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152 行
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using UnityEngine.Rendering;
using UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing;
namespace UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.HDPipeline
// This enum allow to identify which render target is used for a specific feature
public enum GBufferUsage
public class GBufferManager : MRTBufferManager
RenderPipelineMaterial m_DeferredMaterial;
// This contain the usage for all allocated buffer
protected GBufferUsage[] m_GBufferUsage;
// This is the index of the gbuffer use for shadowmask and lightlayers, if any
protected int m_ShadowMaskIndex = -1;
protected int m_LightLayers = -1;
protected HDRenderPipelineAsset m_asset;
// We need to store current set of RT to bind exactly, as we can have dynamic RT (LightLayers, ShadowMask), we allocated an array for each possible size (to avoid gardbage collect pressure)
protected RenderTargetIdentifier[][] m_RTIDsArray = new RenderTargetIdentifier[8][];
public GBufferManager(HDRenderPipelineAsset asset, RenderPipelineMaterial deferredMaterial)
: base(deferredMaterial.GetMaterialGBufferCount(asset))
Debug.Assert(m_BufferCount <= 8);
for (int i = 0; i < m_BufferCount; ++i)
m_RTIDsArray[i] = new RenderTargetIdentifier[i + 1];
m_DeferredMaterial = deferredMaterial;
m_asset = asset;
public override void CreateBuffers()
RenderTextureFormat[] rtFormat;
bool[] sRGBFlags;
m_DeferredMaterial.GetMaterialGBufferDescription(m_asset, out rtFormat, out sRGBFlags, out m_GBufferUsage);
for (int gbufferIndex = 0; gbufferIndex < m_BufferCount; ++gbufferIndex)
m_RTs[gbufferIndex] = RTHandles.Alloc(Vector2.one, colorFormat: rtFormat[gbufferIndex], sRGB: sRGBFlags[gbufferIndex], filterMode: FilterMode.Point, name: string.Format("GBuffer{0}", gbufferIndex), enableRandomWrite: gbufferIndex == 1); // normal buffer is used as RWTexture to composite decals in forward
m_RTIDs[gbufferIndex] = m_RTs[gbufferIndex].nameID;
m_TextureShaderIDs[gbufferIndex] = HDShaderIDs._GBufferTexture[gbufferIndex];
if (m_GBufferUsage[gbufferIndex] == GBufferUsage.ShadowMask)
m_ShadowMaskIndex = gbufferIndex;
else if (m_GBufferUsage[gbufferIndex] == GBufferUsage.LightLayers)
m_LightLayers = gbufferIndex;
public override void BindBufferAsTextures(CommandBuffer cmd)
for (int i = 0; i < m_BufferCount; ++i)
cmd.SetGlobalTexture(m_TextureShaderIDs[i], m_RTs[i]);
// Bind alias for gbuffer usage to simplify shader code (not need to check which gbuffer is the shadowmask or lightlayers)
if (m_ShadowMaskIndex >= 0)
cmd.SetGlobalTexture(HDShaderIDs._ShadowMaskTexture, m_RTs[m_ShadowMaskIndex]);
if (m_LightLayers >= 0)
cmd.SetGlobalTexture(HDShaderIDs._LightLayersTexture, m_RTs[m_LightLayers]);
cmd.SetGlobalTexture(HDShaderIDs._LightLayersTexture, RuntimeUtilities.whiteTexture); // This is never use but need to be bind as the read is inside a if
// This function will setup the required render target array. This take into account if shadow mask and light layers are enabled or not.
// Note for the future: Setup works fine as we don't have change per object (like velocity for example). If in the future it is the case
// the changing per object buffer MUST be the last one so the shader can decide if it write to it or not
public RenderTargetIdentifier[] GetBuffersRTI(FrameSettings frameSettings)
// We do two loop to avoid to have to allocate an array every frame
// Do a first step to know how many RT we require
int gbufferIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < m_BufferCount; ++i)
if (m_GBufferUsage[i] == GBufferUsage.ShadowMask && !frameSettings.enableShadowMask)
continue; // Skip
if (m_GBufferUsage[i] == GBufferUsage.LightLayers && !frameSettings.enableLightLayers)
continue; // Skip
// Now select the correct array and do another loop to fill the array
RenderTargetIdentifier[] m_RTIDsArrayCurrent = m_RTIDsArray[gbufferIndex - 1];
gbufferIndex = 0;
// nameID can change from one frame to another depending on the msaa flag so so we need to update this array to be sure it's up to date.
for (int i = 0; i < m_BufferCount; ++i)
if (m_GBufferUsage[i] == GBufferUsage.ShadowMask && !frameSettings.enableShadowMask)
continue; // Skip
if (m_GBufferUsage[i] == GBufferUsage.LightLayers && !frameSettings.enableLightLayers)
continue; // Skip
m_RTIDsArrayCurrent[gbufferIndex] = m_RTs[i].nameID;
return m_RTIDsArrayCurrent;
public RTHandleSystem.RTHandle GetNormalBuffer(int index)
int currentIndex = 0;
for (int gbufferIndex = 0; gbufferIndex < m_BufferCount; ++gbufferIndex)
if (m_GBufferUsage[gbufferIndex] == GBufferUsage.Normal)
if (currentIndex == index)
return m_RTs[gbufferIndex];
// This is not the index we are looking for, find the next one
return null;
public RTHandleSystem.RTHandle GetSubsurfaceScatteringBuffer(int index)
int currentIndex = 0;
for (int gbufferIndex = 0; gbufferIndex < m_BufferCount; ++gbufferIndex)
if (m_GBufferUsage[gbufferIndex] == GBufferUsage.SubsurfaceScattering)
if (currentIndex == index)
return m_RTs[gbufferIndex];
// This is not the index we are looking for, find the next one
return null;