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26 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering;
namespace UnityEditor.Experimental.Rendering
internal class ShaderTypeGenerator
public ShaderTypeGenerator(Type type, GenerateHLSL attr)
this.type = type;
this.attr = attr;
debugCounter = 0;
enum PrimitiveType
Float, Int, UInt, Bool
static string PrimitiveToString(PrimitiveType type, int rows, int cols)
string text = "";
switch (type)
case PrimitiveType.Float:
text = "float";
case PrimitiveType.Int:
text = "int";
case PrimitiveType.UInt:
text = "uint";
case PrimitiveType.Bool:
text = "bool";
if (rows > 1)
text += rows.ToString();
if (cols > 1)
text += "x" + cols.ToString();
return text;
class Accessor
public Accessor(PrimitiveType type, string name, int rows, int cols)
this.name = name;
this.fullType = PrimitiveToString(type, rows, cols);
field = name;
Accessor(string name, string swizzle, string field, string fullType)
this.name = name;
this.field = field;
this.fullType = fullType;
public string name;
public string field;
public string fullType;
class ShaderFieldInfo : ICloneable
public ShaderFieldInfo(PrimitiveType type, string name, int rows, int cols)
this.type = type;
this.name = originalName = name;
this.rows = rows;
this.cols = cols;
this.comment = "";
swizzleOffset = 0;
packed = false;
accessor = new Accessor(type, name, rows, cols);
public ShaderFieldInfo(PrimitiveType type, string name, int rows, int cols, string comment)
this.type = type;
this.name = originalName = name;
this.rows = rows;
this.cols = cols;
this.comment = comment;
swizzleOffset = 0;
packed = false;
accessor = new Accessor(type, name, rows, cols);
public string typeString
get { return PrimitiveToString(type, rows, cols); }
public string DeclString()
return PrimitiveToString(type, rows, cols) + " " + name;
public override string ToString()
string text = DeclString() + ";";
if (comment.Length > 0)
text += " // " + comment;
return text;
public int elementCount
get { return rows * cols; }
public object Clone()
ShaderFieldInfo info = new ShaderFieldInfo(type, name, rows, cols, comment);
info.swizzleOffset = swizzleOffset;
info.packed = packed;
info.accessor = accessor;
return info;
public readonly PrimitiveType type;
public string name;
public readonly string originalName;
public readonly string comment;
public int rows;
public int cols;
public int swizzleOffset;
public bool packed;
public Accessor accessor;
class DebugFieldInfo
public DebugFieldInfo(string defineName, string fieldName, Type fieldType, bool isDirection, bool isSRGB)
this.defineName = defineName;
this.fieldName = fieldName;
this.fieldType = fieldType;
this.isDirection = isDirection;
this.isSRGB = isSRGB;
public string defineName;
public string fieldName;
public Type fieldType;
public bool isDirection;
public bool isSRGB;
void Error(string error)
if (errors == null)
errors = new List<string>();
errors.Add("Failed to generate shader type for " + type.ToString() + ": " + error);
public void PrintErrors()
if (errors != null)
foreach (var e in errors)
void EmitPrimitiveType(PrimitiveType type, int elements, string name, string comment, List<ShaderFieldInfo> fields)
fields.Add(new ShaderFieldInfo(type, name, elements, 1, comment));
void EmitMatrixType(PrimitiveType type, int rows, int cols, string name, string comment, List<ShaderFieldInfo> fields)
fields.Add(new ShaderFieldInfo(type, name, rows, cols, comment));
bool ExtractComplex(FieldInfo field, List<ShaderFieldInfo> shaderFields)
var floatFields = new List<FieldInfo>();
var intFields = new List<FieldInfo>();
var uintFields = new List<FieldInfo>();
var boolFields = new List<FieldInfo>();
var descs = new string[4] { "x: ", "y: ", "z: ", "w: " };
int numFields = 0;
string fieldName = "'" + field.FieldType.Name + " " + field.Name + "'";
foreach (var subField in field.FieldType.GetFields())
if (subField.IsStatic)
if (!subField.FieldType.IsPrimitive)
Error("'" + fieldName + "' can not be packed into a register, since it contains a non-primitive field type '" + subField.FieldType + "'");
return false;
if (subField.FieldType == typeof(float))
else if (subField.FieldType == typeof(int))
else if (subField.FieldType == typeof(uint))
else if (subField.FieldType == typeof(bool))
Error("'" + fieldName + "' can not be packed into a register, since it contains an unsupported field type '" + subField.FieldType + "'");
return false;
if (numFields == 4)
Error("'" + fieldName + "' can not be packed into a register because it contains more than 4 fields.");
return false;
descs[numFields] += subField.Name + " ";
Array.Resize(ref descs, numFields);
string comment = string.Concat(descs);
string mismatchErrorMsg = "'" + fieldName + "' can not be packed into a single register because it contains mixed basic types.";
if (floatFields.Count > 0)
if (intFields.Count + uintFields.Count + boolFields.Count > 0)
return false;
EmitPrimitiveType(PrimitiveType.Float, floatFields.Count, field.Name, comment, shaderFields);
else if (intFields.Count > 0)
if (floatFields.Count + uintFields.Count + boolFields.Count > 0)
return false;
EmitPrimitiveType(PrimitiveType.Int, intFields.Count, field.Name, "", shaderFields);
else if (uintFields.Count > 0)
if (floatFields.Count + intFields.Count + boolFields.Count > 0)
return false;
EmitPrimitiveType(PrimitiveType.UInt, uintFields.Count, field.Name, "", shaderFields);
else if (boolFields.Count > 0)
if (floatFields.Count + intFields.Count + uintFields.Count > 0)
return false;
EmitPrimitiveType(PrimitiveType.Bool, boolFields.Count, field.Name, "", shaderFields);
// Empty struct.
return true;
enum MergeResult
MergeResult PackFields(ShaderFieldInfo info, ref ShaderFieldInfo merged)
if (merged.elementCount % 4 == 0)
return MergeResult.Full;
if (info.type != merged.type)
Error("can't merge '" + merged.DeclString() + "' and '" + info.DeclString() + "' into the same register because they have incompatible types. Consider reordering the fields so that adjacent fields have the same primitive type.");
return MergeResult.Failed; // incompatible types
if (info.cols > 1 || merged.cols > 1)
Error("merging matrix types not yet supported ('" + merged.DeclString() + "' and '" + info.DeclString() + "'). Consider reordering the fields to place matrix-typed variables on four-component vector boundaries.");
return MergeResult.Failed; // don't merge matrix types
if (info.rows + merged.rows > 4)
// @TODO: lift the restriction
Error("can't merge '" + merged.DeclString() + "' and '" + info.DeclString() + "' because then " + info.name + " would cross register boundary. Consider reordering the fields so that none of them cross four-component vector boundaries when packed.");
return MergeResult.Failed; // out of space
merged.rows += info.rows;
merged.name += "_" + info.name;
return MergeResult.Merged;
List<ShaderFieldInfo> Pack(List<ShaderFieldInfo> shaderFields)
List<ShaderFieldInfo> mergedFields = new List<ShaderFieldInfo>();
using (var e = shaderFields.GetEnumerator())
if (!e.MoveNext())
// Empty shader struct definition.
return shaderFields;
ShaderFieldInfo current = e.Current.Clone() as ShaderFieldInfo;
while (e.MoveNext())
while (true)
int offset = current.elementCount;
var result = PackFields(e.Current, ref current);
if (result == MergeResult.Failed)
return null;
else if (result == MergeResult.Full)
// merge accessors
var acc = current.accessor;
acc.name = current.name;
e.Current.accessor = acc;
e.Current.swizzleOffset += offset;
current.packed = e.Current.packed = true;
if (!e.MoveNext())
return mergedFields;
current = e.Current.Clone() as ShaderFieldInfo;
return mergedFields;
public string EmitTypeDecl()
string shaderText = string.Empty;
shaderText += "// Generated from " + type.FullName + "\n";
shaderText += "// PackingRules = " + attr.packingRules.ToString() + "\n";
shaderText += "struct " + type.Name + "\n";
shaderText += "{\n";
foreach (var shaderFieldInfo in m_PackedFields)
shaderText += " " + shaderFieldInfo.ToString() + "\n";
shaderText += "};\n";
return shaderText;
public string EmitAccessors()
string shaderText = string.Empty;
shaderText += "//\n";
shaderText += "// Accessors for " + type.FullName + "\n";
shaderText += "//\n";
foreach (var shaderField in m_ShaderFields)
Accessor acc = shaderField.accessor;
string accessorName = shaderField.originalName;
accessorName = "Get" + char.ToUpper(accessorName[0]) + accessorName.Substring(1);
shaderText += shaderField.typeString + " " + accessorName + "(" + type.Name + " value)\n";
shaderText += "{\n";
string swizzle = "";
// @TODO: support matrix type packing?
if (shaderField.cols == 1) // @TEMP
// don't emit redundant swizzles
if (shaderField.originalName != acc.name)
swizzle = "." + "xyzw".Substring(shaderField.swizzleOffset, shaderField.elementCount);
shaderText +=
" " // unity convention use space instead of tab...
+ "return value." + acc.name + swizzle + ";\n";
shaderText += "}\n";
return shaderText;
public string EmitDefines()
string shaderText = string.Empty;
shaderText += "//\n";
shaderText += "// " + type.FullName + ": static fields\n";
shaderText += "//\n";
foreach (var def in m_Statics)
shaderText += "#define " + def.Key + " (" + def.Value + ")\n";
return shaderText;
public string EmitFunctions()
string shaderText = string.Empty;
// In case users ask for debug functions
if (!attr.needParamDebug)
return shaderText;
// Specific to HDRenderPipeline
string lowerStructName = type.Name.ToLower();
shaderText += "//\n";
shaderText += "// Debug functions\n";
shaderText += "//\n";
shaderText += "void GetGenerated" + type.Name + "Debug(uint paramId, " + type.Name + " " + lowerStructName + ", inout float3 result, inout bool needLinearToSRGB)\n";
shaderText += "{\n";
shaderText += " switch (paramId)\n";
shaderText += " {\n";
foreach (var debugField in m_DebugFields)
shaderText += " case " + debugField.defineName + ":\n";
if (debugField.fieldType == typeof(float))
if (debugField.isDirection)
shaderText += " result = " + lowerStructName + "." + debugField.fieldName + ".xxx * 0.5 + 0.5;\n";
shaderText += " result = " + lowerStructName + "." + debugField.fieldName + ".xxx;\n";
else if (debugField.fieldType == typeof(Vector2))
shaderText += " result = float3(" + lowerStructName + "." + debugField.fieldName + ", 0.0);\n";
else if (debugField.fieldType == typeof(Vector3))
if (debugField.isDirection)
shaderText += " result = " + lowerStructName + "." + debugField.fieldName + " * 0.5 + 0.5;\n";
shaderText += " result = " + lowerStructName + "." + debugField.fieldName + ";\n";
else if (debugField.fieldType == typeof(Vector4))
shaderText += " result = " + lowerStructName + "." + debugField.fieldName + ".xyz;\n";
else if (debugField.fieldType == typeof(bool))
shaderText += " result = (" + lowerStructName + "." + debugField.fieldName + ") ? float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) : float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n";
else if (debugField.fieldType == typeof(uint) || debugField.fieldType == typeof(int))
shaderText += " result = GetIndexColor(" + lowerStructName + "." + debugField.fieldName + ");\n";
else // This case left is suppose to be a complex structure. Either we don't support it or it is an enum. Consider it is an enum with GetIndexColor, user can override it if he want.
shaderText += " result = GetIndexColor(" + lowerStructName + "." + debugField.fieldName + ");\n";
if (debugField.isSRGB)
shaderText += " needLinearToSRGB = true;\n";
shaderText += " break;\n";
shaderText += " }\n";
shaderText += "}\n";
return shaderText;
public string Emit()
return EmitDefines() + EmitTypeDecl() + EmitAccessors();
// This function is a helper to follow unity convention
// when converting fooBar to FOO_BAR
string InsertUnderscore(string name)
for (int i = 1; i < name.Length; i++)
if (char.IsLower(name[i - 1]) && char.IsUpper(name[i]))
// case switch, insert underscore
name = name.Insert(i, "_");
return name;
public bool Generate()
m_Statics = new Dictionary<string, string>();
FieldInfo[] fields = type.GetFields();
m_ShaderFields = new List<ShaderFieldInfo>();
m_DebugFields = new List<DebugFieldInfo>();
if (type.IsEnum)
foreach (var field in fields)
if (!field.IsSpecialName)
string name = field.Name;
name = InsertUnderscore(name);
m_Statics[(type.Name + "_" + name).ToUpper()] = field.GetRawConstantValue().ToString();
errors = null;
return true;
foreach (var field in fields)
if (field.IsStatic)
if (field.FieldType.IsPrimitive)
// Unity convention is to start static of constant with k_ or s_, remove this part
string name = InsertUnderscore(field.Name);
if (name.StartsWith("k_") || name.StartsWith("s_"))
name = name.Substring(2);
string defineName = name.ToUpper();
m_Statics[defineName] = field.GetValue(null).ToString();
if (attr.needParamDebug)
List<string> displayNames = new List<string>();
bool isDirection = false;
bool sRGBDisplay = false;
// Check if the display name have been override by the users
if (Attribute.IsDefined(field, typeof(SurfaceDataAttributes)))
var propertyAttr = (SurfaceDataAttributes[])field.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(SurfaceDataAttributes), false);
// User can want to only override isDirection and sRGBDisplay
// in this case it can specify empty string
if (propertyAttr[0].displayNames[0] != "")
isDirection = propertyAttr[0].isDirection;
sRGBDisplay = propertyAttr[0].sRGBDisplay;
string className = type.FullName.Substring(type.FullName.LastIndexOf((".")) + 1); // ClassName include nested class
className = className.Replace('+', '_'); // FullName is Class+NestedClass replace by Class_NestedClass
foreach (string it in displayNames)
string fieldName = it.Replace(' ', '_');
string name = InsertUnderscore(fieldName);
string defineName = ("DEBUGVIEW_" + className + "_" + name).ToUpper();
m_Statics[defineName] = Convert.ToString(attr.paramDefinesStart + debugCounter++);
m_DebugFields.Add(new DebugFieldInfo(defineName, field.Name, field.FieldType, isDirection, sRGBDisplay));
if (field.FieldType.IsPrimitive)
if (field.FieldType == typeof(float))
EmitPrimitiveType(PrimitiveType.Float, 1, field.Name, "", m_ShaderFields);
else if (field.FieldType == typeof(int))
EmitPrimitiveType(PrimitiveType.Int, 1, field.Name, "", m_ShaderFields);
else if (field.FieldType == typeof(uint))
EmitPrimitiveType(PrimitiveType.UInt, 1, field.Name, "", m_ShaderFields);
else if (field.FieldType == typeof(bool))
EmitPrimitiveType(PrimitiveType.Bool, 1, field.Name, "", m_ShaderFields);
Error("unsupported field type '" + field.FieldType + "'");
return false;
// handle special types, otherwise try parsing the struct
if (field.FieldType == typeof(Vector2))
EmitPrimitiveType(PrimitiveType.Float, 2, field.Name, "", m_ShaderFields);
else if (field.FieldType == typeof(Vector3))
EmitPrimitiveType(PrimitiveType.Float, 3, field.Name, "", m_ShaderFields);
else if (field.FieldType == typeof(Vector4))
EmitPrimitiveType(PrimitiveType.Float, 4, field.Name, "", m_ShaderFields);
else if (field.FieldType == typeof(Matrix4x4))
EmitMatrixType(PrimitiveType.Float, 4, 4, field.Name, "", m_ShaderFields);
else if (!ExtractComplex(field, m_ShaderFields))
// Error reporting done in ExtractComplex()
return false;
m_PackedFields = m_ShaderFields;
if (attr.packingRules == PackingRules.Aggressive)
m_PackedFields = Pack(m_ShaderFields);
if (m_PackedFields == null)
return false;
errors = null;
return true;
public bool hasFields
get { return m_ShaderFields.Count > 0; }
public bool hasStatics
get { return m_Statics.Count > 0; }
public bool needAccessors
get { return attr.needAccessors; }
public bool needParamDebug
get { return attr.needParamDebug; }
public Type type;
public GenerateHLSL attr;
public int debugCounter;
public List<string> errors = null;
Dictionary<string, string> m_Statics;
List<ShaderFieldInfo> m_ShaderFields;
List<ShaderFieldInfo> m_PackedFields;
List<DebugFieldInfo> m_DebugFields;