主题必须以中文或者字母或数字开头,可以包含连字符 (-),并且长度不得超过35个字符
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using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Unity.Services.Authentication.Models;
using Unity.Services.Authentication.Utilities;
using Unity.Services.Core.Internal;
namespace Unity.Services.Authentication
enum AuthenticationState
class AuthenticationServiceInternal : IAuthenticationService
const string k_CacheKeySessionToken = "session_token";
const string k_IdProviderApple = "apple.com";
const string k_IdProviderGoogle = "google.com";
const string k_IdProviderFacebook = "facebook.com";
const string k_IdProviderSteam = "steampowered.com";
// NOTE: the REFRESH buffer should always have a larger value than the EXPIRY buffer,
// i.e. it happens much earlier than the expiry time. The difference should be large
// enough that the refresh process can be attempted (and retried) and succeed (or not)
// before the token is actually considered expired.
/// <summary>
/// The buffer time in seconds to start access token refresh before the access token expires.
/// </summary>
const int k_AccessTokenRefreshBuffer = 120;
/// <summary>
/// The buffer time in seconds to treat token as expired before the token's expiry time.
/// This is to deal with the time difference between the client and server.
/// </summary>
const int k_AccessTokenExpiryBuffer = 20;
/// <summary>
/// The time in seconds between access token refresh retries.
/// </summary>
const int k_ExpiredRefreshAttemptFrequency = 300;
/// <summary>
/// The max retries to get well known keys from server.
/// </summary>
const int k_WellKnownKeysMaxAttempt = 3;
readonly IAuthenticationNetworkClient m_NetworkClient;
readonly IJwtDecoder m_JwtDecoder;
readonly ICache m_Cache;
readonly IScheduler m_Scheduler;
readonly IDateTimeWrapper m_DateTime;
IWebRequest<SignInResponse> m_DelayedTokenRequest;
string m_PlayerId;
DateTime m_AccessTokenExpiryTime;
internal event Action<AuthenticationState, AuthenticationState> StateChanged;
public event Action<AuthenticationException> SignInFailed;
public event Action SignedIn;
public event Action SignedOut;
public bool IsSignedIn =>
State == AuthenticationState.Authorized ||
State == AuthenticationState.Refreshing ||
State == AuthenticationState.Expired;
public bool IsAuthorized =>
State == AuthenticationState.Authorized ||
State == AuthenticationState.Refreshing;
public string AccessToken { get; private set; }
public string PlayerId =>
// NOTE: player ID comes in with the authentication request, before the player has actually completed
// the authorization process and signed in properly -- so make sure we don't accidentally expose the
// player ID too early.
IsSignedIn ? m_PlayerId : null;
internal AuthenticationState State { get; set; }
internal WellKnownKeys WellKnownKeys { get; private set; }
internal AuthenticationServiceInternal(IAuthenticationNetworkClient networkClient,
IJwtDecoder jwtDecoder,
ICache cache,
IScheduler scheduler,
IDateTimeWrapper dateTime)
m_NetworkClient = networkClient;
m_JwtDecoder = jwtDecoder;
m_Cache = cache;
m_Scheduler = scheduler;
m_DateTime = dateTime;
State = AuthenticationState.SignedOut;
void GetWellKnownKeys(AuthenticationAsyncOperation asyncOperation, int attempt)
if (WellKnownKeys == null)
var wellKnownKeysRequest = m_NetworkClient.GetWellKnownKeys();
wellKnownKeysRequest.Completed += resp => WellKnownKeysReceived(asyncOperation, resp, attempt);
internal void WellKnownKeysReceived(AuthenticationAsyncOperation asyncOperation, IWebRequest<WellKnownKeys> response, int attempt)
if (response.RequestFailed)
if (attempt < k_WellKnownKeysMaxAttempt)
Logger.LogWarning($"Well-known keys request failed (attempt: {attempt}): {response.ResponseCode}, {response.ErrorMessage}");
GetWellKnownKeys(asyncOperation, attempt + 1);
HandleServerError(asyncOperation, response);
Logger.LogVerbose("Well-known keys have arrived!");
WellKnownKeys = response.ResponseBody;
if (State == AuthenticationState.VerifyingAccessToken)
CompleteSignIn(asyncOperation, m_DelayedTokenRequest.ResponseBody);
catch (Exception e)
asyncOperation.Fail(AuthenticationError.UnknownError, "Unknown error receiving well-known keys response.", e);
public Task SignInAnonymouslyAsync()
if (State == AuthenticationState.SignedOut)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ReadSessionToken()))
return SignInWithSessionTokenAsync();
// I am a first-time anonymous user.
return StartSigningIn(m_NetworkClient.SignInAnonymously()).AsTask();
return AlreadySignedInError().AsTask();
public Task SignInWithAppleAsync(string idToken)
return SignInWithExternalToken(new ExternalTokenRequest
IdProvider = k_IdProviderApple,
Token = idToken
public Task LinkWithAppleAsync(string idToken)
return LinkWithExternalToken(new ExternalTokenRequest
IdProvider = k_IdProviderApple,
Token = idToken
public Task SignInWithGoogleAsync(string idToken)
return SignInWithExternalToken(new ExternalTokenRequest
IdProvider = k_IdProviderGoogle,
Token = idToken
public Task LinkWithGoogleAsync(string idToken)
return LinkWithExternalToken(new ExternalTokenRequest
IdProvider = k_IdProviderGoogle,
Token = idToken
public Task SignInWithFacebookAsync(string accessToken)
return SignInWithExternalToken(new ExternalTokenRequest
IdProvider = k_IdProviderFacebook,
Token = accessToken
public Task LinkWithFacebookAsync(string accessToken)
return LinkWithExternalToken(new ExternalTokenRequest
IdProvider = k_IdProviderFacebook,
Token = accessToken
public Task SignInWithSteamAsync(string sessionTicket)
return SignInWithExternalToken(new ExternalTokenRequest
IdProvider = k_IdProviderSteam,
Token = sessionTicket
public Task LinkWithSteamAsync(string sessionTicket)
return LinkWithExternalToken(new ExternalTokenRequest
IdProvider = k_IdProviderSteam,
Token = sessionTicket
internal IAsyncOperation SignInWithExternalToken(ExternalTokenRequest externalToken)
if (State == AuthenticationState.SignedOut)
return StartSigningIn(m_NetworkClient.SignInWithExternalToken(externalToken));
return AlreadySignedInError();
internal IAsyncOperation LinkWithExternalToken(ExternalTokenRequest externalToken)
var operation = new AuthenticationAsyncOperation();
if (IsAuthorized)
var linkResult = m_NetworkClient.LinkWithExternalToken(AccessToken, externalToken);
linkResult.Completed += request => LinkResponseReceived(operation, request);
Logger.LogWarning("The player is not authorized. Wait until authorized before attempting to link.");
return operation;
public Task SignInWithSessionTokenAsync()
return SignInWithSessionToken(false).AsTask();
internal IAsyncOperation SignInWithSessionToken(bool isRefreshRequest)
var sessionToken = ReadSessionToken();
if (State == AuthenticationState.SignedOut || isRefreshRequest)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sessionToken))
return SessionTokenNotExistsError();
Logger.LogVerbose("Continuing existing session with cached token.");
return StartSigningIn(m_NetworkClient.SignInWithSessionToken(sessionToken), isRefreshRequest);
return AlreadySignedInError();
internal string ReadSessionToken()
return m_Cache.GetString(k_CacheKeySessionToken) ?? string.Empty;
IAsyncOperation StartSigningIn(IWebRequest<SignInResponse> signInRequest, bool isRefreshRequest = false)
var asyncOp = CreateSignInAsyncOperation();
if (!isRefreshRequest)
GetWellKnownKeys(asyncOp, 0);
if (isRefreshRequest)
signInRequest.Completed += request => RefreshResponseReceived(request);
signInRequest.Completed += request => SignInResponseReceived(asyncOp, request);
return asyncOp;
public void SignOut()
if (State != AuthenticationState.SignedOut)
AccessToken = null;
m_AccessTokenExpiryTime = default;
m_PlayerId = null;
internal void SignInResponseReceived(AuthenticationAsyncOperation operation, IWebRequest<SignInResponse> request)
if (HandleServerError(operation, request))
if (WellKnownKeys == null)
Logger.LogVerbose("Well-known keys have not arrived yet, waiting on them to complete sign-in.");
m_DelayedTokenRequest = request;
// operation will complete in WellKnownKeysReceived()
CompleteSignIn(operation, request.ResponseBody);
catch (Exception e)
operation.Fail(AuthenticationError.UnknownError, "Unknown error receiving SignIn response.", e);
internal void LinkResponseReceived(AuthenticationAsyncOperation operation, IWebRequest<SignInResponse> request)
if (HandleServerError(operation, request))
// The data in the response of link can be discarded. We already have all information in current context.
// Just mark it as succeed to notify caller that the user is linked successfully.
catch (Exception e)
operation.Fail(AuthenticationError.UnknownError, "Unknown error receiving link response.", e);
void CompleteSignIn(AuthenticationAsyncOperation operation, SignInResponse response)
var accessTokenDecoded = m_JwtDecoder.Decode<AccessToken>(response.IdToken, WellKnownKeys);
if (accessTokenDecoded == null)
operation.Fail(AuthenticationError.InvalidAccessToken, "Failed to decode and verify access token.");
AccessToken = response.IdToken;
m_PlayerId = response.UserId;
m_Cache.SetString(k_CacheKeySessionToken, response.SessionToken);
var expiry = response.ExpiresIn > k_AccessTokenRefreshBuffer ? response.ExpiresIn - k_AccessTokenRefreshBuffer : response.ExpiresIn;
m_AccessTokenExpiryTime = m_DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(response.ExpiresIn - k_AccessTokenExpiryBuffer);
m_Scheduler.ScheduleAction(ScheduledRefresh, expiry);
catch (Exception e)
operation.Fail(AuthenticationError.UnknownError, "Unknown error completing sign-in.", e);
internal void ScheduledRefresh()
// If we have just been unpaused, Unity's execution order may mean that this triggers
// the refresh process when in fact the Expiry process should take hold (i.e. the scheduler executes
// this action before the OnApplicationPause callback). So to ensure we don't double the refresh
// request, check the token hasn't expired before triggering refresh.
if (m_AccessTokenExpiryTime > m_DateTime.UtcNow)
internal void RefreshAccessToken()
if (IsSignedIn)
Logger.LogVerbose("Making token refresh request...");
if (State != AuthenticationState.Expired)
internal void RefreshResponseReceived(IWebRequest<SignInResponse> request)
if (request.RequestFailed)
Logger.LogError($"Request failed: {request.ResponseCode}, {request.ErrorMessage}");
// NOTE: depending on how long it took to fail, this might occur before the access token has _actually_ expired.
// This is likely safer than risking an expired access token reaching a consuming service.
if (request.ServerError && request.ResponseCode < 500)
Logger.LogWarning("Failed to refresh access token due to server error, signing out.");
Logger.LogWarning("Failed to refresh access token due to network error or internal server error, will retry later.");
m_Scheduler.ScheduleAction(RefreshAccessToken, k_ExpiredRefreshAttemptFrequency);
if (State != AuthenticationState.Expired)
var asyncOp = new AuthenticationAsyncOperation();
CompleteSignIn(asyncOp, request.ResponseBody);
if (asyncOp.Status == AsyncOperationStatus.Succeeded)
Logger.LogVerbose("Refresh complete!");
Logger.LogWarning("The access token is not valid. Retry JWKS and refresh again.");
// Refresh failed since we received a bad token. Retry.
m_Scheduler.ScheduleAction(RefreshAccessToken, k_ExpiredRefreshAttemptFrequency);
public void ApplicationUnpaused()
if (IsAuthorized &&
m_DateTime.UtcNow > m_AccessTokenExpiryTime)
Logger.LogVerbose("Application unpause found the access token to have expired already.");
void Expire()
AccessToken = null;
m_AccessTokenExpiryTime = default;
void ChangeState(AuthenticationState newState)
// NOTE: always call this at the end of a method where state is changed, so that any consumer
// that has subscribed to the event will get the correct data for the new state.
Logger.LogVerbose($"Moved from state [{State}] to [{newState}]");
var oldState = State;
State = newState;
HandleStateChanged(oldState, newState);
void HandleStateChanged(AuthenticationState oldState, AuthenticationState newState)
StateChanged?.Invoke(oldState, newState);
switch (newState)
case AuthenticationState.Authorized:
if (oldState != AuthenticationState.Refreshing &&
oldState != AuthenticationState.Expired)
case AuthenticationState.SignedOut:
/// <summary>
/// Create <see cref="IAsyncOperation{T}"/> that always fail with <c>ClientInvalidUserState</c> error
/// when the user is calling <c>SignIn*</c> methods while not in <c>SignedOut</c> state.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The exception that represents the error.</returns>
IAsyncOperation AlreadySignedInError()
var exception = new AuthenticationException(
"The player is already signed in. Sign out before attempting to sign in again.");
var asyncOp = new AuthenticationAsyncOperation();
return asyncOp;
/// <summary>
/// Create <see cref="IAsyncOperation{T}"/> that always fail with <c>ClientNoActiveSession</c> error
/// when the user is calling <c>SignInWithSessionToken</c> methods while there is no session token stored.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The exception that represents the error.</returns>
IAsyncOperation SessionTokenNotExistsError()
var exception = new AuthenticationException(
"There is no cached session token.");
// At this point, the contents of the cache are invalid, and we don't want future
// SignInAnonymously or SignInWithSessionToken to read the current contents of the key.
var asyncOp = new AuthenticationAsyncOperation();
return asyncOp;
/// <summary>
/// Handles the error from server. If request is not failed, do nothing. Otherwise try to parse the error
/// and call <c>operation.Fail</c>. Caller shall check <c>operation.Status</c> before moving forward.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="operation">The async operation to mark failure in case of server error.</param>
/// <param name="request">The web request to parse error.</param>
/// <typeparam name="T">The type parameter of web request. In case of an error it is not used.</typeparam>
/// <returns>Whether there is an error occurred.</returns>
bool HandleServerError<T>(AuthenticationAsyncOperation operation, IWebRequest<T> request)
if (!request.RequestFailed)
return false;
Logger.LogError($"Request failed: {request.ResponseCode}, {request.ErrorMessage}");
if (request.NetworkError)
return true;
// otherwise it's a server error. Try to parse the error.
var errorResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<AuthenticationErrorResponse>(request.ErrorMessage);
operation.Fail(errorResponse.Title, errorResponse.Detail);
catch (JsonException ex)
"Failed to deserialize server response.",
catch (Exception ex)
"Unknown error deserializing server response. ",
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Create the AsyncOperation that will sign-out in case of failure.
/// </summary>
internal AuthenticationAsyncOperation CreateSignInAsyncOperation()
var asyncOp = new AuthenticationAsyncOperation();
asyncOp.BeforeFail += SendSignInFailedEvent;
return asyncOp;
void SendSignInFailedEvent(AuthenticationAsyncOperation operation)