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using System;
using UnityEditor.Graphing;
using UnityEditor.ShaderGraph.Drawing.Slots;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Experimental.UIElements;
namespace UnityEditor.ShaderGraph
public class Texture2DInputMaterialSlot : Texture2DMaterialSlot
private SerializableTexture m_Texture = new SerializableTexture();
public Texture texture
get { return m_Texture.texture; }
set { m_Texture.texture = value; }
public Texture2DInputMaterialSlot()
public Texture2DInputMaterialSlot(
int slotId,
string displayName,
string shaderOutputName,
ShaderStage shaderStage = ShaderStage.Dynamic,
bool hidden = false)
: base(slotId, displayName, shaderOutputName, SlotType.Input, shaderStage, hidden)
public override VisualElement InstantiateControl()
return new TextureSlotControlView(this);
public override string GetDefaultValue(GenerationMode generationMode)
var matOwner = owner as AbstractMaterialNode;
if (matOwner == null)
throw new Exception(string.Format("Slot {0} either has no owner, or the owner is not a {1}", this, typeof(AbstractMaterialNode)));
return matOwner.GetVariableNameForSlot(id);
public override void AddDefaultProperty(PropertyCollector properties, GenerationMode generationMode)
var matOwner = owner as AbstractMaterialNode;
if (matOwner == null)
throw new Exception(string.Format("Slot {0} either has no owner, or the owner is not a {1}", this, typeof(AbstractMaterialNode)));
var prop = new TextureShaderProperty();
prop.overrideReferenceName = matOwner.GetVariableNameForSlot(id);
prop.modifiable = false;
prop.generatePropertyBlock = true;
prop.value.texture = texture;
public override PreviewProperty GetPreviewProperty(string name)
var pp = new PreviewProperty(PropertyType.Texture)
name = name,
textureValue = texture
return pp;
public override void CopyValuesFrom(MaterialSlot foundSlot)
var slot = foundSlot as Texture2DInputMaterialSlot;
if (slot != null)
m_Texture = slot.m_Texture;