68 次代码提交 (d9b90d42-3539-4a8f-bda6-cbeabd25acdb)

作者 SHA1 备注 提交日期
xingwei.zhu 3ecb9cf0 preparation for the optimization of composite and rasterization 6 年前
xingwei.zhu ed635607 metas 6 年前
xingwei.zhu 57d22776 draw cmd => pool item 6 年前
xingwei.zhu d84d4275 compositing CANVAS => UICANVAS (IN PROGRESS) 6 年前
xingwei.zhu c4eb6034 composite context => using ui-version objects 6 年前
xingwei.zhu 8b30a2e4 composite context => using ui-version objects (more) 6 年前
xingwei.zhu beac5c82 attach fillmesh&strokenmesh to pathcache 6 年前
xingwei.zhu 36962a7b uiPath will hold the PathCache, as in original implementation of Path 6 年前
xingwei.zhu b8612533 uicanvasstate bug fix 6 年前
xingwei.zhu 631f4f96 color, paint => struct 6 年前
xingwei.zhu a28a8d29 replace color, paint with uicolor and uipaint 6 年前
xingwei.zhu 1e490043 fix new uiPath bugs 6 年前
xingwei.zhu 46282448 folder structure refine 6 年前
xingwei.zhu 9ac5dbe6 refine poolitem => poolobject 6 年前
xingwei.zhu 401a5864 cache uipath for reuse 6 年前
xingwei.zhu c9445639 format cleanup 6 年前
xingwei.zhu f65a9049 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:UnityTech/UIWidgets into allocator2 (CONT.) 6 年前
xingwei.zhu a1c9ae00 add isRRect to path/uipath 6 年前
xingwei.zhu 61a56230 fast shadow 6 年前
xingwei.zhu f00edb6c fast shadow fix some artifacts 6 年前
xingwei.zhu f50d1240 fast shadow version 1.0 6 年前
xingwei.zhu 9e7fd908 refine codes 6 年前
Yuncong Zhang da75b829 Complete C# part of antialiasing, with temporary shader. 6 年前
Yuncong Zhang 88c4bcc2 Shrink the fill path. 6 年前
Yuncong Zhang 542b4c5c Fix extra line issues. 6 年前
Yuncong Zhang 02fa3af6 Fix some issues. 6 年前
Yuncong Zhang ad55f93e Fix issues. 6 年前
Yuncong Zhang eaec41e9 Merge branch 'master' into layout 6 年前
Yuncong Zhang 11f1d8a3 Fix issues. 6 年前
GitHub 4532e4a1 Merge pull request #261 from UnityTech/layout 6 年前
GitHub 2c3f1026 Merge pull request #262 from UnityTech/antialias 6 年前
xingwei.zhu 57b9eec6 Merge branch 'optmize_shadow' of github.com:UnityTech/UIWidgets into dev 6 年前
xingwei.zhu 0b055504 Merge branch 'dev' of https://github.com/UnityTech/UIWidgets 6 年前
GitHub 71b63712 Merge pull request #266 from UnityTech/dev 6 年前
Yuncong 4405d7ac Merge branch 'master' into hook1.5.4 6 年前
Yuncong Zhang 228f741d Cleanup warnings. 6 年前
GitHub f7ed7510 Merge pull request #293 from UnityTech/clean_warning 6 年前
xingwei.zhu afa58416 backdrop mask bug fix 6 年前
xingwei.zhu 70d96acd fix gc problem 5 年前
xingwei.zhu 21c4a326 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:UnityTech/UIWidgets into dev 5 年前
GitHub 2c57e822 Merge pull request #299 from UnityTech/backdropbugfix 5 年前
xingwei.zhu d45f9e62 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:UnityTech/UIWidgets into dev 5 年前
GitHub 8d8032aa Merge pull request #307 from UnityTech/master 5 年前
xingwei.zhu bc2a085e fix image slice bug 5 年前
GitHub 5a18c3cd Merge pull request #323 from UnityTech/fiximageslicebug 5 年前
xingwei.zhu 69d78627 Merge branch 'dev' of github.com:UnityTech/UIWidgets into dev 5 年前
GitHub e3e8b270 Merge pull request #324 from UnityTech/dev 5 年前
xingwei.zhu 4e9bbb47 optimize aa draw (won't draw hairline for Rects) 5 年前
GitHub 10f7c277 Merge pull request #364 from UnityTech/aa_optimization 5 年前
GitHub 4df92c51 Merge pull request #377 from UnityTech/master 5 年前
xingwei.zhu 2abc59eb fix aa shapehint bug when shapeHint doesn't update when rrect -> non-rrect changed 5 年前
Yuncong Zhang 081956e2 Check canvas clipping bounds and record bounds. 5 年前
xingwei.zhu b556f6d8 fix aa shapehint bug when shapeHint doesn't update when rrect -> non-rrect changed 2 5 年前
GitHub 62c3bd39 Merge pull request #381 from UnityTech/fix_aa_shapehintbug 5 年前
xingwei.zhu dc4b5b79 fix error: won't adjust fill area size when canskipAAhairline is true 5 年前
GitHub 2eca516b Merge pull request #382 from UnityTech/fix_aa_shapehintbug 5 年前
Yuncong Zhang 790015f8 Filter records with r tree. 5 年前
Yuncong Zhang e98fd5d9 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:UnityTech/UIWidgets into filter_records 5 年前
Yuncong Zhang 0266062d Update bhh when creating picture. 5 年前
Yuncong Zhang cb3d68a8 Fix bug in Paragraph.setText. 5 年前
GitHub 41137c2c Merge pull request #384 from UnityTech/filter_records 5 年前
GitHub 01d501be Merge pull request #394 from UnityTech/dev 5 年前
Yuncong Zhang 3c970c5d Disable filtering draw commands. 5 年前
GitHub 94ceb6dd Merge pull request #418 from UnityTech/dev_fix 5 年前
GitHub 4c9edd0e Merge pull request #419 from UnityTech/dev 5 年前
Kevin Gu 52e20ad9 remove this. 4 年前
siyao 1db60ffd Merge branch 'skia' into siyao/skia/txt 4 年前
siyao a05afa9c update replace ui 4 年前