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// Reminder:
// Optical_Depth(x, y) = Integral{x, y}{Extinction(t) dt}
// Transmittance(x, y) = Exp(-Optical_Depth(x, y))
// Transmittance(x, z) = Transmittance(x, y) * Transmittance(y, z)
// Integral{a, b}{Transmittance(0, x) dx} = Transmittance(0, a) * Integral{0, b - a}{Transmittance(a, a + x) dx}
float OpticalDepthHomogeneous(float extinction, float intervalLength)
return extinction * intervalLength;
float3 OpticalDepthHomogeneous(float3 extinction, float intervalLength)
return extinction * intervalLength;
float Transmittance(float opticalDepth)
return exp(-opticalDepth);
float3 Transmittance(float3 opticalDepth)
return exp(-opticalDepth);
// Integral{0, b - a}{Transmittance(a, a + x) dx}.
float TransmittanceIntegralHomogeneous(float extinction, float intervalLength)
return rcp(extinction) - rcp(extinction) * exp(-extinction * intervalLength);
// Integral{0, b - a}{Transmittance(a, a + x) dx}.
float3 TransmittanceIntegralHomogeneous(float3 extinction, float intervalLength)
return rcp(extinction) - rcp(extinction) * exp(-extinction * intervalLength);
float IsotropicPhaseFunction()
return INV_FOUR_PI;
float HenyeyGreensteinPhasePartConstant(float asymmetry)
float g = asymmetry;
return INV_FOUR_PI * (1 - g * g);
float HenyeyGreensteinPhasePartVarying(float asymmetry, float LdotD)
float g = asymmetry;
return pow(abs(1 + g * g - 2 * g * LdotD), -1.5);
float HenyeyGreensteinPhaseFunction(float asymmetry, float LdotD)
return HenyeyGreensteinPhasePartConstant(asymmetry) *
HenyeyGreensteinPhasePartVarying(asymmetry, LdotD);
// TODO: share this...
#define PRESET_ULTRA 0
// E.g. for 1080p: (1920/4)x(1080/4)x(256) = 33,177,600 voxels
// E.g. for 1080p: (1920/8)x(1080/8)x(128) = 4,147,200 voxels
float4 GetInScatteredRadianceAndTransmittance(float2 positionSS, float depthVS,
TEXTURE3D(VBufferLighting), SAMPLER3D(linearClampSampler),
float4 VBufferDepthEncodingParams, float2 VBufferScale)
float z = depthVS;
float d = EncodeLogarithmicDepth(z, VBufferDepthEncodingParams);
float slice0 = clamp(floor(d * n - 0.5), 0, n - 1); // TODO: somehow avoid the clamp...
float slice1 = clamp( ceil(d * n - 0.5), 0, n - 1); // TODO: somehow avoid the clamp...
// We cannot use hardware trilinear interpolation since the distance between slices is log-encoded.
// TODO: test the visual difference in practice.
float d0 = slice0 * rcp(n) + (0.5 * rcp(n));
float d1 = slice1 * rcp(n) + (0.5 * rcp(n));
float z0 = DecodeLogarithmicDepth(d0, VBufferDepthEncodingParams);
float z1 = DecodeLogarithmicDepth(d1, VBufferDepthEncodingParams);
// Account for the visible area of the VBuffer.
float2 uv = positionSS * VBufferScale;
// Perform 2 bilinear taps. The sampler should clamp the values at the boundaries of the 3D texture.
float4 v0 = SAMPLE_TEXTURE3D_LOD(VBufferLighting, linearClampSampler, float3(uv, d0), 0);
float4 v1 = SAMPLE_TEXTURE3D_LOD(VBufferLighting, linearClampSampler, float3(uv, d1), 0);
float4 vt = lerp(v0, v1, saturate((z - z0) / (z1 - z0)));
return float4(vt.rgb, Transmittance(vt.a));
// Absorption coefficient from Disney: http://blog.selfshadow.com/publications/s2015-shading-course/burley/s2015_pbs_disney_bsdf_notes.pdf
float3 TransmittanceColorAtDistanceToAbsorption(float3 transmittanceColor, float atDistance)
return -log(transmittanceColor + 0.00001) / max(atDistance, 0.000001);