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using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor.Graphing;
using UnityEngine.Experimental.UIElements;
[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("com.unity.shadergraph.EditorTests")]
namespace UnityEditor.ShaderGraph
public abstract class MaterialSlot : ISlot
const string k_NotInit = "Not Initilaized";
int m_Id;
string m_DisplayName = k_NotInit;
SlotType m_SlotType = SlotType.Input;
int m_Priority = int.MaxValue;
bool m_Hidden;
string m_ShaderOutputName;
ShaderStage m_ShaderStage;
bool m_HasError;
protected MaterialSlot() {}
protected MaterialSlot(int slotId, string displayName, string shaderOutputName, SlotType slotType, ShaderStage shaderStage = ShaderStage.Dynamic, bool hidden = false)
m_Id = slotId;
m_DisplayName = displayName;
m_SlotType = slotType;
m_Hidden = hidden;
m_ShaderOutputName = shaderOutputName;
this.shaderStage = shaderStage;
protected MaterialSlot(int slotId, string displayName, string shaderOutputName, SlotType slotType, int priority, ShaderStage shaderStage = ShaderStage.Dynamic, bool hidden = false)
m_Id = slotId;
m_DisplayName = displayName;
m_SlotType = slotType;
m_Priority = priority;
m_Hidden = hidden;
m_ShaderOutputName = shaderOutputName;
this.shaderStage = shaderStage;
public virtual VisualElement InstantiateControl()
return null;
static string ConcreteSlotValueTypeAsString(ConcreteSlotValueType type)
switch (type)
case ConcreteSlotValueType.Vector1:
return "(1)";
case ConcreteSlotValueType.Vector2:
return "(2)";
case ConcreteSlotValueType.Vector3:
return "(3)";
case ConcreteSlotValueType.Vector4:
return "(4)";
case ConcreteSlotValueType.Matrix2:
return "(2x2)";
case ConcreteSlotValueType.Matrix3:
return "(3x3)";
case ConcreteSlotValueType.Matrix4:
return "(4x4)";
case ConcreteSlotValueType.SamplerState:
return "(SS)";
case ConcreteSlotValueType.Texture2D:
return "(T)";
case ConcreteSlotValueType.Cubemap:
return "(C)";
return "(E)";
public virtual string displayName
get { return m_DisplayName + ConcreteSlotValueTypeAsString(concreteValueType); }
set { m_DisplayName = value; }
public string RawDisplayName()
return m_DisplayName;
public static MaterialSlot CreateMaterialSlot(SlotValueType type, int slotId, string displayName, string shaderOutputName, SlotType slotType, Vector4 defaultValue, ShaderStage shaderStage = ShaderStage.Dynamic, bool hidden = false)
switch (type)
case SlotValueType.SamplerState:
return new SamplerStateMaterialSlot(slotId, displayName, shaderOutputName, slotType, shaderStage, hidden);
case SlotValueType.Matrix4:
return new Matrix4MaterialSlot(slotId, displayName, shaderOutputName, slotType, shaderStage, hidden);
case SlotValueType.Matrix3:
return new Matrix3MaterialSlot(slotId, displayName, shaderOutputName, slotType, shaderStage, hidden);
case SlotValueType.Matrix2:
return new Matrix2MaterialSlot(slotId, displayName, shaderOutputName, slotType, shaderStage, hidden);
case SlotValueType.Texture2D:
return slotType == SlotType.Input
? new Texture2DInputMaterialSlot(slotId, displayName, shaderOutputName, shaderStage, hidden)
: new Texture2DMaterialSlot(slotId, displayName, shaderOutputName, slotType, shaderStage, hidden);
case SlotValueType.Cubemap:
return slotType == SlotType.Input
? new CubemapInputMaterialSlot(slotId, displayName, shaderOutputName, shaderStage, hidden)
: new CubemapMaterialSlot(slotId, displayName, shaderOutputName, slotType, shaderStage, hidden);
case SlotValueType.Dynamic:
return new DynamicVectorMaterialSlot(slotId, displayName, shaderOutputName, slotType, defaultValue, shaderStage, hidden);
case SlotValueType.Vector4:
return new Vector4MaterialSlot(slotId, displayName, shaderOutputName, slotType, defaultValue, shaderStage, hidden);
case SlotValueType.Vector3:
return new Vector3MaterialSlot(slotId, displayName, shaderOutputName, slotType, defaultValue, shaderStage, hidden);
case SlotValueType.Vector2:
return new Vector2MaterialSlot(slotId, displayName, shaderOutputName, slotType, defaultValue, shaderStage, hidden);
case SlotValueType.Vector1:
return new Vector1MaterialSlot(slotId, displayName, shaderOutputName, slotType, defaultValue.x, shaderStage, hidden);
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("type", type, null);
public SlotReference slotReference
get { return new SlotReference(owner.guid, m_Id); }
public INode owner { get; set; }
public bool hidden
get { return m_Hidden; }
set { m_Hidden = value; }
public int id
get { return m_Id; }
public int priority
get { return m_Priority; }
set { m_Priority = value; }
public bool isInputSlot
get { return m_SlotType == SlotType.Input; }
public bool isOutputSlot
get { return m_SlotType == SlotType.Output; }
public SlotType slotType
get { return m_SlotType; }
public bool isConnected
// node and graph respectivly
if (owner == null || owner.owner == null)
return false;
var graph = owner.owner;
var edges = graph.GetEdges(slotReference);
return edges.Any();
public abstract SlotValueType valueType { get; }
public abstract ConcreteSlotValueType concreteValueType { get; }
public string shaderOutputName
get { return m_ShaderOutputName; }
private set { m_ShaderOutputName = value; }
public ShaderStage shaderStage
get { return m_ShaderStage; }
set { m_ShaderStage = value; }
public bool hasError
get { return m_HasError; }
set { m_HasError = value; }
bool IsCompatibleWithInputSlotType(SlotValueType inputType)
switch (valueType)
case SlotValueType.SamplerState:
return inputType == SlotValueType.SamplerState;
case SlotValueType.Matrix4:
return inputType == SlotValueType.Matrix4
|| inputType == SlotValueType.Matrix3
|| inputType == SlotValueType.Matrix2;
case SlotValueType.Matrix3:
return inputType == SlotValueType.Matrix3
|| inputType == SlotValueType.Matrix2;
case SlotValueType.Matrix2:
return inputType == SlotValueType.Matrix2;
case SlotValueType.Texture2D:
return inputType == SlotValueType.Texture2D;
case SlotValueType.Cubemap:
return inputType == SlotValueType.Cubemap;
case SlotValueType.Dynamic:
case SlotValueType.Vector4:
return inputType == SlotValueType.Vector4
|| inputType == SlotValueType.Vector3
|| inputType == SlotValueType.Vector2
|| inputType == SlotValueType.Vector1
|| inputType == SlotValueType.Dynamic;
case SlotValueType.Vector3:
return inputType == SlotValueType.Vector3
|| inputType == SlotValueType.Vector2
|| inputType == SlotValueType.Vector1
|| inputType == SlotValueType.Dynamic;
case SlotValueType.Vector2:
return inputType == SlotValueType.Vector2
|| inputType == SlotValueType.Vector1
|| inputType == SlotValueType.Dynamic;
case SlotValueType.Vector1:
return inputType == SlotValueType.Vector4
|| inputType == SlotValueType.Vector3
|| inputType == SlotValueType.Vector2
|| inputType == SlotValueType.Vector1
|| inputType == SlotValueType.Dynamic;
return false;
public bool IsCompatibleWith(MaterialSlot otherSlot)
return otherSlot != null
&& otherSlot.owner != owner
&& otherSlot.isInputSlot != isInputSlot
&& ((isInputSlot
? otherSlot.IsCompatibleWithInputSlotType(valueType)
: IsCompatibleWithInputSlotType(otherSlot.valueType)));
public virtual string GetDefaultValue(GenerationMode generationMode)
var matOwner = owner as AbstractMaterialNode;
if (matOwner == null)
throw new Exception(string.Format("Slot {0} either has no owner, or the owner is not a {1}", this, typeof(AbstractMaterialNode)));
if (generationMode.IsPreview())
return matOwner.GetVariableNameForSlot(id);
return ConcreteSlotValueAsVariable(matOwner.precision);
protected virtual string ConcreteSlotValueAsVariable(AbstractMaterialNode.OutputPrecision precision)
return "error";
public abstract void AddDefaultProperty(PropertyCollector properties, GenerationMode generationMode);
protected static PropertyType ConvertConcreteSlotValueTypeToPropertyType(ConcreteSlotValueType slotValue)
switch (slotValue)
case ConcreteSlotValueType.Texture2D:
return PropertyType.Texture;
case ConcreteSlotValueType.Cubemap:
return PropertyType.Cubemap;
case ConcreteSlotValueType.Vector1:
return PropertyType.Float;
case ConcreteSlotValueType.Vector2:
return PropertyType.Vector2;
case ConcreteSlotValueType.Vector3:
return PropertyType.Vector3;
case ConcreteSlotValueType.Vector4:
return PropertyType.Vector4;
case ConcreteSlotValueType.Matrix2:
return PropertyType.Matrix2;
case ConcreteSlotValueType.Matrix3:
return PropertyType.Matrix3;
case ConcreteSlotValueType.Matrix4:
return PropertyType.Matrix4;
case ConcreteSlotValueType.SamplerState:
return PropertyType.SamplerState;
return PropertyType.Vector4;
public virtual PreviewProperty GetPreviewProperty(string name)
return default(PreviewProperty);
public abstract void CopyValuesFrom(MaterialSlot foundSlot);
bool Equals(MaterialSlot other)
return m_Id == other.m_Id && owner.guid.Equals(other.owner.guid);
public bool Equals(ISlot other)
return Equals(other as object);
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (ReferenceEquals(null, obj)) return false;
if (ReferenceEquals(this, obj)) return true;
if (obj.GetType() != this.GetType()) return false;
return Equals((MaterialSlot)obj);
public override int GetHashCode()
return (m_Id * 397) ^ (owner != null ? owner.GetHashCode() : 0);