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// BuiltinData
// This structure include common data that should be present in all material
// and are independent from the BSDF parametrization.
// Note: These parameters can be store in GBuffer if the writer wants
#include "BuiltinData.cs.hlsl"
// common Encode/Decode functions
// Guideline for velocity buffer.
// We support various architecture for HDRenderPipeline
// - Forward only rendering
// - Hybrid forward/deferred opaque
// - Regular deferred
// The velocity buffer is potentially fill in several pass.
// - In gbuffer pass with extra RT
// - In forward opaque pass (Can happen even when deferred) with MRT
// - In dedicated velocity pass
// Also the velocity buffer is only fill in case of dynamic or deformable objects, static case can use camera reprojection to retrieve motion vector (<= TODO: this may be false with TAA due to jitter matrix)
// or just previous and current transform
// So here we decide the following rules:
// - A deferred material can't override the velocity buffer format of builtinData, must use appropriate function
// - If velocity buffer is enable in deferred material it is the last one
// - Velocity buffer can be optionally enabled (either in forward or deferred)
// - Velocity data can't be pack with other properties
// - Same velocity buffer is use for all scenario, so if deferred define a velocity buffer, the same is reuse for forward case.
// For these reasons we chose to avoid to pack velocity buffer with anything else in case of PackgbufferInFP16 (and also in case the format change)
// Encode/Decode velocity/distortion in a buffer (either forward of deferred)
// Design note: We assume that velocity/distortion fit into a single buffer (i.e not spread on several buffer)
void EncodeVelocity(float2 velocity, out float4 outBuffer)
// RT - 16:16 float
outBuffer = float4(velocity.xy, 0.0, 0.0);
void DecodeVelocity(float4 inBuffer, out float2 velocity)
velocity = inBuffer.xy;
void EncodeDistortion(float2 distortion, float distortionBlur, bool validSourceForDistortion, out float4 outBuffer)
// RT - 16:16:16:16 float
// distortionBlur in alpha for a different blend mode
// Tag pixel as a pixel that can be used as source for distortion (b != 0)
// It is compatible with Add blend mode (a pixel cannot be a valid distortion source only if there is no distorting object in front of it)
outBuffer = float4(distortion, validSourceForDistortion ? 1.0 : 0.0, distortionBlur);
void DecodeDistortion(float4 inBuffer, out float2 distortion, out float2 distortionBlur, out bool validSourceForDistortion)
distortion = inBuffer.xy;
distortionBlur = inBuffer.a;
validSourceForDistortion = inBuffer.z != 0.0;
void GetBuiltinDataDebug(uint paramId, BuiltinData builtinData, inout float3 result, inout bool needLinearToSRGB)
GetGeneratedBuiltinDataDebug(paramId, builtinData, result, needLinearToSRGB);
switch (paramId)
// TODO: require a remap
// TODO: we should not gamma correct, but easier to debug for now without correct high range value
result = builtinData.bakeDiffuseLighting; needLinearToSRGB = true;
// emissiveColor is premultiply by emissive intensity
result = (builtinData.emissiveColor / builtinData.emissiveIntensity); needLinearToSRGB = true;
result = builtinData.depthOffset.xxx * 10.0; // * 10 assuming 1 unity is 1m
void GetLightTransportDataDebug(uint paramId, LightTransportData lightTransportData, inout float3 result, inout bool needLinearToSRGB)
GetGeneratedLightTransportDataDebug(paramId, lightTransportData, result, needLinearToSRGB);
switch (paramId)
// TODO: Need a tonemap ?
result = lightTransportData.emissiveColor;