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using LobbyRelaySample;
using NUnit.Framework;
using System.Collections;
using Unity.Services.Lobbies;
using Unity.Services.Lobbies.Models;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.TestTools;
using LobbyAPIInterface = LobbyRelaySample.lobby.LobbyAPIInterface;
namespace Test
public class LobbyReadyCheckTests
private string m_workingLobbyId;
private LobbyRelaySample.Auth.Identity m_auth;
private bool m_didSigninComplete = false;
private GameObject m_updateSlowObj;
public void Setup()
m_auth = new LobbyRelaySample.Auth.Identity(() => { m_didSigninComplete = true; });
m_updateSlowObj = new GameObject("UpdateSlowTest");
public IEnumerator PerTestTeardown()
if (m_workingLobbyId != null)
{ LobbyAPIInterface.DeleteLobbyAsync(m_workingLobbyId, null);
m_workingLobbyId = null;
yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.5f); // We need a yield anyway, so wait long enough to probably delete the lobby. There currently (6/22/2021) aren't other tests that would have issues if this took longer.
public void Teardown()
Locator.Get.Provide(new LobbyRelaySample.Auth.IdentityNoop());
LogAssert.ignoreFailingMessages = false;
private IEnumerator WaitForSignin()
// Wait a reasonable amount of time for sign-in to complete.
if (!m_didSigninComplete)
yield return new WaitForSeconds(3);
if (!m_didSigninComplete)
Assert.Fail("Did not sign in.");
private IEnumerator CreateLobby(string lobbyName, string userId)
Response<Lobby> createResponse = null;
float timeout = 5;
LobbyAPIInterface.CreateLobbyAsync(userId, lobbyName, 4, false, (r) => { createResponse = r; });
while (createResponse == null && timeout > 0)
{ yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.25f);
timeout -= 0.25f;
Assert.Greater(timeout, 0, "Timeout check (lobby creation).");
m_workingLobbyId = createResponse.Result.Id;
private IEnumerator PushPlayerData(LobbyUser player)
bool hasPushedPlayerData = false;
float timeout = 5;
LobbyAsyncRequests.Instance.UpdatePlayerDataAsync(LobbyRelaySample.lobby.ToLocalLobby.RetrieveUserData(player), () => { hasPushedPlayerData = true; }); // LobbyContentHeartbeat normally does this.
while (!hasPushedPlayerData && timeout > 0)
{ yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.25f);
timeout -= 0.25f;
Assert.Greater(timeout, 0, "Timeout check (push player data).");
/// <summary>
/// After creating a lobby and a player, signal that the player is Ready. This should lead to a countdown time being set for all players.
/// </summary>
public IEnumerator SetCountdownTimeSinglePlayer()
LogAssert.ignoreFailingMessages = true; // Not sure why, but when auth logs in, it sometimes generates an error: "A Native Collection has not been disposed[...]." We don't want this to cause test failures, since in practice it *seems* to not negatively impact behavior.
ReadyCheck readyCheck = new ReadyCheck(5); // This ready time is used for the countdown target end, not for any of the timing of actually detecting readies.
yield return WaitForSignin();
string userId = m_auth.GetSubIdentity(LobbyRelaySample.Auth.IIdentityType.Auth).GetContent("id");
yield return CreateLobby("TestReadyLobby1", userId);
yield return new WaitForSeconds(2); // Allow the initial lobby retrieval.
LobbyUser user = new LobbyUser();
user.ID = userId;
user.UserStatus = UserStatus.Ready;
yield return PushPlayerData(user);
float timeout = 5; // Long enough for two slow updates
yield return new WaitForSeconds(timeout);
yield return new WaitForSeconds(2); // Buffer to prevent a 429 on the upcoming Get, since there's a Get request on the slow upate loop when that's active.
Response<Lobby> getResponse = null;
timeout = 5;
LobbyAPIInterface.GetLobbyAsync(m_workingLobbyId, (r) => { getResponse = r; });
while (getResponse == null && timeout > 0)
{ yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.25f);
timeout -= 0.25f;
Assert.Greater(timeout, 0, "Timeout check (get lobby).");
Assert.NotNull(getResponse.Result, "Retrieved lobby successfully.");
Assert.NotNull(getResponse.Result.Data, "Lobby should have data.");
Assert.True(getResponse.Result.Data.ContainsKey("AllPlayersReady"), "Check for AllPlayersReady key.");
string readyString = getResponse.Result.Data["AllPlayersReady"]?.Value;
Assert.NotNull(readyString, "Check for non-null AllPlayersReady.");
Assert.True(long.TryParse(readyString, out long ticks), "Check for ticks value in AllPlayersReady."); // This will be based on the current time, so we won't check for a specific value.
// Can't test with multiple players on one machine, since anonymous UAS credentials can't be manually supplied.