您最多选择25个主题 主题必须以中文或者字母或数字开头,可以包含连字符 (-),并且长度不得超过35个字符

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49 KiB

using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using UnityEditor.Graphing;
using UnityEditor.Graphing.Util;
using UnityEditorInternal;
using UnityEngine;
using Debug = UnityEngine.Debug;
using System.Reflection;
namespace UnityEditor.ShaderGraph
// a structure used to track active variable dependencies in the shader code
// (i.e. the use of uv0 in the pixel shader means we need a uv0 interpolator, etc.)
public struct Dependency
public string name; // the name of the thing
public string dependsOn; // the thing above depends on this -- it reads it / calls it / requires it to be defined
public Dependency(string name, string dependsOn)
this.name = name;
this.dependsOn = dependsOn;
// attribute used to flag a field as needing an HLSL semantic applied
// i.e. float3 position : POSITION;
// ^ semantic
public class Semantic : System.Attribute
public string semantic;
public Semantic(string semantic)
this.semantic = semantic;
// attribute used to flag a field as being optional
// i.e. if it is not active, then we can omit it from the struct
public class Optional : System.Attribute
public Optional()
// attribute used to override the HLSL type of a field with a custom type string
public class OverrideType : System.Attribute
public string typeName;
public OverrideType(string typeName)
this.typeName = typeName;
// attribute used to disable a field using a preprocessor #if
public class PreprocessorIf : System.Attribute
public string conditional;
public PreprocessorIf(string conditional)
this.conditional = conditional;
public static class ShaderSpliceUtil
private static int GetFloatVectorCount(string typeName)
if (typeName.Equals("Vector4"))
return 4;
else if (typeName.Equals("Vector3"))
return 3;
else if (typeName.Equals("Vector2"))
return 2;
else if (typeName.Equals("float"))
return 1;
return 0;
private static string[] vectorTypeNames =
private static char[] channelNames =
{ 'x', 'y', 'z', 'w' };
private static string GetChannelSwizzle(int firstChannel, int channelCount)
System.Text.StringBuilder result = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
int lastChannel = System.Math.Min(firstChannel + channelCount - 1, 4);
for (int index = firstChannel; index <= lastChannel; index++)
return result.ToString();
private static bool ShouldSpliceField(System.Type parentType, FieldInfo field, HashSet<string> activeFields, out bool isOptional)
bool fieldActive = true;
isOptional = field.IsDefined(typeof(Optional), false);
if (isOptional)
string fullName = parentType.Name + "." + field.Name;
if (!activeFields.Contains(fullName))
// not active, skip the optional field
fieldActive = false;
return fieldActive;
private static string GetFieldSemantic(FieldInfo field)
string semanticString = null;
object[] semantics = field.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(Semantic), false);
if (semantics.Length > 0)
Semantic firstSemantic = (Semantic)semantics[0];
semanticString = " : " + firstSemantic.semantic;
return semanticString;
private static string GetFieldType(FieldInfo field, out int floatVectorCount)
string fieldType;
object[] overrideType = field.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(OverrideType), false);
if (overrideType.Length > 0)
OverrideType first = (OverrideType)overrideType[0];
fieldType = first.typeName;
floatVectorCount = 0;
// TODO: handle non-float types
floatVectorCount = GetFloatVectorCount(field.FieldType.Name);
fieldType = vectorTypeNames[floatVectorCount];
return fieldType;
private static bool IsFloatVectorType(string type)
return GetFloatVectorCount(type) != 0;
private static string GetFieldConditional(FieldInfo field)
string conditional = null;
object[] overrideType = field.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(PreprocessorIf), false);
if (overrideType.Length > 0)
PreprocessorIf first = (PreprocessorIf)overrideType[0];
conditional = first.conditional;
return conditional;
public static void BuildType(System.Type t, HashSet<string> activeFields, ShaderGenerator result)
result.AddShaderChunk("struct " + t.Name + " {");
foreach (FieldInfo field in t.GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public))
if (field.MemberType == MemberTypes.Field)
bool isOptional;
if (ShouldSpliceField(t, field, activeFields, out isOptional))
string semanticString = GetFieldSemantic(field);
int floatVectorCount;
string fieldType = GetFieldType(field, out floatVectorCount);
string conditional = GetFieldConditional(field);
if (conditional != null)
result.AddShaderChunk("#if " + conditional);
string fieldDecl = fieldType + " " + field.Name + semanticString + ";" + (isOptional ? " // optional" : string.Empty);
if (conditional != null)
result.AddShaderChunk("#endif // " + conditional);
public static void BuildPackedType(System.Type unpacked, HashSet<string> activeFields, ShaderGenerator result)
// for each interpolator, the number of components used (up to 4 for a float4 interpolator)
List<int> packedCounts = new List<int>();
ShaderGenerator packer = new ShaderGenerator();
ShaderGenerator unpacker = new ShaderGenerator();
ShaderGenerator structEnd = new ShaderGenerator();
string unpackedStruct = unpacked.Name.ToString();
string packedStruct = "Packed" + unpacked.Name;
string packerFunction = "Pack" + unpacked.Name;
string unpackerFunction = "Unpack" + unpacked.Name;
// declare struct header:
// struct packedStruct {
result.AddShaderChunk("struct " + packedStruct + " {");
// declare function headers:
// packedStruct packerFunction(unpackedStruct input)
// {
// packedStruct output;
packer.AddShaderChunk(packedStruct + " " + packerFunction + "(" + unpackedStruct + " input)");
packer.AddShaderChunk(packedStruct + " output;");
// unpackedStruct unpackerFunction(packedStruct input)
// {
// unpackedStruct output;
unpacker.AddShaderChunk(unpackedStruct + " " + unpackerFunction + "(" + packedStruct + " input)");
unpacker.AddShaderChunk(unpackedStruct + " output;");
// TODO: this could do a better job packing
// especially if we allowed breaking up fields across multiple interpolators (to pack them into remaining space...)
// though we would want to only do this if it improves final interpolator count, and is worth it on the target machine
foreach (FieldInfo field in unpacked.GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public))
if (field.MemberType == MemberTypes.Field)
bool isOptional;
if (ShouldSpliceField(unpacked, field, activeFields, out isOptional))
string semanticString = GetFieldSemantic(field);
int floatVectorCount;
string fieldType = GetFieldType(field, out floatVectorCount);
string conditional = GetFieldConditional(field);
if ((semanticString != null) || (conditional != null) || (floatVectorCount == 0))
// not a packed value
if (conditional != null)
structEnd.AddShaderChunk("#if " + conditional);
packer.AddShaderChunk("#if " + conditional);
unpacker.AddShaderChunk("#if " + conditional);
structEnd.AddShaderChunk(fieldType + " " + field.Name + semanticString + "; // unpacked");
packer.AddShaderChunk("output." + field.Name + " = input." + field.Name + ";");
unpacker.AddShaderChunk("output." + field.Name + " = input." + field.Name + ";");
if (conditional != null)
structEnd.AddShaderChunk("#endif // " + conditional);
packer.AddShaderChunk("#endif // " + conditional);
unpacker.AddShaderChunk("#endif // " + conditional);
// pack float field
// super simple packing: use the first interpolator that has room for the whole value
int interpIndex = packedCounts.FindIndex(x => (x + floatVectorCount <= 4));
int firstChannel;
if (interpIndex < 0)
// allocate a new interpolator
interpIndex = packedCounts.Count;
firstChannel = 0;
// pack into existing interpolator
firstChannel = packedCounts[interpIndex];
packedCounts[interpIndex] += floatVectorCount;
// add code to packer and unpacker -- packed data declaration is handled later
string packedChannels = GetChannelSwizzle(firstChannel, floatVectorCount);
packer.AddShaderChunk(string.Format("output.interp{0:00}.{1} = input.{2};", interpIndex, packedChannels, field.Name));
unpacker.AddShaderChunk(string.Format("output.{0} = input.interp{1:00}.{2};", field.Name, interpIndex, packedChannels));
// add packed data declarations to struct, using the packedCounts
for (int index = 0; index < packedCounts.Count; index++)
int count = packedCounts[index];
result.AddShaderChunk(string.Format("{0} interp{1:00} : TEXCOORD{1}; // auto-packed", vectorTypeNames[count], index));
// add unpacked data declarations to struct (must be at end)
// close declarations
packer.AddShaderChunk("return output;");
unpacker.AddShaderChunk("return output;");
// combine all of the code into the result
// an easier to use version of substring Append() -- explicit inclusion on each end, and checks for positive length
private static void AppendSubstring(System.Text.StringBuilder target, string str, int start, bool includeStart, int end, bool includeEnd)
if (!includeStart)
if (!includeEnd)
int count = end - start + 1;
if (count > 0)
target.Append(str, start, count);
public static System.Text.StringBuilder PreprocessShaderCode(string code, HashSet<string> activeFields, Dictionary<string, string> namedFragments = null, System.Text.StringBuilder result = null)
if (result == null)
result = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
int cur = 0;
int end = code.Length;
while (cur < end)
int dollar = code.IndexOf('$', cur);
if (dollar < 0)
// no escape sequence found -- just append the remaining part of the code verbatim
AppendSubstring(result, code, cur, true, end, false);
cur = end;
// found $ escape sequence
// first append everything before the beginning of the escape sequence
AppendSubstring(result, code, cur, true, dollar, false);
// next find the end of the line (or if none found, the end of the code)
int endln = code.IndexOf('\n', dollar + 1);
if (endln < 0)
endln = end;
// see if the character after '$' is '{', which would indicate a named fragment splice
if ((dollar + 1 < endln) && (code[dollar + 1] == '{'))
// named fragment splice
// search for the '}' within the current line
int curlystart = dollar + 1;
int curlyend = -1;
if (endln > curlystart + 1)
curlyend = code.IndexOf('}', curlystart + 1, endln - curlystart - 1);
int nameLength = curlyend - dollar + 1;
if ((curlyend < 0) || (nameLength <= 0))
// no } found, or zero length name
if (curlyend < 0)
result.Append("// ERROR: unterminated escape sequence ('${' and '}' must be matched)\n");
result.Append("// ERROR: name '${}' is empty\n");
// append the line (commented out) for context
result.Append("// ");
AppendSubstring(result, code, dollar, true, endln, false);
// } found!
// ugh, this probably allocates memory -- wish we could do the name lookup direct from a substring
string name = code.Substring(dollar, nameLength);
string fragment;
if ((namedFragments != null) && namedFragments.TryGetValue(name, out fragment))
// splice the fragment
// advance to just after the '}'
cur = curlyend + 1;
// no named fragment found
result.AppendFormat("/* Could not find named fragment '{0}' */", name);
cur = curlyend + 1;
// it's a predicate
// search for the colon within the current line
int colon = -1;
if (endln > dollar + 1)
colon = code.IndexOf(':', dollar + 1, endln - dollar - 1);
int predicateLength = colon - dollar - 1;
if ((colon < 0) || (predicateLength <= 0))
// no colon found... error! Spit out error and context
if (colon < 0)
result.Append("// ERROR: unterminated escape sequence ('$' and ':' must be matched)\n");
result.Append("// ERROR: predicate is zero length\n");
// append the line (commented out) for context
result.Append("// ");
AppendSubstring(result, code, dollar, true, endln, false);
// colon found!
// ugh, this probably allocates memory -- wish we could do the field lookup direct from a substring
string predicate = code.Substring(dollar + 1, predicateLength);
if (activeFields.Contains(predicate))
// predicate is active, append the line
result.Append(' ', predicateLength + 2);
AppendSubstring(result, code, colon, false, endln, false);
// predicate is not active -- comment out line
result.Append(' ', predicateLength);
AppendSubstring(result, code, colon, false, endln, false);
cur = endln + 1;
return result;
public static void ApplyDependencies(HashSet<string> activeFields, List<Dependency[]> dependsList)
// add active fields to queue
Queue<string> fieldsToPropagate = new Queue<string>();
foreach (string f in activeFields)
// foreach field in queue:
while (fieldsToPropagate.Count > 0)
string field = fieldsToPropagate.Dequeue();
if (activeFields.Contains(field)) // this should always be true
// find all dependencies of field that are not already active
foreach (Dependency[] dependArray in dependsList)
foreach (Dependency d in dependArray.Where(d => (d.name == field) && !activeFields.Contains(d.dependsOn)))
// activate them and add them to the queue
public static class GraphUtil
internal static string ConvertCamelCase(string text, bool preserveAcronyms)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
return string.Empty;
StringBuilder newText = new StringBuilder(text.Length * 2);
for (int i = 1; i < text.Length; i++)
if (char.IsUpper(text[i]))
if ((text[i - 1] != ' ' && !char.IsUpper(text[i - 1])) ||
(preserveAcronyms && char.IsUpper(text[i - 1]) &&
i < text.Length - 1 && !char.IsUpper(text[i + 1])))
newText.Append(' ');
return newText.ToString();
public static void GenerateApplicationVertexInputs(ShaderGraphRequirements graphRequiements, ShaderStringBuilder vertexInputs)
vertexInputs.AppendLine("struct GraphVertexInput");
using (vertexInputs.BlockSemicolonScope())
vertexInputs.AppendLine("float4 vertex : POSITION;");
vertexInputs.AppendLine("float3 normal : NORMAL;");
vertexInputs.AppendLine("float4 tangent : TANGENT;");
if (graphRequiements.requiresVertexColor)
vertexInputs.AppendLine("float4 color : COLOR;");
foreach (var channel in graphRequiements.requiresMeshUVs.Distinct())
vertexInputs.AppendLine("float4 texcoord{0} : TEXCOORD{0};", (int)channel);
static void Visit(List<INode> outputList, Dictionary<Guid, INode> unmarkedNodes, INode node)
if (!unmarkedNodes.ContainsKey(node.guid))
foreach (var slot in node.GetInputSlots<ISlot>())
foreach (var edge in node.owner.GetEdges(slot.slotReference))
var inputNode = node.owner.GetNodeFromGuid(edge.outputSlot.nodeGuid);
Visit(outputList, unmarkedNodes, inputNode);
public static GenerationResults GetShader(this AbstractMaterialGraph graph, AbstractMaterialNode node, GenerationMode mode, string name)
// ----------------------------------------------------- //
// SETUP //
// ----------------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------
// String builders
var finalShader = new ShaderStringBuilder();
var results = new GenerationResults();
bool isUber = node == null;
var shaderProperties = new PropertyCollector();
var functionBuilder = new ShaderStringBuilder();
var functionRegistry = new FunctionRegistry(functionBuilder);
var vertexDescriptionFunction = new ShaderStringBuilder(0);
var surfaceDescriptionInputStruct = new ShaderStringBuilder(0);
var surfaceDescriptionStruct = new ShaderStringBuilder(0);
var surfaceDescriptionFunction = new ShaderStringBuilder(0);
var vertexInputs = new ShaderStringBuilder(0);
// -------------------------------------
// Get Slot and Node lists
var activeNodeList = ListPool<INode>.Get();
if (isUber)
var unmarkedNodes = graph.GetNodes<INode>().Where(x => !(x is IMasterNode)).ToDictionary(x => x.guid);
while (unmarkedNodes.Any())
var unmarkedNode = unmarkedNodes.FirstOrDefault();
Visit(activeNodeList, unmarkedNodes, unmarkedNode.Value);
NodeUtils.DepthFirstCollectNodesFromNode(activeNodeList, node);
var slots = new List<MaterialSlot>();
foreach (var activeNode in isUber ? activeNodeList.Where(n => ((AbstractMaterialNode)n).hasPreview) : ((INode)node).ToEnumerable())
if (activeNode is IMasterNode || activeNode is SubGraphOutputNode)
// -------------------------------------
// Get Requirements
var requirements = ShaderGraphRequirements.FromNodes(activeNodeList, ShaderStageCapability.Fragment);
// -------------------------------------
// Add preview shader output property
results.outputIdProperty = new Vector1ShaderProperty
displayName = "OutputId",
generatePropertyBlock = false,
value = -1
if (isUber)
// ----------------------------------------------------- //
// ----------------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------
// Generate Vertex Description function
vertexDescriptionFunction.AppendLine("GraphVertexInput PopulateVertexData(GraphVertexInput v)");
using (vertexDescriptionFunction.BlockScope())
vertexDescriptionFunction.AppendLine("return v;");
// ----------------------------------------------------- //
// ----------------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------
// Generate Input structure for Surface Description function
// Surface Description Input requirements are needed to exclude intermediate translation spaces
surfaceDescriptionInputStruct.AppendLine("struct SurfaceDescriptionInputs");
using (surfaceDescriptionInputStruct.BlockSemicolonScope())
ShaderGenerator.GenerateSpaceTranslationSurfaceInputs(requirements.requiresNormal, InterpolatorType.Normal, surfaceDescriptionInputStruct);
ShaderGenerator.GenerateSpaceTranslationSurfaceInputs(requirements.requiresTangent, InterpolatorType.Tangent, surfaceDescriptionInputStruct);
ShaderGenerator.GenerateSpaceTranslationSurfaceInputs(requirements.requiresBitangent, InterpolatorType.BiTangent, surfaceDescriptionInputStruct);
ShaderGenerator.GenerateSpaceTranslationSurfaceInputs(requirements.requiresViewDir, InterpolatorType.ViewDirection, surfaceDescriptionInputStruct);
ShaderGenerator.GenerateSpaceTranslationSurfaceInputs(requirements.requiresPosition, InterpolatorType.Position, surfaceDescriptionInputStruct);
if (requirements.requiresVertexColor)
surfaceDescriptionInputStruct.AppendLine("float4 {0};", ShaderGeneratorNames.VertexColor);
if (requirements.requiresScreenPosition)
surfaceDescriptionInputStruct.AppendLine("float4 {0};", ShaderGeneratorNames.ScreenPosition);
results.previewMode = PreviewMode.Preview3D;
if (!isUber)
foreach (var pNode in activeNodeList.OfType<AbstractMaterialNode>())
if (pNode.previewMode == PreviewMode.Preview3D)
results.previewMode = PreviewMode.Preview3D;
foreach (var channel in requirements.requiresMeshUVs.Distinct())
surfaceDescriptionInputStruct.AppendLine("half4 {0};", channel.GetUVName());
// -------------------------------------
// Generate Output structure for Surface Description function
GenerateSurfaceDescriptionStruct(surfaceDescriptionStruct, slots, !isUber);
// -------------------------------------
// Generate Surface Description function
outputIdProperty: results.outputIdProperty);
// ----------------------------------------------------- //
// ----------------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------
// Generate Input structure for Vertex shader
GenerateApplicationVertexInputs(requirements, vertexInputs);
// ----------------------------------------------------- //
// ----------------------------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------------
// Build final shader
finalShader.AppendLine(@"Shader ""{0}""", name);
using (finalShader.BlockScope())
using (finalShader.BlockScope())
finalShader.AppendLine("#define USE_LEGACY_UNITY_MATRIX_VARIABLES");
finalShader.AppendLine(@"#include ""CoreRP/ShaderLibrary/Common.hlsl""");
finalShader.AppendLine(@"#include ""CoreRP/ShaderLibrary/Packing.hlsl""");
finalShader.AppendLine(@"#include ""CoreRP/ShaderLibrary/Color.hlsl""");
finalShader.AppendLine(@"#include ""CoreRP/ShaderLibrary/UnityInstancing.hlsl""");
finalShader.AppendLine(@"#include ""CoreRP/ShaderLibrary/EntityLighting.hlsl""");
finalShader.AppendLine(@"#include ""ShaderGraphLibrary/ShaderVariables.hlsl""");
finalShader.AppendLine(@"#include ""ShaderGraphLibrary/ShaderVariablesFunctions.hlsl""");
finalShader.AppendLine(@"#include ""ShaderGraphLibrary/Functions.hlsl""");
finalShader.AppendLines(ShaderGenerator.GetPreviewSubShader(node, requirements));
// -------------------------------------
// Finalize
results.configuredTextures = shaderProperties.GetConfiguredTexutres();
ShaderSourceMap sourceMap;
results.shader = finalShader.ToString(out sourceMap);
results.sourceMap = sourceMap;
return results;
public static void GenerateSurfaceDescriptionStruct(ShaderStringBuilder surfaceDescriptionStruct, List<MaterialSlot> slots, bool isMaster, string structName = "SurfaceDescription", HashSet<string> activeFields = null)
surfaceDescriptionStruct.AppendLine("struct {0}", structName);
using (surfaceDescriptionStruct.BlockSemicolonScope())
if (isMaster)
foreach (var slot in slots)
string hlslName = NodeUtils.GetHLSLSafeName(slot.shaderOutputName);
surfaceDescriptionStruct.AppendLine("{0} {1};",
NodeUtils.ConvertConcreteSlotValueTypeToString(AbstractMaterialNode.OutputPrecision.@float, slot.concreteValueType),
if (activeFields != null)
activeFields.Add(structName + "." + hlslName);
surfaceDescriptionStruct.AppendLine("float4 PreviewOutput;");
if (activeFields != null)
activeFields.Add(structName + ".PreviewOutput");
public static void GenerateSurfaceDescriptionFunction(
List<INode> activeNodeList,
AbstractMaterialNode masterNode,
AbstractMaterialGraph graph,
ShaderStringBuilder surfaceDescriptionFunction,
FunctionRegistry functionRegistry,
PropertyCollector shaderProperties,
ShaderGraphRequirements requirements,
GenerationMode mode,
string functionName = "PopulateSurfaceData",
string surfaceDescriptionName = "SurfaceDescription",
Vector1ShaderProperty outputIdProperty = null,
IEnumerable<MaterialSlot> slots = null,
string graphInputStructName = "SurfaceDescriptionInputs")
if (graph == null)
GraphContext graphContext = new GraphContext(graphInputStructName);
graph.CollectShaderProperties(shaderProperties, mode);
surfaceDescriptionFunction.AppendLine(String.Format("{0} {1}(SurfaceDescriptionInputs IN)", surfaceDescriptionName, functionName), false);
using (surfaceDescriptionFunction.BlockScope())
ShaderGenerator sg = new ShaderGenerator();
surfaceDescriptionFunction.AppendLine("{0} surface = ({0})0;", surfaceDescriptionName);
foreach (var activeNode in activeNodeList.OfType<AbstractMaterialNode>())
if (activeNode is IGeneratesFunction)
functionRegistry.builder.currentNode = activeNode;
(activeNode as IGeneratesFunction).GenerateNodeFunction(functionRegistry, graphContext, mode);
if (activeNode is IGeneratesBodyCode)
(activeNode as IGeneratesBodyCode).GenerateNodeCode(sg, mode);
if (masterNode == null && activeNode.hasPreview)
var outputSlot = activeNode.GetOutputSlots<MaterialSlot>().FirstOrDefault();
if (outputSlot != null)
sg.AddShaderChunk(String.Format("if ({0} == {1}) {{ surface.PreviewOutput = {2}; return surface; }}", outputIdProperty.referenceName, activeNode.tempId.index, ShaderGenerator.AdaptNodeOutputForPreview(activeNode, outputSlot.id, activeNode.GetVariableNameForSlot(outputSlot.id))), false);
// In case of the subgraph output node, the preview is generated
// from the first input to the node.
if (activeNode is SubGraphOutputNode)
var inputSlot = activeNode.GetInputSlots<MaterialSlot>().FirstOrDefault();
if (inputSlot != null)
var foundEdges = graph.GetEdges(inputSlot.slotReference).ToArray();
string slotValue = foundEdges.Any() ? activeNode.GetSlotValue(inputSlot.id, mode) : inputSlot.GetDefaultValue(mode);
sg.AddShaderChunk(String.Format("if ({0} == {1}) {{ surface.PreviewOutput = {2}; return surface; }}", outputIdProperty.referenceName, activeNode.tempId.index, slotValue), false);
activeNode.CollectShaderProperties(shaderProperties, mode);
functionRegistry.builder.currentNode = null;
if (masterNode != null)
if (masterNode is IMasterNode)
var usedSlots = slots ?? masterNode.GetInputSlots<MaterialSlot>();
foreach (var input in usedSlots)
if (input != null)
var foundEdges = graph.GetEdges(input.slotReference).ToArray();
if (foundEdges.Any())
surfaceDescriptionFunction.AppendLine("surface.{0} = {1};", NodeUtils.GetHLSLSafeName(input.shaderOutputName), masterNode.GetSlotValue(input.id, mode));
surfaceDescriptionFunction.AppendLine("surface.{0} = {1};", NodeUtils.GetHLSLSafeName(input.shaderOutputName), input.GetDefaultValue(mode));
else if (masterNode.hasPreview)
foreach (var slot in masterNode.GetOutputSlots<MaterialSlot>())
surfaceDescriptionFunction.AppendLine("surface.{0} = {1};", NodeUtils.GetHLSLSafeName(slot.shaderOutputName), masterNode.GetSlotValue(slot.id, mode));
surfaceDescriptionFunction.AppendLine("return surface;");
const string k_VertexDescriptionStructName = "VertexDescription";
public static void GenerateVertexDescriptionStruct(ShaderStringBuilder builder, List<MaterialSlot> slots, string structName = k_VertexDescriptionStructName, HashSet<string> activeFields = null)
builder.AppendLine("struct {0}", structName);
using (builder.BlockSemicolonScope())
foreach (var slot in slots)
string hlslName = NodeUtils.GetHLSLSafeName(slot.shaderOutputName);
builder.AppendLine("{0} {1};",
NodeUtils.ConvertConcreteSlotValueTypeToString(AbstractMaterialNode.OutputPrecision.@float, slot.concreteValueType),
if (activeFields != null)
activeFields.Add(structName + "." + hlslName);
public static void GenerateVertexDescriptionFunction(
AbstractMaterialGraph graph,
ShaderStringBuilder builder,
FunctionRegistry functionRegistry,
PropertyCollector shaderProperties,
GenerationMode mode,
List<AbstractMaterialNode> nodes,
List<MaterialSlot> slots,
string graphInputStructName = "VertexDescriptionInputs",
string functionName = "PopulateVertexData",
string graphOutputStructName = k_VertexDescriptionStructName)
if (graph == null)
GraphContext graphContext = new GraphContext(graphInputStructName);
graph.CollectShaderProperties(shaderProperties, mode);
builder.AppendLine("{0} {1}({2} IN)", graphOutputStructName, functionName, graphInputStructName);
using (builder.BlockScope())
ShaderGenerator sg = new ShaderGenerator();
builder.AppendLine("{0} description = ({0})0;", graphOutputStructName);
foreach (var node in nodes)
var generatesFunction = node as IGeneratesFunction;
if (generatesFunction != null)
functionRegistry.builder.currentNode = node;
generatesFunction.GenerateNodeFunction(functionRegistry, graphContext, mode);
var generatesBodyCode = node as IGeneratesBodyCode;
if (generatesBodyCode != null)
generatesBodyCode.GenerateNodeCode(sg, mode);
node.CollectShaderProperties(shaderProperties, mode);
foreach (var slot in slots)
var isSlotConnected = slot.owner.owner.GetEdges(slot.slotReference).Any();
var slotName = NodeUtils.GetHLSLSafeName(slot.shaderOutputName);
var slotValue = isSlotConnected ? ((AbstractMaterialNode)slot.owner).GetSlotValue(slot.id, mode) : slot.GetDefaultValue(mode);
builder.AppendLine("description.{0} = {1};", slotName, slotValue);
builder.AppendLine("return description;");
public static GenerationResults GetPreviewShader(this AbstractMaterialGraph graph, AbstractMaterialNode node)
return graph.GetShader(node, GenerationMode.Preview, String.Format("hidden/preview/{0}", node.GetVariableNameForNode()));
public static GenerationResults GetUberColorShader(this AbstractMaterialGraph graph)
return graph.GetShader(null, GenerationMode.Preview, "hidden/preview");
static Dictionary<SerializationHelper.TypeSerializationInfo, SerializationHelper.TypeSerializationInfo> s_LegacyTypeRemapping;
public static Dictionary<SerializationHelper.TypeSerializationInfo, SerializationHelper.TypeSerializationInfo> GetLegacyTypeRemapping()
if (s_LegacyTypeRemapping == null)
s_LegacyTypeRemapping = new Dictionary<SerializationHelper.TypeSerializationInfo, SerializationHelper.TypeSerializationInfo>();
foreach (var assembly in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies())
foreach (var type in assembly.GetTypesOrNothing())
if (type.IsAbstract)
foreach (var attribute in type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(FormerNameAttribute), false))
var legacyAttribute = (FormerNameAttribute)attribute;
var serializationInfo = new SerializationHelper.TypeSerializationInfo { fullName = legacyAttribute.fullName };
s_LegacyTypeRemapping[serializationInfo] = SerializationHelper.GetTypeSerializableAsString(type);
return s_LegacyTypeRemapping;
/// <summary>
/// Sanitizes a supplied string such that it does not collide
/// with any other name in a collection.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="existingNames">
/// A collection of names that the new name should not collide with.
/// </param>
/// <param name="duplicateFormat">
/// The format applied to the name if a duplicate exists.
/// This must be a format string that contains `{0}` and `{1}`
/// once each. An example could be `{0} ({1})`, which will append ` (n)`
/// to the name for the n`th duplicate.
/// </param>
/// <param name="name">
/// The name to be sanitized.
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// A name that is distinct form any name in `existingNames`.
/// </returns>
internal static string SanitizeName(IEnumerable<string> existingNames, string duplicateFormat, string name)
if (!existingNames.Contains(name))
return name;
string escapedDuplicateFormat = Regex.Escape(duplicateFormat);
// Escaped format will escape string interpolation, so the escape caracters must be removed for these.
escapedDuplicateFormat = escapedDuplicateFormat.Replace(@"\{0}", @"{0}");
escapedDuplicateFormat = escapedDuplicateFormat.Replace(@"\{1}", @"{1}");
var baseRegex = new Regex(string.Format(escapedDuplicateFormat, @"^(.*)", @"(\d+)"));
var baseMatch = baseRegex.Match(name);
if (baseMatch.Success)
name = baseMatch.Groups[1].Value;
string baseNameExpression = string.Format(@"^{0}", Regex.Escape(name));
var regex = new Regex(string.Format(escapedDuplicateFormat, baseNameExpression, @"(\d+)") + "$");
var existingDuplicateNumbers = existingNames.Select(existingName => regex.Match(existingName)).Where(m => m.Success).Select(m => int.Parse(m.Groups[1].Value)).Where(n => n > 0).Distinct().ToList();
var duplicateNumber = 1;
if (existingDuplicateNumbers.Any() && existingDuplicateNumbers.First() == 1)
duplicateNumber = existingDuplicateNumbers.Last() + 1;
for (var i = 1; i < existingDuplicateNumbers.Count; i++)
if (existingDuplicateNumbers[i - 1] != existingDuplicateNumbers[i] - 1)
duplicateNumber = existingDuplicateNumbers[i - 1] + 1;
return string.Format(duplicateFormat, name, duplicateNumber);
public static bool WriteToFile(string path, string content)
File.WriteAllText(path, content);
return true;
catch (Exception e)
return false;
public static void OpenFile(string path)
if (!File.Exists(Path.GetFullPath(path)))
Debug.LogError(string.Format("Path {0} doesn't exists", path));
string file = Path.GetFullPath(path);
ProcessStartInfo pi = new ProcessStartInfo(file);
pi.Arguments = Path.GetFileName(file);
pi.UseShellExecute = true;
pi.WorkingDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(file);
pi.FileName = ScriptEditorUtility.GetExternalScriptEditor();
pi.Verb = "OPEN";