount + k] = constraintWeight * meshBuffers.vertexPositions[j].z;
var LcT_constrainedDifferentialX = new double[vertexCount + constraintCount];
var LcT_constrainedDifferentialY = new double[vertexCount + constraintCount];
var LcT_constrainedDifferentialZ = new double[vertexCount + constraintCount];
var LcT_constrainedDifferentialX = new double[vertexCount + constraintCount];
var LcT_constrainedDifferentialY = new double[vertexCount + constraintCount];
var LcT_constrainedDifferentialZ = new double[vertexCount + constraintCount];
LcT.Multiply(constrainedDifferentialX, LcT_constrainedDifferentialX);
LcT.Multiply(constrainedDifferentialY, LcT_constrainedDifferentialY);
LcT.Multiply(constrainedDifferentialZ, LcT_constrainedDifferentialZ);
LcT.Multiply(constrainedDifferentialX, LcT_constrainedDifferentialX);
LcT.Multiply(constrainedDifferentialY, LcT_constrainedDifferentialY);
LcT.Multiply(constrainedDifferentialZ, LcT_constrainedDifferentialZ);
var resultPositionX = new double[vertexCount + constraintCount];
var resultPositionY = new double[vertexCount + constraintCount];
var resultPositionZ = new double[vertexCount + constraintCount];
var resultPositionX = new double[vertexCount + constraintCount];
var resultPositionY = new double[vertexCount + constraintCount];
var resultPositionZ = new double[vertexCount + constraintCount];
LcT_Lc_chol.Solve(LcT_constrainedDifferentialX, resultPositionX);
LcT_Lc_chol.Solve(LcT_constrainedDifferentialY, resultPositionY);
LcT_Lc_chol.Solve(LcT_constrainedDifferentialZ, resultPositionZ);
LcT_Lc_chol.Solve(LcT_constrainedDifferentialX, resultPositionX);
LcT_Lc_chol.Solve(LcT_constrainedDifferentialY, resultPositionY);
LcT_Lc_chol.Solve(LcT_constrainedDifferentialZ, resultPositionZ);
fixed (double* srcX = resultPositionX)
fixed (double* srcY = resultPositionY)
fixed (double* srcZ = resultPositionZ)
fixed (float* dstX = &meshBuffers.vertexPositions[0].x)
fixed (float* dstY = &meshBuffers.vertexPositions[0].y)
fixed (float* dstZ = &meshBuffers.vertexPositions[0].z)
const int dstStride = 3;// sizeof(Vector3) / sizeof(float)
for (int i = 0; i != vertexCount; i++)
dstX[i * dstStride] = (float)srcX[i];
for (int i = 0; i != vertexCount; i++)
dstY[i * dstStride] = (float)srcY[i];
for (int i = 0; i != vertexCount; i++)
dstZ[i * dstStride] = (float)srcZ[i];
fixed (double* srcX = resultPositionX)
fixed (double* srcY = resultPositionY)
fixed (double* srcZ = resultPositionZ)
fixed (float* dstX = &meshBuffers.vertexPositions[0].x)
fixed (float* dstY = &meshBuffers.vertexPositions[0].y)
fixed (float* dstZ = &meshBuffers.vertexPositions[0].z)
const int dstStride = 3;// sizeof(Vector3) / sizeof(float)
for (int i = 0; i != vertexCount; i++)
dstX[i * dstStride] = (float)srcX[i];
for (int i = 0; i != vertexCount; i++)
dstY[i * dstStride] = (float)srcY[i];
for (int i = 0; i != vertexCount; i++)
dstZ[i * dstStride] = (float)srcZ[i];
public class MeshLaplacianTransformROI
public int internalCount;
public int externalCount;
public class MeshLaplacianTransformROI
public int internalCount;
public int externalCount;
public int[] internalFromExternal;// [0..mesh.vertexCount]
public int[] externalFromInternal;// [0..internalCount]
public int[] internalFromExternal;// [0..mesh.vertexCount]
public int[] externalFromInternal;// [0..internalCount]
public int[] constraintIndices;
public double constraintWeight;
public int[] constraintIndices;
public double constraintWeight;
public SparseMatrix Ls;
public SparseMatrix Lc;
public SparseMatrix LcT;
public SparseMatrix LcT_Lc;
public SparseCholesky LcT_Lc_chol;
public SparseMatrix Ls;
public SparseMatrix Lc;
public SparseMatrix LcT;
public SparseMatrix LcT_Lc;
public SparseCholesky LcT_Lc_chol;
private int InternalValence(MeshAdjacency meshAdjacency, int i)
int n = 0;
foreach (var k in meshAdjacency.vertexVertices[externalFromInternal[i]])
if (internalFromExternal[k] != -1)
return n;
private int InternalValence(MeshAdjacency meshAdjacency, int i)
int n = 0;
foreach (var k in meshAdjacency.vertexVertices[externalFromInternal[i]])
if (internalFromExternal[k] != -1)
return n;
public MeshLaplacianTransformROI(MeshAdjacency meshAdjacency, int[] roiIndices, int roiConstraintBoundary, int[] roiConstraintIndices = null)
BuildFrom(meshAdjacency, roiIndices, roiConstraintBoundary, roiConstraintIndices);
public MeshLaplacianTransformROI(MeshAdjacency meshAdjacency, int[] roiIndices, int roiConstraintBoundary, int[] roiConstraintIndices = null)
BuildFrom(meshAdjacency, roiIndices, roiConstraintBoundary, roiConstraintIndices);
public void BuildFrom(MeshAdjacency meshAdjacency, int[] roiIndices, int roiBoundaryLevels, int[] roiConstraintIndices = null)
using (var visited = new UnsafeArrayBool(meshAdjacency.vertexCount))
using (var visitedBoundary = new UnsafeArrayBool(meshAdjacency.vertexCount))
using (var visitor = new UnsafeBFS(meshAdjacency.vertexCount))
// find boundary
public void BuildFrom(MeshAdjacency meshAdjacency, int[] roiIndices, int roiBoundaryLevels, int[] roiConstraintIndices = null)
using (var visited = new UnsafeArrayBool(meshAdjacency.vertexCount))
using (var visitedBoundary = new UnsafeArrayBool(meshAdjacency.vertexCount))
using (var visitor = new UnsafeBFS(meshAdjacency.vertexCount))
// find boundary
int visitedCount = 0;
int visitedBoundaryCount = 0;
int visitedCount = 0;
int visitedBoundaryCount = 0;
foreach (int i in roiIndices)
visited.val[i] = true;
foreach (int i in roiIndices)
visited.val[i] = true;
foreach (int i in roiIndices)
foreach (var j in meshAdjacency.vertexVertices[i])
foreach (int i in roiIndices)
foreach (var j in meshAdjacency.vertexVertices[i])
// step boundary
while (visitor.MoveNext())
int i = visitor.position;
// step boundary
while (visitor.MoveNext())
int i = visitor.position;
visited.val[i] = true;
visitedBoundary.val[i] = true;
visited.val[i] = true;
visitedBoundary.val[i] = true;
if (visitor.depth < roiBoundaryLevels)
foreach (var j in meshAdjacency.vertexVertices[i])
if (visitor.depth < roiBoundaryLevels)
foreach (var j in meshAdjacency.vertexVertices[i])
// add constraints
if (roiConstraintIndices != null)
foreach (int i in roiConstraintIndices)
if (visited.val[i])
if (visitedBoundary.val[i] == false)
visitedBoundary.val[i] = true;
Debug.LogWarning("ignoring user constraint outside ROI: vertex " + i);
// add constraints
if (roiConstraintIndices != null)
foreach (int i in roiConstraintIndices)
if (visited.val[i])
if (visitedBoundary.val[i] == false)
visitedBoundary.val[i] = true;
Debug.LogWarning("ignoring user constraint outside ROI: vertex " + i);
// build translations
internalCount = 0;
externalCount = meshAdjacency.vertexCount;
// build translations
internalCount = 0;
externalCount = meshAdjacency.vertexCount;
internalFromExternal = new int[externalCount];
externalFromInternal = new int[visitedCount];
internalFromExternal = new int[externalCount];
externalFromInternal = new int[visitedCount];
for (int i = 0; i != meshAdjacency.vertexCount; i++)
if (visited.val[i])
int internalIndex = internalCount++;
externalFromInternal[internalIndex] = i;
internalFromExternal[i] = internalIndex;
internalFromExternal[i] = -1;
for (int i = 0; i != meshAdjacency.vertexCount; i++)
if (visited.val[i])
int internalIndex = internalCount++;
externalFromInternal[internalIndex] = i;
internalFromExternal[i] = internalIndex;
internalFromExternal[i] = -1;
// find constraint indices
constraintIndices = new int[visitedBoundaryCount];
constraintWeight = 1.0;
// find constraint indices
constraintIndices = new int[visitedBoundaryCount];
constraintWeight = 1.0;
int constraintCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i != internalCount; i++)
if (visitedBoundary.val[externalFromInternal[i]])
constraintIndices[constraintCount++] = i;
int constraintCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i != internalCount; i++)
if (visitedBoundary.val[externalFromInternal[i]])
constraintIndices[constraintCount++] = i;
// count unconstrained laplacian non-zero fields
int nzmax = internalCount;
for (int i = 0; i != internalCount; i++)
nzmax += InternalValence(meshAdjacency, i);
// count unconstrained laplacian non-zero fields
int nzmax = internalCount;
for (int i = 0; i != internalCount; i++)
nzmax += InternalValence(meshAdjacency, i);
// build Ls
EditorUtilityProxy.DisplayProgressBar("MeshLaplacian", "build Ls", 0.0f);
var Ls_storage = new CoordinateStorage<double>(internalCount, internalCount, nzmax);
for (int i = 0; i != internalCount; i++)// D
//TODO proper fix
//Ls_storage.At(i, i, InternalValence(meshAdjacency, i));
Ls_storage.At(i, i, Mathf.Max(1, InternalValence(meshAdjacency, i)));
for (int i = 0; i != internalCount; i++)// A
foreach (var k in meshAdjacency.vertexVertices[externalFromInternal[i]])
int j = internalFromExternal[k];
if (j != -1)
Ls_storage.At(i, j, -1.0);
Ls = Converter.ToCompressedColumnStorage(Ls_storage) as SparseMatrix;
// build Ls
EditorUtilityProxy.DisplayProgressBar("MeshLaplacian", "build Ls", 0.0f);
var Ls_storage = new CoordinateStorage<double>(internalCount, internalCount, nzmax);
for (int i = 0; i != internalCount; i++)// D
//TODO proper fix
//Ls_storage.At(i, i, InternalValence(meshAdjacency, i));
Ls_storage.At(i, i, Mathf.Max(1, InternalValence(meshAdjacency, i)));
for (int i = 0; i != internalCount; i++)// A
foreach (var k in meshAdjacency.vertexVertices[externalFromInternal[i]])
int j = internalFromExternal[k];
if (j != -1)
Ls_storage.At(i, j, -1.0);
Ls = Converter.ToCompressedColumnStorage(Ls_storage) as SparseMatrix;
// build Lc
EditorUtilityProxy.DisplayProgressBar("MeshLaplacian", "build Lc", 0.0f);
var Lc_storage = new CoordinateStorage<double>(internalCount + constraintCount, internalCount, nzmax + constraintCount);
for (int i = 0; i != internalCount; i++)
//TODO proper fix
//Lc_storage.At(i, i, InternalValence(meshAdjacency, i));
Lc_storage.At(i, i, Mathf.Max(1, InternalValence(meshAdjacency, i)));
for (int i = 0; i != internalCount; i++)
foreach (var k in meshAdjacency.vertexVertices[externalFromInternal[i]])
int j = internalFromExternal[k];
if (j != -1)
Lc_storage.At(i, j, -1.0);
for (int i = 0; i != constraintIndices.Length; i++)
Lc_storage.At(internalCount + i, constraintIndices[i], constraintWeight);
Lc = Converter.ToCompressedColumnStorage(Lc_storage) as SparseMatrix;
// build Lc
EditorUtilityProxy.DisplayProgressBar("MeshLaplacian", "build Lc", 0.0f);
var Lc_storage = new CoordinateStorage<double>(internalCount + constraintCount, internalCount, nzmax + constraintCount);
for (int i = 0; i != internalCount; i++)
//TODO proper fix
//Lc_storage.At(i, i, InternalValence(meshAdjacency, i));
Lc_storage.At(i, i, Mathf.Max(1, InternalValence(meshAdjacency, i)));
for (int i = 0; i != internalCount; i++)
foreach (var k in meshAdjacency.vertexVertices[externalFromInternal[i]])
int j = internalFromExternal[k];
if (j != -1)
Lc_storage.At(i, j, -1.0);
for (int i = 0; i != constraintIndices.Length; i++)
Lc_storage.At(internalCount + i, constraintIndices[i], constraintWeight);
Lc = Converter.ToCompressedColumnStorage(Lc_storage) as SparseMatrix;
// build LcT
EditorUtilityProxy.DisplayProgressBar("MeshLaplacian", "build LcT", 0.0f);
LcT = Lc.Transpose() as SparseMatrix;
// build LcT
EditorUtilityProxy.DisplayProgressBar("MeshLaplacian", "build LcT", 0.0f);
LcT = Lc.Transpose() as SparseMatrix;
// build LcT_Lc
EditorUtilityProxy.DisplayProgressBar("MeshLaplacian", "build LcT_Lc", 0.0f);
LcT_Lc = LcT.Multiply(Lc) as SparseMatrix;
// build LcT_Lc
EditorUtilityProxy.DisplayProgressBar("MeshLaplacian", "build LcT_Lc", 0.0f);
LcT_Lc = LcT.Multiply(Lc) as SparseMatrix;
// build LcT_Lc_chol
EditorUtilityProxy.DisplayProgressBar("MeshLaplacian", "build LcT_Lc_chol", 0.0f);
LcT_Lc_chol = SparseCholesky.Create(LcT_Lc, ColumnOrdering.MinimumDegreeAtPlusA);
// build LcT_Lc_chol
EditorUtilityProxy.DisplayProgressBar("MeshLaplacian", "build LcT_Lc_chol", 0.0f);
LcT_Lc_chol = SparseCholesky.Create(LcT_Lc, ColumnOrdering.MinimumDegreeAtPlusA);
// done
// done
public void ComputeMeshLaplacian(MeshLaplacian meshLaplacian, MeshBuffers meshBuffers)
Debug.Assert(externalCount == meshBuffers.vertexCount);
public void ComputeMeshLaplacian(MeshLaplacian meshLaplacian, MeshBuffers meshBuffers)
Debug.Assert(externalCount == meshBuffers.vertexCount);
// Ls x = diffcoords
var vertexPositionX = new double[internalCount];
var vertexPositionY = new double[internalCount];
var vertexPositionZ = new double[internalCount];
// Ls x = diffcoords
var vertexPositionX = new double[internalCount];
var vertexPositionY = new double[internalCount];
var vertexPositionZ = new double[internalCount];
fixed (Vector3* src = meshBuffers.vertexPositions)
fixed (double* dstX = vertexPositionX)
fixed (double* dstY = vertexPositionY)
fixed (double* dstZ = vertexPositionZ)
for (int i = 0; i != internalCount; i++)
int k = externalFromInternal[i];
dstX[i] = src[k].x;
dstY[i] = src[k].y;
dstZ[i] = src[k].z;
fixed (Vector3* src = meshBuffers.vertexPositions)
fixed (double* dstX = vertexPositionX)
fixed (double* dstY = vertexPositionY)
fixed (double* dstZ = vertexPositionZ)
for (int i = 0; i != internalCount; i++)
int k = externalFromInternal[i];
dstX[i] = src[k].x;
dstY[i] = src[k].y;
dstZ[i] = src[k].z;
ArrayUtils.ResizeCheckedIfLessThan(ref meshLaplacian.vertexDifferentialX, internalCount);
ArrayUtils.ResizeCheckedIfLessThan(ref meshLaplacian.vertexDifferentialY, internalCount);
ArrayUtils.ResizeCheckedIfLessThan(ref meshLaplacian.vertexDifferentialZ, internalCount);
ArrayUtils.ResizeCheckedIfLessThan(ref meshLaplacian.vertexDifferentialX, internalCount);
ArrayUtils.ResizeCheckedIfLessThan(ref meshLaplacian.vertexDifferentialY, internalCount);
ArrayUtils.ResizeCheckedIfLessThan(ref meshLaplacian.vertexDifferentialZ, internalCount);
Ls.Multiply(vertexPositionX, meshLaplacian.vertexDifferentialX);
Ls.Multiply(vertexPositionY, meshLaplacian.vertexDifferentialY);
Ls.Multiply(vertexPositionZ, meshLaplacian.vertexDifferentialZ);
Ls.Multiply(vertexPositionX, meshLaplacian.vertexDifferentialX);
Ls.Multiply(vertexPositionY, meshLaplacian.vertexDifferentialY);
Ls.Multiply(vertexPositionZ, meshLaplacian.vertexDifferentialZ);
meshLaplacian.internalCount = internalCount;
meshLaplacian.internalCount = internalCount;
public void ResolveMeshBuffers(MeshBuffers meshBuffers, MeshLaplacian meshLaplacian)
Debug.Assert(externalCount == meshBuffers.vertexCount);
Debug.Assert(internalCount == meshLaplacian.internalCount);
public void ResolveMeshBuffers(MeshBuffers meshBuffers, MeshLaplacian meshLaplacian)
Debug.Assert(externalCount == meshBuffers.vertexCount);
Debug.Assert(internalCount == meshLaplacian.internalCount);
int constraintCount = constraintIndices.Length;
int constraintCount = constraintIndices.Length;
// c = 'm' spatial constraints [c0 c1 ... cm]
// Lc = [Ls I|0] where dim(I) = m
// Lc x = [diffcoords c]
// x* = (Lc^T Lc)^-1 Lc^T [diffcoords c]
var constrainedDifferentialX = new double[internalCount + constraintCount];
var constrainedDifferentialY = new double[internalCount + constraintCount];
var constrainedDifferentialZ = new double[internalCount + constraintCount];
// c = 'm' spatial constraints [c0 c1 ... cm]
// Lc = [Ls I|0] where dim(I) = m
// Lc x = [diffcoords c]
// x* = (Lc^T Lc)^-1 Lc^T [diffcoords c]
var constrainedDifferentialX = new double[internalCount + constraintCount];
var constrainedDifferentialY = new double[internalCount + constraintCount];
var constrainedDifferentialZ = new double[internalCount + constraintCount];
fixed (double* srcX = meshLaplacian.vertexDifferentialX)
fixed (double* srcY = meshLaplacian.vertexDifferentialY)
fixed (double* srcZ = meshLaplacian.vertexDifferentialZ)
fixed (double* dstX = constrainedDifferentialX)
fixed (double* dstY = constrainedDifferentialY)
fixed (double* dstZ = constrainedDifferentialZ)
UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(dstX, srcX, sizeof(double) * internalCount);
UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(dstY, srcY, sizeof(double) * internalCount);
UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(dstZ, srcZ, sizeof(double) * internalCount);
fixed (double* srcX = meshLaplacian.vertexDifferentialX)
fixed (double* srcY = meshLaplacian.vertexDifferentialY)
fixed (double* srcZ = meshLaplacian.vertexDifferentialZ)
fixed (double* dstX = constrainedDifferentialX)
fixed (double* dstY = constrainedDifferentialY)
fixed (double* dstZ = constrainedDifferentialZ)
UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(dstX, srcX, sizeof(double) * internalCount);
UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(dstY, srcY, sizeof(double) * internalCount);
UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(dstZ, srcZ, sizeof(double) * internalCount);
for (int i = 0; i != constraintCount; i++)
int k = externalFromInternal[constraintIndices[i]];
dstX[internalCount + i] = constraintWeight * meshBuffers.vertexPositions[k].x;
dstY[internalCount + i] = constraintWeight * meshBuffers.vertexPositions[k].y;
dstZ[internalCount + i] = constraintWeight * meshBuffers.vertexPositions[k].z;
for (int i = 0; i != constraintCount; i++)
int k = externalFromInternal[constraintIndices[i]];
dstX[internalCount + i] = constraintWeight * meshBuffers.vertexPositions[k].x;
dstY[internalCount + i] = constraintWeight * meshBuffers.vertexPositions[k].y;
dstZ[internalCount + i] = constraintWeight * meshBuffers.vertexPositions[k].z;
var LcT_constrainedDifferentialX = new double[internalCount + constraintCount];
var LcT_constrainedDifferentialY = new double[internalCount + constraintCount];
var LcT_constrainedDifferentialZ = new double[internalCount + constraintCount];
var LcT_constrainedDifferentialX = new double[internalCount + constraintCount];
var LcT_constrainedDifferentialY = new double[internalCount + constraintCount];
var LcT_constrainedDifferentialZ = new double[internalCount + constraintCount];
LcT.Multiply(constrainedDifferentialX, LcT_constrainedDifferentialX);
LcT.Multiply(constrainedDifferentialY, LcT_constrainedDifferentialY);
LcT.Multiply(constrainedDifferentialZ, LcT_constrainedDifferentialZ);
LcT.Multiply(constrainedDifferentialX, LcT_constrainedDifferentialX);
LcT.Multiply(constrainedDifferentialY, LcT_constrainedDifferentialY);
LcT.Multiply(constrainedDifferentialZ, LcT_constrainedDifferentialZ);
var resultPositionX = new double[internalCount + constraintCount];
var resultPositionY = new double[internalCount + constraintCount];
var resultPositionZ = new double[internalCount + constraintCount];
var resultPositionX = new double[internalCount + constraintCount];
var resultPositionY = new double[internalCount + constraintCount];
var resultPositionZ = new double[internalCount + constraintCount];
LcT_Lc_chol.Solve(LcT_constrainedDifferentialX, resultPositionX);
LcT_Lc_chol.Solve(LcT_constrainedDifferentialY, resultPositionY);
LcT_Lc_chol.Solve(LcT_constrainedDifferentialZ, resultPositionZ);
LcT_Lc_chol.Solve(LcT_constrainedDifferentialX, resultPositionX);
LcT_Lc_chol.Solve(LcT_constrainedDifferentialY, resultPositionY);
LcT_Lc_chol.Solve(LcT_constrainedDifferentialZ, resultPositionZ);
fixed (double* srcX = resultPositionX)
fixed (double* srcY = resultPositionY)
fixed (double* srcZ = resultPositionZ)
fixed (float* dstX = &meshBuffers.vertexPositions[0].x)
fixed (float* dstY = &meshBuffers.vertexPositions[0].y)
fixed (float* dstZ = &meshBuffers.vertexPositions[0].z)
const int dstStride = 3;// sizeof(Vector3) / sizeof(float)
for (int i = 0; i != internalCount; i++)
int k = externalFromInternal[i];
dstX[k * dstStride] = (float)srcX[i];
dstY[k * dstStride] = (float)srcY[i];
dstZ[k * dstStride] = (float)srcZ[i];
fixed (double* srcX = resultPositionX)
fixed (double* srcY = resultPositionY)
fixed (double* srcZ = resultPositionZ)
fixed (float* dstX = &meshBuffers.vertexPositions[0].x)
fixed (float* dstY = &meshBuffers.vertexPositions[0].y)
fixed (float* dstZ = &meshBuffers.vertexPositions[0].z)
const int dstStride = 3;// sizeof(Vector3) / sizeof(float)
for (int i = 0; i != internalCount; i++)
int k = externalFromInternal[i];
dstX[k * dstStride] = (float)srcX[i];
dstY[k * dstStride] = (float)srcY[i];
dstZ[k * dstStride] = (float)srcZ[i];


using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Mathematics;
public static class ArrayUtils
namespace Unity.DemoTeam.DigitalHuman
//PACKAGETODO remove begin
public static void ResizeChecked<T>(ref T[] array, int length)
if (array == null)
array = new T[length];
if (array.Length != length)
System.Array.Resize(ref array, length);
public static class ArrayUtils
public static void ResizeChecked<T>(ref T[] array, int length)
if (array == null)
array = new T[length];
if (array.Length != length)
System.Array.Resize(ref array, length);
public static void ResizeCheckedIfLessThan<T>(ref T[] array, int length)
if (array == null)
array = new T[length];
if (array.Length < length)
System.Array.Resize(ref array, length);
public static void ResizeCheckedIfLessThan<T>(ref T[] array, int length)
if (array == null)
array = new T[length];
if (array.Length < length)
System.Array.Resize(ref array, length);
public static void CopyChecked<T>(T[] arraySrc, ref T[] arrayDst, int length)
ResizeCheckedIfLessThan(ref arrayDst, length);
System.Array.Copy(arraySrc, arrayDst, length);
public static void CopyChecked<T>(T[] arraySrc, ref T[] arrayDst, int length)
ResizeCheckedIfLessThan(ref arrayDst, length);
System.Array.Copy(arraySrc, arrayDst, length);
public static void ClearChecked<T>(T[] array)
if (array != null)
System.Array.Clear(array, 0, array.Length);
//PACKAGETODO remove end
public static void ClearChecked<T>(T[] array)
if (array != null)
System.Array.Clear(array, 0, array.Length);
public static void Realloc<T>(ref NativeArray<T> array, int length, Allocator allocator = Allocator.Persistent) where T : struct
NativeArray<T> dst = new NativeArray<T>(length, allocator, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory);
NativeArray<T>.Copy(array, dst, math.min(array.Length, length));
array = dst;
public static void Realloc<T>(ref NativeArray<T> array, int length, Allocator allocator = Allocator.Persistent) where T : struct
NativeArray<T> dst = new NativeArray<T>(length, allocator, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory);
NativeArray<T>.Copy(array, dst, math.min(array.Length, length));
array = dst;
public static void ReallocChecked<T>(ref NativeArray<T> array, int length, Allocator allocator = Allocator.Persistent) where T : struct
if (array.IsCreated == false)
array = new NativeArray<T>(length, allocator, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory);
if (array.Length != length)
Realloc(ref array, length, allocator);
public static void ReallocChecked<T>(ref NativeArray<T> array, int length, Allocator allocator = Allocator.Persistent) where T : struct
if (array.IsCreated == false)
array = new NativeArray<T>(length, allocator, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory);
if (array.Length != length)
Realloc(ref array, length, allocator);
public static void ReallocCheckedIfLessThan<T>(ref NativeArray<T> array, int length, Allocator allocator = Allocator.Persistent) where T : struct
if (array.IsCreated == false)
array = new NativeArray<T>(length, allocator, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory);
if (array.Length < length)
Realloc(ref array, length, allocator);
public static void ReallocCheckedIfLessThan<T>(ref NativeArray<T> array, int length, Allocator allocator = Allocator.Persistent) where T : struct
if (array.IsCreated == false)
array = new NativeArray<T>(length, allocator, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory);
if (array.Length < length)
Realloc(ref array, length, allocator);
public static void CopyChecked<T>(in NativeArray<T> arraySrc, ref NativeArray<T> arrayDst, Allocator allocator = Allocator.Persistent) where T : struct
ReallocCheckedIfLessThan(ref arrayDst, arraySrc.Length, allocator);
NativeArray<T>.Copy(arraySrc, arrayDst);
public static void CopyChecked<T>(in NativeArray<T> arraySrc, ref NativeArray<T> arrayDst, Allocator allocator = Allocator.Persistent) where T : struct
ReallocCheckedIfLessThan(ref arrayDst, arraySrc.Length, allocator);
NativeArray<T>.Copy(arraySrc, arrayDst);


using System;
using UnityEngine;
public struct Barycentric
namespace Unity.DemoTeam.DigitalHuman
public float u;
public float v;
public float w;
public struct Barycentric
public float u;
public float v;
public float w;
public Barycentric(ref Vector3 q, ref Vector3 a, ref Vector3 b, ref Vector3 c)
// compute (u, v, w) for point q in plane spanned by triangle (a, b, c)
// https://gamedev.stackexchange.com/a/23745
//Vector3 v0 = b - a;
float x0 = b.x - a.x;
float y0 = b.y - a.y;
float z0 = b.z - a.z;
//Vector3 v1 = c - a;
float x1 = c.x - a.x;
float y1 = c.y - a.y;
float z1 = c.z - a.z;
//Vector3 v2 = q - a;
float x2 = q.x - a.x;
float y2 = q.y - a.y;
float z2 = q.z - a.z;
public Barycentric(ref Vector3 q, ref Vector3 a, ref Vector3 b, ref Vector3 c)
// compute (u, v, w) for point q in plane spanned by triangle (a, b, c)
// https://gamedev.stackexchange.com/a/23745
//Vector3 v0 = b - a;
float x0 = b.x - a.x;
float y0 = b.y - a.y;
float z0 = b.z - a.z;
//Vector3 v1 = c - a;
float x1 = c.x - a.x;
float y1 = c.y - a.y;
float z1 = c.z - a.z;
//Vector3 v2 = q - a;
float x2 = q.x - a.x;
float y2 = q.y - a.y;
float z2 = q.z - a.z;
float d00 = x0 * x0 + y0 * y0 + z0 * z0;//Vector3.Dot(v0, v0);
float d01 = x0 * x1 + y0 * y1 + z0 * z1;//Vector3.Dot(v0, v1);
float d11 = x1 * x1 + y1 * y1 + z1 * z1;//Vector3.Dot(v1, v1);
float d20 = x2 * x0 + y2 * y0 + z2 * z0;//Vector3.Dot(v2, v0);
float d21 = x2 * x1 + y2 * y1 + z2 * z1;//Vector3.Dot(v2, v1);
float d00 = x0 * x0 + y0 * y0 + z0 * z0;//Vector3.Dot(v0, v0);
float d01 = x0 * x1 + y0 * y1 + z0 * z1;//Vector3.Dot(v0, v1);
float d11 = x1 * x1 + y1 * y1 + z1 * z1;//Vector3.Dot(v1, v1);
float d20 = x2 * x0 + y2 * y0 + z2 * z0;//Vector3.Dot(v2, v0);
float d21 = x2 * x1 + y2 * y1 + z2 * z1;//Vector3.Dot(v2, v1);
float denom = d00 * d11 - d01 * d01;
v = (d11 * d20 - d01 * d21) / denom;
w = (d00 * d21 - d01 * d20) / denom;
u = 1.0f - v - w;
float denom = d00 * d11 - d01 * d01;
v = (d11 * d20 - d01 * d21) / denom;
w = (d00 * d21 - d01 * d20) / denom;
u = 1.0f - v - w;
public Vector3 Resolve(ref Vector3 a, ref Vector3 b, ref Vector3 c)
//return a * u + b * v + c * w;
Vector3 q;
q.x = a.x * u + b.x * v + c.x * w;
q.y = a.y * u + b.y * v + c.y * w;
q.z = a.z * u + b.z * v + c.z * w;
return q;
public Vector3 Resolve(ref Vector3 a, ref Vector3 b, ref Vector3 c)
//return a * u + b * v + c * w;
Vector3 q;
q.x = a.x * u + b.x * v + c.x * w;
q.y = a.y * u + b.y * v + c.y * w;
q.z = a.z * u + b.z * v + c.z * w;
return q;
public bool Within()
return (u >= 0.0f && u <= 1.0f) && (v >= 0.0f && v <= 1.0f) && (w >= 0.0f && w <= 1.0f);
public bool Within()
return (u >= 0.0f && u <= 1.0f) && (v >= 0.0f && v <= 1.0f) && (w >= 0.0f && w <= 1.0f);


using System;
public static class KdTree3Utils
namespace Unity.DemoTeam.DigitalHuman
This file implements derivate version of nth_element function in C#. Original Java source code is made by
Adam Horvath and you can find it from
public static class KdTree3Utils
This file implements derivate version of nth_element function in C#. Original Java source code is made by
Adam Horvath and you can find it from
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
// Nth_element made with Quick select algorithm. Custom comparer. nthToSeek is zero base index
public static void nth_element<T>(T[] array, int startIndex, int nthToSeek, int endIndex, Comparison<T> comparison)
int from = startIndex;
int to = endIndex;
// Nth_element made with Quick select algorithm. Custom comparer. nthToSeek is zero base index
public static void nth_element<T>(T[] array, int startIndex, int nthToSeek, int endIndex, Comparison<T> comparison)
int from = startIndex;
int to = endIndex;
// if from == to we reached the kth element
while (from < to)
int r = from, w = to;
T mid = array[(r + w) / 2];
// if from == to we reached the kth element
while (from < to)
int r = from, w = to;
T mid = array[(r + w) / 2];
// stop if the reader and writer meets
while (r < w)
if (comparison(array[r], mid) > -1)
{ // put the large values at the end
T tmp = array[w];
array[w] = array[r];
array[r] = tmp;
{ // the value is smaller than the pivot, skip
// stop if the reader and writer meets
while (r < w)
if (comparison(array[r], mid) > -1)
{ // put the large values at the end
T tmp = array[w];
array[w] = array[r];
array[r] = tmp;
{ // the value is smaller than the pivot, skip
// if we stepped up (r++) we need to step one down
if (comparison(array[r], mid) > 0)
// if we stepped up (r++) we need to step one down
if (comparison(array[r], mid) > 0)
// the r pointer is on the end of the first k elements
if (nthToSeek <= r)
to = r;
from = r + 1;
// the r pointer is on the end of the first k elements
if (nthToSeek <= r)
to = r;
from = r + 1;
// Nth_element made with Quick select algorithm. Default comparer. nthSmallest is zero base index
public static void nth_element<T>(T[] array, int startIndex, int nthSmallest, int endIndex)
int from = startIndex;
int to = endIndex;
// Nth_element made with Quick select algorithm. Default comparer. nthSmallest is zero base index
public static void nth_element<T>(T[] array, int startIndex, int nthSmallest, int endIndex)
int from = startIndex;
int to = endIndex;
// if from == to we reached the kth element
while (from < to)
int r = from, w = to;
T mid = array[(r + w) / 2];
// if from == to we reached the kth element
while (from < to)
int r = from, w = to;
T mid = array[(r + w) / 2];
// stop if the reader and writer meets
while (r < w)
if (System.Collections.Generic.Comparer<T>.Default.Compare(array[r], mid) > -1)
{ // put the large values at the end
T tmp = array[w];
array[w] = array[r];
array[r] = tmp;
{ // the value is smaller than the pivot, skip
// stop if the reader and writer meets
while (r < w)
if (System.Collections.Generic.Comparer<T>.Default.Compare(array[r], mid) > -1)
{ // put the large values at the end
T tmp = array[w];
array[w] = array[r];
array[r] = tmp;
{ // the value is smaller than the pivot, skip
// if we stepped up (r++) we need to step one down
if (System.Collections.Generic.Comparer<T>.Default.Compare(array[r], mid) > 0)
// if we stepped up (r++) we need to step one down
if (System.Collections.Generic.Comparer<T>.Default.Compare(array[r], mid) > 0)
// the r pointer is on the end of the first k elements
if (nthSmallest <= r)
to = r;
from = r + 1;
// the r pointer is on the end of the first k elements
if (nthSmallest <= r)
to = r;
from = r + 1;


using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public struct LinkedIndexList
namespace Unity.DemoTeam.DigitalHuman
public int head;
public int size;
public struct LinkedIndexList
public int head;
public int size;
public struct LinkedIndexItem
public int next;
public int prev;
public int data;
public struct LinkedIndexItem
public int next;
public int prev;
public int data;
public struct LinkedIndexEnumerable : IEnumerable<int>
public LinkedIndexItem[] items;
public int headIndex;
public struct LinkedIndexEnumerable : IEnumerable<int>
public LinkedIndexItem[] items;
public int headIndex;
public LinkedIndexEnumerable(LinkedIndexItem[] items, int headIndex)
this.items = items;
this.headIndex = headIndex;
public LinkedIndexEnumerable(LinkedIndexItem[] items, int headIndex)
this.items = items;
this.headIndex = headIndex;
public LinkedIndexEnumerator GetEnumerator()
return new LinkedIndexEnumerator(items, headIndex, -1);
public LinkedIndexEnumerator GetEnumerator()
return new LinkedIndexEnumerator(items, headIndex, -1);
IEnumerator<int> IEnumerable<int>.GetEnumerator()
return GetEnumerator();
IEnumerator<int> IEnumerable<int>.GetEnumerator()
return GetEnumerator();
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return GetEnumerator();
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return GetEnumerator();
public struct LinkedIndexEnumerator : IEnumerator<int>
public LinkedIndexItem[] items;
public int headIndex;
public int itemIndex;
public struct LinkedIndexEnumerator : IEnumerator<int>
public LinkedIndexItem[] items;
public int headIndex;
public int itemIndex;
public LinkedIndexEnumerator(LinkedIndexItem[] items, int headIndex, int itemIndex)
this.items = items;
this.headIndex = headIndex;
this.itemIndex = itemIndex;
public LinkedIndexEnumerator(LinkedIndexItem[] items, int headIndex, int itemIndex)
this.items = items;
this.headIndex = headIndex;
this.itemIndex = itemIndex;
public int Current
get { return items[itemIndex].data; }
public int Current
get { return items[itemIndex].data; }
object IEnumerator.Current
get { return Current; }
object IEnumerator.Current
get { return Current; }
public bool MoveNext()
if (itemIndex == -1)
itemIndex = headIndex;
return (itemIndex != -1);//return true;
itemIndex = items[itemIndex].next;
return (itemIndex != headIndex);
public bool MoveNext()
if (itemIndex == -1)
itemIndex = headIndex;
return (itemIndex != -1);//return true;
itemIndex = items[itemIndex].next;
return (itemIndex != headIndex);
public int ReadNext()
if (MoveNext())
return Current;
return -1;
public int ReadNext()
if (MoveNext())
return Current;
return -1;
public void Reset()
itemIndex = headIndex;
public void Reset()
itemIndex = headIndex;
public void Dispose()
// foo
public void Dispose()
// foo


using System;
public struct LinkedIndexListArray
namespace Unity.DemoTeam.DigitalHuman
public LinkedIndexList[] lists;
public LinkedIndexItem[] items;
public struct LinkedIndexListArray
public LinkedIndexList[] lists;
public LinkedIndexItem[] items;
public int listCount;
public int itemCount;
public int listCount;
public int itemCount;
public void Allocate(int listCapacity, int itemCapacity)
ArrayUtils.ResizeCheckedIfLessThan(ref lists, listCapacity);
ArrayUtils.ResizeCheckedIfLessThan(ref items, itemCapacity);
public void Allocate(int listCapacity, int itemCapacity)
ArrayUtils.ResizeCheckedIfLessThan(ref lists, listCapacity);
ArrayUtils.ResizeCheckedIfLessThan(ref items, itemCapacity);
public void Clear()
listCount = lists.Length;
itemCount = 0;
public void Clear()
listCount = lists.Length;
itemCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i != listCount; i++)
lists[i].head = -1;
lists[i].size = 0;
for (int i = 0; i != listCount; i++)
lists[i].head = -1;
lists[i].size = 0;
public void Append(int listIndex, int value)
if (itemCount == items.Length)
ArrayUtils.ResizeCheckedIfLessThan(ref items, items.Length * 2);
public void Append(int listIndex, int value)
if (itemCount == items.Length)
ArrayUtils.ResizeCheckedIfLessThan(ref items, items.Length * 2);
int headIndex = lists[listIndex].head;
if (headIndex == -1)
int itemIndex = itemCount++;
int headIndex = lists[listIndex].head;
if (headIndex == -1)
int itemIndex = itemCount++;
items[itemIndex] = new LinkedIndexItem
next = itemIndex,
prev = itemIndex,
data = value,
items[itemIndex] = new LinkedIndexItem
next = itemIndex,
prev = itemIndex,
data = value,
lists[listIndex].head = itemIndex;
lists[listIndex].size = 1;
int itemIndex = itemCount++;
int tailIndex = items[headIndex].prev;
lists[listIndex].head = itemIndex;
lists[listIndex].size = 1;
int itemIndex = itemCount++;
int tailIndex = items[headIndex].prev;
items[itemIndex] = new LinkedIndexItem
next = headIndex,
prev = tailIndex,
data = value,
items[itemIndex] = new LinkedIndexItem
next = headIndex,
prev = tailIndex,
data = value,
items[tailIndex].next = itemIndex;
items[headIndex].prev = itemIndex;
items[tailIndex].next = itemIndex;
items[headIndex].prev = itemIndex;
public void AppendMove(int listIndex, int listOther)
int headOther = lists[listOther].head;
if (headOther != -1)
int headIndex = lists[listIndex].head;
if (headIndex != -1)
int tailIndex = items[headIndex].prev;
int tailOther = items[headOther].prev;
public void AppendMove(int listIndex, int listOther)
int headOther = lists[listOther].head;
if (headOther != -1)
int headIndex = lists[listIndex].head;
if (headIndex != -1)
int tailIndex = items[headIndex].prev;
int tailOther = items[headOther].prev;
items[headIndex].prev = tailOther;
items[tailIndex].next = headOther;
items[headIndex].prev = tailOther;
items[tailIndex].next = headOther;
items[headOther].prev = tailIndex;
items[tailOther].next = headIndex;
items[headOther].prev = tailIndex;
items[tailOther].next = headIndex;
lists[listIndex].size += lists[listOther].size;
lists[listIndex].head = lists[listOther].head;
lists[listIndex].size = lists[listOther].size;
lists[listIndex].size += lists[listOther].size;
lists[listIndex].head = lists[listOther].head;
lists[listIndex].size = lists[listOther].size;
lists[listOther].head = -1;
lists[listOther].size = 0;
lists[listOther].head = -1;
lists[listOther].size = 0;
public int GetCount(int listIndex)
return lists[listIndex].size;
public int GetCount(int listIndex)
return lists[listIndex].size;
public LinkedIndexEnumerable this[int listIndex]
return new LinkedIndexEnumerable(this.items, this.lists[listIndex].head);
public LinkedIndexEnumerable this[int listIndex]
return new LinkedIndexEnumerable(this.items, this.lists[listIndex].head);


using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe;
public class MeshAdjacency
namespace Unity.DemoTeam.DigitalHuman
public LinkedIndexListArray vertexTriangles;
public LinkedIndexListArray vertexVertices;
public LinkedIndexListArray vertexWelded;
public int[] vertexResolve;
public int vertexCount;
public class MeshAdjacency
public LinkedIndexListArray vertexTriangles;
public LinkedIndexListArray vertexVertices;
public LinkedIndexListArray vertexWelded;
public int[] vertexResolve;
public int vertexCount;
public LinkedIndexListArray triangleTriangles;
public LinkedIndexListArray triangleVertices;
public int triangleCount;
public LinkedIndexListArray triangleTriangles;
public LinkedIndexListArray triangleVertices;
public int triangleCount;
public MeshAdjacency(MeshBuffers meshBuffers, bool welded = false)
LoadFrom(meshBuffers, welded);
public MeshAdjacency(MeshBuffers meshBuffers, bool welded = false)
LoadFrom(meshBuffers, welded);
public void LoadFrom(MeshBuffers meshBuffers, bool welded = false)
vertexCount = meshBuffers.vertexCount;
vertexTriangles.Allocate(vertexCount, vertexCount * 8);
vertexVertices.Allocate(vertexCount, vertexCount * 8);
vertexWelded.Allocate(vertexCount, vertexCount);
public void LoadFrom(MeshBuffers meshBuffers, bool welded = false)
vertexCount = meshBuffers.vertexCount;
vertexTriangles.Allocate(vertexCount, vertexCount * 8);
vertexVertices.Allocate(vertexCount, vertexCount * 8);
vertexWelded.Allocate(vertexCount, vertexCount);
ArrayUtils.ResizeCheckedIfLessThan(ref vertexResolve, vertexCount);
ArrayUtils.ResizeCheckedIfLessThan(ref vertexResolve, vertexCount);
triangleCount = meshBuffers.triangleCount / 3;
triangleTriangles.Allocate(triangleCount, triangleCount * 8);
triangleVertices.Allocate(triangleCount, triangleCount * 3);
triangleCount = meshBuffers.triangleCount / 3;
triangleTriangles.Allocate(triangleCount, triangleCount * 8);
triangleVertices.Allocate(triangleCount, triangleCount * 3);
int[] triangles = meshBuffers.triangles;
int[] triangles = meshBuffers.triangles;
// build vertex-triangle
for (int i = 0; i != triangleCount; i++)
int _0 = i * 3;
int v0 = triangles[_0 + 0];
int v1 = triangles[_0 + 1];
int v2 = triangles[_0 + 2];
// build vertex-triangle
for (int i = 0; i != triangleCount; i++)
int _0 = i * 3;
int v0 = triangles[_0 + 0];
int v1 = triangles[_0 + 1];
int v2 = triangles[_0 + 2];
vertexTriangles.Append(v0, i);
vertexTriangles.Append(v1, i);
vertexTriangles.Append(v2, i);
vertexTriangles.Append(v0, i);
vertexTriangles.Append(v1, i);
vertexTriangles.Append(v2, i);
// build vertex-welded
if (welded)
// for each vertex
// if vertex != closest vertex
// replace references to vertex with closest vertex
triangles = triangles.Clone() as int[];
// build vertex-welded
if (welded)
// for each vertex
// if vertex != closest vertex
// replace references to vertex with closest vertex
triangles = triangles.Clone() as int[];
using (var vertexWeldedMap = new UnsafeArrayBool(meshBuffers.vertexCount))
using (var vertexWeldedMap = new UnsafeArrayBool(meshBuffers.vertexCount))
var vertexBSP = new KdTree3(meshBuffers.vertexPositions, meshBuffers.vertexCount);
var vertexBSP = new KdTree3(meshBuffers.vertexPositions, meshBuffers.vertexCount);
for (int i = 0; i != vertexCount; i++)
int j = vertexBSP.FindNearest(ref meshBuffers.vertexPositions[i]);
if (j != i)
//Debug.Assert(vertexWeldedMap.val[j] == false);
for (int i = 0; i != vertexCount; i++)
int j = vertexBSP.FindNearest(ref meshBuffers.vertexPositions[i]);
if (j != i)
//Debug.Assert(vertexWeldedMap.val[j] == false);
// replace references to i with j, keeping j
foreach (var triangle in vertexTriangles[i])
int _0 = triangle * 3;
int v0 = triangles[_0 + 0];
int v1 = triangles[_0 + 1];
//..v2 = triangles[_0 + 2];
// replace references to i with j, keeping j
foreach (var triangle in vertexTriangles[i])
int _0 = triangle * 3;
int v0 = triangles[_0 + 0];
int v1 = triangles[_0 + 1];
//..v2 = triangles[_0 + 2];
if (v0 == i)
triangles[_0 + 0] = j;
else if (v1 == i)
triangles[_0 + 1] = j;
else // (v2 == i)
triangles[_0 + 2] = j;
if (v0 == i)
triangles[_0 + 0] = j;
else if (v1 == i)
triangles[_0 + 1] = j;
else // (v2 == i)
triangles[_0 + 2] = j;
// store i under j, so we can recover i at a later time
if (vertexWeldedMap.val[i] == false)
vertexWeldedMap.val[i] = true;
vertexWelded.Append(j, i);
// store i under j, so we can recover i at a later time
if (vertexWeldedMap.val[i] == false)
vertexWeldedMap.val[i] = true;
vertexWelded.Append(j, i);
// rebuild vertex-triangle
// rebuild vertex-triangle
for (int i = 0; i != triangleCount; i++)
int _0 = i * 3;
int v0 = triangles[_0 + 0];
int v1 = triangles[_0 + 1];
int v2 = triangles[_0 + 2];
for (int i = 0; i != triangleCount; i++)
int _0 = i * 3;
int v0 = triangles[_0 + 0];
int v1 = triangles[_0 + 1];
int v2 = triangles[_0 + 2];
vertexTriangles.Append(v0, i);
vertexTriangles.Append(v1, i);
vertexTriangles.Append(v2, i);
vertexTriangles.Append(v0, i);
vertexTriangles.Append(v1, i);
vertexTriangles.Append(v2, i);
// build vertex-resolve
for (int i = 0; i != vertexCount; i++)
vertexResolve[i] = i;
// build vertex-resolve
for (int i = 0; i != vertexCount; i++)
vertexResolve[i] = i;
for (int i = 0; i != vertexCount; i++)
foreach (var j in vertexWelded[i])
vertexResolve[j] = i;
for (int i = 0; i != vertexCount; i++)
foreach (var j in vertexWelded[i])
vertexResolve[j] = i;
// build vertex-vertex
using (var vertexAdded = new UnsafeArrayBool(vertexCount))
// build vertex-vertex
using (var vertexAdded = new UnsafeArrayBool(vertexCount))
for (int i = 0; i != vertexCount; i++)
foreach (int triangle in vertexTriangles[i])
int _0 = triangle * 3;
int v0 = triangles[_0 + 0];
int v1 = triangles[_0 + 1];
int v2 = triangles[_0 + 2];
for (int i = 0; i != vertexCount; i++)
foreach (int triangle in vertexTriangles[i])
int _0 = triangle * 3;
int v0 = triangles[_0 + 0];
int v1 = triangles[_0 + 1];
int v2 = triangles[_0 + 2];
int vA, vB;
if (i == v0)
vA = v1;
vB = v2;
else if (i == v1)
vA = v2;
vB = v0;
else // (i == v2)
vA = v0;
vB = v1;
int vA, vB;
if (i == v0)
vA = v1;
vB = v2;
else if (i == v1)
vA = v2;
vB = v0;
else // (i == v2)
vA = v0;
vB = v1;
if (vertexAdded.val[vA] == false && (vertexAdded.val[vA] = true))
vertexVertices.Append(i, vA);
if (vertexAdded.val[vA] == false && (vertexAdded.val[vA] = true))
vertexVertices.Append(i, vA);
if (vertexAdded.val[vB] == false && (vertexAdded.val[vB] = true))
vertexVertices.Append(i, vB);
if (vertexAdded.val[vB] == false && (vertexAdded.val[vB] = true))
vertexVertices.Append(i, vB);
foreach (int j in vertexVertices[i])
vertexAdded.val[j] = false;
foreach (int j in vertexVertices[i])
vertexAdded.val[j] = false;
// build triangle-triangle
using (var triangleAdded = new UnsafeArrayBool(triangleCount))
// build triangle-triangle
using (var triangleAdded = new UnsafeArrayBool(triangleCount))
for (int i = 0; i != triangleCount; i++)
int _0 = i * 3;
int v0 = triangles[_0 + 0];
int v1 = triangles[_0 + 1];
int v2 = triangles[_0 + 2];
for (int i = 0; i != triangleCount; i++)
int _0 = i * 3;
int v0 = triangles[_0 + 0];
int v1 = triangles[_0 + 1];
int v2 = triangles[_0 + 2];
triangleAdded.val[i] = true;
triangleAdded.val[i] = true;
foreach (int j in vertexTriangles[v0])
if (triangleAdded.val[j] == false && (triangleAdded.val[j] = true))
triangleTriangles.Append(i, j);
foreach (int j in vertexTriangles[v0])
if (triangleAdded.val[j] == false && (triangleAdded.val[j] = true))
triangleTriangles.Append(i, j);
foreach (int j in vertexTriangles[v1])
if (triangleAdded.val[j] == false && (triangleAdded.val[j] = true))
triangleTriangles.Append(i, j);
foreach (int j in vertexTriangles[v1])
if (triangleAdded.val[j] == false && (triangleAdded.val[j] = true))
triangleTriangles.Append(i, j);
foreach (int j in vertexTriangles[v2])
if (triangleAdded.val[j] == false && (triangleAdded.val[j] = true))
triangleTriangles.Append(i, j);
foreach (int j in vertexTriangles[v2])
if (triangleAdded.val[j] == false && (triangleAdded.val[j] = true))
triangleTriangles.Append(i, j);
triangleAdded.val[i] = false;
triangleAdded.val[i] = false;
foreach (int j in triangleTriangles[i])
triangleAdded.val[j] = false;
foreach (int j in triangleTriangles[i])
triangleAdded.val[j] = false;
// build triangle-vertex
for (int i = 0; i != triangleCount; i++)
int _0 = i * 3;
int v0 = triangles[_0 + 0];
int v1 = triangles[_0 + 1];
int v2 = triangles[_0 + 2];
// build triangle-vertex
for (int i = 0; i != triangleCount; i++)
int _0 = i * 3;
int v0 = triangles[_0 + 0];
int v1 = triangles[_0 + 1];
int v2 = triangles[_0 + 2];
triangleVertices.Append(i, v0);
triangleVertices.Append(i, v1);
triangleVertices.Append(i, v2);
triangleVertices.Append(i, v0);
triangleVertices.Append(i, v1);
triangleVertices.Append(i, v2);


using Unity.Jobs;
using Unity.Burst;
public class MeshBuffers
namespace Unity.DemoTeam.DigitalHuman
public static List<Vector3> __tempVertexPositions = new List<Vector3>();
public static List<Vector4> __tempVertexTangents = new List<Vector4>();
public static List<Vector3> __tempVertexNormals = new List<Vector3>();
public class MeshBuffers
public static List<Vector3> __tempVertexPositions = new List<Vector3>();
public static List<Vector4> __tempVertexTangents = new List<Vector4>();
public static List<Vector3> __tempVertexNormals = new List<Vector3>();
public static Vector4[] __tempVector4;
public static List<int> __tempIndices = new List<int>();
public static Vector4[] __tempVector4;
public static List<int> __tempIndices = new List<int>();
public int vertexCount;
public Vector3[] vertexPositions;
public Vector3[] vertexTangents;
public Vector3[] vertexNormals;
public int vertexCount;
public Vector3[] vertexPositions;
public Vector3[] vertexTangents;
public Vector3[] vertexNormals;
public int triangleCount;
public int[] triangles;
public int triangleCount;
public int[] triangles;
public MeshBuffers(int vertexCapacity)
vertexCount = 0;
vertexPositions = new Vector3[vertexCapacity];
vertexTangents = new Vector3[vertexCapacity];
vertexNormals = new Vector3[vertexCapacity];
public MeshBuffers(int vertexCapacity)
vertexCount = 0;
vertexPositions = new Vector3[vertexCapacity];
vertexTangents = new Vector3[vertexCapacity];
vertexNormals = new Vector3[vertexCapacity];
triangleCount = 0;
triangles = new int[vertexCapacity];
triangleCount = 0;
triangles = new int[vertexCapacity];
public MeshBuffers(Mesh mesh) : this(mesh.vertexCount)
public MeshBuffers(Mesh mesh) : this(mesh.vertexCount)
public void LoadFrom(Mesh mesh)
// copy vertices
public void LoadFrom(Mesh mesh)
// copy vertices
vertexCount = mesh.vertexCount;
vertexCount = mesh.vertexCount;
ArrayUtils.ResizeCheckedIfLessThan(ref vertexPositions, vertexCount);
ArrayUtils.ResizeCheckedIfLessThan(ref vertexPositions, vertexCount);
ArrayUtils.ResizeCheckedIfLessThan(ref __tempVector4, vertexCount);
ArrayUtils.ResizeCheckedIfLessThan(ref __tempVector4, vertexCount);
ArrayUtils.ResizeCheckedIfLessThan(ref vertexTangents, vertexCount);
fixed (Vector3* dst = vertexTangents)
fixed (Vector4* src = __tempVector4)
ArrayUtils.ResizeCheckedIfLessThan(ref vertexTangents, vertexCount);
var job = new CopyTangentsJob()
fixed (Vector3* dst = vertexTangents)
fixed (Vector4* src = __tempVector4)
dst = dst,
src = src,
job.Schedule(vertexCount, 1024).Complete();
var job = new CopyTangentsJob()
dst = dst,
src = src,
job.Schedule(vertexCount, 1024).Complete();
ArrayUtils.ResizeCheckedIfLessThan(ref vertexNormals, vertexCount);
ArrayUtils.ResizeCheckedIfLessThan(ref vertexNormals, vertexCount);
// copy triangles
triangleCount = 0;
// copy triangles
triangleCount = 0;
int submeshCount = mesh.subMeshCount;
if (submeshCount > 0)
for (int i = 0; i != submeshCount; i++)
mesh.GetTriangles(__tempIndices, i);
int submeshCount = mesh.subMeshCount;
if (submeshCount > 0)
for (int i = 0; i != submeshCount; i++)
mesh.GetTriangles(__tempIndices, i);
int submeshTriangleCount = __tempIndices.Count;
if (submeshTriangleCount > 0)
ArrayUtils.ResizeCheckedIfLessThan(ref triangles, triangleCount + submeshTriangleCount);
__tempIndices.CopyTo(triangles, triangleCount);
int submeshTriangleCount = __tempIndices.Count;
if (submeshTriangleCount > 0)
ArrayUtils.ResizeCheckedIfLessThan(ref triangles, triangleCount + submeshTriangleCount);
__tempIndices.CopyTo(triangles, triangleCount);
triangleCount += submeshTriangleCount;
triangleCount += submeshTriangleCount;
public void LoadFrom(in NativeMeshSOA nativeMesh)
// copy vertices
public void LoadFrom(in NativeMeshSOA nativeMesh)
vertexCount = nativeMesh.vertexCount;
// copy vertices
vertexCount = nativeMesh.vertexCount;
ArrayUtils.ResizeCheckedIfLessThan(ref vertexPositions, vertexCount);
ArrayUtils.ResizeCheckedIfLessThan(ref vertexTangents, vertexCount);
ArrayUtils.ResizeCheckedIfLessThan(ref vertexNormals, vertexCount);
Array.Clear(vertexTangents, 0, vertexTangents.Length);
ArrayUtils.ResizeCheckedIfLessThan(ref vertexPositions, vertexCount);
ArrayUtils.ResizeCheckedIfLessThan(ref vertexTangents, vertexCount);
ArrayUtils.ResizeCheckedIfLessThan(ref vertexNormals, vertexCount);
// copy triangles
triangleCount = nativeMesh.faceIndicesCount;
Array.Clear(vertexTangents, 0, vertexTangents.Length);
ArrayUtils.ResizeCheckedIfLessThan(ref triangles, triangleCount);
// copy triangles
public void LoadPositionsFrom(Mesh mesh)
triangleCount = nativeMesh.faceIndicesCount;
ArrayUtils.ResizeCheckedIfLessThan(ref triangles, triangleCount);
ArrayUtils.ResizeCheckedIfLessThan(ref vertexPositions, vertexCount);
public void LoadPositionsFrom(Mesh mesh)
public void LoadNormalsFrom(Mesh mesh)
ArrayUtils.ResizeCheckedIfLessThan(ref vertexPositions, vertexCount);
ArrayUtils.ResizeCheckedIfLessThan(ref vertexNormals, vertexCount);
public void LoadNormalsFrom(Mesh mesh)
public void CopyTo(MeshBuffers meshBuffers)
ArrayUtils.CopyChecked(vertexPositions, ref meshBuffers.vertexPositions, vertexCount);
ArrayUtils.CopyChecked(vertexTangents, ref meshBuffers.vertexTangents, vertexCount);
ArrayUtils.CopyChecked(vertexNormals, ref meshBuffers.vertexNormals, vertexCount);
meshBuffers.vertexCount = vertexCount;
ArrayUtils.ResizeCheckedIfLessThan(ref vertexNormals, vertexCount);
ArrayUtils.CopyChecked(triangles, ref meshBuffers.triangles, triangleCount);
meshBuffers.triangleCount = triangleCount;
public void CopyTo(MeshBuffers meshBuffers)
unsafe struct CopyTangentsJob : IJobParallelFor
ArrayUtils.CopyChecked(vertexPositions, ref meshBuffers.vertexPositions, vertexCount);
ArrayUtils.CopyChecked(vertexTangents, ref meshBuffers.vertexTangents, vertexCount);
ArrayUtils.CopyChecked(vertexNormals, ref meshBuffers.vertexNormals, vertexCount);
meshBuffers.vertexCount = vertexCount;
[NativeDisableUnsafePtrRestriction] public Vector3* dst;
[NativeDisableUnsafePtrRestriction] public Vector4* src;
ArrayUtils.CopyChecked(triangles, ref meshBuffers.triangles, triangleCount);
meshBuffers.triangleCount = triangleCount;
public void Execute(int i)
dst[i].x = src[i].x * src[i].w;
dst[i].y = src[i].y * src[i].w;
dst[i].z = src[i].z * src[i].w;
unsafe struct CopyTangentsJob : IJobParallelFor
[NativeDisableUnsafePtrRestriction] public Vector3* dst;
[NativeDisableUnsafePtrRestriction] public Vector4* src;
public void Execute(int i)
public void ApplyRotation(Quaternion q)
dst[i].x = src[i].x * src[i].w;
dst[i].y = src[i].y * src[i].w;
dst[i].z = src[i].z * src[i].w;
for (int i = 0; i != vertexCount; i++)
vertexPositions[i] = q * vertexPositions[i];
for (int i = 0; i != vertexCount; i++)
vertexTangents[i] = q * vertexTangents[i];
for (int i = 0; i != vertexCount; i++)
vertexNormals[i] = q * vertexNormals[i];
public void ApplyRotation(Quaternion q)
for (int i = 0; i != vertexCount; i++)
vertexPositions[i] = q * vertexPositions[i];
for (int i = 0; i != vertexCount; i++)
vertexTangents[i] = q * vertexTangents[i];
for (int i = 0; i != vertexCount; i++)
vertexNormals[i] = q * vertexNormals[i];
public void ApplyScale(float s)
for (int i = 0; i != vertexCount; i++)
vertexPositions[i] = s * vertexPositions[i];
public void ApplyScale(float s)
for (int i = 0; i != vertexCount; i++)
vertexPositions[i] = s * vertexPositions[i];
public void ApplySmoothing(MeshAdjacency meshAdjacency, int iterations)
Debug.Assert(vertexCount == meshAdjacency.vertexCount);
public void ApplySmoothing(MeshAdjacency meshAdjacency, int iterations)
fixed (Vector3* __vertexPositions = vertexPositions)
Debug.Assert(vertexCount == meshAdjacency.vertexCount);
using (var v = new UnsafeArrayVector3(meshAdjacency.vertexCount))
fixed (Vector3* __vertexPositions = vertexPositions)
while (iterations-- >= 0)
using (var v = new UnsafeArrayVector3(meshAdjacency.vertexCount))
for (int i = 0; i != meshAdjacency.vertexCount; i++)
while (iterations-- >= 0)
var s = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
var d = meshAdjacency.vertexVertices.lists[i].size;
foreach (int j in meshAdjacency.vertexVertices[i])
for (int i = 0; i != meshAdjacency.vertexCount; i++)
s.x += __vertexPositions[j].x;
s.y += __vertexPositions[j].y;
s.z += __vertexPositions[j].z;
var s = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
var d = meshAdjacency.vertexVertices.lists[i].size;
foreach (int j in meshAdjacency.vertexVertices[i])
s.x += __vertexPositions[j].x;
s.y += __vertexPositions[j].y;
s.z += __vertexPositions[j].z;
v.val[i] = s / d;
v.val[i] = s / d;
UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(__vertexPositions, v.val, sizeof(Vector3) * vertexCount);
UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(__vertexPositions, v.val, sizeof(Vector3) * vertexCount);
public void ApplyWeldedChanges(MeshAdjacency meshAdjacency)
Debug.Assert(vertexCount == meshAdjacency.vertexCount);
for (int i = 0; i != meshAdjacency.vertexCount; i++)
public void ApplyWeldedChanges(MeshAdjacency meshAdjacency)
foreach (int j in meshAdjacency.vertexWelded[i])
Debug.Assert(vertexCount == meshAdjacency.vertexCount);
for (int i = 0; i != meshAdjacency.vertexCount; i++)
vertexPositions[j] = vertexPositions[i];
vertexTangents[j] = vertexTangents[i];
vertexNormals[j] = vertexNormals[i];
foreach (int j in meshAdjacency.vertexWelded[i])
vertexPositions[j] = vertexPositions[i];
vertexTangents[j] = vertexTangents[i];
vertexNormals[j] = vertexNormals[i];
public Vector3 CalcMeshCenter()
Vector3 average = Vector3.zero;
for (int i = 0; i != vertexCount; i++)
public Vector3 CalcMeshCenter()
average += vertexPositions[i];
Vector3 average = Vector3.zero;
for (int i = 0; i != vertexCount; i++)
average += vertexPositions[i];
return average / vertexCount;
return average / vertexCount;
public Vector3 CalcAABBCenter()
Vector3 min;
Vector3 max;
CalcAABBMinMax(out min, out max);
return 0.5f * (min + max);
public Vector3 CalcAABBExtent()
Vector3 min;
Vector3 max;
CalcAABBMinMax(out min, out max);
return 0.5f * (max - min);
public Vector3 CalcAABBCenter()
Vector3 min;
Vector3 max;
CalcAABBMinMax(out min, out max);
return 0.5f * (min + max);
public void CalcAABBMinMax(out Vector3 min, out Vector3 max)
min = Vector3.positiveInfinity;
max = Vector3.negativeInfinity;
for (int i = 0; i != vertexCount; i++)
public Vector3 CalcAABBExtent()
min = Vector3.Min(min, vertexPositions[i]);
max = Vector3.Max(max, vertexPositions[i]);
Vector3 min;
Vector3 max;
CalcAABBMinMax(out min, out max);
return 0.5f * (max - min);
public void RecalculateNormals(MeshAdjacency meshAdjacency)
public void CalcAABBMinMax(out Vector3 min, out Vector3 max)
using (var triangleProducts = new UnsafeArrayVector3(meshAdjacency.triangleCount))
min = Vector3.positiveInfinity;
max = Vector3.negativeInfinity;
for (int i = 0; i != vertexCount; i++)
min = Vector3.Min(min, vertexPositions[i]);
max = Vector3.Max(max, vertexPositions[i]);
for (int i = 0; i != meshAdjacency.triangleCount; i++)
public void RecalculateNormals(MeshAdjacency meshAdjacency)
using (var triangleProducts = new UnsafeArrayVector3(meshAdjacency.triangleCount))
var _e = meshAdjacency.triangleVertices[i].GetEnumerator();
int v0 = _e.ReadNext();
int v1 = _e.ReadNext();
int v2 = _e.ReadNext();
Vector3 v0v1 = vertexPositions[v1] - vertexPositions[v0];
Vector3 v0v2 = vertexPositions[v2] - vertexPositions[v0];
for (int i = 0; i != meshAdjacency.triangleCount; i++)
var _e = meshAdjacency.triangleVertices[i].GetEnumerator();
int v0 = _e.ReadNext();
int v1 = _e.ReadNext();
int v2 = _e.ReadNext();
triangleProducts.val[i] = Vector3.Cross(v0v1, v0v2);
Vector3 v0v1 = vertexPositions[v1] - vertexPositions[v0];
Vector3 v0v2 = vertexPositions[v2] - vertexPositions[v0];
for (int i = 0; i != meshAdjacency.vertexCount; i++)
Vector3 sumProducts = Vector3.zero;
foreach (var triangle in meshAdjacency.vertexTriangles[i])
sumProducts += triangleProducts.val[triangle];
triangleProducts.val[i] = Vector3.Cross(v0v1, v0v2);
var sumProductsSqNorm = Vector3.SqrMagnitude(sumProducts);
if (sumProductsSqNorm != 0.0f)
for (int i = 0; i != meshAdjacency.vertexCount; i++)
vertexNormals[i] = sumProducts / Mathf.Sqrt(sumProductsSqNorm);
var numVertexTriangles = meshAdjacency.vertexTriangles.lists[i].size;
if (numVertexTriangles != 0)
Vector3 sumProducts = Vector3.zero;
foreach (var triangle in meshAdjacency.vertexTriangles[i])
sumProducts += triangleProducts.val[triangle];
var sumProductsSqNorm = Vector3.SqrMagnitude(sumProducts);
if (sumProductsSqNorm != 0.0f)
Debug.LogError("degenerate vertex " + i + ": all " + numVertexTriangles + " adjacent triangles have zero area");
vertexNormals[i] = sumProducts / Mathf.Sqrt(sumProductsSqNorm);
var numVertexTriangles = meshAdjacency.vertexTriangles.lists[i].size;
if (numVertexTriangles != 0)
Debug.LogError("degenerate vertex " + i + ": all " + numVertexTriangles + " adjacent triangles have zero area");
public void DrawTriangle(int triangle)
int _0 = triangle * 3;
int v0 = triangles[_0];
int v1 = triangles[_0 + 1];
int v2 = triangles[_0 + 2];
Gizmos.DrawLine(vertexPositions[v0], vertexPositions[v1]);
Gizmos.DrawLine(vertexPositions[v1], vertexPositions[v2]);
Gizmos.DrawLine(vertexPositions[v2], vertexPositions[v0]);
public void DrawTriangles(IEnumerable<int> triangleEnumerable)
var triangleEnumerator = triangleEnumerable.GetEnumerator();
while (triangleEnumerator.MoveNext())
public void DrawGizmoTriangle(int triangle)
int _0 = triangleEnumerator.Current * 3;
int _0 = triangle * 3;
int v0 = triangles[_0];
int v1 = triangles[_0 + 1];
int v2 = triangles[_0 + 2];

Gizmos.DrawLine(vertexPositions[v2], vertexPositions[v0]);
public void DrawGizmoTriangles(IEnumerable<int> triangleEnumerable)
var triangleEnumerator = triangleEnumerable.GetEnumerator();
while (triangleEnumerator.MoveNext())
int _0 = triangleEnumerator.Current * 3;
int v0 = triangles[_0];
int v1 = triangles[_0 + 1];
int v2 = triangles[_0 + 2];
Gizmos.DrawLine(vertexPositions[v0], vertexPositions[v1]);
Gizmos.DrawLine(vertexPositions[v1], vertexPositions[v2]);
Gizmos.DrawLine(vertexPositions[v2], vertexPositions[v0]);


using UnityEngine;
using Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe;
public class MeshEdges
namespace Unity.DemoTeam.DigitalHuman
public Edge[] edges;
public struct Edge
public int p1;
public int p2;
public class MeshEdges
public Edge[] edges;
public struct Edge
public int p1;
public int p2;
private static HashSet<ulong> __hashedPairs = new HashSet<ulong>();
private static void __hashedPairsClear() { __hashedPairs.Clear(); }
private static bool __hashedPairsAdd(int i, int j)
ulong i32 = (ulong)i;
ulong j32 = (ulong)j;
private static HashSet<ulong> __hashedPairs = new HashSet<ulong>();
private static void __hashedPairsClear() { __hashedPairs.Clear(); }
private static bool __hashedPairsAdd(int i, int j)
ulong i32 = (ulong)i;
ulong j32 = (ulong)j;
ulong hashedPair = (i < j) ? (i32 | (j32 << 32)) : (j32 | (i32 << 32));
if (__hashedPairs.Contains(hashedPair) == false)
return true;
return false;
ulong hashedPair = (i < j) ? (i32 | (j32 << 32)) : (j32 | (i32 << 32));
if (__hashedPairs.Contains(hashedPair) == false)
return true;
return false;
public MeshEdges()
ArrayUtils.ResizeChecked(ref edges, 0);
public MeshEdges()
ArrayUtils.ResizeChecked(ref edges, 0);
public MeshEdges(int[] triangles)
public MeshEdges(int[] triangles)
public void LoadFrom(int[] triangles)
var numTriangles = triangles.Length / 3;
var numEdges = 0;
public void LoadFrom(int[] triangles)
var numTriangles = triangles.Length / 3;
var numEdges = 0;
var buffer = (Edge*)UnsafeUtility.Malloc(sizeof(Edge) * numTriangles * 3, 1, Unity.Collections.Allocator.Temp);
var buffer = (Edge*)UnsafeUtility.Malloc(sizeof(Edge) * numTriangles * 3, 1, Unity.Collections.Allocator.Temp);
for (int triangleIndex = 0; triangleIndex != numTriangles; triangleIndex++)
var i = triangles[triangleIndex * 3 + 0];
var j = triangles[triangleIndex * 3 + 1];
var k = triangles[triangleIndex * 3 + 2];
for (int triangleIndex = 0; triangleIndex != numTriangles; triangleIndex++)
var i = triangles[triangleIndex * 3 + 0];
var j = triangles[triangleIndex * 3 + 1];
var k = triangles[triangleIndex * 3 + 2];
if (__hashedPairsAdd(i, j))
buffer[numEdges++] = new Edge { p1 = i, p2 = j };
if (__hashedPairsAdd(i, j))
buffer[numEdges++] = new Edge { p1 = i, p2 = j };
if (__hashedPairsAdd(j, k))
buffer[numEdges++] = new Edge { p1 = j, p2 = k };
if (__hashedPairsAdd(j, k))
buffer[numEdges++] = new Edge { p1 = j, p2 = k };
if (__hashedPairsAdd(k, i))
buffer[numEdges++] = new Edge { p1 = k, p2 = i };
if (__hashedPairsAdd(k, i))
buffer[numEdges++] = new Edge { p1 = k, p2 = i };
ArrayUtils.ResizeChecked(ref edges, numEdges);
ArrayUtils.ResizeChecked(ref edges, numEdges);
fixed (Edge* edgesPtr = edges)
UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(edgesPtr, buffer, sizeof(Edge) * numEdges);
UnsafeUtility.Free(buffer, Unity.Collections.Allocator.Temp);
//Debug.Log("numTriangles = " + numTriangles + ", numEdges = " + numEdges);
fixed (Edge* edgesPtr = edges)
UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(edgesPtr, buffer, sizeof(Edge) * numEdges);
UnsafeUtility.Free(buffer, Unity.Collections.Allocator.Temp);
//Debug.Log("numTriangles = " + numTriangles + ", numEdges = " + numEdges);
public void ComputeLengths(ref float[] lengths, Vector3[] positions)
ArrayUtils.ResizeChecked(ref lengths, edges.Length);
for (int i = 0; i != edges.Length; i++)
Vector3 p1 = positions[edges[i].p1];
Vector3 p2 = positions[edges[i].p2];
lengths[i] = Vector3.Magnitude(p2 - p1);
public void ComputeLengths(ref float[] lengths, Vector3[] positions)
ArrayUtils.ResizeChecked(ref lengths, edges.Length);
for (int i = 0; i != edges.Length; i++)
Vector3 p1 = positions[edges[i].p1];
Vector3 p2 = positions[edges[i].p2];
lengths[i] = Vector3.Magnitude(p2 - p1);
public void ComputeCurvatures(ref float[] curvatures, Vector3[] positions, Vector3[] normals)
ArrayUtils.ResizeChecked(ref curvatures, edges.Length);
for (int i = 0; i != edges.Length; i++)
// https://computergraphics.stackexchange.com/a/1719
var p1 = positions[edges[i].p1];
var p2 = positions[edges[i].p2];
var p1p2 = p2 - p1;
var squaredLength = Vector3.Dot(p1p2, p1p2);
if (squaredLength != 0.0f)
var n1 = normals[edges[i].p1];
var n2 = normals[edges[i].p2];
curvatures[i] = Vector3.Dot(n2 - n1, p1p2) / squaredLength;
curvatures[i] = 0.0f;
public void ComputeCurvatures(ref float[] curvatures, Vector3[] positions, Vector3[] normals)
ArrayUtils.ResizeChecked(ref curvatures, edges.Length);
for (int i = 0; i != edges.Length; i++)
// https://computergraphics.stackexchange.com/a/1719
var p1 = positions[edges[i].p1];
var p2 = positions[edges[i].p2];
var p1p2 = p2 - p1;
var squaredLength = Vector3.Dot(p1p2, p1p2);
if (squaredLength != 0.0f)
var n1 = normals[edges[i].p1];
var n2 = normals[edges[i].p2];
curvatures[i] = Vector3.Dot(n2 - n1, p1p2) / squaredLength;
curvatures[i] = 0.0f;


using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;
public static class MeshEx
namespace Unity.DemoTeam.DigitalHuman
public static class MeshEx
const MeshUpdateFlags UPDATE_FLAGS_SILENT =
MeshUpdateFlags.DontNotifyMeshUsers |
MeshUpdateFlags.DontRecalculateBounds |
const MeshUpdateFlags UPDATE_FLAGS_SILENT =
MeshUpdateFlags.DontNotifyMeshUsers |
MeshUpdateFlags.DontRecalculateBounds |
public static void EnableSilentWrites(this Mesh mesh, bool enable)
public static void EnableSilentWrites(this Mesh mesh, bool enable)
mesh.enableSilentWrites = enable;
mesh.enableSilentWrites = enable;
public static void SilentlySetVertices(this Mesh mesh, Vector3[] positions)
public static void SilentlySetVertices(this Mesh mesh, Vector3[] positions)
mesh.SetVertices(positions, 0, positions.Length, UPDATE_FLAGS_SILENT);
mesh.SetVertices(positions, 0, positions.Length, UPDATE_FLAGS_SILENT);
mesh.SetVertices(positions, 0, positions.Length);
mesh.SetVertices(positions, 0, positions.Length);
public static void SilentlySetNormals(this Mesh mesh, Vector3[] normals)
public static void SilentlySetNormals(this Mesh mesh, Vector3[] normals)
mesh.SetNormals(normals, 0, normals.Length, UPDATE_FLAGS_SILENT);
mesh.SetNormals(normals, 0, normals.Length, UPDATE_FLAGS_SILENT);
mesh.SetNormals(normals, 0, normals.Length);
mesh.SetNormals(normals, 0, normals.Length);
public static void SilentlyRecalculateTangents(this Mesh mesh)
public static void SilentlyRecalculateTangents(this Mesh mesh)
public static void SilentlyRecalculateNormals(this Mesh mesh)
public static void SilentlyRecalculateNormals(this Mesh mesh)
public static void SilentlyRecalculateBounds(this Mesh mesh)
public static void SilentlyRecalculateBounds(this Mesh mesh)


using UnityEditor.Experimental.SceneManagement;
[ExecuteAlways, DisallowMultipleComponent]
public abstract class MeshInstanceBehaviour : MonoBehaviour
namespace Unity.DemoTeam.DigitalHuman
public const string meshInstanceSuffix = "(MeshInstance)";
[ExecuteAlways, DisallowMultipleComponent]
public abstract class MeshInstanceBehaviour : MonoBehaviour
public const string meshInstanceSuffix = "(MeshInstance)";
public Mesh meshAsset;
public Mesh meshInstance;
public Mesh meshAsset;
public Mesh meshInstance;
protected virtual void OnMeshInstanceCreated() { }
protected virtual void OnMeshInstanceDeleted() { }
protected virtual void OnMeshInstanceCreated() { }
protected virtual void OnMeshInstanceDeleted() { }
public void EnsureMeshInstance()
var smr = GetComponent<SkinnedMeshRenderer>();
if (smr != null)
public void EnsureMeshInstance()
if (smr.sharedMesh == null || (smr.sharedMesh.GetInstanceID() < 0 && smr.sharedMesh != meshInstance))
smr.sharedMesh = meshAsset;
var smr = GetComponent<SkinnedMeshRenderer>();
if (smr != null)
if (smr.sharedMesh == null || (smr.sharedMesh.GetInstanceID() < 0 && smr.sharedMesh != meshInstance))
smr.sharedMesh = meshAsset;
if (smr.sharedMesh != null && smr.sharedMesh.GetInstanceID() >= 0)
smr.sharedMesh = EnsureMeshInstanceAux(smr.sharedMesh);
if (smr.sharedMesh != null && smr.sharedMesh.GetInstanceID() >= 0)
smr.sharedMesh = EnsureMeshInstanceAux(smr.sharedMesh);
var mf = GetComponent<MeshFilter>();
if (mf != null)
if (mf.sharedMesh == null || (mf.sharedMesh.GetInstanceID() < 0 && mf.sharedMesh != meshInstance))
mf.sharedMesh = meshAsset;
var mf = GetComponent<MeshFilter>();
if (mf != null)
if (mf.sharedMesh == null || (mf.sharedMesh.GetInstanceID() < 0 && mf.sharedMesh != meshInstance))
mf.sharedMesh = meshAsset;
if (mf.sharedMesh != null && mf.sharedMesh.GetInstanceID() >= 0)
mf.sharedMesh = EnsureMeshInstanceAux(mf.sharedMesh);
if (mf.sharedMesh != null && mf.sharedMesh.GetInstanceID() >= 0)
mf.sharedMesh = EnsureMeshInstanceAux(mf.sharedMesh);
Mesh EnsureMeshInstanceAux(Mesh mesh)
if (meshInstance != null)
Mesh EnsureMeshInstanceAux(Mesh mesh)
meshInstance = null;
if (meshInstance != null)
meshInstance = null;
meshAsset = mesh;
meshInstance = Mesh.Instantiate(meshAsset);
meshInstance.name = meshAsset.name + meshInstanceSuffix;
meshInstance.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave & ~HideFlags.DontUnloadUnusedAsset;
meshAsset = mesh;
meshInstance = Mesh.Instantiate(meshAsset);
meshInstance.name = meshAsset.name + meshInstanceSuffix;
meshInstance.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave & ~HideFlags.DontUnloadUnusedAsset;
//Debug.Log("ensureMeshInstance " + meshAsset.name + " -> " + meshInstance.name);
//Debug.Log("ensureMeshInstance " + meshAsset.name + " -> " + meshInstance.name);
return meshInstance;
return meshInstance;
public void RemoveMeshInstance()
var smr = GetComponent<SkinnedMeshRenderer>();
if (smr != null)
public void RemoveMeshInstance()
if (smr.sharedMesh == null || smr.sharedMesh.GetInstanceID() < 0)
smr.sharedMesh = meshAsset;
var smr = GetComponent<SkinnedMeshRenderer>();
if (smr != null)
if (smr.sharedMesh == null || smr.sharedMesh.GetInstanceID() < 0)
smr.sharedMesh = meshAsset;
var mf = GetComponent<MeshFilter>();
if (mf != null)
if (mf.sharedMesh == null || mf.sharedMesh.GetInstanceID() < 0)
mf.sharedMesh = meshAsset;
var mf = GetComponent<MeshFilter>();
if (mf != null)
if (mf.sharedMesh == null || mf.sharedMesh.GetInstanceID() < 0)
mf.sharedMesh = meshAsset;
void RemoveMeshInstanceAux()
if (meshInstance != null)
void RemoveMeshInstanceAux()
meshInstance = null;
if (meshInstance != null)
meshInstance = null;
static MeshInstanceBehaviour()
PrefabStage.prefabSaving += (GameObject prefab) =>
static MeshInstanceBehaviour()
var prefabStage = PrefabStageUtility.GetCurrentPrefabStage();
if (prefabStage != null)
PrefabStage.prefabSaving += (GameObject prefab) =>
var meshInstanceBehaviours = prefab.GetComponentsInChildren<MeshInstanceBehaviour>(includeInactive: true);
foreach (var meshInstanceBehaviour in meshInstanceBehaviours)
var prefabStage = PrefabStageUtility.GetCurrentPrefabStage();
if (prefabStage != null)
//Debug.Log("reverted mesh instance for " + meshInstanceBehaviour.ToString());
var meshInstanceBehaviours = prefab.GetComponentsInChildren<MeshInstanceBehaviour>(includeInactive: true);
foreach (var meshInstanceBehaviour in meshInstanceBehaviours)
//Debug.Log("reverted mesh instance for " + meshInstanceBehaviour.ToString());
PrefabStage.prefabSaved += (GameObject prefab) =>
var prefabStage = PrefabStageUtility.GetCurrentPrefabStage();
if (prefabStage != null)
PrefabStage.prefabSaved += (GameObject prefab) =>
var meshInstanceBehaviours = prefab.GetComponentsInChildren<MeshInstanceBehaviour>(includeInactive: false);
foreach (var meshInstanceBehaviour in meshInstanceBehaviours)
var prefabStage = PrefabStageUtility.GetCurrentPrefabStage();
if (prefabStage != null)
//Debug.Log("reinstated mesh instance for " + meshInstanceBehaviour.ToString());
var meshInstanceBehaviours = prefab.GetComponentsInChildren<MeshInstanceBehaviour>(includeInactive: false);
foreach (var meshInstanceBehaviour in meshInstanceBehaviours)
//Debug.Log("reinstated mesh instance for " + meshInstanceBehaviour.ToString());


using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class MeshIslands
namespace Unity.DemoTeam.DigitalHuman
public int[] vertexIsland;
public int vertexCount;
public class MeshIslands
public int[] vertexIsland;
public int vertexCount;
public LinkedIndexListArray islandVertices;
public int islandCount;
public LinkedIndexListArray islandVertices;
public int islandCount;
public MeshIslands(MeshAdjacency meshAdjacency)
public MeshIslands(MeshAdjacency meshAdjacency)
public void LoadFrom(MeshAdjacency meshAdjacency)
vertexCount = meshAdjacency.vertexCount;
public void LoadFrom(MeshAdjacency meshAdjacency)
vertexCount = meshAdjacency.vertexCount;
ArrayUtils.ResizeCheckedIfLessThan(ref vertexIsland, vertexCount);
ArrayUtils.ResizeCheckedIfLessThan(ref vertexIsland, vertexCount);
islandCount = 0;
islandVertices.Allocate(vertexCount, vertexCount);
islandCount = 0;
islandVertices.Allocate(vertexCount, vertexCount);
for (int i = 0; i != vertexCount; i++)
vertexIsland[i] = i;
islandVertices.Append(i, i);
for (int i = 0; i != vertexCount; i++)
vertexIsland[i] = i;
islandVertices.Append(i, i);
for (int i = 0; i != vertexCount; i++)
foreach (int j in meshAdjacency.vertexVertices[i])
int islandA = vertexIsland[i];
int islandB = vertexIsland[j];
if (islandB != islandA)
// update vertex->island lookup
foreach (int vertex in islandVertices[islandB])
vertexIsland[vertex] = islandA;
for (int i = 0; i != vertexCount; i++)
foreach (int j in meshAdjacency.vertexVertices[i])
int islandA = vertexIsland[i];
int islandB = vertexIsland[j];
if (islandB != islandA)
// update vertex->island lookup
foreach (int vertex in islandVertices[islandB])
vertexIsland[vertex] = islandA;
// move adjacent island
islandVertices.AppendMove(islandA, islandB);
// move adjacent island
islandVertices.AppendMove(islandA, islandB);
// remove empty islands
for (int i = 0; i != vertexCount; i++)
if (islandVertices.lists[i].size != 0)
islandVertices.lists[islandCount++] = islandVertices.lists[i];
// remove empty islands
for (int i = 0; i != vertexCount; i++)
if (islandVertices.lists[i].size != 0)
islandVertices.lists[islandCount++] = islandVertices.lists[i];
for (int i = islandCount; i != vertexCount; i++)
islandVertices.lists[i].head = -1;
islandVertices.lists[i].size = 0;
for (int i = islandCount; i != vertexCount; i++)
islandVertices.lists[i].head = -1;
islandVertices.lists[i].size = 0;
// update vertex->island lookup
for (int i = 0; i != islandCount; i++)
foreach (int vertex in islandVertices[i])
vertexIsland[vertex] = i;
// update vertex->island lookup
for (int i = 0; i != islandCount; i++)
foreach (int vertex in islandVertices[i])
vertexIsland[vertex] = i;


using UnityEngine;
using Unity.Collections;
public struct NativeMeshSOA : IDisposable
namespace Unity.DemoTeam.DigitalHuman
public NativeArray<Vector3> vertexPositions;
public NativeArray<Vector2> vertexTexCoords;
public NativeArray<Vector3> vertexNormals;
public int vertexCount;
public struct NativeMeshSOA : IDisposable
public NativeArray<Vector3> vertexPositions;
public NativeArray<Vector2> vertexTexCoords;
public NativeArray<Vector3> vertexNormals;
public int vertexCount;
public NativeArray<int> faceIndices;
public int faceIndicesCount;
public NativeArray<int> faceIndices;
public int faceIndicesCount;
public void Dispose()
vertexCount = 0;
public void Dispose()
vertexCount = 0;
faceIndicesCount = 0;
faceIndicesCount = 0;


using Unity.Collections;
using UnityEngine;
public static class NativeMeshObjLoader
namespace Unity.DemoTeam.DigitalHuman
public enum VertexAttribs
public static class NativeMeshObjLoader
Position = 1 << 0,
TexCoord = 1 << 1,
Normal = 1 << 2,
public enum VertexAttribs
Position = 1 << 0,
TexCoord = 1 << 1,
Normal = 1 << 2,
public enum VertexOrder
ByDefinition = 0,
ByReference = 1,
public enum VertexOrder
ByDefinition = 0,
ByReference = 1,
struct InputVertex
public uint idxPosition;
public uint idxTexCoord;
public uint idxNormal;
struct InputVertex
public uint idxPosition;
public uint idxTexCoord;
public uint idxNormal;
struct InputFace
public InputVertex v0;
public InputVertex v1;
public InputVertex v2;
struct InputFace
public InputVertex v0;
public InputVertex v1;
public InputVertex v2;
public unsafe static NativeMeshSOA Parse(string path, VertexAttribs vertexAttribs = VertexAttribs.Position, VertexOrder vertexOrder = VertexOrder.ByDefinition)
public unsafe static NativeMeshSOA Parse(string path, VertexAttribs vertexAttribs = VertexAttribs.Position, VertexOrder vertexOrder = VertexOrder.ByDefinition)
Debug.LogFormat("trying {0}", path);
Debug.LogFormat("trying {0}", path);
var text = File.ReadAllText(path);// TODO replace with native variant
var textSize = text.Length;
var text = File.ReadAllText(path);// TODO replace with native variant
var textSize = text.Length;
// measure the data
int numPositions = 0;
int numTexCoords = 0;
int numNormals = 0;
int numFaces = 0;
// measure the data
int numPositions = 0;
int numTexCoords = 0;
int numNormals = 0;
int numFaces = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++)
if (ReadChar(text, ref i, 'v'))
for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++)
if (ReadBlank(text, ref i))
else if (ReadChar(text, ref i, 't') && ReadBlank(text, ref i))
else if (ReadChar(text, ref i, 'n') && ReadBlank(text, ref i))
if (ReadChar(text, ref i, 'v'))
else if (ReadChar(text, ref i, 'f') && ReadBlankGreedy(text, ref i))
int readVerts = 0;
while (ReadDigit(text, ref i))
ReadUntilNewlineOrBlank(text, ref i);
ReadBlankGreedy(text, ref i);
if (ReadBlank(text, ref i))
else if (ReadChar(text, ref i, 't') && ReadBlank(text, ref i))
else if (ReadChar(text, ref i, 'n') && ReadBlank(text, ref i))
if (readVerts > 2)
else if (ReadChar(text, ref i, 'f') && ReadBlankGreedy(text, ref i))
numFaces += readVerts - 2;
int readVerts = 0;
while (ReadDigit(text, ref i))
ReadUntilNewlineOrBlank(text, ref i);
ReadBlankGreedy(text, ref i);
if (readVerts > 2)
numFaces += readVerts - 2;
ReadUntilNewline(text, ref i);
ReadUntilNewline(text, ref i);
Debug.LogFormat("-- numPositions = {0}", numPositions);
Debug.LogFormat("-- numTexCoords = {0}", numTexCoords);
Debug.LogFormat("-- numNormals = {0}", numNormals);
Debug.LogFormat("-- numFaces = {0}", numFaces);
Debug.LogFormat("-- numPositions = {0}", numPositions);
Debug.LogFormat("-- numTexCoords = {0}", numTexCoords);
Debug.LogFormat("-- numNormals = {0}", numNormals);
Debug.LogFormat("-- numFaces = {0}", numFaces);
// allocate buffers
var inputPositions = new NativeArray<Vector3>(numPositions, Allocator.Temp, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory);
var inputTexCoords = new NativeArray<Vector2>(numTexCoords, Allocator.Temp, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory);
var inputNormals = new NativeArray<Vector3>(numNormals, Allocator.Temp, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory);
var inputFaces = new NativeArray<InputFace>(numFaces, Allocator.Temp, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory);
// allocate buffers
var inputPositions = new NativeArray<Vector3>(numPositions, Allocator.Temp, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory);
var inputTexCoords = new NativeArray<Vector2>(numTexCoords, Allocator.Temp, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory);
var inputNormals = new NativeArray<Vector3>(numNormals, Allocator.Temp, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory);
var inputFaces = new NativeArray<InputFace>(numFaces, Allocator.Temp, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory);
var outputIndicesMax = numFaces * 3;
var outputIndicesLUT = new NativeHashMap<Hash128, int>(outputIndicesMax, Allocator.Temp);
var outputPositions = new NativeArray<Vector3>(outputIndicesMax, Allocator.Temp, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory);
var outputTexCoords = new NativeArray<Vector2>(outputIndicesMax, Allocator.Temp, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory);
var outputNormals = new NativeArray<Vector3>(outputIndicesMax, Allocator.Temp, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory);
var outputIndices = new NativeArray<int>(outputIndicesMax, Allocator.Temp, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory);
var outputIndicesMax = numFaces * 3;
var outputIndicesLUT = new NativeHashMap<Hash128, int>(outputIndicesMax, Allocator.Temp);
var outputPositions = new NativeArray<Vector3>(outputIndicesMax, Allocator.Temp, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory);
var outputTexCoords = new NativeArray<Vector2>(outputIndicesMax, Allocator.Temp, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory);
var outputNormals = new NativeArray<Vector3>(outputIndicesMax, Allocator.Temp, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory);
var outputIndices = new NativeArray<int>(outputIndicesMax, Allocator.Temp, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory);
// read the data
numPositions = 0;
numTexCoords = 0;
numNormals = 0;
numFaces = 0;
// read the data
numPositions = 0;
numTexCoords = 0;
numNormals = 0;
numFaces = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++)
if (ReadChar(text, ref i, 'v'))
for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++)
if (ReadBlank(text, ref i))
Vector3 position;
ReadFloat(text, ref i, out position.x);
position.x *= -1.0f;//TODO remove this hack
ReadBlankGreedy(text, ref i);
ReadFloat(text, ref i, out position.y);
ReadBlankGreedy(text, ref i);
ReadFloat(text, ref i, out position.z);
inputPositions[numPositions++] = position;
else if (ReadChar(text, ref i, 't') && ReadBlank(text, ref i))
Vector2 texCoord;
ReadFloat(text, ref i, out texCoord.x);
ReadBlankGreedy(text, ref i);
ReadFloat(text, ref i, out texCoord.y);
inputTexCoords[numTexCoords++] = texCoord;
else if (ReadChar(text, ref i, 'n') && ReadBlank(text, ref i))
if (ReadChar(text, ref i, 'v'))
Vector3 normal;
ReadFloat(text, ref i, out normal.x);
normal.x *= -1.0f;//TODO remove this hack
ReadBlankGreedy(text, ref i);
ReadFloat(text, ref i, out normal.y);
ReadBlankGreedy(text, ref i);
ReadFloat(text, ref i, out normal.z);
inputNormals[numNormals++] = normal;
if (ReadBlank(text, ref i))
Vector3 position;
ReadFloat(text, ref i, out position.x);
position.x *= -1.0f;//TODO remove this hack
ReadBlankGreedy(text, ref i);
ReadFloat(text, ref i, out position.y);
ReadBlankGreedy(text, ref i);
ReadFloat(text, ref i, out position.z);
inputPositions[numPositions++] = position;
else if (ReadChar(text, ref i, 't') && ReadBlank(text, ref i))
Vector2 texCoord;
ReadFloat(text, ref i, out texCoord.x);
ReadBlankGreedy(text, ref i);
ReadFloat(text, ref i, out texCoord.y);
inputTexCoords[numTexCoords++] = texCoord;
else if (ReadChar(text, ref i, 'n') && ReadBlank(text, ref i))
Vector3 normal;
ReadFloat(text, ref i, out normal.x);
normal.x *= -1.0f;//TODO remove this hack
ReadBlankGreedy(text, ref i);
ReadFloat(text, ref i, out normal.y);
ReadBlankGreedy(text, ref i);
ReadFloat(text, ref i, out normal.z);
inputNormals[numNormals++] = normal;
else if (ReadChar(text, ref i, 'f') && ReadBlankGreedy(text, ref i))
InputFace face = new InputFace();
if (ReadUInt(text, ref i, out face.v0.idxPosition))
else if (ReadChar(text, ref i, 'f') && ReadBlankGreedy(text, ref i))
ReadChar(text, ref i, '/');
ReadUInt(text, ref i, out face.v0.idxTexCoord);
ReadChar(text, ref i, '/');
ReadUInt(text, ref i, out face.v0.idxNormal);
InputFace face = new InputFace();
if (ReadUInt(text, ref i, out face.v0.idxPosition))
ReadChar(text, ref i, '/');
ReadUInt(text, ref i, out face.v0.idxTexCoord);
ReadChar(text, ref i, '/');
ReadUInt(text, ref i, out face.v0.idxNormal);
int readVerts = 1;
while (ReadBlankGreedy(text, ref i))
face.v1 = face.v2;
if (ReadUInt(text, ref i, out face.v2.idxPosition))
int readVerts = 1;
while (ReadBlankGreedy(text, ref i))
ReadChar(text, ref i, '/');
ReadUInt(text, ref i, out face.v2.idxTexCoord);
ReadChar(text, ref i, '/');
ReadUInt(text, ref i, out face.v2.idxNormal);
if (++readVerts > 2)
face.v1 = face.v2;
if (ReadUInt(text, ref i, out face.v2.idxPosition))
inputFaces[numFaces++] = face;
ReadChar(text, ref i, '/');
ReadUInt(text, ref i, out face.v2.idxTexCoord);
ReadChar(text, ref i, '/');
ReadUInt(text, ref i, out face.v2.idxNormal);
if (++readVerts > 2)
inputFaces[numFaces++] = face;
ReadUntilNewline(text, ref i);
ReadUntilNewline(text, ref i);
// process the data
int numOutputVertices = 0;
int numOutputIndices = 0;
// process the data
int numOutputVertices = 0;
int numOutputIndices = 0;
if (vertexOrder == VertexOrder.ByReference)
for (int i = 0; i != numFaces; i++)
if (vertexOrder == VertexOrder.ByReference)
InputFace face = inputFaces[i];
for (int i = 0; i != numFaces; i++)
InputFace face = inputFaces[i];
var key0 = Hash(in face.v0);
var key1 = Hash(in face.v1);
var key2 = Hash(in face.v2);
int idx0, idx1, idx2;
var key0 = Hash(in face.v0);
var key1 = Hash(in face.v1);
var key2 = Hash(in face.v2);
int idx0, idx1, idx2;
if (outputIndicesLUT.TryGetValue(key0, out idx0) == false)
outputIndicesLUT[key0] = idx0 = numOutputVertices++;
if (outputIndicesLUT.TryGetValue(key1, out idx1) == false)
outputIndicesLUT[key1] = idx1 = numOutputVertices++;
if (outputIndicesLUT.TryGetValue(key2, out idx2) == false)
outputIndicesLUT[key2] = idx2 = numOutputVertices++;
if (outputIndicesLUT.TryGetValue(key0, out idx0) == false)
outputIndicesLUT[key0] = idx0 = numOutputVertices++;
if (outputIndicesLUT.TryGetValue(key1, out idx1) == false)
outputIndicesLUT[key1] = idx1 = numOutputVertices++;
if (outputIndicesLUT.TryGetValue(key2, out idx2) == false)
outputIndicesLUT[key2] = idx2 = numOutputVertices++;
outputPositions[idx0] = inputPositions[(int)face.v0.idxPosition - 1];
outputPositions[idx1] = inputPositions[(int)face.v1.idxPosition - 1];
outputPositions[idx2] = inputPositions[(int)face.v2.idxPosition - 1];
outputPositions[idx0] = inputPositions[(int)face.v0.idxPosition - 1];
outputPositions[idx1] = inputPositions[(int)face.v1.idxPosition - 1];
outputPositions[idx2] = inputPositions[(int)face.v2.idxPosition - 1];
outputTexCoords[idx0] = inputTexCoords[(int)face.v0.idxTexCoord - 1];
outputTexCoords[idx1] = inputTexCoords[(int)face.v1.idxTexCoord - 1];
outputTexCoords[idx2] = inputTexCoords[(int)face.v2.idxTexCoord - 1];
outputTexCoords[idx0] = inputTexCoords[(int)face.v0.idxTexCoord - 1];
outputTexCoords[idx1] = inputTexCoords[(int)face.v1.idxTexCoord - 1];
outputTexCoords[idx2] = inputTexCoords[(int)face.v2.idxTexCoord - 1];
outputNormals[idx0] = inputNormals[(int)face.v0.idxNormal - 1];
outputNormals[idx1] = inputNormals[(int)face.v1.idxNormal - 1];
outputNormals[idx2] = inputNormals[(int)face.v2.idxNormal - 1];
outputNormals[idx0] = inputNormals[(int)face.v0.idxNormal - 1];
outputNormals[idx1] = inputNormals[(int)face.v1.idxNormal - 1];
outputNormals[idx2] = inputNormals[(int)face.v2.idxNormal - 1];
outputIndices[numOutputIndices++] = idx0;
outputIndices[numOutputIndices++] = idx1;
outputIndices[numOutputIndices++] = idx2;
outputIndices[numOutputIndices++] = idx0;
outputIndices[numOutputIndices++] = idx1;
outputIndices[numOutputIndices++] = idx2;
else if (vertexOrder == VertexOrder.ByDefinition)
numOutputVertices = numPositions;
else if (vertexOrder == VertexOrder.ByDefinition)
numOutputVertices = numPositions;
var indexVisited = new NativeArray<bool>(numPositions, Allocator.Temp, NativeArrayOptions.ClearMemory);
var indexVisited = new NativeArray<bool>(numPositions, Allocator.Temp, NativeArrayOptions.ClearMemory);
for (int i = 0; i != numFaces; i++)
InputFace face = inputFaces[i];
for (int i = 0; i != numFaces; i++)
InputFace face = inputFaces[i];
var key0 = Hash(in face.v0);
var key1 = Hash(in face.v1);
var key2 = Hash(in face.v2);
int idx0, idx1, idx2;
var key0 = Hash(in face.v0);
var key1 = Hash(in face.v1);
var key2 = Hash(in face.v2);
int idx0, idx1, idx2;
if (outputIndicesLUT.TryGetValue(key0, out idx0) == false)
if (indexVisited[idx0 = (int)face.v0.idxPosition - 1])
outputIndicesLUT[key0] = idx0 = numOutputVertices++;
outputIndicesLUT[key0] = idx0;
if (outputIndicesLUT.TryGetValue(key0, out idx0) == false)
if (indexVisited[idx0 = (int)face.v0.idxPosition - 1])
outputIndicesLUT[key0] = idx0 = numOutputVertices++;
outputIndicesLUT[key0] = idx0;
if (outputIndicesLUT.TryGetValue(key1, out idx1) == false)
if (indexVisited[idx1 = (int)face.v1.idxPosition - 1])
outputIndicesLUT[key1] = idx1 = numOutputVertices++;
outputIndicesLUT[key1] = idx1;
if (outputIndicesLUT.TryGetValue(key1, out idx1) == false)
if (indexVisited[idx1 = (int)face.v1.idxPosition - 1])
outputIndicesLUT[key1] = idx1 = numOutputVertices++;
outputIndicesLUT[key1] = idx1;
if (outputIndicesLUT.TryGetValue(key2, out idx2) == false)
if (indexVisited[idx2 = (int)face.v2.idxPosition - 1])
outputIndicesLUT[key2] = idx2 = numOutputVertices++;
outputIndicesLUT[key2] = idx2;
if (outputIndicesLUT.TryGetValue(key2, out idx2) == false)
if (indexVisited[idx2 = (int)face.v2.idxPosition - 1])
outputIndicesLUT[key2] = idx2 = numOutputVertices++;
outputIndicesLUT[key2] = idx2;
indexVisited[(int)face.v0.idxPosition - 1] = true;
indexVisited[(int)face.v1.idxPosition - 1] = true;
indexVisited[(int)face.v2.idxPosition - 1] = true;
indexVisited[(int)face.v0.idxPosition - 1] = true;
indexVisited[(int)face.v1.idxPosition - 1] = true;
indexVisited[(int)face.v2.idxPosition - 1] = true;
outputPositions[idx0] = inputPositions[(int)face.v0.idxPosition - 1];
outputPositions[idx1] = inputPositions[(int)face.v1.idxPosition - 1];
outputPositions[idx2] = inputPositions[(int)face.v2.idxPosition - 1];
outputPositions[idx0] = inputPositions[(int)face.v0.idxPosition - 1];
outputPositions[idx1] = inputPositions[(int)face.v1.idxPosition - 1];
outputPositions[idx2] = inputPositions[(int)face.v2.idxPosition - 1];
outputTexCoords[idx0] = inputTexCoords[(int)face.v0.idxTexCoord - 1];
outputTexCoords[idx1] = inputTexCoords[(int)face.v1.idxTexCoord - 1];
outputTexCoords[idx2] = inputTexCoords[(int)face.v2.idxTexCoord - 1];
outputTexCoords[idx0] = inputTexCoords[(int)face.v0.idxTexCoord - 1];
outputTexCoords[idx1] = inputTexCoords[(int)face.v1.idxTexCoord - 1];
outputTexCoords[idx2] = inputTexCoords[(int)face.v2.idxTexCoord - 1];
outputNormals[idx0] = inputNormals[(int)face.v0.idxNormal - 1];
outputNormals[idx1] = inputNormals[(int)face.v1.idxNormal - 1];
outputNormals[idx2] = inputNormals[(int)face.v2.idxNormal - 1];
outputNormals[idx0] = inputNormals[(int)face.v0.idxNormal - 1];
outputNormals[idx1] = inputNormals[(int)face.v1.idxNormal - 1];
outputNormals[idx2] = inputNormals[(int)face.v2.idxNormal - 1];
outputIndices[numOutputIndices++] = idx0;
outputIndices[numOutputIndices++] = idx1;
outputIndices[numOutputIndices++] = idx2;
outputIndices[numOutputIndices++] = idx0;
outputIndices[numOutputIndices++] = idx1;
outputIndices[numOutputIndices++] = idx2;
Debug.LogFormat("output vertex count = {0}", numOutputVertices);
Debug.LogFormat("output index count = {0}", numOutputIndices);
Debug.LogFormat("output vertex count = {0}", numOutputVertices);
Debug.LogFormat("output index count = {0}", numOutputIndices);
// copy to container
NativeMeshSOA mesh = new NativeMeshSOA()
vertexPositions = new NativeArray<Vector3>(numOutputVertices, Allocator.Persistent, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory),
vertexTexCoords = new NativeArray<Vector2>(numOutputVertices, Allocator.Persistent, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory),
vertexNormals = new NativeArray<Vector3>(numOutputVertices, Allocator.Persistent, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory),
vertexCount = numOutputVertices,
// copy to container
NativeMeshSOA mesh = new NativeMeshSOA()
vertexPositions = new NativeArray<Vector3>(numOutputVertices, Allocator.Persistent, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory),
vertexTexCoords = new NativeArray<Vector2>(numOutputVertices, Allocator.Persistent, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory),
vertexNormals = new NativeArray<Vector3>(numOutputVertices, Allocator.Persistent, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory),
vertexCount = numOutputVertices,
faceIndices = new NativeArray<int>(numOutputIndices, Allocator.Persistent, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory),
faceIndicesCount = numOutputIndices,
faceIndices = new NativeArray<int>(numOutputIndices, Allocator.Persistent, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory),
faceIndicesCount = numOutputIndices,
NativeArray<Vector3>.Copy(outputPositions, mesh.vertexPositions, numOutputVertices);
NativeArray<Vector2>.Copy(outputTexCoords, mesh.vertexTexCoords, numOutputVertices);
NativeArray<Vector3>.Copy(outputNormals, mesh.vertexNormals, numOutputVertices);
NativeArray<int>.Copy(outputIndices, mesh.faceIndices, numOutputIndices);
NativeArray<Vector3>.Copy(outputPositions, mesh.vertexPositions, numOutputVertices);
NativeArray<Vector2>.Copy(outputTexCoords, mesh.vertexTexCoords, numOutputVertices);
NativeArray<Vector3>.Copy(outputNormals, mesh.vertexNormals, numOutputVertices);
NativeArray<int>.Copy(outputIndices, mesh.faceIndices, numOutputIndices);
// free buffers
// free buffers
// done
return mesh;
static Hash128 Hash(in InputVertex v)
return new Hash128(v.idxPosition, v.idxTexCoord, v.idxNormal, 0);
// done
return mesh;
static bool ReadChar(string text, ref int index, char value)
if (text[index] == value)
static Hash128 Hash(in InputVertex v)
return true;
return new Hash128(v.idxPosition, v.idxTexCoord, v.idxNormal, 0);
static bool ReadChar(string text, ref int index, char value)
return false;
if (text[index] == value)
return true;
return false;
static bool ReadDigit(string text, ref int index)
if (text[index] >= '0' && text[index] <= '9')
static bool ReadDigit(string text, ref int index)
return true;
if (text[index] >= '0' && text[index] <= '9')
return true;
return false;
static bool ReadUInt(string text, ref int index, out uint value)
return false;
const uint READ_BASE = '0';
const uint READ_FAIL = uint.MaxValue;
const int READ_MAX = 32;
char* readBuf = stackalloc char[READ_MAX];
uint readPos = 0;
if (text[index] >= '0' && text[index] <= '9')
readBuf[readPos++] = text[index++];
while (text[index] >= '0' && text[index] <= '9')
if (readPos == READ_MAX)
value = READ_FAIL;
return false;
readBuf[readPos++] = text[index++];
value = readBuf[0] - READ_BASE;
for (uint i = 1; i != readPos; i++)
value = (value * 10) + (readBuf[i] - READ_BASE);
return true;
value = READ_FAIL;
return false;
static bool ReadUInt(string text, ref int index, out uint value)
//static int readfloat = 0;
static bool ReadFloat(string text, ref int index, out float value)
const uint READ_BASE = '0';
const uint READ_FAIL = uint.MaxValue;
const int READ_MAX = 32;
uint valueInt = 0u;
uint valueFrac = 0u;
char* readBuf = stackalloc char[READ_MAX];
uint readPos = 0;
bool readSign = ReadChar(text, ref index, '-');
bool readInt = ReadUInt(text, ref index, out valueInt);
if (text[index] >= '0' && text[index] <= '9')
int indexFrac = index;
bool readFrac = ReadChar(text, ref index, '.') && ReadUInt(text, ref index, out valueFrac);
int countFrac = index - indexFrac;
if (readInt || readFrac)
readBuf[readPos++] = text[index++];
while (text[index] >= '0' && text[index] <= '9')
if (readFrac && valueFrac > 0)
if (readPos == READ_MAX)
value = READ_FAIL;
return false;
readBuf[readPos++] = text[index++];
value = (float)valueFrac;
value *= Mathf.Pow(10.0f, -(countFrac - 1));
value = readBuf[0] - READ_BASE;
for (uint i = 1; i != readPos; i++)
value = (value * 10) + (readBuf[i] - READ_BASE);
value = 0.0f;
if (readInt && valueInt > 0)
value = ((float)valueInt + value);
if (readSign)
value = -value;
//if (readfloat == 1)
// Debug.Log("read float (" + readfloat + ")");
// Debug.Log("-- readSign " + readSign);
// Debug.Log("-- readInt " + readInt);
// Debug.Log("-- readFrac " + readFrac);
// Debug.Log("-- valueInt " + valueInt);
// Debug.Log("-- valueFrac " + valueFrac);
// Debug.Log("read float VALUE " + value);
value = READ_FAIL;
value = float.NaN;
//static int readfloat = 0;
static bool ReadFloat(string text, ref int index, out float value)
uint valueInt = 0u;
uint valueFrac = 0u;
bool readSign = ReadChar(text, ref index, '-');
bool readInt = ReadUInt(text, ref index, out valueInt);
int indexFrac = index;
bool readFrac = ReadChar(text, ref index, '.') && ReadUInt(text, ref index, out valueFrac);
int countFrac = index - indexFrac;
if (readInt || readFrac)
static bool ReadBlank(string text, ref int index)
if (readFrac && valueFrac > 0)
if (text[index] == ' ' || text[index] == '\t')
value = (float)valueFrac;
value *= Mathf.Pow(10.0f, -(countFrac - 1));
return true;
value = 0.0f;
return false;
if (readInt && valueInt > 0)
static bool ReadBlankGreedy(string text, ref int index)
if (text[index] == ' ' || text[index] == '\t')
value = ((float)valueInt + value);
while (text[index] == ' ' || text[index] == '\t')
return true;
if (readSign)
value = -value;
return false;
//if (readfloat == 1)
// Debug.Log("read float (" + readfloat + ")");
// Debug.Log("-- readSign " + readSign);
// Debug.Log("-- readInt " + readInt);
// Debug.Log("-- readFrac " + readFrac);
// Debug.Log("-- valueInt " + valueInt);
// Debug.Log("-- valueFrac " + valueFrac);
// Debug.Log("read float VALUE " + value);
return true;
value = float.NaN;
return false;
static bool ReadBlank(string text, ref int index)
if (text[index] == ' ' || text[index] == '\t')
return true;
static bool ReadUntilNewline(string text, ref int index)
return false;
static bool ReadBlankGreedy(string text, ref int index)
if (text[index] == ' ' || text[index] == '\t')
while (text[index] == ' ' || text[index] == '\t')
if (text[index] != '\n')
while (text[index] != '\n')
return true;
return true;
return false;
return false;
static bool ReadUntilNewline(string text, ref int index)
if (text[index] != '\n')
static bool ReadUntilNewlineOrBlank(string text, ref int index)
while (text[index] != '\n')
if (text[index] != '\n' && text[index] != ' ' && text[index] != '\t')
while (text[index] != '\n' && text[index] != ' ' && text[index] != '\t')
return true;
return true;
return false;
static bool ReadUntilNewlineOrBlank(string text, ref int index)
if (text[index] != '\n' && text[index] != ' ' && text[index] != '\t')
while (text[index] != '\n' && text[index] != ' ' && text[index] != '\t')
return false;
return true;
return false;


using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe;
public unsafe struct UnsafeArrayBool : IDisposable
namespace Unity.DemoTeam.DigitalHuman
public bool* val;
private long valSize;
public unsafe struct UnsafeArrayBool : IDisposable
public bool* val;
private long valSize;
private Allocator allocator;
private Allocator allocator;
public UnsafeArrayBool(int capacity, Allocator allocator = Allocator.Temp)
this.val = (bool*)UnsafeUtility.Malloc(sizeof(bool) * capacity, 1, allocator);
this.valSize = sizeof(bool) * capacity;
public UnsafeArrayBool(int capacity, Allocator allocator = Allocator.Temp)
this.val = (bool*)UnsafeUtility.Malloc(sizeof(bool) * capacity, 1, allocator);
this.valSize = sizeof(bool) * capacity;
this.allocator = allocator;
this.allocator = allocator;
public void Clear(bool value)
if (value == false)
UnsafeUtility.MemClear(val, valSize);
UnsafeUtility.MemCpyReplicate(val, &value, sizeof(bool), (int)valSize / sizeof(bool));
public void Clear(bool value)
if (value == false)
UnsafeUtility.MemClear(val, valSize);
UnsafeUtility.MemCpyReplicate(val, &value, sizeof(bool), (int)valSize / sizeof(bool));
public void Dispose()
if (val != null)
UnsafeUtility.Free(val, allocator);
public void Dispose()
if (val != null)
UnsafeUtility.Free(val, allocator);


using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe;
public unsafe struct UnsafeArrayFloat : IDisposable
namespace Unity.DemoTeam.DigitalHuman
public float* val;
private long valSize;
public unsafe struct UnsafeArrayFloat : IDisposable
public float* val;
private long valSize;
private Allocator allocator;
private Allocator allocator;
public UnsafeArrayFloat(int capacity, Allocator allocator = Allocator.Temp)
this.val = (float*)UnsafeUtility.Malloc(sizeof(float) * capacity, 1, allocator);
this.valSize = sizeof(float) * capacity;
public UnsafeArrayFloat(int capacity, Allocator allocator = Allocator.Temp)
this.val = (float*)UnsafeUtility.Malloc(sizeof(float) * capacity, 1, allocator);
this.valSize = sizeof(float) * capacity;
this.allocator = allocator;
this.allocator = allocator;
public void Clear(float value)
if (value == 0.0f)
UnsafeUtility.MemClear(val, valSize);
UnsafeUtility.MemCpyReplicate(val, &value, sizeof(float), (int)valSize / sizeof(float));
public void Clear(float value)
if (value == 0.0f)
UnsafeUtility.MemClear(val, valSize);
UnsafeUtility.MemCpyReplicate(val, &value, sizeof(float), (int)valSize / sizeof(float));
public void Dispose()
if (val != null)
UnsafeUtility.Free(val, allocator);
public void Dispose()
if (val != null)
UnsafeUtility.Free(val, allocator);


using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe;
public unsafe struct UnsafeArrayInt : IDisposable
namespace Unity.DemoTeam.DigitalHuman
public int* val;
private long valSize;
public unsafe struct UnsafeArrayInt : IDisposable
public int* val;
private long valSize;
private Allocator allocator;
private Allocator allocator;
public UnsafeArrayInt(int capacity, Allocator allocator = Allocator.Temp)
this.val = (int*)UnsafeUtility.Malloc(sizeof(int) * capacity, 1, allocator);
this.valSize = sizeof(int) * capacity;
public UnsafeArrayInt(int capacity, Allocator allocator = Allocator.Temp)
this.val = (int*)UnsafeUtility.Malloc(sizeof(int) * capacity, 1, allocator);
this.valSize = sizeof(int) * capacity;
this.allocator = allocator;
this.allocator = allocator;
public void Clear(int value)
if (value == 0)
UnsafeUtility.MemClear(val, valSize);
UnsafeUtility.MemCpyReplicate(val, &value, sizeof(int), (int)valSize / sizeof(int));
public void Clear(int value)
if (value == 0)
UnsafeUtility.MemClear(val, valSize);
UnsafeUtility.MemCpyReplicate(val, &value, sizeof(int), (int)valSize / sizeof(int));
public void Dispose()
if (val != null)
UnsafeUtility.Free(val, allocator);
public void Dispose()
if (val != null)
UnsafeUtility.Free(val, allocator);


using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe;
public unsafe struct UnsafeArrayULong : IDisposable
namespace Unity.DemoTeam.DigitalHuman
public ulong* val;
private long valSize;
public unsafe struct UnsafeArrayULong : IDisposable
public ulong* val;
private long valSize;
private Allocator allocator;
private Allocator allocator;
public UnsafeArrayULong(int capacity, Allocator allocator = Allocator.Temp)
this.val = (ulong*)UnsafeUtility.Malloc(sizeof(ulong) * capacity, 1, allocator);
this.valSize = sizeof(ulong) * capacity;
public UnsafeArrayULong(int capacity, Allocator allocator = Allocator.Temp)
this.val = (ulong*)UnsafeUtility.Malloc(sizeof(ulong) * capacity, 1, allocator);
this.valSize = sizeof(ulong) * capacity;
this.allocator = allocator;
this.allocator = allocator;
public void Clear(ulong value)
if (value == 0uL)
UnsafeUtility.MemClear(val, valSize);
UnsafeUtility.MemCpyReplicate(val, &value, sizeof(ulong), (int)valSize / sizeof(ulong));
public void Clear(ulong value)
if (value == 0uL)
UnsafeUtility.MemClear(val, valSize);
UnsafeUtility.MemCpyReplicate(val, &value, sizeof(ulong), (int)valSize / sizeof(ulong));
public void Dispose()
if (val != null)
UnsafeUtility.Free(val, allocator);
public void Dispose()
if (val != null)
UnsafeUtility.Free(val, allocator);


using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe;
public unsafe struct UnsafeArrayVector3 : IDisposable
namespace Unity.DemoTeam.DigitalHuman
public Vector3* val;
private long valSize;
public unsafe struct UnsafeArrayVector3 : IDisposable
public Vector3* val;
private long valSize;
private Allocator allocator;
private Allocator allocator;
public UnsafeArrayVector3(int capacity, Allocator allocator = Allocator.Temp)
this.val = (Vector3*)UnsafeUtility.Malloc(sizeof(Vector3) * capacity, 1, allocator);
this.valSize = sizeof(Vector3) * capacity;
public UnsafeArrayVector3(int capacity, Allocator allocator = Allocator.Temp)
this.val = (Vector3*)UnsafeUtility.Malloc(sizeof(Vector3) * capacity, 1, allocator);
this.valSize = sizeof(Vector3) * capacity;
this.allocator = allocator;
this.allocator = allocator;
public void Clear(Vector3 value)
if (value.x == 0.0f && value.y == 0.0f && value.z == 0.0f)
UnsafeUtility.MemClear(val, valSize);
UnsafeUtility.MemCpyReplicate(val, &value, sizeof(Vector3), (int)valSize / sizeof(Vector3));
public void Clear(Vector3 value)
if (value.x == 0.0f && value.y == 0.0f && value.z == 0.0f)
UnsafeUtility.MemClear(val, valSize);
UnsafeUtility.MemCpyReplicate(val, &value, sizeof(Vector3), (int)valSize / sizeof(Vector3));
public void Dispose()
if (val != null)
UnsafeUtility.Free(val, allocator);
public void Dispose()
if (val != null)
UnsafeUtility.Free(val, allocator);


using System;
using Unity.Collections;
public unsafe struct UnsafeBFS : IDisposable
namespace Unity.DemoTeam.DigitalHuman
public int position;
public int depth;
public unsafe struct UnsafeBFS : IDisposable
public int position;
public int depth;
private UnsafeArrayULong pending;// pending[i] == (depth << 32) | position
private int pendingHead;
private int pendingTail;
private UnsafeArrayULong pending;// pending[i] == (depth << 32) | position
private int pendingHead;
private int pendingTail;
private UnsafeArrayBool visited;
private UnsafeArrayBool visited;
public UnsafeBFS(int nodeCount, Allocator allocator = Allocator.Temp)
this.position = -1;
this.depth = -1;
public UnsafeBFS(int nodeCount, Allocator allocator = Allocator.Temp)
this.position = -1;
this.depth = -1;
this.pending = new UnsafeArrayULong(nodeCount, allocator);
this.pendingHead = 0;
this.pendingTail = 0;
this.pending = new UnsafeArrayULong(nodeCount, allocator);
this.pendingHead = 0;
this.pendingTail = 0;
this.visited = new UnsafeArrayBool(nodeCount, allocator);
this.visited = new UnsafeArrayBool(nodeCount, allocator);
public void Dispose()
public void Dispose()
public void Clear()
public void Clear()
public void Ignore(int node)
visited.val[node] = true;
public void Ignore(int node)
visited.val[node] = true;
public void Insert(int node)
if (visited.val[node])
public void Insert(int node)
if (visited.val[node])
ulong pack_position = (ulong)node;
ulong pack_depth = (ulong)(depth + 1) << 32;
ulong pack_position = (ulong)node;
ulong pack_depth = (ulong)(depth + 1) << 32;
pending.val[pendingTail++] = pack_depth | pack_position;
visited.val[node] = true;
pending.val[pendingTail++] = pack_depth | pack_position;
visited.val[node] = true;
public bool MoveNext()
if (pendingHead != pendingTail)
ulong packed = pending.val[pendingHead++];
position = (int)(packed & 0xffffffffuL);
depth = (int)(packed >> 32);
return true;
position = -1;
depth = -1;
return false;
public bool MoveNext()
if (pendingHead != pendingTail)
ulong packed = pending.val[pendingHead++];
position = (int)(packed & 0xffffffffuL);
depth = (int)(packed >> 32);
return true;
position = -1;
depth = -1;
return false;


using System;
using Unity.Collections;
public unsafe struct UnsafeDFS : IDisposable
namespace Unity.DemoTeam.DigitalHuman
public int position;
public int depth;
public unsafe struct UnsafeDFS : IDisposable
public int position;
public int depth;
private UnsafeArrayULong pending;// pending[i] == (depth << 32) | position
private int pendingHead;
private UnsafeArrayULong pending;// pending[i] == (depth << 32) | position
private int pendingHead;
private UnsafeArrayBool visited;
private UnsafeArrayBool visited;
public UnsafeDFS(int nodeCount, Allocator allocator = Allocator.Temp)
this.position = -1;
this.depth = -1;
public UnsafeDFS(int nodeCount, Allocator allocator = Allocator.Temp)
this.position = -1;
this.depth = -1;
this.pending = new UnsafeArrayULong(nodeCount, allocator);
this.pendingHead = 0;
this.pending = new UnsafeArrayULong(nodeCount, allocator);
this.pendingHead = 0;
this.visited = new UnsafeArrayBool(nodeCount, allocator);
this.visited = new UnsafeArrayBool(nodeCount, allocator);
public void Dispose()
public void Dispose()
public void Clear()
public void Clear()
public void Ignore(int node)
visited.val[node] = true;
public void Ignore(int node)
visited.val[node] = true;
public void Insert(int node)
if (visited.val[node])
public void Insert(int node)
if (visited.val[node])
ulong pack_position = (ulong)node;
ulong pack_depth = (ulong)(depth + 1) << 32;
ulong pack_position = (ulong)node;
ulong pack_depth = (ulong)(depth + 1) << 32;
pending.val[++pendingHead] = pack_depth | pack_position;
visited.val[node] = true;
pending.val[++pendingHead] = pack_depth | pack_position;
visited.val[node] = true;
public bool MoveNext()
if (pendingHead > 0)
ulong packed = pending.val[--pendingHead];
position = (int)(packed & 0xffffffffuL);
depth = (int)(packed >> 32);
return true;
position = -1;
depth = -1;
return false;
public bool MoveNext()
if (pendingHead > 0)
ulong packed = pending.val[--pendingHead];
position = (int)(packed & 0xffffffffuL);
depth = (int)(packed >> 32);
return true;
position = -1;
depth = -1;
return false;


using Unity.Jobs;
using Unity.Burst;
public class KdTree3
namespace Unity.DemoTeam.DigitalHuman
public struct Node
public int point;
public int stepL;
public int stepR;
public class KdTree3
public struct Node
public int point;
public int stepL;
public int stepR;
public struct Point3
public float x;// note: 'x' MUST be first field
public float y;
public float z;
public int index;
public struct Point3
public float x;// note: 'x' MUST be first field
public float y;
public float z;
public int index;
public int size;
public Node[] nodes;
public Point3[] points;
public int size;
public Node[] nodes;
public Point3[] points;
public KdTree3(Vector3[] pointCloud, int pointCount)
BuildFrom(pointCloud, pointCount);
public KdTree3(Vector3[] pointCloud, int pointCount)
BuildFrom(pointCloud, pointCount);
// kd-tree construction
// kd-tree construction
public void BuildFrom(Vector3[] pointBuffer, int pointCount)
ArrayUtils.ResizeCheckedIfLessThan(ref this.nodes, pointCount);
ArrayUtils.ResizeCheckedIfLessThan(ref this.points, pointCount);
public void BuildFrom(Vector3[] pointBuffer, int pointCount)
ArrayUtils.ResizeCheckedIfLessThan(ref this.nodes, pointCount);
ArrayUtils.ResizeCheckedIfLessThan(ref this.points, pointCount);
for (int i = 0; i != pointCount; i++)
this.points[i].x = pointBuffer[i].x;
this.points[i].y = pointBuffer[i].y;
this.points[i].z = pointBuffer[i].z;
this.points[i].index = i;
for (int i = 0; i != pointCount; i++)
this.points[i].x = pointBuffer[i].x;
this.points[i].y = pointBuffer[i].y;
this.points[i].z = pointBuffer[i].z;
this.points[i].index = i;
if (pointCount > 0)
int numThreads = SystemInfo.processorCount;
//Debug.Log("numThreads = " + numThreads);
if (pointCount > 0)
int numThreads = SystemInfo.processorCount;
//Debug.Log("numThreads = " + numThreads);
int schedLeaves = Mathf.NextPowerOfTwo(numThreads) * 2;
int schedNodes = BalancedBinaryTreeInfo.NodeCountFromLeafCount(schedLeaves);
int schedDepth = BalancedBinaryTreeInfo.DepthFromLeafCount(schedLeaves) - 1;
int schedLeaves = Mathf.NextPowerOfTwo(numThreads) * 2;
int schedNodes = BalancedBinaryTreeInfo.NodeCountFromLeafCount(schedLeaves);
int schedDepth = BalancedBinaryTreeInfo.DepthFromLeafCount(schedLeaves) - 1;
//Debug.Log("numThreads=" + numThreads + ", schedLeaves=" + schedLeaves + ", schedNodes=" + schedNodes + ", schedDepth=" + schedDepth);
//Debug.Log("numThreads=" + numThreads + ", schedLeaves=" + schedLeaves + ", schedNodes=" + schedNodes + ", schedDepth=" + schedDepth);
var jobArray = (JobHandle*)UnsafeUtility.Malloc(sizeof(JobHandle) * schedNodes, 1, Allocator.Temp);
var jobSched = jobArray;
var jobArray = (JobHandle*)UnsafeUtility.Malloc(sizeof(JobHandle) * schedNodes, 1, Allocator.Temp);
var jobSched = jobArray;
fixed (Node* __node = this.nodes)
fixed (Point3* __points = this.points)
ScheduleNode(ref jobSched, null, __node, __points, 0, pointCount, 0, schedDepth);
fixed (Node* __node = this.nodes)
fixed (Point3* __points = this.points)
ScheduleNode(ref jobSched, null, __node, __points, 0, pointCount, 0, schedDepth);
long jobCount = jobSched - jobArray;
for (long i = 0; i != jobCount; i++)
long jobCount = jobSched - jobArray;
for (long i = 0; i != jobCount; i++)
UnsafeUtility.Free(jobArray, Allocator.Temp);
UnsafeUtility.Free(jobArray, Allocator.Temp);
size = pointCount;
size = pointCount;
unsafe static void ScheduleNode(ref JobHandle* jobSched, JobHandle* jobDepends, Node* node, Point3* points, int offset, int length, int depth, int depthSingleThreaded)
// pick median
int median = length >> 1;
unsafe static void ScheduleNode(ref JobHandle* jobSched, JobHandle* jobDepends, Node* node, Point3* points, int offset, int length, int depth, int depthSingleThreaded)
// pick median
int median = length >> 1;
// calc offsets
var offsetL = offset;
var offsetR = offset + median + 1;
var lengthL = median;
var lengthR = length - median - 1;
var stepL = lengthL > 0 ? 1 : 0;
var stepR = lengthR > 0 ? 1 + lengthL : 0;
// calc offsets
var offsetL = offset;
var offsetR = offset + median + 1;
var lengthL = median;
var lengthR = length - median - 1;
var stepL = lengthL > 0 ? 1 : 0;
var stepR = lengthR > 0 ? 1 + lengthL : 0;
// make job
var job = new BuildNodeJob()
node = node,
points = points,
offset = offset,
length = length,
depth = depth,
leaf = (depth >= depthSingleThreaded),
// make job
var job = new BuildNodeJob()
node = node,
points = points,
offset = offset,
length = length,
depth = depth,
leaf = (depth >= depthSingleThreaded),
var jobHandle = jobSched++;
if (jobDepends != null)
*jobHandle = job.Schedule(*jobDepends);
*jobHandle = job.Schedule();
var jobHandle = jobSched++;
if (jobDepends != null)
*jobHandle = job.Schedule(*jobDepends);
*jobHandle = job.Schedule();
if (depth == 0)
if (depth == 0)
if (job.leaf)
if (job.leaf)
// schedule subtrees
if (lengthL > 0) ScheduleNode(ref jobSched, jobHandle, node + stepL, points, offsetL, lengthL, depth + 1, depthSingleThreaded);
if (lengthR > 0) ScheduleNode(ref jobSched, jobHandle, node + stepR, points, offsetR, lengthR, depth + 1, depthSingleThreaded);
// schedule subtrees
if (lengthL > 0) ScheduleNode(ref jobSched, jobHandle, node + stepL, points, offsetL, lengthL, depth + 1, depthSingleThreaded);
if (lengthR > 0) ScheduleNode(ref jobSched, jobHandle, node + stepR, points, offsetR, lengthR, depth + 1, depthSingleThreaded);
unsafe struct BuildNodeJob : IJob
[NativeDisableUnsafePtrRestriction] public Node* node;
[NativeDisableUnsafePtrRestriction] public Point3* points;// shared
unsafe struct BuildNodeJob : IJob
[NativeDisableUnsafePtrRestriction] public Node* node;
[NativeDisableUnsafePtrRestriction] public Point3* points;// shared
public int offset;
public int length;
public int depth;
public bool leaf;
public int offset;
public int length;
public int depth;
public bool leaf;
public void Execute()
if (leaf)
BuildNode(node, points, offset, length, depth);
BuildNodeDeferSubtrees(node, points, offset, length, depth);
public void Execute()
if (leaf)
BuildNode(node, points, offset, length, depth);
BuildNodeDeferSubtrees(node, points, offset, length, depth);
unsafe static void BuildNode(Node* node, Point3* points, int offset, int length, int depth)
// pick median
int median = length >> 1;
unsafe static void BuildNode(Node* node, Point3* points, int offset, int length, int depth)
// pick median
int median = length >> 1;
// pick splitting axis
int axis = depth % 3;
// pick splitting axis
int axis = depth % 3;
// split points by median
SelectByAxis(median, points + offset, length, axis);
// split points by median
SelectByAxis(median, points + offset, length, axis);
// calc offsets
var offsetL = offset;
var offsetR = offset + median + 1;
var lengthL = median;
var lengthR = length - median - 1;
var stepL = lengthL > 0 ? 1 : 0;
var stepR = lengthR > 0 ? 1 + lengthL : 0;
// calc offsets
var offsetL = offset;
var offsetR = offset + median + 1;
var lengthL = median;
var lengthR = length - median - 1;
var stepL = lengthL > 0 ? 1 : 0;
var stepR = lengthR > 0 ? 1 + lengthL : 0;
// make node
node->point = offset + median;
node->stepL = stepL;
node->stepR = stepR;
// make node
node->point = offset + median;
node->stepL = stepL;
node->stepR = stepR;
// build subtrees
if (lengthL > 0) BuildNode(node + stepL, points, offsetL, lengthL, depth + 1);
if (lengthR > 0) BuildNode(node + stepR, points, offsetR, lengthR, depth + 1);
// build subtrees
if (lengthL > 0) BuildNode(node + stepL, points, offsetL, lengthL, depth + 1);
if (lengthR > 0) BuildNode(node + stepR, points, offsetR, lengthR, depth + 1);
unsafe static void BuildNodeDeferSubtrees(Node* node, Point3* points, int offset, int length, int depth)
// pick median
int median = length >> 1;
unsafe static void BuildNodeDeferSubtrees(Node* node, Point3* points, int offset, int length, int depth)
// pick median
int median = length >> 1;
// pick splitting axis
int axis = depth % 3;
// pick splitting axis
int axis = depth % 3;
// split points by median
SelectByAxis(median, points + offset, length, axis);
// split points by median
SelectByAxis(median, points + offset, length, axis);
// calc offsets
var lengthL = median;
var lengthR = length - median - 1;
var stepL = lengthL > 0 ? 1 : 0;
var stepR = lengthR > 0 ? 1 + lengthL : 0;
// calc offsets
var lengthL = median;
var lengthR = length - median - 1;
var stepL = lengthL > 0 ? 1 : 0;
var stepR = lengthR > 0 ? 1 + lengthL : 0;
// make node
node->point = offset + median;
node->stepL = stepL;
node->stepR = stepR;
// make node
node->point = offset + median;
node->stepL = stepL;
node->stepR = stepR;
unsafe static void SelectByAxis(int nth, Point3* points, int length, int axis)
// note: this function adapted from public domain variants listed in KdTreeUtils.cs
const int strideLsh = 2;
unsafe static void SelectByAxis(int nth, Point3* points, int length, int axis)
// note: this function has been adapted from public domain
// variants listed in 'KdTree_nth_element.txt'
const int strideLsh = 2;
var i = 0;
var j = length - 1;
var v = &points->x + axis;
var i = 0;
var j = length - 1;
var v = &points->x + axis;
while (i < j)
var r = i;
var w = j;
while (i < j)
var r = i;
var w = j;
float k = v[((r + w) >> 1) << strideLsh];
float k = v[((r + w) >> 1) << strideLsh];
while (r < w)
if (v[r << strideLsh] >= k)
Point3 pw = points[w];
points[w] = points[r];
points[r] = pw;
while (r < w)
if (v[r << strideLsh] >= k)
Point3 pw = points[w];
points[w] = points[r];
points[r] = pw;
if (v[r << strideLsh] > k)
if (v[r << strideLsh] > k)
if (nth <= r)
j = r;
i = r + 1;
if (nth <= r)
j = r;
i = r + 1;
// kd-tree queries
// kd-tree queries
public int FindNearest(ref Vector3 target)
var bestDist = float.PositiveInfinity;
var bestNode = -1;
public int FindNearest(ref Vector3 target)
var bestDist = float.PositiveInfinity;
var bestNode = -1;
FindNearest(ref bestDist, ref bestNode, 0, 0, ref target);
FindNearest(ref bestDist, ref bestNode, 0, 0, ref target);
if (bestNode != -1)
return points[nodes[bestNode].point].index;
return -1;
if (bestNode != -1)
return points[nodes[bestNode].point].index;
return -1;
public bool FindNearest(ref float bestDist, ref int bestNode, ref Vector3 target)
var __bestDist = float.PositiveInfinity;
var __bestNode = -1;
public bool FindNearest(ref float bestDist, ref int bestNode, ref Vector3 target)
var __bestDist = float.PositiveInfinity;
var __bestNode = -1;
FindNearest(ref __bestDist, ref __bestNode, 0, 0, ref target);
FindNearest(ref __bestDist, ref __bestNode, 0, 0, ref target);
if (__bestNode != -1)
bestDist = __bestDist;
bestNode = points[nodes[__bestNode].point].index;
return true;
return false;
if (__bestNode != -1)
bestDist = __bestDist;
bestNode = points[nodes[__bestNode].point].index;
return true;
return false;
unsafe void FindNearest(ref float bestDist, ref int bestNode, int node, int depth, ref Vector3 target)
// update best index
int point = nodes[node].point;
Vector3 r;
r.x = target.x - points[point].x;
r.y = target.y - points[point].y;
r.z = target.z - points[point].z;
unsafe void FindNearest(ref float bestDist, ref int bestNode, int node, int depth, ref Vector3 target)
// update best index
int point = nodes[node].point;
Vector3 r;
r.x = target.x - points[point].x;
r.y = target.y - points[point].y;
r.z = target.z - points[point].z;
var dist = r.x * r.x + r.y * r.y + r.z * r.z;
if (dist < bestDist)
bestDist = dist;
bestNode = node;
var dist = r.x * r.x + r.y * r.y + r.z * r.z;
if (dist < bestDist)
bestDist = dist;
bestNode = node;
// pick search axis
int axis = depth % 3;
// pick search axis
int axis = depth % 3;
// pick near, far
var delta = *(&r.x + axis);// avoid calling operator[]
int stepN = delta < 0.0f ? nodes[node].stepL : nodes[node].stepR;
int stepF = delta < 0.0f ? nodes[node].stepR : nodes[node].stepL;
// pick near, far
var delta = *(&r.x + axis);// avoid calling operator[]
int stepN = delta < 0.0f ? nodes[node].stepL : nodes[node].stepR;
int stepF = delta < 0.0f ? nodes[node].stepR : nodes[node].stepL;
// search near
if (stepN != 0)
FindNearest(ref bestDist, ref bestNode, node + stepN, depth + 1, ref target);
// search near
if (stepN != 0)
FindNearest(ref bestDist, ref bestNode, node + stepN, depth + 1, ref target);
// search far
if (stepF != 0 && delta * delta < bestDist)
FindNearest(ref bestDist, ref bestNode, node + stepF, depth + 1, ref target);
// search far
if (stepF != 0 && delta * delta < bestDist)
FindNearest(ref bestDist, ref bestNode, node + stepF, depth + 1, ref target);
public int RaycastApprox(ref Vector3 origin, ref Vector3 direction, int maxIterations = 100)
var position = origin;
var numIterations = 0;
public int RaycastApprox(ref Vector3 origin, ref Vector3 direction, int maxIterations = 100)
var position = origin;
var numIterations = 0;
var bestDist = float.PositiveInfinity;
var bestNode = -1;
var bestDist = float.PositiveInfinity;
var bestNode = -1;
while (numIterations++ < maxIterations)
var stepDist = float.PositiveInfinity;
var stepNode = -1;
while (numIterations++ < maxIterations)
var stepDist = float.PositiveInfinity;
var stepNode = -1;
FindNearest(ref stepDist, ref stepNode, ref position);
FindNearest(ref stepDist, ref stepNode, ref position);
if (stepDist < bestDist)
bestDist = stepDist;
bestNode = stepNode;
if (stepDist < bestDist)
bestDist = stepDist;
bestNode = stepNode;
if (bestDist < float.Epsilon)
break;// crude termination criteria
if (bestDist < float.Epsilon)
break;// crude termination criteria
position = position + Mathf.Sqrt(stepDist) * direction;
position = position + Mathf.Sqrt(stepDist) * direction;
return bestNode;
return bestNode;
public static class BalancedBinaryTreeInfo
public static int LeafCountFromDepth(int depth)
int leafCount = (depth > 0) ? 1 : 0;
while (--depth > 0) leafCount = (leafCount << 1);
return leafCount;
public static class BalancedBinaryTreeInfo
public static int LeafCountFromDepth(int depth)
int leafCount = (depth > 0) ? 1 : 0;
while (--depth > 0) leafCount = (leafCount << 1);
return leafCount;
public static int NodeCountFromDepth(int depth)
int nodeCount = 0;
while (--depth >= 0) nodeCount = (nodeCount << 1) | 1;
return nodeCount;
public static int NodeCountFromDepth(int depth)
int nodeCount = 0;
while (--depth >= 0) nodeCount = (nodeCount << 1) | 1;
return nodeCount;
public static int NodeCountFromLeafCount(int leafCount)
int nodeCount = leafCount;
while ((leafCount >>= 1) > 0) nodeCount += leafCount;
return nodeCount;
public static int NodeCountFromLeafCount(int leafCount)
int nodeCount = leafCount;
while ((leafCount >>= 1) > 0) nodeCount += leafCount;
return nodeCount;
public static int DepthFromLeafCount(int leafCount)
int depth = 0;
while (leafCount > 0) { leafCount >>= 1; depth++; }
return depth;
public static int DepthFromLeafCount(int leafCount)
int depth = 0;
while (leafCount > 0) { leafCount >>= 1; depth++; }
return depth;


fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: f8884fe2d3f7df14e8e8c905b1c42905
folderAsset: yes
externalObjects: {}


X missing specular for some reason
X make the snappers setup a bit more generic
X move eye code to shadergraph
X fix attachments conservative bounds
X fix attachments scaling
X pending HDRP tasks
X EyeMasterNode
X StackLitMasterNode custom specular occlusion
X implement the tearline
X blur decals?
X CustomPassInjectionPoint.AfterGBuffer (-> AfterOpaqueDepthAndNormal)
X implement the control rig


fileFormatVersion: 2
guid: 2ead9af64b3f86b47ad1c448ec147e12
externalObjects: {}

/Editor/MeshTools.meta → /Editor/Utility.meta

/Editor/MeshTools → /Editor/Utility

/Runtime/EditorUtilityProxy.cs → /Runtime/Utility/EditorUtilityProxy.cs

/Runtime/EditorUtilityProxy.cs.meta → /Runtime/Utility/EditorUtilityProxy.cs.meta

/Runtime/MeshTools/ArrayUtils.cs → /Runtime/Utility/ArrayUtils.cs

/Runtime/MeshTools/ArrayUtils.cs.meta → /Runtime/Utility/ArrayUtils.cs.meta

/Runtime/MeshTools/Barycentric.cs → /Runtime/Utility/Barycentric.cs

/Runtime/MeshTools/Barycentric.cs.meta → /Runtime/Utility/Barycentric.cs.meta

/Runtime/MeshTools/KdTree3.cs.meta → /Runtime/Utility/KdTree3.cs.meta

/Runtime/MeshTools/KdTree3Utils.cs → /Runtime/Utility/KdTree3Utils.cs

/Runtime/MeshTools/KdTree3Utils.cs.meta → /Runtime/Utility/KdTree3Utils.cs.meta

/Runtime/MeshTools/LinkedIndexList.cs → /Runtime/Utility/LinkedIndexList.cs

/Runtime/MeshTools/LinkedIndexList.cs.meta → /Runtime/Utility/LinkedIndexList.cs.meta

/Runtime/MeshTools/LinkedIndexListArray.cs → /Runtime/Utility/LinkedIndexListArray.cs

/Runtime/MeshTools/LinkedIndexListArray.cs.meta → /Runtime/Utility/LinkedIndexListArray.cs.meta

/Runtime/MeshTools/MeshAdjacency.cs → /Runtime/Utility/MeshAdjacency.cs

/Runtime/MeshTools/MeshAdjacency.cs.meta → /Runtime/Utility/MeshAdjacency.cs.meta

/Runtime/MeshTools/MeshBuffers.cs → /Runtime/Utility/MeshBuffers.cs

/Runtime/MeshTools/MeshBuffers.cs.meta → /Runtime/Utility/MeshBuffers.cs.meta

/Runtime/MeshTools/MeshEdges.cs → /Runtime/Utility/MeshEdges.cs

/Runtime/MeshTools/MeshEdges.cs.meta → /Runtime/Utility/MeshEdges.cs.meta

/Runtime/MeshTools/MeshEx.cs → /Runtime/Utility/MeshEx.cs

/Runtime/MeshTools/MeshEx.cs.meta → /Runtime/Utility/MeshEx.cs.meta

/Runtime/MeshTools/MeshInstanceBehaviour.cs → /Runtime/Utility/MeshInstanceBehaviour.cs

/Runtime/MeshTools/MeshInstanceBehaviour.cs.meta → /Runtime/Utility/MeshInstanceBehaviour.cs.meta

/Runtime/MeshTools/MeshIslands.cs → /Runtime/Utility/MeshIslands.cs

/Runtime/MeshTools/MeshIslands.cs.meta → /Runtime/Utility/MeshIslands.cs.meta

/Runtime/MeshTools/NativeMesh.cs → /Runtime/Utility/NativeMesh.cs

/Runtime/MeshTools/NativeMesh.cs.meta → /Runtime/Utility/NativeMesh.cs.meta

/Runtime/MeshTools/NativeMeshObjLoader.cs → /Runtime/Utility/NativeMeshObjLoader.cs

/Runtime/MeshTools/NativeMeshObjLoader.cs.meta → /Runtime/Utility/NativeMeshObjLoader.cs.meta

/Runtime/MeshTools/UnsafeArrayBool.cs → /Runtime/Utility/UnsafeArrayBool.cs

/Runtime/MeshTools/UnsafeArrayBool.cs.meta → /Runtime/Utility/UnsafeArrayBool.cs.meta

/Runtime/MeshTools/UnsafeArrayFloat.cs → /Runtime/Utility/UnsafeArrayFloat.cs

/Runtime/MeshTools/UnsafeArrayFloat.cs.meta → /Runtime/Utility/UnsafeArrayFloat.cs.meta

/Runtime/MeshTools/UnsafeArrayInt.cs → /Runtime/Utility/UnsafeArrayInt.cs

/Runtime/MeshTools/UnsafeArrayInt.cs.meta → /Runtime/Utility/UnsafeArrayInt.cs.meta

/Runtime/MeshTools/UnsafeArrayULong.cs → /Runtime/Utility/UnsafeArrayULong.cs

/Runtime/MeshTools/UnsafeArrayULong.cs.meta → /Runtime/Utility/UnsafeArrayULong.cs.meta

/Runtime/MeshTools/UnsafeArrayVector3.cs → /Runtime/Utility/UnsafeArrayVector3.cs

/Runtime/MeshTools/UnsafeArrayVector3.cs.meta → /Runtime/Utility/UnsafeArrayVector3.cs.meta

/Runtime/MeshTools/UnsafeBFS.cs → /Runtime/Utility/UnsafeBFS.cs

/Runtime/MeshTools/UnsafeBFS.cs.meta → /Runtime/Utility/UnsafeBFS.cs.meta

/Runtime/MeshTools/UnsafeDFS.cs → /Runtime/Utility/UnsafeDFS.cs

/Runtime/MeshTools/UnsafeDFS.cs.meta → /Runtime/Utility/UnsafeDFS.cs.meta

/Runtime/MeshTools/KdTree3.cs → /Runtime/Utility/KdTree3.cs
