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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine.Graphing;
namespace UnityEngine.MaterialGraph
public static class GuidEncoder
public static string Encode(Guid guid)
string enc = Convert.ToBase64String(guid.ToByteArray());
return String.Format("{0:X}", enc.GetHashCode());
public abstract class AbstractMaterialNode : SerializableNode, IGenerateProperties
public enum OutputPrecision
private bool m_HasError;
public OutputPrecision precision
get { return m_OutputPrecision; }
set { m_OutputPrecision = value; }
private OutputPrecision m_OutputPrecision = OutputPrecision.@float;
bool m_PreviewExpanded = true;
public bool previewExpanded
get { return m_PreviewExpanded; }
if (previewExpanded == value)
m_PreviewExpanded = value;
if (onModified != null)
onModified(this, ModificationScope.Node);
// Nodes that want to have a preview area can override this and return true
public virtual bool hasPreview
get { return false; }
public virtual PreviewMode previewMode
get { return PreviewMode.Preview2D; }
public virtual bool allowedInSubGraph
get { return true; }
public virtual bool allowedInRemapGraph
get { return true; }
public virtual bool allowedInMainGraph
get { return true; }
public virtual bool allowedInLayerGraph
get { return true; }
public override bool hasError
get { return m_HasError; }
protected set { m_HasError = value; }
protected AbstractMaterialNode()
version = 0;
public virtual void CollectShaderProperties(PropertyCollector properties, GenerationMode generationMode)
if (!generationMode.IsPreview())
foreach (var inputSlot in GetInputSlots<MaterialSlot>())
var edges = owner.GetEdges(inputSlot.slotReference);
if (edges.Any())
inputSlot.AddDefaultProperty(properties, generationMode);
public string GetSlotValue(int inputSlotId, GenerationMode generationMode)
var inputSlot = FindSlot<MaterialSlot>(inputSlotId);
if (inputSlot == null)
return string.Empty;
var edges = owner.GetEdges(inputSlot.slotReference).ToArray();
if (edges.Any())
var fromSocketRef = edges[0].outputSlot;
var fromNode = owner.GetNodeFromGuid<AbstractMaterialNode>(fromSocketRef.nodeGuid);
if (fromNode == null)
return string.Empty;
var slot = fromNode.FindOutputSlot<MaterialSlot>(fromSocketRef.slotId);
if (slot == null)
return string.Empty;
return ShaderGenerator.AdaptNodeOutput(fromNode, slot.id, inputSlot.concreteValueType);
return inputSlot.GetDefaultValue(generationMode);
private static bool ImplicitConversionExists(ConcreteSlotValueType from, ConcreteSlotValueType to)
if (from == to)
return true;
var fromCount = SlotValueHelper.GetChannelCount(from);
var toCount = SlotValueHelper.GetChannelCount(to);
// can convert from v1 vectors :)
if (from == ConcreteSlotValueType.Vector1 && toCount > 0)
return true;
if (toCount == 0)
return false;
if (toCount <= fromCount)
return true;
return false;
private ConcreteSlotValueType ConvertDynamicInputTypeToConcrete(IEnumerable<ConcreteSlotValueType> inputTypes)
var concreteSlotValueTypes = inputTypes as IList<ConcreteSlotValueType> ?? inputTypes.ToList();
var inputTypesDistinct = concreteSlotValueTypes.Distinct().ToList();
switch (inputTypesDistinct.Count)
case 0:
return ConcreteSlotValueType.Vector1;
case 1:
return inputTypesDistinct.FirstOrDefault();
// find the 'minumum' channel width excluding 1 as it can promote
inputTypesDistinct.RemoveAll(x => x == ConcreteSlotValueType.Vector1);
var ordered = inputTypesDistinct.OrderByDescending(x => x);
if (ordered.Any())
return ordered.FirstOrDefault();
return ConcreteSlotValueType.Vector1;
public override void ValidateNode()
var isInError = false;
// all children nodes needs to be updated first
// so do that here
foreach (var inputSlot in GetInputSlots<MaterialSlot>())
inputSlot.hasError = false;
var edges = owner.GetEdges(inputSlot.slotReference);
foreach (var edge in edges)
var fromSocketRef = edge.outputSlot;
var outputNode = owner.GetNodeFromGuid(fromSocketRef.nodeGuid);
if (outputNode == null)
if (outputNode.hasError)
isInError = true;
var dynamicInputSlotsToCompare = DictionaryPool<DynamicVectorMaterialSlot, ConcreteSlotValueType>.Get();
var skippedDynamicSlots = ListPool<DynamicVectorMaterialSlot>.Get();
// iterate the input slots
foreach (var inputSlot in GetInputSlots<MaterialSlot>())
// if there is a connection
var edges = owner.GetEdges(inputSlot.slotReference).ToList();
if (!edges.Any())
if (inputSlot is DynamicVectorMaterialSlot)
skippedDynamicSlots.Add(inputSlot as DynamicVectorMaterialSlot);
// get the output details
var outputSlotRef = edges[0].outputSlot;
var outputNode = owner.GetNodeFromGuid(outputSlotRef.nodeGuid);
if (outputNode == null)
var outputSlot = outputNode.FindOutputSlot<MaterialSlot>(outputSlotRef.slotId);
if (outputSlot == null)
if (outputSlot.hasError)
inputSlot.hasError = true;
var outputConcreteType = outputSlot.concreteValueType;
// dynamic input... depends on output from other node.
// we need to compare ALL dynamic inputs to make sure they
// are compatable.
if (inputSlot is DynamicVectorMaterialSlot)
dynamicInputSlotsToCompare.Add((DynamicVectorMaterialSlot) inputSlot, outputConcreteType);
// if we have a standard connection... just check the types work!
if (!ImplicitConversionExists(outputConcreteType, inputSlot.concreteValueType))
inputSlot.hasError = true;
// we can now figure out the dynamic slotType
// from here set all the
var dynamicType = ConvertDynamicInputTypeToConcrete(dynamicInputSlotsToCompare.Values);
foreach (var dynamicKvP in dynamicInputSlotsToCompare)
foreach (var skippedSlot in skippedDynamicSlots)
var inputError = GetInputSlots<MaterialSlot>().Any(x => x.hasError);
// configure the output slots now
// their slotType will either be the default output slotType
// or the above dynanic slotType for dynamic nodes
// or error if there is an input error
foreach (var outputSlot in GetOutputSlots<MaterialSlot>())
outputSlot.hasError = false;
if (inputError)
outputSlot.hasError = true;
if (outputSlot is DynamicVectorMaterialSlot)
(outputSlot as DynamicVectorMaterialSlot).SetConcreteType(dynamicType);
isInError |= inputError;
isInError |= GetOutputSlots<MaterialSlot>().Any(x => x.hasError);
isInError |= CalculateNodeHasError();
hasError = isInError;
if (!hasError)
DictionaryPool<DynamicVectorMaterialSlot, ConcreteSlotValueType>.Release(dynamicInputSlotsToCompare);
public int version { get; private set; }
//True if error
protected virtual bool CalculateNodeHasError()
return false;
public static string GetSlotDimension(ConcreteSlotValueType slotValue)
switch (slotValue)
case ConcreteSlotValueType.Vector1:
return string.Empty;
case ConcreteSlotValueType.Vector2:
return "2";
case ConcreteSlotValueType.Vector3:
return "3";
case ConcreteSlotValueType.Vector4:
return "4";
case ConcreteSlotValueType.Matrix2:
return "2x2";
case ConcreteSlotValueType.Matrix3:
return "3x3";
case ConcreteSlotValueType.Matrix4:
return "4x4";
return "Error";
public static string ConvertConcreteSlotValueTypeToString(OutputPrecision p, ConcreteSlotValueType slotValue)
switch (slotValue)
case ConcreteSlotValueType.Vector1:
return p.ToString();
case ConcreteSlotValueType.Vector2:
return p + "2";
case ConcreteSlotValueType.Vector3:
return p + "3";
case ConcreteSlotValueType.Vector4:
return p + "4";
case ConcreteSlotValueType.Texture2D:
return "Texture2D";
case ConcreteSlotValueType.Matrix2:
return "Matrix2x2";
case ConcreteSlotValueType.Matrix3:
return "Matrix3x3";
case ConcreteSlotValueType.Matrix4:
return "Matrix4x4";
case ConcreteSlotValueType.SamplerState:
return "SamplerState";
return "Error";
public virtual void CollectPreviewMaterialProperties(List<PreviewProperty> properties)
var validSlots = GetInputSlots<MaterialSlot>().ToArray();
for (var index = 0; index < validSlots.Length; index++)
var s = validSlots[index];
var edges = owner.GetEdges(s.slotReference);
if (edges.Any())
var item = s.GetPreviewProperty(GetVariableNameForSlot(s.id));
if (item == null)
public virtual string GetVariableNameForSlot(int slotId)
var slot = FindSlot<MaterialSlot>(slotId);
if (slot == null)
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Attempting to use MaterialSlot({0}) on node of type {1} where this slot can not be found", slotId, this), "slotId");
return GetVariableNameForNode() + "_" + slot.shaderOutputName;
public virtual string GetVariableNameForNode()
return name + "_" + GuidEncoder.Encode(guid);
public sealed override void AddSlot(ISlot slot)
if (!(slot is MaterialSlot))
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Trying to add slot {0} to Material node {1}, but it is not a {2}", slot, this, typeof(MaterialSlot)));
var addingSlot = (MaterialSlot)slot;
var foundSlot = FindSlot<MaterialSlot>(slot.id);
// this will remove the old slot and add a new one
// if an old one was found. This allows updating values
if (foundSlot == null)
// now copy over values :)
if (addingSlot is DynamicVectorMaterialSlot && foundSlot is DynamicVectorMaterialSlot)
(addingSlot as DynamicVectorMaterialSlot).value = (foundSlot as DynamicVectorMaterialSlot).value;
if (addingSlot is Vector1MaterialSlot && foundSlot is Vector1MaterialSlot)
(addingSlot as Vector1MaterialSlot).value = (foundSlot as Vector1MaterialSlot).value;
if (addingSlot is Vector2MaterialSlot && foundSlot is Vector2MaterialSlot)
(addingSlot as Vector2MaterialSlot).value = (foundSlot as Vector2MaterialSlot).value;
if (addingSlot is Vector3MaterialSlot && foundSlot is Vector3MaterialSlot)
(addingSlot as Vector3MaterialSlot).value = (foundSlot as Vector3MaterialSlot).value;
if (addingSlot is Vector4MaterialSlot && foundSlot is Vector4MaterialSlot)
(addingSlot as Vector4MaterialSlot).value = (foundSlot as Vector4MaterialSlot).value;