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// These clamping function to max of floating point 16 bit are use to prevent INF in code in case of extreme value
TEMPLATE_1_REAL(ClampToFloat16Max, value, return min(value, HALF_MAX))
// Ligthing convention
// Light direction is oriented backward (-Z). i.e in shader code, light direction is -lightData.forward
// Helper functions
// Performs the mapping of the vector 'v' centered within the axis-aligned cube
// of dimensions [-1, 1]^3 to a vector centered within the unit sphere.
// The function expects 'v' to be within the cube (possibly unexpected results otherwise).
// Ref: http://mathproofs.blogspot.com/2005/07/mapping-cube-to-sphere.html
real3 MapCubeToSphere(real3 v)
real3 v2 = v * v;
real2 vr3 = v2.xy * rcp(3.0);
return v * sqrt((real3)1.0 - 0.5 * v2.yzx - 0.5 * v2.zxy + vr3.yxx * v2.zzy);
// Computes the squared magnitude of the vector computed by MapCubeToSphere().
real ComputeCubeToSphereMapSqMagnitude(real3 v)
real3 v2 = v * v;
// Note: dot(v, v) is often computed before this function is called,
// so the compiler should optimize and use the precomputed result here.
return dot(v, v) - v2.x * v2.y - v2.y * v2.z - v2.z * v2.x + v2.x * v2.y * v2.z;
// texelArea = 4.0 / (resolution * resolution).
// Ref: http://bpeers.com/blog/?itemid=1017
// This version is less accurate, but much faster than this one:
// http://www.rorydriscoll.com/2012/01/15/cubemap-texel-solid-angle/
real ComputeCubemapTexelSolidAngle(real3 L, real texelArea)
// Stretch 'L' by (1/d) so that it points at a side of a [-1, 1]^2 cube.
real d = Max3(abs(L.x), abs(L.y), abs(L.z));
// Since 'L' is a unit vector, we can directly compute its
// new (inverse) length without dividing 'L' by 'd' first.
real invDist = d;
// dw = dA * cosTheta / (dist * dist), cosTheta = 1.0 / dist,
// where 'dA' is the area of the cube map texel.
return texelArea * invDist * invDist * invDist;
// Only makes sense for Monte-Carlo integration.
// Normalize by dividing by the total weight (or the number of samples) in the end.
// Integrate[6*(u^2+v^2+1)^(-3/2), {u,-1,1},{v,-1,1}] = 4 * Pi
// Ref: "Stupid Spherical Harmonics Tricks", p. 9.
real ComputeCubemapTexelSolidAngle(real2 uv)
float u = uv.x, v = uv.y;
return pow(1 + u * u + v * v, -1.5);
// Attenuation functions
// Ref: Moving Frostbite to PBR.
real QuadraticAttenuation(real attenuation)
return attenuation * attenuation;
// Non physically based hack to limit light influence to attenuationRadius.
real DistanceAttenuation(real squaredDistance, real invSqrAttenuationRadius)
real factor = squaredDistance * invSqrAttenuationRadius;
return saturate(1.0 - factor * factor);
real SmoothDistanceAttenuation(real squaredDistance, real invSqrAttenuationRadius)
real smoothFactor = DistanceAttenuation(squaredDistance, invSqrAttenuationRadius);
return QuadraticAttenuation(smoothFactor);
#define PUNCTUAL_LIGHT_THRESHOLD 0.01 // 1cm (in Unity 1 is 1m)
real SmoothQuadraticDistanceAttenuation(real distSq, real distRcp, real invSqrAttenuationRadius)
// Becomes quadratic after the call to QuadraticAttenuation().
real attenuation = min(distRcp, 1.0 / PUNCTUAL_LIGHT_THRESHOLD);
attenuation *= DistanceAttenuation(distSq, invSqrAttenuationRadius);
return QuadraticAttenuation(attenuation);
real SmoothQuadraticDistanceAttenuation(real3 unL, real invSqrAttenuationRadius)
real distSq = dot(unL, unL);
real distRcp = rsqrt(distSq);
return SmoothQuadraticDistanceAttenuation(distSq, distRcp, invSqrAttenuationRadius);
real AngleAttenuation(real cosFwd, real lightAngleScale, real lightAngleOffset)
return saturate(cosFwd * lightAngleScale + lightAngleOffset);
real SmoothAngleAttenuation(real cosFwd, real lightAngleScale, real lightAngleOffset)
real attenuation = AngleAttenuation(cosFwd, lightAngleScale, lightAngleOffset);
return QuadraticAttenuation(attenuation);
real SmoothAngleAttenuation(real3 L, real3 lightFwdDir, real lightAngleScale, real lightAngleOffset)
real cosFwd = dot(-L, lightFwdDir);
return SmoothAngleAttenuation(cosFwd, lightAngleScale, lightAngleOffset);
// Combines SmoothQuadraticDistanceAttenuation() and SmoothAngleAttenuation() in an efficient manner.
// distances = {d, d^2, 1/d, d_proj}, where d_proj = dot(lightToSample, lightData.forward).
real SmoothPunctualLightAttenuation(real4 distances, real invSqrAttenuationRadius,
real lightAngleScale, real lightAngleOffset)
real distSq = distances.y;
real distRcp = distances.z;
real distProj = distances.w;
real cosFwd = distProj * distRcp;
real attenuation = min(distRcp, 1.0 / PUNCTUAL_LIGHT_THRESHOLD);
attenuation *= DistanceAttenuation(distSq, invSqrAttenuationRadius);
attenuation *= AngleAttenuation(cosFwd, lightAngleScale, lightAngleOffset);
return QuadraticAttenuation(attenuation);
// Applies SmoothDistanceAttenuation() after transforming the attenuation ellipsoid into a sphere.
// If r = rsqrt(invSqRadius), then the ellipsoid is defined s.t. r1 = r / invAspectRatio, r2 = r3 = r.
// The transformation is performed along the major axis of the ellipsoid (corresponding to 'r1').
// Both the ellipsoid (e.i. 'axis') and 'unL' should be in the same coordinate system.
// 'unL' should be computed from the center of the ellipsoid.
real EllipsoidalDistanceAttenuation(real3 unL, real invSqRadius,
real3 axis, real invAspectRatio)
// Project the unnormalized light vector onto the axis.
real projL = dot(unL, axis);
// Transform the light vector instead of transforming the ellipsoid.
real diff = projL - projL * invAspectRatio;
unL -= diff * axis;
real sqDist = dot(unL, unL);
return SmoothDistanceAttenuation(sqDist, invSqRadius);
// Applies SmoothDistanceAttenuation() using the axis-aligned ellipsoid of the given dimensions.
// Both the ellipsoid and 'unL' should be in the same coordinate system.
// 'unL' should be computed from the center of the ellipsoid.
real EllipsoidalDistanceAttenuation(real3 unL, real3 invHalfDim)
// Transform the light vector so that we can work with
// with the ellipsoid as if it was a unit sphere.
unL *= invHalfDim;
real sqDist = dot(unL, unL);
return SmoothDistanceAttenuation(sqDist, 1.0);
// Applies SmoothDistanceAttenuation() after mapping the axis-aligned box to a sphere.
// If the diagonal of the box is 'd', invHalfDim = rcp(0.5 * d).
// Both the box and 'unL' should be in the same coordinate system.
// 'unL' should be computed from the center of the box.
real BoxDistanceAttenuation(real3 unL, real3 invHalfDim)
// Transform the light vector so that we can work with
// with the box as if it was a [-1, 1]^2 cube.
unL *= invHalfDim;
// Our algorithm expects the input vector to be within the cube.
if (Max3(abs(unL.x), abs(unL.y), abs(unL.z)) > 1.0) return 0.0;
real sqDist = ComputeCubeToSphereMapSqMagnitude(unL);
return SmoothDistanceAttenuation(sqDist, 1.0);
// IES Helper
real2 GetIESTextureCoordinate(real3x3 lightToWord, real3 L)
// IES need to be sample in light space
real3 dir = mul(lightToWord, -L); // Using matrix on left side do a transpose
// convert to spherical coordinate
real2 sphericalCoord; // .x is theta, .y is phi
// Texture is encoded with cos(phi), scale from -1..1 to 0..1
sphericalCoord.y = (dir.z * 0.5) + 0.5;
real theta = atan2(dir.y, dir.x);
sphericalCoord.x = theta * INV_TWO_PI;
return sphericalCoord;
// Lighting functions
// Ref: Horizon Occlusion for Normal Mapped Reflections: http://marmosetco.tumblr.com/post/81245981087
real GetHorizonOcclusion(real3 V, real3 normalWS, real3 vertexNormal, real horizonFade)
real3 R = reflect(-V, normalWS);
real specularOcclusion = saturate(1.0 + horizonFade * dot(R, vertexNormal));
// smooth it
return specularOcclusion * specularOcclusion;
// Ref: Moving Frostbite to PBR - Gotanda siggraph 2011
// Return specular occlusion based on ambient occlusion (usually get from SSAO) and view/roughness info
real GetSpecularOcclusionFromAmbientOcclusion(real NdotV, real ambientOcclusion, real roughness)
return saturate(PositivePow(NdotV + ambientOcclusion, exp2(-16.0 * roughness - 1.0)) - 1.0 + ambientOcclusion);
// ref: Practical Realtime Strategies for Accurate Indirect Occlusion
// Update ambient occlusion to colored ambient occlusion based on statitics of how light is bouncing in an object and with the albedo of the object
real3 GTAOMultiBounce(real visibility, real3 albedo)
real3 a = 2.0404 * albedo - 0.3324;
real3 b = -4.7951 * albedo + 0.6417;
real3 c = 2.7552 * albedo + 0.6903;
real x = visibility;
return max(x, ((x * a + b) * x + c) * x);
// Based on Oat and Sander's 2008 technique
// Area/solidAngle of intersection of two cone
real SphericalCapIntersectionSolidArea(real cosC1, real cosC2, real cosB)
real r1 = FastACos(cosC1);
real r2 = FastACos(cosC2);
real rd = FastACos(cosB);
real area = 0.0;
if (rd <= max(r1, r2) - min(r1, r2))
// One cap is completely inside the other
area = TWO_PI - TWO_PI * max(cosC1, cosC2);
else if (rd >= r1 + r2)
// No intersection exists
area = 0.0;
real diff = abs(r1 - r2);
real den = r1 + r2 - diff;
real x = 1.0 - saturate((rd - diff) / den);
area = smoothstep(0.0, 1.0, x);
area *= TWO_PI - TWO_PI * max(cosC1, cosC2);
return area;
// Ref: Steve McAuley - Energy-Conserving Wrapped Diffuse
real ComputeWrappedDiffuseLighting(real NdotL, real w)
return saturate((NdotL + w) / ((1 + w) * (1 + w)));
// Helper functions
// Inputs: normalized normal and view vectors.
// Outputs: front-facing normal, and the new non-negative value of the cosine of the view angle.
// Important: call Orthonormalize() on the tangent and recompute the bitangent afterwards.
real3 GetViewReflectedNormal(real3 N, real3 V, out real NdotV)
// Fragments of front-facing geometry can have back-facing normals due to interpolation,
// normal mapping and decals. This can cause visible artifacts from both direct (negative or
// extremely high values) and indirect (incorrect lookup direction) lighting.
// There are several ways to avoid this problem. To list a few:
// 1. Setting { NdotV = max(<N,V>, SMALL_VALUE) }. This effectively removes normal mapping
// from the affected fragments, making the surface appear flat.
// 2. Setting { NdotV = abs(<N,V>) }. This effectively reverses the convexity of the surface.
// It also reduces light leaking from non-shadow-casting lights. Note that 'NdotV' can still
// be 0 in this case.
// It's important to understand that simply changing the value of the cosine is insufficient.
// For one, it does not solve the incorrect lookup direction problem, since the normal itself
// is not modified. There is a more insidious issue, however. 'NdotV' is a constituent element
// of the mathematical system describing the relationships between different vectors - and
// not just normal and view vectors, but also light vectors, half vectors, tangent vectors, etc.
// Changing only one angle (or its cosine) leaves the system in an inconsistent state, where
// certain relationships can take on different values depending on whether 'NdotV' is used
// in the calculation or not. Therefore, it is important to change the normal (or another
// vector) in order to leave the system in a consistent state.
// We choose to follow the conceptual approach (2) by reflecting the normal around the
// (<N,V> = 0) boundary if necessary, as it allows us to preserve some normal mapping details.
NdotV = dot(N, V);
// N = (NdotV >= 0.0) ? N : (N - 2.0 * NdotV * V);
N += (2.0 * saturate(-NdotV)) * V;
NdotV = abs(NdotV);
return N;
// Generates an orthonormal (row-major) basis from a unit vector. TODO: make it column-major.
// The resulting rotation matrix has the determinant of +1.
// Ref: 'ortho_basis_pixar_r2' from http://marc-b-reynolds.github.io/quaternions/2016/07/06/Orthonormal.html
real3x3 GetLocalFrame(real3 localZ)
real x = localZ.x;
real y = localZ.y;
real z = localZ.z;
real sz = FastSign(z);
real a = 1 / (sz + z);
real ya = y * a;
real b = x * ya;
real c = x * sz;
real3 localX = real3(c * x * a - 1, sz * b, c);
real3 localY = real3(b, y * ya - sz, y);
// Note: due to the quaternion formulation, the generated frame is rotated by 180 degrees,
// s.t. if localZ = {0, 0, 1}, then localX = {-1, 0, 0} and localY = {0, -1, 0}.
return real3x3(localX, localY, localZ);
// Generates an orthonormal (row-major) basis from a unit vector. TODO: make it column-major.
// The resulting rotation matrix has the determinant of +1.
real3x3 GetLocalFrame(real3 localZ, real3 localX)
real3 localY = cross(localZ, localX);
return real3x3(localX, localY, localZ);