Boss Room 是一款使用 Unity MLAPI 制作的全功能合作多人 RPG。 它旨在作为学习样本,展示类似游戏中经常出现的某些典型游戏模式。
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using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace BossRoom.Server
public class AttackAIState : AIState
private AIBrain m_brain;
private ActionPlayer m_actionPlayer;
private ServerCharacter m_foe;
private ActionType m_curAttackAction;
public AttackAIState(AIBrain brain, ActionPlayer actionPlayer)
m_brain = brain;
m_actionPlayer = actionPlayer;
public override bool IsEligible()
return m_foe != null || ChooseFoe() != null;
public override void Initialize()
m_curAttackAction = ActionType.TANK_BASEATTACK;
// clear any old foe info; we'll choose a new one in Update()
m_foe = null;
public override void Update()
if (!m_brain.IsAppropriateFoe(m_foe))
// time for a new foe!
m_foe = ChooseFoe();
// whatever we used to be doing, stop that. New plan is coming!
// if we're out of foes, stop! IsEligible() will now return false so we'll soon switch to a new state
if (!m_foe)
// see if we're already chasing or attacking our active foe!
if (m_actionPlayer.GetActiveActionInfo(out var info))
if (info.ActionTypeEnum == ActionType.GENERAL_CHASE)
foreach (var id in info.TargetIds)
if (id == m_foe.NetworkId)
// yep we're chasing our foe; all set! (The attack is enqueued after it)
else if (info.ActionTypeEnum == m_curAttackAction)
foreach (var id in info.TargetIds)
if (id == m_foe.NetworkId)
// yep we're attacking our foe; all set!
// Choose whether we can attack our foe directly, or if we need to get closer first
var attackInfo = GetCurrentAttackInfo();
Vector3 diff = m_brain.GetMyServerCharacter().transform.position - m_foe.transform.position;
if (diff.sqrMagnitude < attackInfo.Range * attackInfo.Range)
// yes! We are in range
var attack_data = new ActionRequestData
ActionTypeEnum = m_curAttackAction,
Amount = attackInfo.Amount,
ShouldQueue = false,
TargetIds = new ulong[] { m_foe.NetworkId }
m_actionPlayer.PlayAction(ref attack_data);
// we are not in range so we will need to chase them
var chase_data = new ActionRequestData
ActionTypeEnum = ActionType.GENERAL_CHASE,
Amount = attackInfo.Range,
ShouldQueue = false,
TargetIds = new ulong[] { m_foe.NetworkId }
m_actionPlayer.PlayAction(ref chase_data);
// queue up the actual attack for when we're in range
var attack_data = new ActionRequestData
ActionTypeEnum = m_curAttackAction,
Amount = attackInfo.Amount,
ShouldQueue = true,
TargetIds = new ulong[] { m_foe.NetworkId }
m_actionPlayer.PlayAction(ref attack_data);
/// <summary>
/// Picks the most appropriate foe for us to attack right now, or null if none are appropriate
/// (Currently just chooses the foe closest to us in distance)
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
private ServerCharacter ChooseFoe()
Vector3 myPosition = m_brain.GetMyServerCharacter().transform.position;
float closestDistanceSqr = int.MaxValue;
ServerCharacter closestFoe = null;
foreach (var foe in m_brain.GetHatedEnemies())
float distanceSqr = (myPosition - foe.transform.position).sqrMagnitude;
if (distanceSqr < closestDistanceSqr)
closestDistanceSqr = distanceSqr;
closestFoe = foe;
return closestFoe;
private ActionDescription GetCurrentAttackInfo()
List<ActionDescription> actionLevels = ActionData.ActionDescriptions[ m_curAttackAction ];
int level = 0; // FIXME: pull this level from some character state var?
return actionLevels[ level ];