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AttributesTesselation VertTesselation(Attributes input)
return AttributesToAttributesTesselation(input);
struct TessellationFactors
float edge[3] : SV_TessFactor;
float inside : SV_InsideTessFactor;
TessellationFactors HullConstant(InputPatch<AttributesTesselation, 3> input)
Attributes params[3];
params[0] = AttributesTesselationToAttributes(input[0]);
params[1] = AttributesTesselationToAttributes(input[1]);
params[2] = AttributesTesselationToAttributes(input[2]);
float4 tf = TesselationEdge(params[0], params[1], params[2]);
TessellationFactors ouput;
ouput.edge[0] = tf.x;
ouput.edge[1] = tf.y;
ouput.edge[2] = tf.z;
ouput.inside = tf.w;
return ouput;
[maxtessfactor(15.0)] // AMD recommand this value for GCN http://amd-dev.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wordpress/media/2013/05/GCNPerformanceTweets.pdf
AttributesTesselation Hull(InputPatch<AttributesTesselation, 3> input, uint id : SV_OutputControlPointID)
return input[id];
float3 ProjectPointOnPlane(float3 position, float3 planePosition, float3 planeNormal)
return position - (dot(position - planePosition, planeNormal) * planeNormal);
// p0, p1, p2 triangle world position
// p0, p1, p2 triangle world vertex normal
float3 PhongTessellation(float3 positionWS, float3 p0, float3 p1, float3 p2, float3 n0, float3 n1, float3 n2, float3 baryCoords, float shape)
float3 c0 = ProjectPointOnPlane(positionWS, p0, n0);
float3 c1 = ProjectPointOnPlane(positionWS, p1, n1);
float3 c2 = ProjectPointOnPlane(positionWS, p2, n2);
float3 phongPositionWS = baryCoords.x * c0 + baryCoords.y * c1 + baryCoords.z * c2;
return lerp(positionWS, phongPositionWS, shape);
PackedVaryings Domain(TessellationFactors tessFactors, const OutputPatch<AttributesTesselation, 3> input, float3 baryCoords : SV_DomainLocation)
Attributes params = InterpolateWithBaryCoords(input[0], input[1], input[2], baryCoords);
#ifndef _TESSELATION_DISPLACEMENT // We have Phong tesselation in all case where we don't have only displacement
params.positionOS = PhongTessellation( params.positionOS,
input[0].positionOS, input[1].positionOS, input[2].positionOS,
input[0].normalOS, input[1].normalOS, input[2].normalOS,
baryCoords, _TessellationShapeFactor);
// perform displacement
// Evaluate regular vertex shader
PackedVaryings outout = Vert(params);
return outout;