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using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using LobbyRelaySample.lobby;
using Unity.Services.Lobbies.Models;
using UnityEngine;
namespace LobbyRelaySample
/// <summary>
/// Keep updated on changes to a joined lobby, at a speed compliant with Lobby's rate limiting.
/// </summary>
public class LobbySynchronizer : IDisposable
LocalLobby m_LocalLobby;
LocalPlayer m_LocalUser;
LobbyManager m_LobbyManager;
bool m_LocalChanges = false;
const int k_approvalMaxMS = 10000; // Used for determining if a user should timeout if they are unable to connect.
int m_lifetime = 0;
const int k_UpdateIntervalMS = 1000;
public LobbySynchronizer(LobbyManager lobbyManager)
m_LobbyManager = lobbyManager;
public void StartSynch(LocalLobby localLobby, LocalPlayer localUser)
m_LocalUser = localUser;
m_LocalLobby = localLobby;
m_LocalLobby.LobbyID.onChanged += OnLobbyIdChanged;
m_LocalChanges = true;
#pragma warning disable 4014
#pragma warning restore 4014
m_lifetime = 0;
public void EndSynch()
m_LocalChanges = false;
if (m_LocalLobby != null)
m_LocalLobby.LobbyID.onChanged -= OnLobbyIdChanged;
m_LocalLobby = null;
/// <summary>
/// If there have been any data changes since the last update, push them to Lobby. Regardless, pull for the most recent data.
/// (Unless we're already awaiting a query, in which case continue waiting.)
/// </summary>
async Task UpdateLoopAsync()
Lobby latestLobby = null;
while (m_LocalLobby != null)
latestLobby = await GetLatestRemoteLobby();
if (IfRemoteLobbyChanged(latestLobby))
//Pulling remote changes, and applying them to the local lobby usually flags it as changed,
//Causing another pull, the RemoteToLocal converter ensures this does not happen by flagging the lobby.
LobbyConverters.RemoteToLocal(latestLobby, m_LocalLobby, false);
if (!LobbyHasHost())
var areAllusersReady = AreAllUsersReady();
if (areAllusersReady && m_LocalLobby.LocalLobbyState.Value == LobbyState.Lobby)
else if (!areAllusersReady && m_LocalLobby.LocalLobbyState.Value == LobbyState.CountDown)
m_lifetime += k_UpdateIntervalMS;
await Task.Delay(k_UpdateIntervalMS);
async Task<Lobby> GetLatestRemoteLobby()
Lobby latestLobby = null;
if (m_LocalLobby.IsLobbyChanged())
latestLobby = await PushDataToLobby();
latestLobby = await m_LobbyManager.GetLobbyAsync();
return latestLobby;
bool IfRemoteLobbyChanged(Lobby remoteLobby)
var remoteLobbyTime = remoteLobby.LastUpdated.ToFileTimeUtc();
var localLobbyTime = m_LocalLobby.LastUpdated.Value;
var isLocalOutOfDate = remoteLobbyTime > localLobbyTime;
return isLocalOutOfDate;
async Task<Lobby> PushDataToLobby()
m_LocalChanges = false;
if (m_LocalUser.IsHost.Value)
await m_LobbyManager.UpdateLobbyDataAsync(
return await m_LobbyManager.UpdatePlayerDataAsync(
bool AreAllUsersReady()
foreach (var lobbyUser in m_LocalLobby.LocalPlayers.Values)
if (lobbyUser.UserStatus.Value != UserStatus.Ready)
return false;
return true;
bool LobbyHasHost()
if (!m_LocalUser.IsHost.Value)
foreach (var lobbyUser in m_LocalLobby.LocalPlayers)
if (lobbyUser.Value.IsHost.Value)
return true;
return false;
return true;
void LeaveLobbyBecauseNoHost()
"Host left the lobby! Disconnecting...");
Locator.Get.Messenger.OnReceiveMessage(MessageType.EndGame, null);
public void OnLobbyIdChanged(string lobbyID)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lobbyID)
) // When the player leaves, their LocalLobby is cleared out.
public void Dispose()