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GitHub 9e450b65 Mpinol/simrealrebased (#107) 4 年前
config Making pick_and_place Noetic compatible (#58) 4 年前
launch Mpinol/simrealrebased (#107) 4 年前
msg Initial commit of public release branch 4 年前
scripts Mpinol/simrealrebased (#107) 4 年前
srv Initial commit of public release branch 4 年前
CMakeLists.txt Mpinol/simrealrebased (#107) 4 年前
README.md Initial commit of public release branch 4 年前
package.xml Merging dev branch into main (#78) 4 年前



Ensure physics solver is set to Temporal Gauss Seidel in Physics Manager

ROS & Simulated Arm Only


Terminal 1

roscore &
rosparam set ROS_IP
rosparam set ROS_TCP_PORT 10000
rosparam set UNITY_IP
rosparam set UNITY_SERVER_PORT 5005
rosrun niryo_moveit server_endpoint.py

Terminal 2

rosrun niryo_moveit mover.py

Terminal 3

roslaunch niryo_moveit demo.launch


Press play in the Editor and press Send Joint Angles button in scene.

Converting to Niryo One & Simulated Arm:


Convert the mover service to publish to the “niryo_one/commander/robot_action topic of a RobotMoveCommand message type.


int32 cmd_type

float64[] joints
geometry_msgs/Point position
niryo_one_msgs/RPY rpy
niryo_one_msgs/ShiftPose shift
niryo_one_msgs/TrajectoryPlan Trajectory
geometry_msgs/Pose pose_quat
string  saved_position_name
int32 saved_trajectory_id 


moveit_msgs/RobotState trajectory_start
string group_name
moveit_msgs/RobotTrajectory trajectory

ROS Side

The current mover.py returns a plan with a RobotTrajectory and RobotState so it is likely that we will be able to convert our service to return the success of planning a trajectory while also publishing the trajectories to the corresponding topic.

Unity Side

Convert the current service call into a publisher and subscriber. Subscribe to the same topic as the real robot and move the simulated robot accordiingly.

Creating Tutorials


  • Be sure to update all URDFs to include gripper

Resources Used


  • MoveIt
  • All of the launch and config files used in this package were copied from Niryo One ROS Stack and edited to suit our reduced use case.


  • Why does trajectory planning fail when the target pose is about halfway up the robot? Are there constraints being enforced somewhere?


Changing from Unity coords to ROS coords:

Unity: (x, y z)
ROS: (z, -x, y)

0 0.249 0

0, 0, 0.249