您最多选择25个主题 主题必须以中文或者字母或数字开头,可以包含连字符 (-),并且长度不得超过35个字符

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using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe;
using Random = Unity.Mathematics.Random;
namespace Unity.Networking.Transport.Utilities
public struct SimulatorUtility
private int m_PacketCount;
private int m_MaxPacketSize;
private int m_PacketDelayMs;
private int m_PacketJitterMs;
/// <summary>
/// Configuration parameters for the simulator pipeline stage.
/// </summary>
public struct Parameters : INetworkParameter
/// <summary>
/// The maximum amount of packets the pipeline can keep track of. This used when a
/// packet is delayed, the packet is stored in the pipeline processing buffer and can
/// be later brought back.
/// </summary>
public int MaxPacketCount;
/// <summary>
/// The maximum size of a packet which the simulator stores. If a packet exceeds this size it will
/// bypass the simulator.
/// </summary>
public int MaxPacketSize;
/// <summary>
/// Fixed delay to apply to all packets which pass through.
/// </summary>
public int PacketDelayMs;
/// <summary>
/// Variable delay to apply to all packets which pass through, adds or subtracts amount from fixed delay.
/// </summary>
public int PacketJitterMs;
/// <summary>
/// Fixed interval to drop packets on. This is most suitable for tests where predictable
/// behaviour is desired, every Xth packet will be dropped. If PacketDropInterval is 5
/// every 5th packet is dropped.
/// </summary>
public int PacketDropInterval;
/// <summary>
/// Use a drop percentage when deciding when to drop packet. For every packet
/// a random number generator is used to determine if the packet should be dropped or not.
/// A percentage of 5 means approximately every 20th packet will be dropped.
/// </summary>
public int PacketDropPercentage;
/// <summary>
/// Use the fuzz factor when you want to fuzz a packet. For every packet
/// a random number generator is used to determine if the packet should have the internal bits flipped.
/// A percentage of 5 means approximately every 20th packet will be fuzzed, and that each bit in the packet
/// has a 5 percent chance to get flipped.
/// </summary>
public int FuzzFactor;
/// <summary>
/// Use the fuzz offset in conjunction with the fuzz factor, the fuzz offset will offset where we start
/// flipping bits. This is useful if you want to only fuzz a part of the packet.
/// </summary>
public int FuzzOffset;
/// <summary>
/// The random seed is used to set the initial seed of the random number generator. This is useful to get
/// deterministic runs in tests for example that are dependant on the random number generator.
/// </summary>
public uint RandomSeed;
public struct Context
public int MaxPacketCount;
public int MaxPacketSize;
public int PacketDelayMs;
public int PacketJitterMs;
public int PacketDrop;
public int FuzzOffset;
public int FuzzFactor;
public uint RandomSeed;
public Random Random;
// Statistics
public int PacketCount;
public int PacketDropCount;
public int ReadyPackets;
public int WaitingPackets;
public long NextPacketTime;
public long StatsTime;
public struct DelayedPacket
public int processBufferOffset;
public ushort packetSize;
public ushort packetHeaderPadding;
public long delayUntil;
public SimulatorUtility(int packetCount, int maxPacketSize, int packetDelayMs, int packetJitterMs)
m_PacketCount = packetCount;
m_MaxPacketSize = maxPacketSize;
m_PacketDelayMs = packetDelayMs;
m_PacketJitterMs = packetJitterMs;
public static unsafe void InitializeContext(Parameters param, byte* sharedProcessBuffer)
// Store parameters in the shared buffer space
Context* ctx = (Context*) sharedProcessBuffer;
ctx->MaxPacketCount = param.MaxPacketCount;
ctx->MaxPacketSize = param.MaxPacketSize;
ctx->PacketDelayMs = param.PacketDelayMs;
ctx->PacketJitterMs = param.PacketJitterMs;
ctx->PacketDrop = param.PacketDropInterval;
ctx->FuzzFactor = param.FuzzFactor;
ctx->FuzzOffset = param.FuzzOffset;
ctx->PacketCount = 0;
ctx->PacketDropCount = 0;
ctx->Random = new Random();
if (param.RandomSeed > 0)
ctx->RandomSeed = param.RandomSeed;
public unsafe bool GetEmptyDataSlot(byte* processBufferPtr, ref int packetPayloadOffset,
ref int packetDataOffset)
var dataSize = UnsafeUtility.SizeOf<DelayedPacket>();
var packetPayloadStartOffset = m_PacketCount * dataSize;
bool foundSlot = false;
for (int i = 0; i < m_PacketCount; i++)
packetDataOffset = dataSize * i;
DelayedPacket* packetData = (DelayedPacket*) (processBufferPtr + packetDataOffset);
// Check if this slot is empty
if (packetData->delayUntil == 0)
foundSlot = true;
packetPayloadOffset = packetPayloadStartOffset + m_MaxPacketSize * i;
return foundSlot;
public unsafe bool GetDelayedPacket(ref NetworkPipelineContext ctx, ref InboundSendBuffer delayedPacket,
ref NetworkPipelineStage.Requests requests, long currentTimestamp)
requests = NetworkPipelineStage.Requests.None;
var dataSize = UnsafeUtility.SizeOf<DelayedPacket>();
byte* processBufferPtr = (byte*) ctx.internalProcessBuffer;
var simCtx = (Context*) ctx.internalSharedProcessBuffer;
int oldestPacketIndex = -1;
long oldestTime = long.MaxValue;
int readyPackets = 0;
int packetsInQueue = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < m_PacketCount; i++)
DelayedPacket* packet = (DelayedPacket*) (processBufferPtr + dataSize * i);
if ((int) packet->delayUntil == 0) continue;
if (packet->delayUntil > currentTimestamp) continue;
if (oldestTime <= packet->delayUntil) continue;
oldestPacketIndex = i;
oldestTime = packet->delayUntil;
simCtx->ReadyPackets = readyPackets;
simCtx->WaitingPackets = packetsInQueue;
simCtx->NextPacketTime = oldestTime;
simCtx->StatsTime = currentTimestamp;
// If more than one item has expired timer we need to resume this pipeline stage
if (readyPackets > 1)
requests |= NetworkPipelineStage.Requests.Resume;
// If more than one item is present (but doesn't have expired timer) we need to re-run the pipeline
// in a later update call
else if (packetsInQueue > 0)
requests |= NetworkPipelineStage.Requests.Update;
if (oldestPacketIndex >= 0)
DelayedPacket* packet = (DelayedPacket*) (processBufferPtr + dataSize * oldestPacketIndex);
packet->delayUntil = 0;
delayedPacket.bufferWithHeaders = ctx.internalProcessBuffer + packet->processBufferOffset;
delayedPacket.bufferWithHeadersLength = packet->packetSize;
delayedPacket.headerPadding = packet->packetHeaderPadding;
return true;
return false;
public unsafe void FuzzPacket(Context *ctx, ref InboundSendBuffer inboundBuffer)
int fuzzFactor = ctx->FuzzFactor;
int fuzzOffset = ctx->FuzzOffset;
int rand = ctx->Random.NextInt(0, 100);
if (rand > fuzzFactor)
var length = inboundBuffer.bufferLength;
for (int i = fuzzOffset; i < length; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++j)
if (fuzzFactor > ctx->Random.NextInt(0, 100))
inboundBuffer.buffer[i] ^= (byte)(1 << j);
public unsafe bool DelayPacket(ref NetworkPipelineContext ctx, InboundSendBuffer inboundBuffer,
ref NetworkPipelineStage.Requests requests,
long timestamp)
// Find empty slot in bookkeeping data space to track this packet
int packetPayloadOffset = 0;
int packetDataOffset = 0;
var processBufferPtr = (byte*) ctx.internalProcessBuffer;
bool foundSlot = GetEmptyDataSlot(processBufferPtr, ref packetPayloadOffset, ref packetDataOffset);
if (!foundSlot)
//UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning("No space left for delaying packet (" + m_PacketCount + " packets in queue)");
return false;
UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(ctx.internalProcessBuffer + packetPayloadOffset + inboundBuffer.headerPadding, inboundBuffer.buffer, inboundBuffer.bufferLength);
var param = (SimulatorUtility.Context*) ctx.internalSharedProcessBuffer;
// Add tracking for this packet so we can resurrect later
DelayedPacket packet;
packet.delayUntil = timestamp + m_PacketDelayMs + param->Random.NextInt(m_PacketJitterMs*2) - m_PacketJitterMs;
packet.processBufferOffset = packetPayloadOffset;
packet.packetSize = (ushort)(inboundBuffer.headerPadding + inboundBuffer.bufferLength);
packet.packetHeaderPadding = (ushort)inboundBuffer.headerPadding;
byte* packetPtr = (byte*) &packet;
UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(processBufferPtr + packetDataOffset, packetPtr, UnsafeUtility.SizeOf<DelayedPacket>());
// Schedule an update call so packet can be resurrected later
requests |= NetworkPipelineStage.Requests.Update;
return true;
public unsafe bool ShouldDropPacket(Context* ctx, Parameters param, long timestamp)
if (param.PacketDropInterval > 0 && (ctx->PacketCount - 1) % param.PacketDropInterval == 0)
return true;
if (param.PacketDropPercentage > 0)
//var packetLoss = new System.Random().NextDouble() * 100;
var packetLoss = ctx->Random.NextInt(0, 100);
if (packetLoss < param.PacketDropPercentage)
return true;
return false;