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void GetBuiltinData(FragInputs input, SurfaceData surfaceData, float alpha, float3 bentNormalWS, float depthOffset, out BuiltinData builtinData)
// Builtin Data
builtinData.opacity = alpha;
// TODO: Sample lightmap/lightprobe/volume proxy
// This should also handle projective lightmap
builtinData.bakeDiffuseLighting = SampleBakedGI(input.positionWS, bentNormalWS, input.texCoord1, input.texCoord2);
// It is safe to call this function here as surfaceData have been filled
// We want to know if we must enable transmission on GI for SSS material, if the material have no SSS, this code will be remove by the compiler.
BSDFData bsdfData = ConvertSurfaceDataToBSDFData(surfaceData);
if (HasFeatureFlag(bsdfData.materialFeatures, MATERIALFEATUREFLAGS_LIT_TRANSMISSION))
// For now simply recall the function with inverted normal, the compiler should be able to optimize the lightmap case to not resample the directional lightmap
// however it will not optimize the lightprobe case due to the proxy volume relying on dynamic if (we rely must get right of this dynamic if), not a problem for SH9, but a problem for proxy volume.
// TODO: optimize more this code.
// Add GI transmission contribution by resampling the GI for inverted vertex normal
builtinData.bakeDiffuseLighting += SampleBakedGI(input.positionWS, -input.worldToTangent[2], input.texCoord1, input.texCoord2) * bsdfData.transmittance;
float4 shadowMask = SampleShadowMask(input.positionWS, input.texCoord1);
builtinData.shadowMask0 = shadowMask.x;
builtinData.shadowMask1 = shadowMask.y;
builtinData.shadowMask2 = shadowMask.z;
builtinData.shadowMask3 = shadowMask.w;
builtinData.shadowMask0 = 0.0;
builtinData.shadowMask1 = 0.0;
builtinData.shadowMask2 = 0.0;
builtinData.shadowMask3 = 0.0;
// Emissive Intensity is only use here, but is part of BuiltinData to enforce UI parameters as we want the users to fill one color and one intensity
builtinData.emissiveIntensity = _EmissiveIntensity; // We still store intensity here so we can reuse it with debug code
builtinData.emissiveColor = _EmissiveColor * builtinData.emissiveIntensity * lerp(float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), surfaceData.baseColor.rgb, _AlbedoAffectEmissive);
// Use layer0 of LayerTexCoord to retrieve emissive color mapping information
LayerTexCoord layerTexCoord;
ZERO_INITIALIZE(LayerTexCoord, layerTexCoord);
layerTexCoord.vertexNormalWS = input.worldToTangent[2].xyz;
layerTexCoord.triplanarWeights = ComputeTriplanarWeights(layerTexCoord.vertexNormalWS);
int mappingType = UV_MAPPING_UVSET;
mappingType = UV_MAPPING_PLANAR;
// Be sure that the compiler is aware that we don't use UV1 to UV3 for main layer so it can optimize code
ComputeLayerTexCoord(input.texCoord0, input.texCoord1, input.texCoord2, input.texCoord3, float4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), float4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
ComputeLayerTexCoord0(input.texCoord0, input.texCoord1, input.texCoord2, input.texCoord3, _UVMappingMaskEmissive, _UVMappingMaskEmissive,
_EmissiveColorMap_ST.xy, _EmissiveColorMap_ST.zw, float2(0.0, 0.0), float2(0.0, 0.0), 1.0, false,
input.positionWS, _TexWorldScaleEmissive,
mappingType, layerTexCoord);
UVMapping emissiveMapMapping = layerTexCoord.base;
UVMapping emissiveMapMapping = layerTexCoord.base0;
builtinData.emissiveColor *= SAMPLE_UVMAPPING_TEXTURE2D(_EmissiveColorMap, sampler_EmissiveColorMap, emissiveMapMapping).rgb;
builtinData.velocity = float2(0.0, 0.0);
float3 distortion = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_DistortionVectorMap, sampler_DistortionVectorMap, input.texCoord0).rgb;
distortion.rg = distortion.rg * _DistortionVectorScale.xx + _DistortionVectorBias.xx;
builtinData.distortion = distortion.rg * _DistortionScale;
builtinData.distortionBlur = clamp(distortion.b * _DistortionBlurScale, 0.0, 1.0) * (_DistortionBlurRemapMax - _DistortionBlurRemapMin) + _DistortionBlurRemapMin;
builtinData.distortion = float2(0.0, 0.0);
builtinData.distortionBlur = 0.0;
builtinData.depthOffset = depthOffset;