主题必须以中文或者字母或数字开头,可以包含连字符 (-),并且长度不得超过35个字符
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183 行
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using UnityEngine.Graphing;
namespace UnityEngine.MaterialGraph
[Title ("Math/Range/Remap")]
public class RemapNode : Function2Input, IGeneratesFunction
/*protected const string kInputSlot1ShaderName = "Input1";
protected const string kInputSlot2ShaderName = "Input2";
protected const string kOutputSlotShaderName = "Output";
public const int InputSlot1Id = 0;
public const int InputSlot2Id = 1;
public const int OutputSlotId = 2;
private Vector4 m_Value;
public RemapNode ()
name = "RemapNode";
//UpdateNodeAfterDeserialization ();
protected override string GetFunctionName ()
return "unity_remap_" + precision;
//need to override the type of slot two somehow///////////////////////////////////////////////////
/*override MaterialSlot GetInputSlot2 ()
return new MaterialSlot (InputSlot2Id, GetInputSlot2Name (), kInputSlot2ShaderName, SlotType.Input, SlotValueType.Vector4, Vector4.zero);
public void GenerateNodeFunction (ShaderGenerator visitor, GenerationMode generationMode)
var outputString = new ShaderGenerator ();
outputString.AddShaderChunk (GetFunctionPrototype ("arg1", "arg2"), false);
outputString.AddShaderChunk ("{", false);
outputString.Indent ();
outputString.AddShaderChunk ("return ((arg1 * (arg2.y - arg2.x)) * (arg2.w - arg2.z))+arg2.z;", false);
outputString.Deindent ();
outputString.AddShaderChunk ("}", false);
visitor.AddShaderChunk (outputString.GetShaderString (0), true);
public sealed override void UpdateNodeAfterDeserialization ()
AddSlot (GetInputSlot1 ());
AddSlot (GetInputSlot2 ());
AddSlot (GetOutputSlot ());
RemoveSlotsNameNotMatching (validSlots);
protected int[] validSlots {
get { return new[] { InputSlot1Id, InputSlot2Id, OutputSlotId }; }
protected virtual MaterialSlot GetInputSlot1 ()
return new MaterialSlot (InputSlot1Id, GetInputSlot1Name (), kInputSlot1ShaderName, SlotType.Input, SlotValueType.Dynamic, Vector4.zero);
protected virtual MaterialSlot GetInputSlot2 ()
return new MaterialSlot (InputSlot2Id, GetInputSlot2Name (), kInputSlot2ShaderName, SlotType.Input, SlotValueType.Vector4, Vector4.zero);
protected virtual MaterialSlot GetOutputSlot ()
return new MaterialSlot (OutputSlotId, GetOutputSlotName (), kOutputSlotShaderName, SlotType.Output, SlotValueType.Dynamic, Vector4.zero);
protected virtual string GetInputSlot1Name ()
return "Input1";
protected virtual string GetInputSlot2Name ()
return "RemapVector";
protected virtual string GetOutputSlotName ()
return "Output";
//protected abstract string GetFunctionName ();
/*protected virtual string GetFunctionPrototype (string arg1Name, string arg2Name)
return "inline " + precision + outputDimension + " " + GetFunctionName () + " ("
+ precision + input1Dimension + " " + arg1Name + ", "
+ precision + input2Dimension + " " + arg2Name + ")";
public void GenerateNodeCode (ShaderGenerator visitor, GenerationMode generationMode)
NodeUtils.SlotConfigurationExceptionIfBadConfiguration (this, new[] { InputSlot1Id, InputSlot2Id }, new[] { OutputSlotId });
string input1Value = GetSlotValue (InputSlot1Id, generationMode);
string input2Value = GetSlotValue (InputSlot2Id, generationMode);
visitor.AddShaderChunk (precision + outputDimension + " " + GetVariableNameForSlot (OutputSlotId) + " = " + GetFunctionCallBody (input1Value, input2Value) + ";", true);
protected virtual string GetFunctionCallBody (string input1Value, string input2Value)
return GetFunctionName () + " (" + input1Value + ", " + input2Value + ")";
/*public string outputDimension {
get { return ConvertConcreteSlotValueTypeToString (FindOutputSlot<MaterialSlot> (OutputSlotId).concreteValueType); }
private string input1Dimension {
get { return ConvertConcreteSlotValueTypeToString (FindInputSlot<MaterialSlot> (InputSlot1Id).concreteValueType); }
private string input2Dimension {
get { return ConvertConcreteSlotValueTypeToString (FindInputSlot<MaterialSlot> (InputSlot2Id).concreteValueType); }
/// <summary>
/// Gets the type of the property.*/
/// </summary>
/// <value>The type of the property.</value>
/*public override PropertyType propertyType {
get { return PropertyType.Vector4; }
public Vector4 value {
get { return m_Value; }
set {
if (m_Value == value)
m_Value = value;
if (onModified != null)
onModified (this, ModificationScope.Node);
/*public override void GeneratePropertyBlock (PropertyGenerator visitor, GenerationMode generationMode)
if (exposedState == ExposedState.Exposed)
visitor.AddShaderProperty (new VectorPropertyChunk (propertyName, description, m_Value, PropertyChunk.HideState.Visible));
public override void GeneratePropertyUsages (ShaderGenerator visitor, GenerationMode generationMode)
if (exposedState == ExposedState.Exposed || generationMode.IsPreview ())
visitor.AddShaderChunk (precision + "3 " + propertyName + ";", false);
/*public void GenerateNodeCode (ShaderGenerator visitor, GenerationMode generationMode)
if (exposedState == ExposedState.Exposed || generationMode.IsPreview ())
var input1Value = GetSlotValue (InputSlot1Id, generationMode);
var input2Value = GetSlotValue (InputSlot2Id, generationMode);
visitor.AddShaderChunk (precision + "4 " + propertyName + " = " + input1Value + " * ((" + input2Value + ".w - " + input2Value + ".z) + " + input2Value + ".z);", false);
public override bool hasPreview {
get { return true; }
public override PreviewProperty GetPreviewProperty ()
return new PreviewProperty {
m_Name = propertyName,
m_PropType = PropertyType.Vector4,
m_Vector4 = m_Value